The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set Page 48

by Patty Devlin

  A scary thought hit Matt and he stopped dead in his tracks. Jumpin Jehosephat! What if it had been Annie in the barn and he had taken a shot? She could've been killed! Seeing her lying bloody and lifeless on the ground and knowing it had been by his hand wrenched a groan from his throat. He reached the porch and sank down on the top step. He probably just aged ten years. That was enough to singe his ass. Now to top it off, his left eye started to twitch. If he found out she had been here tonight and purposely neglected to make herself known she wouldn't sit for a week.

  Jeb was busy stuffing a plug of chew in his mouth. "What's got you looking so agitated, son?"

  "I'm not agitated."

  "Then why's your left eye twitching?"

  Damn! "I was thinking about Annie."

  "Annie Dobbs? Well, now that sure surprises me. You two never got along. You fought like two polecats tied by the tails and shoved inside a sack way back when." Jeb spit a stream of tobacco juice over the side of the porch. "You roared like a bear with a sore paw after that last prank she pulled on you."

  Matt was quick to defend himself. "She put horse shit in my boot and deserved every smack she got. What else was I supposed to do, pat her on the head and tell her she did a good job at pissing me off and ruining a good pair of boots?"

  To Matt's amazement, Jeb chuckled. "She sure had a way of getting under your skin."

  "I'll say and she still does. The other day I thought I'd be nice and ask her to the church social and what'd she do? She turned me down flat. And, if that wasn't bad enough, that old bat, Mrs. Wegman cornered me and wouldn't let me alone until I agreed to take her daughter, Mary Beth to the social. The woman clearly has a nose for news. She must've been watching me and Annie butt heads in the middle of town."

  As for the social, well that had turned out to be a complete disaster. Harvey Wegman was in no shape to dance with his wife right from the moment the music started. He must have been hitting the bottle since early afternoon, smart man, and had remained in a drunken stupor the entire night leaving Matt to entertain the two women. Although she was long in the tooth, Mrs. Wegman had kept him hopping on the dance floor while she droned on and on about her daughter's talent in the kitchen. Numerous times he thought he'd catch a break and make his escape, but Mary Beth would corral him and attempt to flirt with him, which only annoyed him further. Mary Beth was a spiteful girl. No wonder Annie would sooner shoot her than talk to her. The two girls had been enemies since the schoolyard and, as far as he knew, their feelings toward each other hadn't changed.

  "I sure miss that little gal, son. I know what she did was wrong, but calling her a nuisance probably hurt her more than the spanking."

  Matt swiped a hand through his hair. "That happened three years ago. Do you really think that's why she's been avoiding me?"

  "Yep, I do. Females have long-term memory about certain things and won't let go until you make it right. You need to get out more, Matt."

  It galled Matt to be getting a lesson in the ways of female thinking from his father, no less, but guilt did pinch at his conscience. Aside from calling her a nuisance, he had said some other mean things that could also have had a negative impact on his naughty neighbor. Too bad he had been so naïve about the complexity of female's emotions. He also possessed a lot of attitude at the age of twenty-five. He'd been so angry that day he hadn't cared what tumbled out of his mouth.

  "I doubt she was the one who caused all that racket," Jeb was saying and Matt put his head back into the conversation. "I feel sorry for Annie. With her Pa gone, she's got nobody. Eva and Robbie are useless."

  Matt merely grunted his agreement. "Ever since Deke died, she's been wandering around like a lost soul searching for a place to fit in," he remarked. Deke hadn't done his daughter any favors by allowing her to run wild around the countryside dressed like a boy and shooting a gun. "She's more of a hoyden now than she ever was before." He remembered telling Annie that he pitied the poor bloke who had to tame her wild nature and was happy it wouldn't be him. He never imagined he'd be eating those words. Annie had grown into a beautiful woman and it was hard not to notice the other men hanging around her like bees to a flower in a town as small as Flatbush.

  Everyone knew everyone and most of the town folk were of the friendly sort. Matt had been twelve years old when Deke Dobbs had stopped by to show off his new baby daughter. Annie was the apple of her father's eye and both he and Mrs. Dobbs had spoiled her rotten. Her mother had passed away when Annie was five years old and from then on it had been just her and her Pa and she was spoiled all the more. As she grew older, she had latched herself onto Matt like a barb stuck in a dog's fur. She'd follow him around pulling the occasional prank in order to get his attention. Annie had always been an inquisitive child and there were times when her curiosity had landed her into trouble. She'd accompany her father to the Circle C and always managed to pull a stunt that would send Matt's blood pressure shooting sky high.

  He had tolerated her bratty attitude for the most part until the day she had blatantly disregarded his warning and petted a horse he told her not to touch. Matt immediately turned his neighbors' daughter over his knee and had delivered a few good solid smacks to her backside. Jeb wasn't thrilled with his behavior and had ordered him to apologize to Mr. Dobbs. Annie went home that day with a sore bottom and hurt pride, but that hadn't stopped her from continuing her shenanigans. Not until the day she had filled his boot with horse shit and he had lost his temper. He said some things in the heat of anger and now she didn't visit as much as she used to. For some unknown reason it pissed him off.

  Matt ran a hand through his hair and bit back a curse. He must be loco. One minute he was happy she had kept her distance and the next he wanted to claim her as his own and keep her close to his heart.

  Jeb slapped him on the shoulder, jerking his thoughts back to the present. "I've got news for you, son, she ain't the only one wandering around with her head up in the clouds. I've caught you stargazing when you thought I wasn't looking. I think it's high time the two of you had a decent chat instead of snarling at each other. Our little Annie ain't so little anymore." Jeb went to the door. "G'night."

  "G'night," Matt called over his shoulder. He carefully scanned the front yard one last time, then chuckled as he got to his feet. His head was more up his ass than in the clouds. Damn, he was attracted to Annie, only she acted as if he didn't exist and that had been all his doing. His thinking was to leave the past in the past, let bygones be bygones, but then female thinking was something different all together. Evidently, since Annie wasn't about to let him off the hook for his smart comment years ago, it was up to him to set things to rights.

  Matt went in the house and locked the door. He'd get some rest and ride out to the Lazy D tomorrow. He owed her an apology.

  Chapter Three

  Annie lingered in the shadowed alley between Wegman's Mercantile and Sally's Saloon. She had to be more careful. In a hurry, she left the extra set of clothing she packed behind the barn at the Circle C. If Matt happened to stumble upon the cloth bag and take a look inside, she'd have two men on her tail instead of one.

  The streets were deserted this early in the afternoon. Now would be the perfect time to talk to Sally, but she was too self-conscious to walk into the saloon by herself. She had to figure out a way to get inside without being noticed. Loud voices drew her to the front of the alley. Annie squatted behind an empty barrel reeking of pickles and spotted a group of rowdy men loitering in front of the mercantile. They looked like saddle bums and used words she hadn't heard before, but she was in no position to be choosey. Suddenly, Mrs. Wegman burst out the door brandishing a broom and the men continued on their way. The old woman was a grouch, but at least she got the crowd moving in her direction. Hopefully they were headed to the saloon. She tugged her hat down further to hide as much of her face as possible and nonchalantly joined them as they walked past the alley and stepped onto the wooden walkway. Being much smaller and less noticeable, their bo
isterous momentum almost lifted her off her feet and carried her through the swinging doors. They separated and she stumbled, but quickly regained her footing.

  Annie stuffed her hands in her pockets and slumped her shoulders, hoping she'd be able to pass herself off as a young cowhand. She swaggered over to where Sally stood observing the rowdy bunch of men. "I need a job, Sally," she mumbled. She tried to prop her elbows on the bar, but she was too short. "I'll do anything. I'll scrub floors, do wash, anything."

  The voluptuous woman arched a brow in surprise. "Annie Dobbs, what in tarnation are you doing in here? If Deke was alive, he'd strap you for sure." She flicked the rim of Annie's floppy hat.

  "No, he wouldn't," Annie declared with conviction and caught her hat before it fell to the floor. "Well, can I work here?"

  Sally's ample breasts shook as she chuckled. "Sorry, Darlin', I like you a lot, but I don't need your righteous stepmother in here looking for you. She's got a big mouth and I could do without the hassle." She clicked her tongue. "You in trouble or something?"

  Annie bit her lip to keep the tears at bay. "I'm not in any trouble. I just need to make enough money so I can pay the debt Pa owed and have the pleasure of booting Eva's sorry ass off my ranch." Although the Lazy D was not the same without her Pa, Annie would rather sell it than let Eva and Robbie live there.

  Sally propped an elbow on the bar and a hand on her hip. "What's this about a debt?"

  Annie sighed. "Pa lost the Lazy D to some gambler. Long story short, Eva wants me to marry Lloyd Sanders so she can weasel the money out of his father and get the ranch back. My plan is to get the ranch before she does."

  Sally frowned. "You'd have to work here until you're old and gray to make that amount of money and you best stay away from that braggart, Sanders. He comes in here and thinks he owns the place just because he's got money. He has a mean right hook when he's drunk."

  Annie gasped in concern. "He hit you?"

  "Not me, one of my girls, but that don't make no difference. I take it as a personal attack." Sally tossed back her drink. "You eat anything today? You look pale."

  "All I had was some berries I found along the way here."

  Sally clicked her tongue. "Come with me and I'll fix you something to eat before you waste away." Behind the bar was a door that led to a back room with a table, some chairs, a cot and a small stove. Annie sat down and waited as Sally cut a piece of apple pie and poured her a cup of milk. She dug into the food, surprised at how hungry she was.

  Sally refilled Annie's cup. "What happened to your face?"

  Annie had forgotten about her bruised cheek. "I walked into a beam." At least her nose wasn't broken.

  Sally snorted in disbelief. "Darlin', I heard that excuse before."

  "It's true." Offering no further explanation, Annie finished her milk and relaxed in her chair. It felt good to sit down and forget her worries for a while. "Thank you, Sally." They stared at each other for a few minutes, then without a word Sally cleared the table and went back to the bar. Annie slumped her shoulders in defeat. Now what was she going to do?"

  "Come along girl, we have to find you something else to wear if you're going to work here."

  Startled, Annie looked up and a smile spread across her face. She may just have a chance to save some money after all. She jumped from the chair and followed the woman upstairs to the second floor of the establishment. They passed some rooms and Annie swore she heard moaning and giggling, but she refused to think about that part of the job and what it entailed. Sally led her into an empty room and shut the door. "Take off your clothes and let's see what you got."

  Annie hesitated, then did as she was told. Her face flamed as she stood half naked in front of Sally.

  Sally's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Come now, Darlin', it's much too late to be shy. That camisole's got to go along with whatever you have wrapped around your chest. I need to see if you have enough up top to show the men you're a female. If not, we can use some cloth to give you a boost."

  Annie blinked in confusion. The size of her breasts hadn't crossed her mind. What was so intriguing about breasts anyway? Breasts provided milk for a baby and that was that. Whatever else could breasts be for? Men were definitely a peculiar lot. Besides, she thought she had enough up top, but then again, maybe she didn't for this particular kind of work. Annie pushed aside any modesty she had left and stepped out of her thin undergarment, then she unwrapped her breasts.

  All business like, Sally let out a low whistle. "Not bad, girly, why in the world are you hiding them?" Shaking her head, she went over to one of the trunks on the floor and lifted the lid. Annie stood on her tiptoes and peeked inside. It was filled with brightly colored dresses. Sally shook out several and tossed them on the bed. "You should fill out one of these just fine." She added a pair of ruffled drawers, silk stockings and garters. She held up a lacy corset and Annie stared at the contraption as she pulled on one stocking. She swallowed hard. Once she slipped into one of these dresses there was no turning back. She'd be like the ladies downstairs. She shivered. Worse yet, upstairs where the men were entertained.

  "You don't want to do this, do you?"

  Annie's cheeks burned hot. "Can't I just serve drinks and chat?"

  "You can, but it'll take you longer to earn the amount of cash you're looking to save. I run a safe establishment, Annie. My girls have a choice whether or not they want to entertain a man upstairs, but there's always that chance of getting hurt before I can intervene."

  "I can cook and clean for the other er-ladies who work here. This way they wouldn't have to do it themselves and they could rest during the day."

  Sally eyed Annie's figure once again. "The ladies here are pinching every penny they earn. I think you'll do rather well just serving drinks and chatting. You got a pretty face and figure. Men coming off of a cattle drive like to look at something nice after staring at the back end of a cow all day." She selected a dark purple gown trimmed with purple fringe and a plunging neckline peppered with silver sequins.

  "How about taking off the hat?"

  Reluctantly, Annie removed her hat.

  "Land sakes, child, what did you do to your gorgeous red hair?"

  "I chopped it off." In her panic to leave the Lazy D she had gone a little crazy with the scissors and snipped her locks a lot shorter than she had intended.

  "I can see that. Get into the corset. I won't have to truss you up like a Christmas turkey, but it'll give your chest more of a lift. We'll get that dress on you then I'll find a brush and see if we can fancy your hair up a bit." From then on Annie was at the mercy of Sally. Once the corset was tied, Sally helped her with the dress.

  Annie giggled. If Eva could see her now she'd have a conniption.

  "What's so funny?" Sally asked.

  Annie giggled again. "Could you imagine the look on my stepmother's face if she saw me dressed like this?"

  Sally threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, my. I'd surely be sent to hell then." She peered closer at Annie as if studying her.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing that a little dab of powder won't fix," Sally replied. "We'll cover up that mark on your face. You have such lovely green eyes and thick lashes. I thought about using some charred wax to darken your lashes, but you'll be fine just the way you are." She grabbed a jar on the dresser next to the bed and opened the lid. "This is rouge. I'll rub a little on your cheeks for some color. You're still pale."

  If 'pale' could be an emotion as well as a description, then Annie had it down pat. Her stomach churned just thinking about walking down the stairs and mingling with the rowdy men. She fidgeted as Sally dabbed some red stuff on her lips and then patted her mouth with a handkerchief.

  Sally took a step back and smiled widely. "You're one beautiful gal, Annie Dobbs. The men will be tripping over themselves to be the first to buy you a drink." She closed the lid on the rouge and sighed. "Ah, to be young and slim again." She pointed toward the mirror. "Well, take a look."

  Annie's eyes widened in amazement. She almost didn't recognize her reflection. Her hair may be short, but Sally had fixed it so it lay in wispy tendrils around her face and had added a large purple feather behind her ear. The kohl on her eyelids made her eyes appear larger and her lips reminded her of the fresh berries she had scarfed down this morning. Annie peered closer and was relieved that the bruise was barely visible. She noticed how far her breasts were pushed up, almost touching her chin. "Are these supposed to be like this? Won't they pop out if I breathe too hard?" Her shoulders and arms were bare and most of her chest was exposed. She fought down the urge to cover herself.

  To her surprise, Sally gave her a motherly hug and Annie's face was pressed into a pair of much bigger breasts. "Lordy, you sure are a treat for this here washed up ole' gal." She motioned for Annie to sit on the bed and lowered herself next to her. "Let's have a chat, shall we?" She indicated her own exposed chest. "Men like to see all this flesh puffed up. It makes them think about burying their face between all that softness." She winked salaciously. "Or something else on their bodies that does most of the thinking at times."

  Annie only caught the tail end of Sally's offhand remark, but remained silent. She was too interested in how different she looked. Matt Caine would hardly recognize her in this get-up. She raised her hand and touched her throat, gliding her fingers along one mound of flesh and then the other. Her skin puckered in response and her nipples tightened beneath the material of her dress. She closed her eyes briefly and imagined Matt's hands on her body, his mouth on her skin. A surge of heat circled her toes, shot straight up to her neck and then zipped back down to settle between her legs.


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