Memphis Black

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Memphis Black Page 6

by Mj Fields

  It’s followed up by a bunch of emojis.

  Can’t wait to see you, either!

  I follow that up with the smiley face and tears emoji.

  I click on the Internet browser on my phone and search jobs for dancers in New York City. I enjoyed living in New York. It was busy; there was always something to do; and you were never alone, even if you were alone.

  There are plenty of auditions available and a lot of instructor jobs. I screenshot the ones I think look the most promising. Heck, they all look promising when you need a job.

  I then spend an hour or more reading, taking more screenshots, and then I Google the nearest public library because I don’t have access to a computer, and I want this task completed. I want to know that, when I tell Madison the secret I have been keeping from her, she doesn’t go all Mads on me and try to help.

  I am an adult now, and I need to take care of myself.


  When I return from the library, I am hot and ready for a shower, then maybe a nap. I am exhausted from the walk, the heat, the emotions, and the lack of sleep I got last night while I lay next to Memphis.

  As I walk down the brick drive, my breath is taken away by the place. It’s like a dream. Heck, it’s nothing I ever even dreamed of. The three buildings connected by lanais are beyond luxurious.

  I round the corner, hoping the back door is unlocked because my phone has died again, of course, and I forgot the code. I walk past the marble infinity pool that seemingly spills into the bay to the door, and of course, it is locked.

  I knock, hoping someone will answer, but when no one does, I look toward the dock to see if the boat Memphis said would be back is there. My fingers cross, hoping the man driving the boat knows the code.

  He isn’t here. The boat isn’t even back. I kick off my shorts and pull my tank top over my head, deciding to dive into the pool and hoping I won’t feel as disgusting as I do right now when I come out.

  Once in, I carefully watch for the boat. I don’t want to be in the pool when they come back. I don’t want to be in this stupid, teeny bikini that Madison sent me, either, but it’s the only one I have.

  The water feels like silk, and it’s warm, almost to the point that it’s not refreshing, but it’s not quite as warm as I’m sure it will be by evening.

  Once I swim a bit and feel better, I walk out and wring out my hair, grab a towel, dry off as best I can, and then pull my shorts and tank back on.

  I lie down under one of the lanais and decide to let the sun dry me off. The chaise lounge is so incredibly comfortable I drift off, knowing the loud motor from the boat, or the even louder band members from STD, will wake me as soon as they return.

  “You’re right; she has a really nice ass,” I hear River and quickly roll to my side, keeping my eyes closed.

  “Careful. Don’t let Memphis hear you talk like that.” It’s Finn. I can tell by the deep baritone in his voice.

  “Memphis is busy.” River chuckles.

  “Uh-huh,” Finn says. Then I hear them walk away.

  I hear girls giggling, and then I hear him laugh.

  “Nuh-uh. I invited you here for a party, not to get grabby there, girls.”

  Girls, as in plural. So the stories I have read online are true. Memphis is a man-whore.

  “Why?” one whines. “Come on, we really want an STD.”

  I can’t sit here and listen anymore, so I open my eyes, taking in my surroundings, and then find the quickest escape to the house.

  There are tons of people around. It’s sick that my ears are tuned in on his conversation when there are dozens of others surrounding me.

  I stand quickly after my route is planned and start walking toward the glass doors.

  “Where do you think you’re going, gorgeous?” I hear a stranger’s voice before someone grabs my elbow.

  I don’t look back. I look straight ahead and see Billy walking quickly toward me.

  “Dude, I’d let go of that one if I were you,” he says, reaching out to me.

  “It’s Wolf, and I don’t think that’s any of your concern.”

  “No, man, he’s serious,” River says, grabbing my hand. “Come on, little one.”

  I look up at the man, Wolf. He is tall with copper hair and blue eyes, and he is smiling at me. It’s a smile that would send you running for the woods if his name wasn’t Wolf, and you hadn’t been raised having the bejeepers scared out of you by those fairytales. Nope, no woods for me. I’ll take my chances with River.

  “What’s going on here?” Memphis asks, standing in front of me, his arms crossed over his shirtless chest.

  I feel immediately at ease.

  “The little one and I are going inside,” River says in a tone meant to egg him on.

  Memphis grabs my free hand and holds it up. “Fingers straight up.” His whisper in my ear makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I do what he asks. He looks at River as he turns my wrist from side to side. “If you like it, you better put a ring on it. She’s a good kid and deserves better than anyone of us, so back off.”

  “Oh, my God, man.” River laughs. “You’re serious.”

  “Serious as a bona fide STD. If you touch her, you better plan on wife-ing it, and you better be fucking sober when you do it.”

  I cover my mouth when he says fucking and try not to giggle.

  He shakes his head and rolls his eyes that are sparkling. “On second thought, if you touch her, I’ll kill you.”

  “You staking claim to that?” Finn asks as he walks out of the house, trying not to smirk.

  “She’s off limits, you feel me?” He finally lets go of my hand, turns his head, and looks into my eyes. “Anyone of these bastar—” I cover my mouth, and his angry glare threatens to turn into a smile. “Tales, you have no business being here.”

  It stings a little. I don’t want it to, but it does.

  “I tried to leave earlier.”

  His eyes narrow a bit. Then he takes in a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t need Mads pissed off.”

  “But with me”—I swallow—“pissed off is fine?”

  He looks around, and I do, too. Everyone is staring at us.

  Apparently, when he speaks, they listen, too.

  “You pissed off at me for trying to save your virtue?” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

  Maybe I am because I say, “I already told you there is nothing there to save.”

  “Ooooooh,” echoes around us.

  He throws his hands up in the air. “Fine. Have at it. But, when one of these fucks puts their hands on you and I bust it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He looks around. “All of you.” Then he looks back at me and points. “And, when I fuck them up, Tales, it’s on your conscious.”

  With that, I storm into the house, but before I can shut the door behind me, Billy walks in.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine!” I yell at him, then realize it’s not him I am angry at. “Sorry.”

  “Need a drink?” River asks.

  “Yes, please,” I say, surprising myself.

  “You eat today?” Billy asks.

  “Yes.” It’s not a lie. I had an apple.

  “I can’t drink unless I eat. You wanna eat a sandwich with me so I don’t look like even more of a pussy before we drink?”

  “Ruins the buzz, man.” River, who came into the house behind us, shakes his head disapprovingly.

  I look up at Billy. He is smiling sincerely, so I smile back. “Sure.”

  “Chicken breast and salad. Crackers between drinks and water. Don’t forget to drink water,” he warns with his finger pointed at me.

  I nod. He knows I am full of it, though.

  I don’t drink. I have had two glasses of wine, and I wound in Franco’s bed the first and only time I have ever had sex. I was gonna do it, wine or not. I was sick of believing that the one person I had ever allowed myself to fantasize about was a big man-whore.

ter eating, River hands me a drink, then hands one to Billy. “Bottoms up, bitches.”

  “Cheers,” Billy says with a look of caution in his eyes.

  I take a drink and nearly choke. It tastes awful, followed by a burn in my belly, and then … Well, then the taste of cinnamon fills my mouth.

  I like it, a lot.

  Evidently, River notices and fills it up again.

  “River, she’s had enough,” Billy says.

  “No, I like it. A lot.” I grab the glass and slam it down.

  Burn in the throat.

  Burn in the belly.

  Burst of cinnamon in my mouth.


  “Another.” I push the glass back to him.

  “Damn, girl.” River smirks as he fills it up again.

  I take it and drink it down.

  Burn in the throat.

  Burn in the belly.

  Burst of cinnamon in my mouth.


  “What the hell is going on in here?” I look up to see Memphis with two girls, one on each arm.

  “Tally loves the Fireball.”

  “Fireball, please.” Tally pushes the fucking glass back to River. When I say glass, I mean, glass. Not a fucking shot glass, either.

  “River, Billy, what the fuck are you doing?” I yell at them.

  River smirks at me. “She likes it.”

  I look at Billy, who shrugs and shakes his head. “She asked for it.”

  I glance at her as she downs the damn whiskey. “How many is that?”

  “Four, man, chill.”

  She is looking at the glass and slowly blows out a breath. Her face is turning a little green¸ and she is holding onto the table with one hand and her stomach with the other.

  “Fucking idiots,” I tell them as I pick her up.

  I look over at what would have been tonight’s auditions and shake my head, “Goodnight, ladies.”

  I hear them whine a bit. Can’t fucking blame them.

  “I don’t feel very well,” she slurs before wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I leave you alone for twenty fucking minutes—”

  “Spreading your ST-whatevers,” she says, and her stomach heaves.

  “You puke on me, and I swear to fuck, Tally,” I warn, as I try my best to stay upright myself while hauling ass to my room.

  “I owe you one.” She giggles then hiccups. “Uh-oh.”

  I kick open my door right as she chucks all over my chest.

  “Aw, fuck, Tales.”

  She giggles, then hurls again.

  “Sorry?” she says as I set her in the Jacuzzi tub fully dressed.

  “You think?” I ask as I start the water. “You made me stink. I don’t do stink.”

  “You can’t serious—” she pauses. “Serious—”

  “Seriously, Tales,” I tell her, as I climb in the tub.

  “What are you—?”

  “You stink.” I sit down and the water rising over my board shorts.

  “You stink,” she says, narrowing her eyes.

  “Not for long.” I grab the faucet hose and spray myself down, then soap up my chest. “Good thing you didn’t blow chunks, Tales.”

  I look up to see she is looking at me, her eyes glassy and her mouth gaping. She swallows hard.

  I shake my head, erasing the thought that her look is the same every other chick gives me. Tally is fucked up with a capital F, and that look is—

  “Shit,” I scramble back, avoiding her next hurl.

  She doesn’t stop, either. She throws up again and again.

  “Sweet Jesus, Tally.”

  I jump out and grab a fist full of her hair, trying to keep it out of the way as her eyes roll back.

  “Don’t fucking pass out on me,” I warn.

  She is wobbling from side to side as she dry heaves.

  “Hold the side of the tub, girl.” I grab the back of her little, green frog tee shirt, the one that’s married to the pig. What’s his name? Fuck it, who cares? I pull it over the back of her head. “All right, arms out.”

  “Naughty,” she slurs.

  “Stinky, Tales,” I tell her. “Nothing naughty going on in my head.” I see a bright pink swimsuit top covering her. “Besides, you have on a swimsuit.”

  She pulls her arms out, then flops back, panting as her stomach muscles visibly contract with each dry heave that occurs after each hiccup.

  “Hurts,” she mumbles as she places her hand over her tight as hell, little stomach.

  “I know, babe.” And I fucking do know throwing up sucks.

  Her teeth start to chatter, and I know damn well she’s gonna be pissed when I hose her down, but I can’t leave her in here, and I won’t put her in bed smelling like that.

  “I’m gonna wash you up.” She shakes her head very slightly no. “Sure am,” I confirm, releasing the drain so all that puke washes away. “And I’m thinking you have bottoms on that match this top?” She nods. “Don’t be pissed.”

  I pull off her shorts, then start hosing her down from head to toe. Her body is instantly covered in goose bumps, and her teeth start chattering louder. I squeeze out some shampoo into her hair and lather it up as best I can. She tries to help, but she’s like a little shivering rag doll.

  “I can do it faster alone.”

  “Conditioner,” she whimpers.

  “I don’t think we should be worried about—”

  “Afro,” she groans.

  “You’re really not gonna give a shit, Tally,” I try again.

  “Conditioner,” she insists.

  Her stomach lurches again, followed by a hiccup as I squirt conditioner in her hair. After I rinse it out, I hose down her body again, and only when she leans forward, hugging her knees and shivering, do I see her back is fried.

  Once she is rinsed clean, I have her lie back. She covers her face while I grab the white terrycloth bathrobe off the back of the bathroom door.

  “Can you stand up?” She nods, but makes no attempt. “Okay, arms around me.” When she wraps her arms around my neck, I notice the tears running down her face. “Come on, Tales,” I coo gently. “Rookie mistake; don’t be upset. Just listen to me and not those assholes, got it?”

  I lift her up, then walk out to the bedroom and push the covers down as she holds on, crying and hiccupping.

  “Okay, listen, no tears in my bed.”

  “I am not stay—”

  “Like hell you aren’t. If you pass out and throw up, you’re fucked. Not on my watch.”

  She doesn’t say shit, which amuses me.

  “No argument?’

  “No, you owe me,” she mumbles.

  “So you said.”

  I drop my swim trunks, then grab some boxers out of the dresser drawer before grabbing a towel and mopping up the little drips of puke on the floor.

  “Care to tell me how I owe you?”

  “Senior year.” Her teeth chatter as she curls into a fluffy, white ball. “You came for a visit …” She pauses as she shakes violently. “Came to my house, kissed me, and threw up on my feet. We’re even.”

  “Did River give you something to smoke, too, Tales?” She is definitely fucked up. Kissed her? Yeah, right.

  She is still shaking when I grab her clothes out of the bathroom and my shorts, wrap them in a towel, and throw them out the door, knowing the cleaning chicks will grab them in the morning.

  Still curious about this little fantasy of hers, I flop down on the bed and pull her against me, hoping to give off some body heat and warm her up.

  “Tell me about this little fantasy of yours.”

  “I’m so cold.” She shivers, so I pull her in more tightly, wrapping the comforter around both of us.

  “Spill it.”

  “I helped you in the right house.” She yawns. “Took your black boots off.”

  I would have pushed for more if this scenario didn’t seem a little too familiar to me.

  “I kissed you?”

� She shivers again. “Best kiss ever.”

  Fuck! “Was it now?”

  “First kiss ever.”


  “Uh-huh. Don’t tell Memphis.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” I say as I now feel really fucking stupid that I kissed this chick when she was way too young. “I puked on you?”

  She doesn’t answer. She is out cold, and still her teeth chatter as her body shakes.

  I hop out of bed and walk to the dresser to grab a sweatshirt. The black STD one will work. I laugh, thinking about how pissed off the X-man was when he saw the shocker symbol.

  I uncover her, then pull her long, wavy, wet hair to the side, and she flops to her back. I pull her up and take her arm out of the robe and then the other.

  Rag doll. Complete and total rag doll.

  Her eyes flutter open. “What are you doing?” She looks confused, but not scared like she should fucking be to have some man taking her damn clothes off.

  Before I can answer, she jumps off the bed and darts to the bathroom. I follow her to make sure she doesn’t pass out and fall.

  I see her looking in the mirror and then around the vanity. She grabs my toothbrush—my fucking toothbrush—and toothpaste, and then she starts brushing her teeth. She spits into the sink and brushes again. When she is finished, she holds her head in her hands and walks past me in that pink bikini.

  I follow her out, and she grabs the sweatshirt I had on the bed for her and puts it on. Then she climbs into bed, still shaking, and pulls the comforter up around her tightly and closes her eyes.

  “Well, damn.” I laugh out loud.

  I put the bathrobe back in the bathroom and then come back to the bed, lying back down again.

  “I locked the door,” she whispers.

  What in the fuck did she just say? I can’t hold back the laughter. Tales is talking crazy shit and walking around like she owns the joint. She has no clue.

  She groans, and her eyes blink a few times. She opens her eyes and looks at me, then holds her head.

  “Where’s Madison?”

  “She’ll be here in the morning.”

  “I don’t feel good,” she mumbles.

  “I know. Sleep.”

  “I’m cold,” she says as her teeth clank together.

  I pull her closer. Her long, lean, tight body fits perfectly against mine, and she smells so good. Her body starts to relax, and I know she is asleep—well, passed out … again.


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