Beauty and the Book Boyfriend

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Beauty and the Book Boyfriend Page 17

by K. M. Galvin

  “Is this because you just tongued a cow?” She taunts.

  “Ew!” I squeal and tackle her, knocking us both into the sand.

  “Bellamy got to first base with her bovine lover!” Natalie screams, and I smoosh her face with my hand as I get up.

  “You’re so immature.” I kick sand at her and walk back towards the car.

  “Pow, pow, pow!” She makes finger guns at me when she catches up, “Best day ever! Thanks to yours truly.”

  “Best for whom?” I scoff.

  “Both of us. You got a rocking hair cut and I got to watch you swallow tongue.” She grins, beeping the locks.

  “Guess it’s only fair since I have to watch you do that every single day.” I smile cheekily, getting into the car.

  “Oh. Ha! Bell the comedian.” She flips me the bird. “Now what? We’ve got an two hours until we have to meet the guys for dinner and to go over the itinerary.”

  Thinking back to the text I sent Caleb, I grin evilly, “Where can we get a bald cap?”

  Natalie grabs her phone and begins searching the Internet. “God, you’re so weird. I love it.”

  “I want to surprise Caleb with my new hair cut.” I blink innocently.

  “Oh, I think he’ll be surprised, Sinead,” she cackles, syncing up her GPS.

  Sans bald cap, Natalie and I finish loading the car and turn back to our oasis for the past two weeks.

  “I’m going to miss this place.” I wrap my arm around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, but I’m also really ready to get on the road. This tour has been long and knowing we get another break at home before going abroad is giving me life.” She bumps her hip against mine and heads to the driver side of our SUV.

  “I feel ya.” I click my seat belt into place and kick off my shoes. “Has Logan said anything about coming with us to Europe?”

  She meets my eyes briefly as she backs out of the driveway. “Mums the word from Camp Penis.”

  I groan loudly in frustration. “It’s so hard to be supportive. I want him to do what he wants, but I also want to be selfish. And then I grapple with my inner independent woman who doesn’t want another persons decisions to have such influence over my life. Natalie!”

  “Ok, hi! Welcome to the world of being a girlfriend,” she chuckles.

  “Not his girlfriend,” I correct, pouting.

  Natalie snorts so hard she starts coughing. “Oh please! Whatever you New Age, no label ass holes want to call it; you’re in a committed relationship. You guys commit so hard. All night long. He commits all up in your biz.”

  I laugh. “Ok, fine. So we’re committed.”

  “On to brighter things. Do you know what he has planned for you in Vegas?” She wiggles her brows as we get off the exit to Caleb’s.

  “Nat, we all know what he has planned in Vegas. A friggin strip club. He has talked non-stop about it since we came up with this list.”

  “You in a strip club. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “Dude, we were drunk. Also, no way in hell did I come up with this. He’s twisted my request to go to a club. I guess should have specified dance club.”

  “Ha! Still with that qualifier he’d take you to a strip club. He’s got some kinky kink in mind.”

  “Great,” I gripe, already dreading the idea of being in a room with a bunch of naked people.

  “Aw, look!” She gestures towards the guys standing out the front door of Caleb’s apartment, luggage piled next to them. “Look at them all ready to go.”

  “How the heck did they know to come outside?” I lean forward, waving.

  “I sent them my ETA when we left through my directions app. Bell, you gotta get with the times.” She honks and pulls up in front of them, popping the trunk.

  “That’s ok. I think I’ll go full Luddite.”

  “Sound plan considering you sell eBooks.” She rolls her eyes at my empty threat and unlocks the doors when the guys yank on the handles.

  “Hiya, sweetcheeks!” Logan says climbing in behind his girlfriend.

  “Hey possum.” Natalie turns in her seat to give him a kiss.

  I gag. “Sweetcheeks?”

  “Possum?” Caleb echoes, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love your hair, baby,” he whispers before taking his seat.

  Natalie and Logan turn to us in tandem to flip the bird.

  “Aw. It’s so good to have you guys back together,” I joke, leaning back to hand Caleb my headphone splitter so he can plug in and listen to my music.

  He hands me my coffee and plugs his headphones in.

  “Y’all can joke all you want about us, but we’re not the ones doing freaky mind reading activities.” She points at the two of us.

  I innocently sip my coffee and Caleb shakes his head as he flips through my music before settling on The XX’s new album. I hum my agreement with his choice and he tosses my phone back in my lap.

  “We’re in tune with one another,” Caleb says, toeing his shoes off. I raise my eyebrow at his movements before turning back to Natalie.

  “Ok, I see you point. But y’all are still gross.”

  “We’re all gross. Can we please go?” Logan interrupts.

  Natalie grumbles before setting our new destination into her phone and pulling into traffic. “Logan, you better not backseat drive the entire way.”

  “You insisted on driving. There’s a reason I did most of it the majority of this trip.”

  “Because you’re an ass hole as a passenger?” I guess, cracking my window a bit.

  “Yep,” he says shamelessly and I laugh.

  I missed this. I loved the four of us on the road, chatting, hanging out, and even fighting. You learn so much about someone on a trip, especially a road trip. The hours we’ve spent in cars, hotels, just being with one another has bonded us in ways I never imagined when we started.

  Natalie and I have always been close, sometimes to an unhealthy degree, but somehow we’ve gained a certain amount of independence from one another on this trip and it’s brought us closer. Or at least I’m more confident which takes the pressure of being everything off her shoulders.

  And Logan. I giggle softly just thinking about him. When you first meet Logan you see this gorgeous man, winning smile and vivacious energy you find yourself liking him immediately. Then he opens his mouth and it’s vulgar, intrusive, and so fucking honest it hurts. He never censors himself. Whatever he’s thinking comes right out usually in the worst possible way. Yet somehow, you find yourself appreciating this most about him. I always know where I stand with him and the way he’s got Caleb’s back is commendable. They way they take care of each other is admirable.

  Speaking of Caleb…

  I glance in the side mirror like a total stalker, watching him as he texts on his phone. Whoever he’s talking to makes him laugh and I guess this is where I’m supposed to feel slightly jealous, except he’s shown me exactly how he feels for me.

  He was a total nightmare before he sucked it up and we made our pact. I thank God every day he did. To think that we could have a different relationship that we could possibly still hate each other in another scenario is awful. He’s become the dearest person to me.

  Don’t tell Natalie.

  He’s shown me a side of myself I only fantasized about. He brought Makyla out of me. I’ll forever be thankful for him cracking my shell and helping me demolish the rest of it.

  But we’re ending our trip and the thought of us going our separate ways is killing me. There is nothing in his behavior that suggests he wants to break things off which is confusing. Natalie takes this to mean that he’s going on the second leg of the tour with us.

  I’m not so sure.

  I heave a sigh and sink further into my seat, bring my feet up to rest on the dash.

  My phone buzzes in my lap and I reach for it, smiling when I see it’s Caleb. Someone’s ears are burning.

  Whatcha thinkin’ about so hard up there?

sp; I bite my lip and contemplate being honest, but the beginning of a five hour car ride probably isn’t the best timing.


  Ha! Get ready, baby. You have two things left on that list of yours.

  That’s my problem! I want to yell. Instead I lock my screen and toss my phone to him. I’m done talking. I lean forward and grab my laptop. Time to channel this useless energy.

  WE ARRIVE IN VEGAS JUST as the sun is setting. It’s a beautiful sight. The orange, red and yellow reflecting off the windows of hotels as the lights flicker on throughout the city as if a giant is blinking awake after sleeping the day away.

  I suppose is it.

  People say New York is the city that never sleeps, but maybe that title belongs to Las Vegas. Or at least the city that sleeps the day away and comes alive at night.

  We cruise down the streets and I hang out my window staring at everything as we pass. It’s fall, which means it’s not melt your face off hot, but it’s still warm enough for girls to wear short dresses. And holy shit are they short. I gape at the fashion on the streets. It’s an odd mix of club clothes and tourist cliché.

  I lean out farther as we pass the Bellagio, my agape at the gaudy beauty of it. I laugh as the fountains shoot water in the air and Natalie grabs my shorts yanking me inside.

  “You’re going to fall out this car,” she admonishes.

  “Sorry, mom.” I smile undeterred.

  “Let her be. It’s cute how astonished she is at everything.” Logan rolls his window down to stick his head out. “Go ahead, nerd.”

  “I’m not a total Pollyanna,” I argue as I stick my head back out the window and stare at everything again. Ok so maybe I am.

  I’m staring intently at a limo slightly behind us wondering if a celebrity is inside when Caleb’s head pops out to join me. I let out a startled laugh at his sudden appearance.

  “Natalie says she got us a room at the Hard Rock.”

  “Nice!” I squeal, not bothering to hide my excitement. All earlier trepidation forgotten. Hell, I’m even excited to go to the strip club. The energy of this town is infectious.

  “We don’t have to be at work until five tomorrow evening,” he begins, his lips curl up slightly, “So I guess that means we’re going out tonight.”

  My lips twitch. “Ok.”

  He looks shocked for a moment before beaming at me.

  “We’re here. Can you three dumbasses please get back in the car like the fucking adults you are?” Natalie calls out.

  “Testy testy,” I tease, sitting properly in my seat and rolling my window up.

  “She just wishes she could have done it too,” Logan taunts.

  “Right because I want my hair to look like a rats nest.” She rolls her eyes and shoots me a look.

  “What?” I gasp and flip down the visor to look in the mirror. Sure enough my hair was wind blown and knotted. Welp, looks like I’m gonna need a shower before we go anywhere tonight.

  “You look beaut-“ Caleb begins, but Logan cuts him off, “Liar!”

  “It’s ok, I know I look insane.” I try to finger comb, wincing when my fingers get caught. “Yikes ok. First things first. I need a shower.”

  Natalie parks and tells us to start unloading as she goes to check us in. Logan stares at her as she walks away.

  “Damn, look at that,” he whistles before smiling at us, “That’s my girlfriend.”

  “That’s sweet.” I smile, making a mental note to tell Natalie.

  “I get to fuck that,” he continues, totally ruining his previous comment.

  “Bro,” Caleb groans, lifting my suitcase out of the back and setting it next to his.

  “I’m just saying!” he laughs.

  “Don’t. Please don’t.” I elbow him in the stomach, slinging my makeup bag over my shoulders. Ugh, I can’t wait until I don’t have to wear this spackle on my face anymore. I’m going to need several facials when I get home.

  “Ok! We’re on different floors. Weird nerd twins, you’re on the seventh floor. Room number is on the card envelope. We’re right above you.” Natalie hands us our cards when she reaches us and grabs her suitcase handle.

  “Sorry about the noise,” Logan winks, following Natalie as she marches to the entryway.

  “You keep talking like that and you’re on the pull out,” Natalie warns over her shoulder.

  Logan stands up straight and hurries after her, hushed apologies rushing out of his mouth.

  “You think he’ll ever learn to curb his tongue?” I ask Caleb before we reach them.

  “No. She likes it about him too.” He grins. “It’s charming,” he singsongs and presses floor seven on the elevator.

  “I booked us a reservation at Bucca di Napoli for eight. Be down here at seven,” Logan tells us as we get off on our floor.

  I salute them as the doors close and turn to follow Caleb. “Italian? How am I suppose to eat pasta in a tight dress and then go out?”

  Caleb inserts the key and holds the door open for me. “How tight is this dress?”

  I shoot him a teasing glance over my shoulder, tossing my suitcase on the bed. “Tight. And very short.”

  Caleb makes a sound deep in his chest before tackling me to the bed. “Don’t tease me.”

  “Who said I’m teasing? There’s a one hundred percent chance of you getting me out of it at the end of the night,” I laugh, kissing him quickly.

  “What about before?” he breathes, nuzzling my cleavage and hiking my legs up around his hips.

  I gasp as his erection becomes flush with my pussy. “Jesus Caleb. How did you get hard this quick?”

  “You ask as if I haven’t been hard since you picked us up this morning.” He bites the neckline of my tank top and pulls it down, revealing my breasts in their push up bra. “God, I love your tits.”

  I muffle a laugh and cant my hips upward. “As much as I want to take care of that for you, we don’t have time. I need to shower.”

  “Oh my God,” he groans, rolling off me.

  I rip my tank off and shimmy out of my shorts.

  “You are a cruel woman,” he growls, adjusting himself as he stares at my half naked body.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t join me.” I lift a brow and squeal when he jumps off the bed and chases me into the bathroom.

  “I nearly drowned,” I complain, tugging a brush through my wet hair.

  “Once we figured out the water was getting in your face, I moved around. You were fine.” He pulls out his shaving cream and razor.

  “No, don’t shave. I like it,” I smile, rubbing his scruff.

  He lifts his brows and smiles. “Fine. But just so we’re clear, it was fantastic.”

  I glare and plug in my dryer. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself because I have to tell you, that was nothing like the movies.”

  Caleb chokes on his mouthwash. “I’m sorry. What movies are you watching that have shower blow jobs in them?”

  I flush immediately. “You know what I mean. It’s like sex on the beach.”

  Caleb hoots. “Explain.”

  Grumbling, I shift and lean against the counter. “I mean it sounds like a romantic idea. Until there’s sand in the crack of your ass and in your private places.”

  Caleb chuckles and kisses my cheek. “I know. I’m just fucking with you. I’ll get out of your way.” He hugs me from behind, hands roaming over my stomach before massaging my breasts. “I’ll go get dressed.”

  “Good idea,” I moan and sigh in relief when he exits the bathroom. Yikes, he is a horny bastard tonight.

  I blow dry my hair until it’s only a little damp and use some sea salt spray to give my curls volume and a beachy look. I keep my makeup light; some winged eyeliner, mascara, but decide to go with a bold dark red.

  No blush needed, I’m sure the alcohol and embarrassment will take care of the color in my cheeks.

  I grab the dress I hung up in the tiny closet and tug it on. It’s strapless with a heart shaped neckline
and a deep, jeweled tone purple to bring out my eyes. I slip on a pair of gold heels, wincing as I think of the pain I’ll be in later, and with one last fluff of my hair I exit the bathroom.

  Caleb is rolling up the sleeves of his black collared shirt when he sees me. Hissing out a breath, he crosses to me and tugs me into his arms. “Fuck, how am I supposed to keep my hands to myself all night?”

  I lean forward, nuzzling his neck and inhaling his cologne. “You’re not.”

  I step back and look at him. He’s in all black, which compliments his light hair and gorgeous tan. “You look like a sexy vampire.”

  Caleb laughs before he grabs his wallet, phone and room key. “Thanks?”

  “Do I need to bring anything special?” I ask, taking my card, cash and phone out of my purse I hand them to the man with pockets and smile. I may have bat my lashes. Rolling his eyes, he pockets my stuff too. “Thanks, honey.”

  “Is that lipstick going to come off if I kiss you?” he asks as we head for the door.

  “No, it’s a stain,” I assure him. I planned ahead for that.

  “Good,” he says shortly before flattening me against the door and taking my mouth in a heated kiss. I can taste the mint from his toothpaste on his lips, but it still doesn’t mask his taste. Something I’ve never noticed in other men I’ve kissed.

  I tilt my head and lick the seam of his lips, asking for entry. He opens wide and my tongue seeks out his, caressing it as my hand massages the back of his neck. He moans loudly as I eagerly return his kiss and I can feel that he’s hard again.

  “Caleb,” I whisper heatedly against his lips before nipping at his bottom lip.

  “Maybe we should—“ but whatever he’s going to say is cut off by both of our phones ringing.

  “Dammit!” I whine, dropping my head to his chest.

  “Their timing is horrible,” he agrees.

  “Let’s go. They won’t stop calling us until we’re downstairs.” I barely, barely, stop myself from stomping my foot.

  We exit our room and meet Logan and Natalie downstairs, the pair of them waving their phones with shit-eating grins. If I didn’t love them so much, I’d drive them out in the middle of the desert and leave them there.


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