The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set Page 51

by Patty Devlin

  Annie crawled out from her hiding place. Still a tad apprehensive, she eyed Matt with suspicion, but his smile proved genuine and the panic that had overwhelmed her earlier dissipated. "Go with Sally and change. We can't stand in front of the Preacher with you half naked and a purple feather dangling in your face."

  Annie's eyes opened wide. He was truly serious. They were getting married. She flung her arms around his neck. Matt swung her high in the air and everyone in the saloon cheered. He set her down and she said, "I love you, Matt."

  "You know what? I love you too, Darlin'." He spun her around and swatted her on the ass. "Now git. Don't let me catch you wearing such scanty clothing again, you hear?"

  Annie raced up the stairs. "I hear."

  Boisterous laughter filled the air with a lot of backslapping to go with it. "Yee-haw! There's going to be a wedding!"

  "As long as it ain't mine," came an ornery voice from the back of the crowd. A chorus of 'boos' quickly followed.

  "Hank, a round of drinks for everybody." Sally clapped Matt on the back and gave him a shove towards the bar. "Especially for this here bridegroom. He's gonna need it. Clyde, play something lively on that piano." Sally hugged Matt then hustled up the steps to join Annie.

  Within a half hour, Annie skipped down the stairs wearing a demure green calico dress. She twirled in front of Matt. "How do I look?" she asked him shyly.

  "You look beautiful, Darlin'," Matt said with a show of pride. Annie was thrilled at the compliment. She slipped her hand through the crook of his elbow and he bowed politely. "Let's get married."

  The shouts of congratulations faded in the distance as they strolled hand in hand toward the preacher's house a couple of blocks away. The small green painted abode was surrounded by a white picket fence and sweet smelling flowers. Matt rapped on the door and a short, rotund woman answered the knock. She stared at him wide-eyed and pulled her wrapper tighter around her thick waist.

  "Tell the Preacher Matt Caine's here to see him." She hesitated and he fixed his face into what he hoped was a no nonsense glare. Frightening the woman out of her wits had not been his intention, but it certainly made her move faster.

  The door closed sharply and Annie giggled. "I think you scared her."

  Matt bent his head, his expression unyielding. "She's not the one who has reason to be afraid," he remarked sternly. "You're the one who has a spanking coming and I haven't forgotten." He arched a brow in question. "Do you still want me as your husband knowing what's going to happen? Be sure, Annie, because once you got my name, there'll be no turning back. This marriage is for keeps. No divorce, no annulment. I promise to love you and take care of you, but I also intend to run my household with a firm hand." He must be addle-headed. Why was he deliberately trying to scare her? She already said yes to his proposal. Cripes, what if she changed her mind? He'd be lost.

  Annie appeared puzzled. "But I'll be your wife. Men don't spank their wives, do they?"

  It was time he enlightened Annie on the ways of the world. "Some men do. Others use their fists on their wives just for the hell of it. I don't condone that sort of behavior. It's repulsive. I'm not one of those men, Annie, so you have nothing to fear, but if you disobey me your bottom will suffer for it." He took her by the shoulders and gave her a little shake. "As your husband, I'll expect you to behave like a wife should. If there's something on your mind, we will discuss it, but in private. I don't want to you to feel like you can't voice your opinion, but I will have the final say. There's one thing you must remember and this is very important. Do not disrespect me in front of my men." Was he being too hard on her? To his relief, Annie nodded. "I need to hear you say the words, Annie." He stood ridged as he waited for her answer.

  "I'll accept your punishment, Matt."

  "Do you trust me not to hurt you?"

  Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. "Oh, Matt, I do trust you. After all the tricks I played on you, especially that last one, you never raised your fists to me."

  Matt relaxed his shoulders. "That's right. Good girl." His fingers lightly brushed her cheek. "I can only hope that you won't give me a whole lot of reason to punish you in the future, but I have my doubts." He sure wouldn't mind if she was naughty once in a while, but he'd keep that thought to himself for now. A compliant Annie over his knee with her curvy bottom at his disposal was a nice image indeedy. One that had his cock standing at attention. He heard a noise and pressed a finger to his mouth. The door opened and Preacher Jones stepped onto the porch. "What is it, Matt? Is Jeb okay?"

  "Pa's just fine, Preacher, so's Aunt Rose. I need you to perform a wedding like right now." He gently pulled Annie out from the shadows and clasped her against his side.

  Preacher Jones squinted. "You and Annie Dobbs want to get hitched, eh? Well, now that's a surprise with the two of you always fussing."

  Matt emitted a low growl. Annie pulled away and glanced oddly at him. "I'll tell you later," he whispered.

  "Wouldn't your Pa and Rose like to be here, Matt?"

  "It's a long story, Preacher. Just say the right words now. We'll have another wedding later and invite the entire town."

  "Did you bring the ring?"

  Matt's face fell. Shit, he knew he had forgotten something. Mrs. Jones saved the day. She offered her ring for use during the ceremony. It took a slab of butter and a soak in soapy water until she could pry it off her finger. Forty minutes later he and Annie entered the hotel.

  Mrs. Wegman was standing ramrod straight behind the desk, flipping through the register. Matt thought for sure her spine would snap if she happened to move too quickly. He believed everybody had a good side, but for the life of him he couldn't find one for her. The grouchy woman took enormous delight in judging people and airing everyone's dirty laundry but her own. Annie tensed beside him and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. His mouth hovered close to her ear. "Pay her no mind." He placed a hand at the small of her back and guided her toward the staircase.

  Annie grimaced. "Yeah, right, if you say so."

  "Excuse me, sir, but I don't believe I know who you are."

  Matt swore under his breath. So much for avoiding the dreadful woman. No wonder her husband drank excessively. He turned around and her eyes widened in shock. "Why Matthew Caine, this is not a saloon. I run a respectable business. If you want to fraternize with a woman without the benefit of marriage, you will not do it here."

  Her forbidding gaze zeroed in on Annie. "Miss Dobbs, your father must be turning over in his grave. That drab dress does not fool me. I heard you were working in that disgraceful woman's saloon. I told my Harvey that you wouldn't amount to anything decent." Her regal nose tilted in an air of disdain. "But then again the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? Your father frequented the Muddy Gulch for a while before he died and we all know what goes in that place."

  "Mrs. Wegman, say what you want about me, but stop talking about my Pa," Annie remarked hotly.

  "I have the right to voice my opinion, Miss Dobbs."

  Matt's teeth clenched. The woman had a way of making a person feel like a fool, but his Annie was not a fool. Her body tensed and she moved forward, but he had already hooked an arm around her waist. "Behave yourself," he warned. Mrs. Wegman's snort of approval burned his ass. She had ears like a rat. "Would it be possible for my wife to have a bath or shall I take my business elsewhere?"

  Satisfaction changed to one of complete shock. "Wife?"

  Matt nodded curtly. "That's right and as a paying customer, you will show my wife respect or I'll demand my money and go elsewhere. Now, about that bath?"

  "Yes, of course." She whacked the bell on the front desk harder than was necessary. "One of the boys will see to your bath."

  Matt grumbled under his breath as they went upstairs to their room. He opened the door and stood aside for Annie to pass.

  "I despise that woman, Matt. I wanted to rip her hair out."

  "I know, Mrs. Caine, but you will refrain from acting like a harridan.
Is that understood?"

  Annie clenched her fists and lifted her chin. Matt heaved a sigh and shut the door. "Do you promise to behave or must I turn you over my knee right this minute?" He closed the short distance between them and cupped her face. "Hmm?"

  "I'll behave." She shuffled her feet. "But she still makes me mad."

  "I know, she makes me angry, too." He kissed her on the mouth and gave her upturned nose a tweak. "I have some business I need to take care of. I won't be long. Relax and enjoy a bath." He took possession of her mouth again, only this time he darted his tongue inside. "Hmm, you taste like honey." He held up a key. "Keep this door locked at all times."

  Chapter Eight

  Annie was lost in thought while two young boys carried buckets of hot water and filled the tub. She wondered if Matt's business involved another woman and quickly admonished herself for thinking such a terrible thing. He was an honest man. Just because women found him handsome and flirted with him didn't mean he returned their attentions. Her belly quivered and her legs began to shake. She couldn't believe it. She was a married woman now and to Matthew Caine. Her gaze took in the neatly turned down bed and her pulse raced. Would he be gentle with her? Could he be gentle? Those large hands of his sure could leave a lasting sting.

  She caught one of the boys looking at her strangely and noticed the tub was full. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's all, thank you." After they left, she locked the door and quickly undressed. She had no idea when Matt would come back so she better get washed and slip into bed. She stripped naked and sank into the hot water. It'd be nice to soak for a while, but she was a bit nervous at the thought of Matt seeing her wet and naked. She washed, dried herself off and realized she hadn't any other clothing, but the dress Sally had given her. With nothing else to do but wait, Annie sat on the bed. She skimmed her fingers over the flowered bedspread. The place was clean and smelled nice. Mrs. Wegman may be a snob, but at least she was a clean snob.

  Tonight was her wedding night and Matt would make love to her on this bed. She was inexperienced in the ways of pleasing a man. It had been difficult not to overhear some the comments the men made to the other women at Sally's. Most of those comments hadn't made much sense. She had no clue why a man would want to lick a woman's pussy. Who in their right mind would want to lick a cat, for heaven's sake? The question had stayed in her head until she summoned up enough courage to ask Sally. Her face flamed with embarrassment the rest of the night when she found out what the men had been referring to. What if Matt wanted to lick her 'there'? 'There' began to throb and grow moist. Annie clenched her knees together and resisted the sudden urge to touch herself.

  She was so nervous and excited at the same time. Growing up without a mother had left her ignorant of the ways between a man and a woman. Her knowledge went only as far as what Aunt Rose had told her and what she had heard from other girls her age which hadn't been much. The horses and cattle didn't count. Annie knew what part of a man went where on a woman, but that was about it. Matt's kisses left her breathless and seeking more of what she didn't know. All her intimate parts were throbbing for a reason. It had to mean something was good about a man's touch. Well, not any man. Just Matt. Lloyd's hands made her feel dirty and sick inside.

  First she had to accept her punishment. Maybe Matt would postpone the inevitable until after they made love. Tonight was their honeymoon, after all. What kind of husband spanked his wife on their honeymoon? Annie gave herself a mental slap. Matthew Caine would. She could try and use her feminine wiles, but she wasn't quite sure what 'wiles' were and even if she did would they be good enough to work? She'd have to talk to Sally again. Annie yawned and lay back on the bed. A nap sounded nice until her husband came back. She smiled and hugged the pillow. Her husband.

  * * * * *

  The Muddy Gulch saloon was roughly one mile away and well known for its high stake card games and loose women. Matt rarely came to this part of Flatbush. Old memories tended to pop up and he'd sooner forget how his mother had abandoned him here in this dump.

  He kept a hand on his gun as he stepped inside and cautiously scanned the smoky room. Patrons here had always been trigger-happy. A clear head and gun at the ready was needed if one desired to leave the place alive. By the looks of it, it hadn't changed any. Matt spotted his quarry indulging in a game of cards and made his way past drunken cowhands and women reeking of stale perfume and sex. He didn't recognize any of the girls, but then it had been way past two decades since he was in the place.

  Aside from a crisp white shirt, Bart Kelly was dressed in black. Black pants, black vest and black boots. His hat and hair were black. Matt stayed off to the side and watched as Bart laid down his cards, smirking while his opponent cursed. "I want another shot, Bart. I cain't go home to the wife with no money. She'll knock my head off."

  "That's your problem, mister, I'm done playing." The disgruntled man sprang to his feet and kicked the chair, toppling it over. Bart motioned toward the other chair and Matt sat down. "What brings you here to the dark side of town?"

  "I need a favor," Matt replied.

  "Finally come to collect for saving my life, eh?"

  Matt rubbed his eyes and blew out a breath. "It's a big one, Bart. If it didn't involve my wife, I wouldn't bother."

  "Wife? You got married? Hey Maggie, bring us a bottle of whiskey over here. We're celebrating a wedding."

  Matt raised a hand in protest. "That's not necessary, Bart." He leaned back as the saloon girl hurried over and placed a bottle and two glasses on the table. The swath of bandages covering the one side of her face was hard not to notice. She smiled wanly and gave Matt a lingering perusal before returning to her station at the bar.

  Matt nodded in her direction. "What happened to her?"

  "Some low life got rough. Word has it he likes to carve up women. I'm sticking around for a bit, see if I can get a look at him."

  "Think you know who it is?" Matt asked, hoping the animal would get caught.

  "Not sure, but I have nothing better to do."

  Matt thought he saw a brief shadow of despair darken Bart's eyes, but just as quickly it disappeared. He must have imagined it. As far as he knew the man had no family to care for, only a lot of men itching to shoot him in the back even though he played an honest game.

  Bart poured two glasses and offered up a toast. "To the new Mrs. Caine, I wish you both a happy life." He downed his drink and poured himself another. Matt refused a refill and the gambler set the bottle aside. "So, what's this favor you be wanting?"

  "I need you to back off going after a debt- at least for a while."

  Bart frowned. "I'm afraid that's not an option, Matt unless you're willing to tell me more. Which debt you talking about?" He laughed out loud. "I'm owed quite a few."

  "Some time back you played cards with a man by the name of Deke Dobbs. He had no cash so he put up his ranch, the Lazy D, as collateral."

  Bart leaned back in his chair and fingered his black mustache. "Deke Dobbs." He mumbled the name a number of times under his breath. "Deke Dobbs, now I remember. Word around is he up and died about a month ago, that true?"

  "Yep, it's true."

  Bart wagged his head. "The poor bloke was sure down on his luck. He'd come in here and complain about his wife and how he wanted to take his daughter and leave town, but he had no money 'cause the wife spent it all. I thought about finding his daughter and telling her I'd forget the money owed, but when I went to the ranch a woman pulled a gun on me and told me to get lost way before I had a chance to say my peace. I'm assuming it was her ma. Now, I don't cotton to fighting with women, that ain't my way, but no uppity bit of fluff is going to pull a gun on me and get away with it. A lesson needs to be taught and I aim to teach it." He shrugged. "I'm not sure how, but I'll get to it."

  Matt groaned. This wasn't going to end well. "Sounds like Eva Carter, Annie's stepmother. My wife's real mother died when she was five."

  Bart's expression darkened. "This Eva, she got children?"

/>   "A son. She's not from around here. Deke met her a few years ago when he delivered a herd of cattle to Llano and they got married." He spoke in a hushed tone. "I know this is asking a lot. I don't have enough cash saved to pay you the full amount for the ranch, but if you give me some time… " His voice trailed off as Bart's eyes widened in surprise.

  "Hold on, you married this Deke's daughter?"

  "Yep, and she's put up with Eva and Robbie's nonsense for far too long. They took everything away from her. That ranch is her home. She worked the land just as hard as her Pa had when he was alive. The idea of those two living there free sickens me. I'd like to give her the option of either selling the place or moving back, but most of all to be able to kick her step-family out."

  Bart didn't say a word for a while and Matt grew more anxious by the minute. He didn't fancy a gunfight on his honeymoon, but he'd do it if he had to. He was asking for a huge favor, but he had saved the man's life.

  Anger hardened Bart's features. "No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it, Matt, but if you hadn't shown up that day a few months ago, I'd be a dead man." He poured another glass of whiskey. "Consider the ranch a wedding gift." He cut off Matt's protests with a wave of his hand. "Just keep this matter between you and me for a couple of days." His mouth firmed. "Now, I want something from you. You tell me all you know about this Robbie."

  Half an hour later Matt was headed back to the quiet side of town eager to make love to his wife. Why Bart wanted to know all about Robbie was a mystery, but he was satisfied that Annie now had her ranch back. He promised Bart he'd wait until the end of the week before he told her the good news.

  Chapter Nine

  "Wake up, sleepy head."

  Annie's eyes fluttered open and she frowned in confusion. Her gaze settled upon Matt and she smiled. Now she remembered. It was her wedding night. She clambered to her knees and threw her arms around his neck.


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