Breeding the Female (Forced, Fucked, and Bred Trilogy Part 2)

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Breeding the Female (Forced, Fucked, and Bred Trilogy Part 2) Page 1

by Bree Bellucci


  Forced, Fucked, and Bred Trilogy Part 2


  Bree Bellucci


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  Bree Bellucci on Smashwords

  Breeding the Female: Forced, Fucked, and Bred Trilogy Part 2

  Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.

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  Forced, Fucked, and Bred Trilogy Part 2

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  Sophie came to on the damp earth floor. She was in darkness and moisture hung in the air. At first she was unsure of where she was or what had happened. Then suddenly the events of the past two days came flooding back and she sat up quickly, frantically looking around for the pack of wolves. Where was she now? The last thing she remembered had been the wolves coming out of the bushes and Rylan’s anger. Rylan had said the wolves wanted their turn with her. Sophie shuddered at the thought.

  Sophie realized that she must be in a cave somewhere inside the mountains. She began to crawl on her hands and knees, unsure of the depth of the cave. She began to hear hushed voices and she strained her ears to better hear.

  “Linwood, please!” Sophie heard Rylan beg. “Don’t let them touch her.” Sophie heard a sigh, and a voice she did not recognize but presumed to be Linwood, responded.

  “You know the rules, Rylan. Any female brought to the clearing is one that must be shared with your brothers.”

  Sophie gasped, horrified. They were referring to her!

  “Except for the ownership right!” argued Rylan, fiercely.

  “No one has expressed that right in seventy-five years,” Linwood argued, “It’s dead.”

  “How can a right be dead because no one has expressed it?”

  “Rylan, please!” Linwood sounded exasperated, “This pack is weak. You have brought back a most pleasing female. None of us can deny how she speaks to our senses,” Linwood paused, “There is something special about her, yet I cannot put my finger on it.”

  “Linwood, please. I am begging you. I have grown fond of this girl,” Rylan’s voice dropped now, “I want her for my own,” he growled.

  “I’m sorry, Rylan, but this is not possible. Perhaps if we were stronger, I would allow this, but we so rarely find females now. The humans have done well warning their offspring of the forest’s dangers.”

  “No! I will not accept your decision!” Rylan exclaimed.

  “Whether you accept it or not, is no matter to me,” Linwood said quietly, “As a member of this pack, you are bound to follow my law. I say the female belongs to the pack and your brothers may utilize her for their strength.”

  Sophie felt sick. This Linwood person appeared to be the Alpha of the pack, and he decided to allow the wolves to have their way with her. Sophie’s heart suddenly swelled for Rylan. He was trying to protect her.

  “Linwood,” Rylan’s voice now was strangled, “Please, she is different. This will break her spirit.”

  “As I said, Rylan, her spirit is of no concern to me. Of course, I want her safe so that she may serve her pack well. It is best you come to terms with my decision. I never would have thought that you, being one of my sons, would go soft and fall for a human female. You should know better.” Linwood paused before continuing, “Shall I speak to the female or would you like to tell her?”

  “Her name is Sophie,” Rylan said quietly, “and I will tell her.”

  “As you wish. When you have finished speaking with her, I would like to spend some time with the child to see if I can place what is different about her.”

  Sophie heard a whooshing sound and then padded feet moving farther away. One of the men must have phased. A few seconds later, Rylan entered as a human. He looked tired and older all of the sudden. Rylan’s dark shape moved to the corner of the cave and he skillfully started a small fire. Once illuminated, Sophie could see the cave was actually very high and wide. It was sparse with a few pieces of crudely made wooden furniture.

  Rylan beckoned for Sophie to move closer to him. Sophie scooted towards Rylan.

  “I heard,” she whispered. There was no point in making Rylan repeat his conversation with Linwood. Rylan stared at her in surprise for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

  “I have probably come off as such a savage to you,” he said ruefully. “I was not always like this. During my first years as a werewolf I clung to my humanity. I fucked the other females only when I was nearly too weak to stand. I didn’t want to degrade women, and I foolishly kept hoping I might fall in love.” Rylan took a deep breath and continued.

  “I have lived in these woods now for many years and I learned to thrive. I eventually realized that there was no hope for me and so I embraced this lifestyle. My brothers and I would hunt young women for sport, bringing back more than enough to satiate all of us. Some we even released after a short while because they were not needed. I became more and more in touch with my animal side and I allowed myself to be driven by my desire for sex.

  I would go months and months in my wolf form, phasing only to fuck women, not caring about my human self. The longer I stayed a wolf, the less and less human I felt. It helped me cope with my new life. The pain of the future I lost did not sting as much. Eventually, I chose to spend more time in my human form again, missing small parts of that life. I missed how my brain worked. I missed laughing, on those rare occasions when I did so. I missed standing upright.” Rylan paused as if deep in thought.

  Sophie sat very still not wanting to intrude on Rylan’s sharing. Sophie had already begun to care for Rylan in a strange way, and now she felt even closer to him. The small voice inside of her head was laughing at herself. Whether she cared for Rylan or not, he was still going to let his brothers fuck her until she was reduced to nothing.

  “Linwood leads our pack well, and as his son I am also well respected. We were all becoming very weak so the pack had sent me to search for a maiden and that’s when I found you. You see, your human elders have done well to frighten the younger generation for they remember the times when we were greedy and brought many young females into the forests. Some humans may even know the stories from the very few young women who were released. Of course, that’s if they survived the trip home through the forest. Those who were lucky enough to see their homes again were probably considered mad women.”

  Sophie suddenly remembered her grandmother speaking of one of her childhood friends who had gone insane. She had disappeared for three years in the woods and when she reappeared she was never the same again. She had to be institutionalized. Sophie wondered if that poor woman had returned with stories of horror.

  “When I found you, Sophie,” Rylan continued, “I was so weak. I knew I would never make it back to my home. I thought you were a stunning beauty, and I was ready to pounce on you. But then, I stopped myself. You seemed ethereal and I did not want to bring you harm. I retreated. But then, my desires and needs took over. I needed strength and the human part of me wanted you in other ways.” He laughed bitterly.

  “I knew I needed to return to my brothers, and I knew if I wanted to keep you for my own, I must return with you. I am n
ot sure why you were being attacked, but maybe Linwood can solve that mystery. As we moved closer and closer to my home, I decided I would invoke the ownership right. Surely, while I was gone another brother would have obtained another female. I could have you all to myself, while my brothers shared their female.” Rylan laughed bitterly again.

  “Clearly I have misjudged our old rules and now I have no choice but to share you with them. I should not have let my emotions get in the way. If I had just viewed you like any other female, I would have no trouble sharing you.” Rylan growled, “But I want you for all to myself.”

  Sophie flung herself into Rylan’s chest. “Please Rylan,” she pleaded, “Please don’t let them hurt me.” Rylan stroked her hair, his mouth tight.

  “I wish I could Sophie. I will ask them to be gentle, but they have gone a very long time without strength. I fear that I may not be able to reach them.”

  “Could they kill me?” Sophie whispered.

  Rylan didn’t answer immediately. “It is a possibility. But being so weak and hungry for sex, I doubt that. They will want to keep you around so they can fuck you many times.”

  “Then maybe I will try to die,” Sophie said indignantly. At this, Rylan pulled her roughly so she was looking directly at him.

  “You will do no such thing,” he growled. “I will do what I can to protect you and I will continue to think of a way to stop this.”

  Seeing Rylan’s passion for her, Sophie was overcome. She pressed her body to Rylan’s chest and brought her mouth up to his. Rylan kissed her back in an urgent, desperate manner. Sophie snaked her arms around Rylan’s back, pressing her hands against his skin, pushing his body against her. Rylan grabbed Sophie’s hair and pulled her head back before kissing her collarbone.

  “Sophie,” he moaned into her neck. Sophie reached down to Rylan’s pants, feeling his erection through the material. She fumbled with his pants, feeling bold, and pulled them down so his erection sprang free. Sophie groaned in the back of her throat. Rylan had turned her into an animal. She craved sex with Rylan the way she craved air to breathe.

  Rylan closed his eyes with pleasure, allowing Sophie to take him into her hands. Sophie stroked slowly, feeling all of Rylan. She was enjoying her discovery and she enjoyed how every small movement brought Rylan pleasure. Sophie tightened her grip, and used her other hand to caress the tip of his cock and his balls.

  “Ahh, Sophie,” moaned Rylan. Sophie began to feel her arousal build, and she was amazed at the power Rylan had over her body. Rylan grabbed her legs and pulled them astride his body, so Sophie was now straddling Rylan. He pulled Sophie’s blouse tie and her shirt fell open, exposing her breasts. Sophie’s bra had been dirty and tattered so she had discarded it, and Rylan’s eyes widened at her exposed breasts.

  Cupping each breast with his hand, Rylan rubbed them and grabbed them softly, before caressing her nipples with his thumbs. Sophie moaned from the sensation. She felt a pulling between her legs and she found it strange that her nipples could bring her such pleasure between her thighs. Sophie began to stroke Rylan’s cock faster, turned on by Rylan’s torment of her breasts. Rylan brought his mouth to her breasts, sucking and licking each one, before taking each deep into his mouth and biting down softly on her sweet skin.

  “Rylan,” Sophie moaned, having a hard time concentrating on his cock. Rylan pulled her hands off of him, and pushed them over her head, and holding her wrists together with one hand. Immobilized, Sophie relished in her loss of power as Rylan reached down between her legs. Sophie groaned as Rylan’s hand brushed against her pussy. He gently ran his fingers over her, allowing them to linger in all the right places. Sophie began to grind against his hand, needing Rylan to touch her.

  Rylan laughed darkly, tracing small circles on her inner thigh.

  “Rylan,” Sophie said desperately.

  “I want to hear you say it,” Rylan said hoarsely.

  “Touch me,” Sophie moaned. Rylan pushed two fingers deep inside her pussy and Sophie cried out in pleasure. She continued to writhe against his hand, willing Rylan to give her more. She could feel her wetness around Rylan’s fingers as he slid them in and out.

  “I don’t want to share you,” Rylan breathed.

  “I don’t want to be shared, either,” Sophie panted. Rylan began to slowly rub her clitoris, and Sophie wanted Rylan more than she ever had. She feared this might be their last encounter before she was turned over to the pack.

  “Rylan, I need you,” Sophie whimpered.

  “How?” he growled.

  “Inside me. Now!” she moaned. Rylan pulled Sophie closer to him so that her pussy was positioned over his throbbing cock. He released her wrists, and wrapped his arms around her back, so he had control of her body. Slowly, Sophie lowered herself onto Rylan feeling him fill her as he went deeper and deeper inside of her.

  Sophie cried out from the pleasure and adjusted to the sensation. Rylan began to press into her back, making her rock on top of him. His hands went down to her ass and squeezed, pulling her against him. Sophie thought of how Rylan had taken her ass earlier in the day and the thought was delicious.

  Faster and faster Sophie and Rylan began to move and Sophie could feel the desperation between them. Every second that Rylan slid out of Sophie; she ached to be filled again. Rylan did not disappoint, fucking her until she was nearly out of her mind. Sophie dug her nails deeply into Rylan’s shoulders.

  “Faster,” she begged. Rylan grunted and moved even faster and Sophie felt herself flying and then she was crying out and shaking as Rylan grasped her tightly. Moments later, Rylan called out her name before stilling within her.

  Sophie rested against Rylan, panting, not wanting Rylan to pull her body off of him. She could still feel his cock pulsing inside of her from his own orgasm. Sophie clenched her muscles tightly together, trying to hang on to the full feeling of Rylan inside her. Rylan stroked her hair and traced his fingers over her breasts. Suddenly he stiffened.

  “Linwood is outside the cave and would like a word with you,” he hissed. Clearly Rylan was hoping he could have a little more time with Sophie before Linwood and she discussed her fate. Rylan pulled himself out of Sophie and she stood up, fixing her blouse and pulling her skirt down. Linwood entered and Sophie saw he was much older than Rylan.

  “Hello, my child,” he said kindly, before sitting on a chair, “I can see why Rylan has taken such a liking to you. You are exquisite,” he said admiringly.

  Sophie wasn’t sure if this was a compliment or not.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled looking at her hands.

  “Not to worry though. I do not need strength as the younger ones do, so you need not fear me. However, once the others have regained their strength, I may indulge in you.” Linwood’s voice dropped to a whisper and Sophie shuddered at the thought.

  “It seems my dear Rylan here as informed you of how our pack draws strength. They will phase into their human forms and have their way with you. We will of course allow you to rest and nourish between rounds.”

  Sophie’s eyes widened and Linwood continued, “The wolves are very weak. It will take more than one encounter with you to gain their full strength.”

  “How – how many are in the pack?” Sophie stuttered.

  “Thirty-three,” Linwood responded and a growl erupted from Rylan. Sophie looked to Rylan for help, but he was too ashamed now to meet her gaze. Sophie’s heart sank as she realized there truly was no way for Rylan to save her from this. Sophie heard a few growls from outside the cave and she looked from Linwood to Rylan.

  “They await,” Linwood said simply. “Come my dear. And in the meantime I will look into what you are.” Linwood grazed his hand down her arm.

  “Very small and very translucent skin,” he murmured to himself as he got up and beckoned Sophie to follow.

  Nervously, Sophie followed Linwood through the dark caves, which Linwood illuminated with a small torch. Rylan trailed behind, anger radiating from his body. Sophie wondered
if he would phase or not. Once in the clearing, Sophie saw a number of wolves pacing back and forth. As she appeared, a few wolves yipped in appreciation. Sophie shrank backwards and Rylan steadied her.

  “Try not to focus on what is happening,” he whispered. He seemed to struggle against wanting to say something. Finally, he gave in. “Like I said to you in the woods: If you don’t fight it, this will be easier,” he paused darkly, “possibly enjoyable.” Sophie wanted to laugh at his words. Enjoyable? Doubtful!

  Linwood gave Sophie a gentle push and she stumbled out into the dark clearing. The moon was nearly full, and shone down upon the clearing, bathing the earth in a pale glow. Sophie straightened her shoulders. Linwood and Rylan must be staying to watch, she thought sickly.

  “Gentle,” Linwood advised the other wolves, as if reading Sophie’s mind. “You may not all have Sophie this evening. I would say that five or six would be a good number to start. The rest of you will have to make do as spectators.”

  Five wolves broke free from the circle, possibly leaders or elders. Sophie’s breath was coming rapidly, and she felt her legs shake with fear. Two of the wolves were stocky and deep brown; another wolf was slight and a honey-cream color. The fourth wolf was average with midnight black fur. Sophie, however, was drawn to the fifth wolf. He was lithe and graceful, and his wolf eyes bore into Sophie. He was light brown with bits of white in his fur. Sophie thought his fur looked silkier than the others, and she imagined running her hands through it. The wolves began to phase and Sophie noticed their human forms took on characteristics of their wolf form, or perhaps it was the other way around.

  The two deep brown wolves appeared to be brothers, maybe even twins. Their skin was a deep tan, and they had dark eyes. They eyed Sophie hungrily, as they circled her like prey. The cream-colored wolf, was young and thin, with pale eyes, but had an air of leadership about him. He stood very still, watching Sophie. The midnight black wolf phased into a tall man, with dark, rich skin, which he rubbed as he moved towards her. Lastly, Sophie noticed the silkier wolf change into a stunning man. He had long dark chocolate hair that hung sexily across his face, which was full of desire and lust. Sophie gasped at the sight.


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