The Z channel poetry collection: Celebrity edition

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by Tope Ogundare

  The Z

  Channel’s Poetry Collection: Celebrity Edition

  Ogundare Tope

  Copyright page

  Copyright (c) 2015 Ogundare, Tope

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  This is a compilation of poems that first appeared on my blog, “The Z Channel”. They are personalized poems, written for my readers, friends and family. These people mean a whole lot to me, and these poems are expression of love, a token of my appreciation to them. It is me saying “you mean a lot to me, I care about you and you have made my life beautiful”.

  These poems are by no mean artistic, or top notch. Rather, they are amateur works, written with a hand crafted quill with roughened edges and unpolished, but dipped into the ink of heart-felt emotions and affection. The brushstrokes are weak and lack finesse but they are bold and bright, the colors of love.

  Poetry seeks to express much in so little, and thus I have chosen to convey myriads and layers of emotions in so few lines, hoping that these people would see beyond the scanty lines, and see a whole lot more in between the lines, the comas, and semicolons, into my heart, pumping with love.

  This e-book is my very first attempt at publishing and has been set aside to feature poems dedicated to loved ones, I call them celebrities. It also features poems written in collaboration with fellow poets and bloggers.

  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

  Ogundare Tope 15/04/15


  To my blog readers, I love you all.


  Copyright page




  For Amity


  Songs by the fire

  For Tammy

  Jule’s Day

  This Friend!

  Silent Scream

  Sisters of the spoken word

  Straight from the heart



  Written for you

  On the brink of yesterday

  The Inkheart

  Capture my heart

  For Amity

  The Z channel celebrates you as you turn a year older today

  I am thankful to God for you, For friendship.

  As you continue on the journey of life

  I wish you God’s speed, Mercy and Favour.

  I hope you find all the happiness that your heart desires

  And all the joy that you need. Above all, I wish that you find love For love is life

  God is love

  And that you have the courage to open your heart to love

  And to not be afraid There is no fear in love.

  Always remember that you are beautiful, through and through,

  And perfect

  And that you deserve the best.

  You are priceless, never settle for less From life, demand the best

  Work hard, pray hard, and trust hard

  It will always work out for good in the end

  Because God has a plan, which cannot be overturned.

  Don’t worry much, hope always

  Let your gift flow through you, don’t be afraid to use it

  And watch it grow and touch lives around you. Let’s celebrate!

  Many happy returns! Hurray!


  I.Twenty one

  A line Arbitrary

  Delineates Teenage From Adult


  The caterpillar Crawling Unnoticed Blossoms Colourful

  A wonder of nature

  A butterfly, gay and breathtaking Flitting just out of reach of many A longing heart.


  Young puppy Doe eyed Wagging tails Tugs at the heart

  Lodges in a special place Mine.

  IV.The Journey

  Adulthood appeals to the child

  Childhood is the destination of the adult’s fantasy

  The secret to staying young On the journey of life

  Is to pack the gear full Of childhood memories

  And to travel in the body of a child’s heart.

  *** Written for Oluwabori, on her 21st birthday

  Songs by the fire

  Bring out the banjo and the ukulele Run, fetch the tambourine and drum Let’s sit in a circle around the fire Let love warm our hearts

  As our bodies are warmed by the hearth Break out a song on the guitar

  Fiddle with the strings and let the strains Make merry

  Who will sing the solo? Perhaps you? Me?

  Or maybe we make it a quartet? Better still, let’s all sing it together “Happy Birthday to you”

  The flow merchant “Happy Birthday to you”

  The Lyrical genius

  “Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday”

  To the Doctor with Swags “Happy Birthday to you” Dr Ekpo Ezechinyere.

  For Tammy

  Tis but like yesterday

  After nine months of waiting, Making plans and dreaming up Images of how beautiful you’d be,

  Loving you from the very first day I knew

  Of your presence,

  Relishing every moment as you grew,

  Enduring the nights when it was

  Hard to find a comfortable position to fall

  Asleep and the several bouts of

  Pains and discomfort; finding an inner Peace and joy in the life growing within. Years have passed since that first cry, But the feelings you evoked as you took In your first breath

  Remains as strong as it was

  The moment you made eye contact. Heaven’s blessing you are, little Darling and watching you grow strong

  And healthy has been a delight which for many

  Years to come I hope to bask in its wonder.


  This poem is for Tammy, the sweetest little girl on earth, and the apple of her momma’s eye (Yemie.) Wishing you many happy returns dear. Lots of love and kisses.

  Jule’s Day

  Happy birthday Jules

  All the very best in all your endeavours Press forward, no matter the hardship People may fail you but always lift up Your heads to the heavens

  Because help comes from above

  Infinite grace abounds to see you through Reach within you and harness the power To fly high that has been deposited

  Help will always come, always remember that

  Dance at every chance you get

  All things will always work out for your good Yield yourself to the creator and watch him Jumpstart his plans for you

  Underneath you are the everlasting hands Lie down in peace, you have nothing to fear In all situations learn to trust God

  And praise Him

  Nothing can hurt you

  And you can never be disadvantaged

  Hearty cheers my dear, bask in God’s goodness! Hip! Hip!! Hip!!! Hurray!!!!

  This Friend!

  I have this friend, from a long while ago, Quiet, with few words but weighty;

  Shy with a fragile body that belies great strength beneath

  And with such a lovely smile, never fake, Always reaching the eyes, with cute dimples!

  I have this friend from a long while ago,

  Who never ceased to tell me how talented I am; Even when, this ‘talent’ was only a seed

  And my attempts were the beginnings Of a child learning to walk- wobbling.

  I have this friend from a long while ago,

  Whose words of encouragement were never few, Who has stayed true througho
ut the years;

  A steady presence cheering me on, Knowing that I needed to hear those words.

  I have a friend from a long while ago, Who said to me “I believe in you” Words that help when I am blue,

  Words that go ahead to wear the clothes of action;

  True friendship is always in deeds.

  I have a friend from long while ago, Who has stayed true till date;

  A steady flame, never going dim

  Despite the barrier of distance and time; True friendship never really dies.

  I have a friend, from a long while ago, Who is a year older today;

  A jewel in a man’s crown, And a treasure in my heart; And I celebrate her today.

  Happy Birthday Olabimpe! Many happy returns… Wishing you lots of things… Wishing you God,

  And His fullness!

  Silent Scream

  Does my silence scream?

  Does it say how much I'm longing for you? Does it show that I'm frustrated over not having you?

  Does it tell you how much I'm still in love with you?

  Do my tears drop you a line?

  Can you tell it’s from a heart void of warmth? Do they roll down to you,

  whisper in whimpers words from a broken soul?

  I've been robbed of words, Deep down my soul howls,

  utters things that are too sacred to the ears I'll sit and cry instead

  curl up and just miss you.

  Every time I see you My throat bobs and My heart pick up

  I catch your eye and

  Hope that you will smile back.

  It lurches and drops to my stomach When I see you smile at another And whisper words of love

  My heart screams and I wonder

  How you still can hear amidst the noise.

  I said it was alright But it isn’t

  I said I have moved on It is a lie, how can I?

  I don’t even know how to.

  I cover up the wounds well And you don’t know that

  Beneath the veneer of shining skin Is a festering sore

  Odious and fatal

  I am dying

  A slow painful death Can’t you see?

  You could spot a difference About me miles away before Why can’t you see this?


  Written with Ifeoluwa Olunu, she blogs at

  Sisters of the spoken word

  They are fairy sisters

  Joined together by their love Of the spoken word,

  Wielding magic with their wands

  Casting spells of love in the hearts that read Amity of the alternate reality

  Words that flow in a gentle rhythm Of aliens and monsters

  Love and passion

  Zee, motherly and mystical

  Writing in brilliant colors, warm and breezy A windy summer day

  Jules, vivacious and effervescent

  Sometimes broody and waxing philosophical

  A bold stroke in dark colors set against a white canvass

  Yemie, the fairy goddess of words Fiery and feisty

  A maestro of words A dynamo

  Lighting the blogosphere from one end to another

  Possessor of the blue pixie dust The essence of magic.

  Straight from the heart

  No, this is not about me It about another, Yemie

  And ‘straight from the heart’ Blending life with art.

  She is the queen of words Reigning in the blogging world To me, she is a super fan

  And more, much more. An Adorable heart, a free spirit A goddess, a fairy,

  Filling the night air with arias Enchanting melodies, soul stirring lyrics Taking wings and setting hearts a-flutter Insightful and deep;

  Blazing a trail across the blogosphere, She has set up a haven for parched souls Hungry for dew drops and honeycombs “Her little corner of the web” she dubs it

  But I call it the sun, the centre of the blogging universe.

  *** written to commemorate the launching of “straight from the heart” by Yemie. Visit at


  She is mine

  And she is mighty fine When she is gone, I pine

  Hours really if you must assign To it a time line

  She is a delicate vine You see, my spine

  Even when I go bonkers when she whines I really am high, like one drunk on wine When you have a fork with a single tine Then you learn how to dine

  With caution and still to shine And when nature by its design

  To your hands, a single gem consigns

  You stay awake like one with the curse of Ondine Lest sleep conspire against you and sign

  You off to the land of the desolate, among the kine

  With no calf, a fate worse than death.

  *** written for Tami, the one and only!


  Goodnight and goodbye, The day is far spent; Night has fallen;

  The fields are deserted The labourers have retired, Weary and drained;

  The chicken have returned Home to roost.

  Goodnight and goodbye, It is time to rest,

  From all toils and labour; To lie still and in peace, Undisturbed by the chaos And noise all around;

  To grieve over dreams that will not be.

  Goodnight and goodbye, Just till the night is past;

  Surely the day will spring forth; The sun will rise from its lair And all that are asleep shall rise; And then we shall see again.


  I penned this down early in the morning, waking up earlier than usual. I was surprised at the theme; I was not in mourning nor had I lost anyone. Shortly after, I heard a shocking news and wondered if I had had a premonition. Now, the poem has become relevant

  Goodnight, Mr Shobayo, till the morning, when we shall see again.

  I pray for God's comfort for the family you left behind.

  Written for you

  This is written for you And every word is true Hello, testing one two

  Now, put on your dancing shoe And wait for my cue

  Olojo ibi, ijo kan e o

  I'm sure you have no clue Step up to the dance floor Celebrant of the day

  Now you playing it cool Dance and pay your due!

  To Him who is faithful and true Raining down His blessings like dew Happy birthday to you!

  And many happy returns too.


  Written for my dear friend Obinna.

  On the brink of yesterday

  Over there, just

  Yonder, over the hills

  Ere you get to the bridge of Yesterday, lies tomorrow Exceeding sorrowful and a total Mess, chained and bound

  In anguish over the deeds of the past.

  Oh, the pains of the

  Memories that haunts

  Eager strokes from the whip of conscience

  Raging like the tempestuous ocean And rocking the ship of friendship Hope is all that is left.


  To Yemie, a dear friend and staunch supporter….my super fan. I promised you this… the puzzle is in the first letters of each line.

  The Inkheart

  The Inkheart.

  A heart that has been bruised Seeking to heal the world with words A heart that has seen pain

  Serving as a balm to an ailing people; Writing with such poise and elegance Words that take on flesh and find their way Into the heart.

  Words written with quill dipped into the inkpot Of the Giver of words.

  A heart filled with molten gold Shining forth, touching souls.

  May your days be filled with beauty Ethereal and breathtaking

  May your heart overflow with joy And happiness that is bellyful

  May your head be sprinkled with grace And your face shine with Favour.

  Happy birthday!

  ** written for Alice, a dear soul.

  Capture my heart

  Win my heart with sweet words Take my pain

  Fill the hol
low with your song Make me crave

  Like an animal on heat

  Chase my heart with the beats I love the most Springing from the fountain deep within you cascading outwards in gentle rivulets

  Tender, and a drawn out melody sweeter than the honeycomb.

  Make me long for them all day

  Wake me with tunes from your heart delightful music that fills me and sustains Stroke my hair, sing me that song

  that will forever glue my heart to you

  Go on your way, don't stay long don’t forget to post me a line or two, sweet words

  For my longing heart

  I'll read them till I fall asleep waiting for you

  My heart aches for you

  Pines for you, curled up alone come back home darling Come tease me again

  with those words you wrote that won my heart

  ** Written by Ifeoluwa Olunu aka Virtuous Spirit.

  Edited by Ogundare Tope.

  About the Author

  Ogundare Tope is a lover of books, nature and music. A jack of all trades, dabbling into creative writing, poetry, photography, song writing and composition, none of which he is good at but has fun doing!

  He is a senior registrar at Neuropsychiatric Hospital Abeokuta by day, where he is lost in the world of science and unraveling the mystery of the human mind and trying to save the world, and a writer and blogger by night, lost in the beauty of the world of words.

  His poems have appeared in online magazines, daily sun newspaper and in anthologies: “Black Communion- an anthology of African poetry”, the weaver’s anthology a commemoration of Nigeria’s centenary celebration. His works are also featured in and He blogs at


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