Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series

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Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series Page 6

by GA Hauser

  “Never mind.” Julian wrapped around him again for another kiss. As he mashed tongues with Brodie, Julian felt his zipper open. A shiver rushed through him.

  Brodie parted from Julian’s mouth, kneeling down in front of him. When Brodie’s lips surrounded his penis, Julian had to bite back his groan of ecstasy. Peering down, he realized that Brodie has his own cock out, jerking it as he sucked.

  “Holy shit.” Julian felt his anxiety being edged out by the thrill. Coming, his balls tensing up and his cock pulsating, Julian forced his eyes open to see Brodie ejaculating onto the tiled floor. Gasping for air, Julian couldn’t prevent a sound of satisfaction from passing his lips. It seemed to echo in the tight space.

  Brodie grinned up at him wickedly.

  “Unreal,” Julian whispered.

  Standing, fastening his own zipper, Brodie hissed, “You better tell her you have a fucking headache.”

  Tucking his spent cock back into his briefs, Julian met those demonic, drunken eyes. “I will. Don’t worry. Besides, that’s what she always tells me constantly. Turnabout is fair play.”

  “You taste so fucking good.” Brodie leaned against him heavily.

  “I have to get back. I know how she gets.”

  “One more kiss.”

  Julian leaned forward, lavishing in the tongue swirling. It made him hard once again. Parting reluctantly, Julian whispered, “Let me get back. We’ll meet in the morning, for our run.”



  “Okay.” Brodie opened the door of the stall, stepping out.

  Julian held his breath wondering how many people would see them. As he exited, too many did. Grinding his jaw painfully at the obvious act of two men leaving the same damn toilet, Julian hurried out, avoiding eye contact at all cost.


  Brodie paused as Julian gave him a last, loving smile before he reentered the dining hall. Okay, it wasn’t perfect, but it was better than he expected. Sobering up slightly, Brodie decided it was time to explore all the nooks and crannies of this behemoth ship. One never knew what one could find. Anything was possible. He knew that better than most.


  Julian sat back down at the table. Amelia was tipsy and laughing loudly.

  “Julian, honey, Joe just made the funniest joke while you were in the men’s room.”

  “Oh?” Julian wondered if the scent of Brodie’s cologne was mingling with his. He could certainly smell it.

  “Yes. What was it again? Something about Eskimos?”

  Julian shook his head. “It’s all right, Amelia. I don’t have to hear it.”

  “There’s a cabaret act tonight,” she informed him. “Broadway musicals. I’d like to go.”

  Julian checked his watch. “I was hoping to go to bed early.”

  The amused expression on her face dropped to fury in two seconds flat. Julian knew Amelia didn’t care who heard their disagreements, she’d certainly shouted at him in public more than once.

  “I knew it.” She guzzled more wine. “I told you you don’t want to do anything I do. And you never even commented on my hair.”

  Hair? He paused setting back to see it. It was set in strange rings on top of her head, sprayed stiff with something resembling plastic coating. “Looks nice. Amelia, I’ll go to the cabaret, I’m just a little tired.”

  Her expression softened. When she touched his leg he had wanted to shove it away. As if it she didn’t have the rights to it any longer. It took everything he had to resist getting her red painted fingernails off his body.

  “You’re always tired. You work out too hard. I told you not to run while we’re here on the cruise.” Facing the other couples at the table, she replied, “He thinks he has to run every day. I don’t get it.”

  As several comments about the virtues of exercise versus the pain in the ass of working out began to ping-pong around the table, Julian dazed off and imagined crawling in bed with his new lover.


  The cabaret was so cheesy Julian couldn’t tolerate it. As the evening wore on and wore him out, he kept checking his watch hoping the stupid show would end. By eleven he was completely drained as Amelia clapped, her eyes lit up like two candles in a cave. “Babe,” he whispered, “I’m dying here. I have to go lie down.”

  “But the show’s not over.”

  “I know. Please. I’m completely wiped out. Can I just call it a night? You can stay. Hang out with Jenny and Paul.” Julian pointed to a couple they had befriended that had been assigned to their dinner table.

  “Go. I don’t give a shit, Julian.” She flicked her hand at him.

  “Amelia, I’m trying. But my head’s pounding and I’m about to drop dead.”


  He tried to sit there for another few minutes but his body and head were screaming for him to get horizontal. “See ya back at the room.” He pecked her cheek.

  She didn’t react, just sat still with her eyes glued to the show.

  Once he’d left the noisy auditorium, he felt even wearier. Rubbing his temples, craving a painkiller, Julian scuffed his feet to the cabin. After what had felt like a mile of walking the length of the ship, he opened the door to their stateroom, kicked off his shoes, and immediately searched for an aspirin. Swallowing two down, he undressed, looked over at the twin beds pushed together, and imagined separating them. No doubt when she finally made it to the room, she’d be noisy, flip on lights, anything to show him how annoyed she was. In just his briefs, he dropped down on the bed, falling fast asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Rising to his wake-up call, Brodie felt slightly hung-over, but he’d been worse. Lacing his running shoes, standing up and looking down at the tiny pair of white running shorts he had brought, he sighed tiredly. He never imagined the dilemma of hiding an erection in them. “What the fuck. He already knows I’m hot for him.” Stuffing the key down the front of his briefs, Brodie left the cabin, on his way to the sports deck. On the climb up the staircase he overheard an older couple discussing the docking of the ship in Juneau. Frowning despite himself, Brodie imagined bypassing the tour in case Julian and Amelia were going as a couple.

  Stepping out onto the breezy deck, Brodie rubbed his hands together for warmth and looked around. It was an enormous boat and there were several doors leading to the outer deck. Unfortunately he and Julian hadn’t narrowed down the location. Too cold to stand and wait, Brodie began an easy warm up lap, hoping to find Julian as he did.

  After completing a loop, Brodie began to get annoyed. He checked his watch. It was after eight. “Nice one.” He assumed Julian was going to be a no show, and ground his jaw as he sped up to his normal running pace.


  Moaning in agony after hardly getting any sleep, Julian rubbed his eyes. He remembered Amelia coming in at one in the morning, drunk, staggering, turning on all the lights in the room, and making enough noise to rouse him out of a very deep slumber. Checking his watch, seeing it was after eight, he cursed under his breath, jumped out of bed and pulled on his running gear.

  Amelia was out cold on her side of the bed, her make-up smeared, her sticky ringlets crushed. Grabbing the room key, Julian jogged the length of the corridor, taking the stairs two by two.


  Finishing his third lap, Brodie came upon Julian just as he was coming through a heavy metal door to the deck. Imagining running by him, making Julian sprint to catch up, Brodie reconsidered and stopped short. “Hey.”

  “Sorry. Go, don’t stop.” Julian began jogging.

  Brodie caught up, trying to talk and breathe at the same time. “Overslept?”

  “Yes. Sorry. Had a bad night.”

  “Did you?”

  “You don’t want to hear it.”

  “Wanna bet?” Brodie could tell Julian was laboring with the pace, so he slowed slightly.

  “It’s just crap, Brodie.”

  “If it’s about you and Amelia I want to know. Are you all right?”

p; “Slept like shit.”

  “You want to stop?”

  “No. Just go easy.”

  Brodie pulled back to a lazy jog.


  “No. It’s all right.”

  “Anyway, we went to that stupid show last night.”


  “Well, it sucked as far as I was concerned. I just wanted to hit the sack. I was exhausted. Amelia is a night owl. She gets off on dancing and partying all night.”

  “Let me guess…” Brodie smiled wryly, “twenty-one?”

  “Ha ha. No. She’s twenty-five, but she’s still a party animal. I never was. I have no idea how she does it, but she can keep going until the wee hours of the morning.”

  “So? You were dancing all night?”

  “No.” Julian wiped at his dripping face. “I went to bed around eleven. I left her at the cabaret. She was furious. She had some other people there with her. There’s a couple that sit at our table that are decent.”

  Brodie wanted to move faster. He hated the slow pace, feeling as if he wasn’t getting a proper work out.

  “Anyway, I went to bed, and when she clamored in at about one, she woke me up. I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I forgot to arrange a wake-up call. I’m surprised I managed to get up in time to run at all.”

  “Can we pick up the pace?”

  “Sorry.” Julian sped up.

  “So? Where’s the infamous Amelia now?”

  “Still in bed. I figure she’ll be out for hours.”

  “You sign up for that excursion?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Want to go?”

  After a pause in the conversation, Julian said, “She most likely won’t be up for it.”

  “I’m not talking about her.” Brodie almost shouted at him, but bit his lip.


  They made another quick lap around the deck, passing everyone else in the process. Brodie was feeling pretty good. He’s slept almost ten hours last night, and the slight woozy feeling from the booze had worn off, sweated out of his pores.

  “Well?” Brodie wanted an answer.

  “When I get back to the room, if she’s still asleep, I’ll leave her a note and we’ll go.”

  “Okay.” Brodie knew it was going to be a challenge getting to spend time with Julian. He was desperately trying to understand. He knew if Melanie had stayed on board, this connection never would have occurred, and he’d be catering to Melanie’s every whim.

  Running in silence, Brodie could hear Julian laboring, but it was up to Julian to slow on his own or stop. Brodie tried to be sympathetic. And he would have been if the reasons hadn’t involved the dreaded girlfriend.

  Twenty minutes later, Brodie halted, catching his breath, leaning over, hands on his knees. Julian looked to be in agony, dropping down on the floor of the ship, lying on his back, his knees bent and the sweat pouring from his skin.

  Brodie recovered quickly, using his shirt to wipe his face. “Come on, old man.” He reached down to Julian.

  Julian clasped his hand and was hauled to his feet. “I hate it when I feel this way. I love the run and this one sucked.”

  “Too tired for the Jacuzzi?”

  Julian checked his watch. “That excursion leaves at ten.”

  “Okay. Let’s head to the lobby and see if we can still sign up.” Brodie held open the door for him. As Julian passed through, Brodie caught a whiff of his sweat. “Damn, you smell good.”

  Julian gave a breathy laugh as he tried to recover from the exertion.

  Walking behind him, Brodie salivated over Julian’s tight ass, sweat soaked shorts, and shirt. Unable to resist, he went for a light squeeze of his bottom.

  Julian choked in surprise and spun around. “Bad boy!”

  “You have no idea.” Brodie grinned, falling in beside Julian as they hurried down the endless corridor to the stairs.


  Standing in line at the reception desk, Julian wiped at the tiny droplets that continued to run down his face. “Yes, uh, we were wondering if we could join the tour.”

  “It’s completely full. Sorry.”

  Julian made a sour face at Brodie.

  “But,” the clerk said, “you can explore the town on your own. Just be back on board by four pm.”

  Julian checked Brodie’s expression. He shrugged. They stepped away from the desk to allow the next person in line to approach. Julian whispered, “I’d rather do that. I mean, do you really want to be on a bus with a bunch of senior citizens?”

  “You want to check on your other half before we make any type of plan?”

  “Yes. Go shower. I’ll meet you back here at the lobby.”

  “What if she’s with you?”

  “She won’t be. I’ll get out either way to let you know.”

  Brodie checked his watch. “An hour?”


  Brodie winked at him as they walked to the staircase descending to the main level where their rooms were located. When it appeared Brodie was going to lean over for a peck goodbye, Julian shook his head, smiling. “You really are something.”

  “Hey, just a quick one on the cheek.” Brodie checked the vacant halls.

  Julian did as well. Feeling sure they weren’t being spied, he kissed Brodie on the lips.

  “Damn!” Brodie exaggerated a shiver. “Instant hard-on.”

  Julian spied Brodie’s hand as it cupped his crotch.

  “Stop or we’ll never get out of here.”

  “Come to my room. Shower with me.”

  “Are you kidding?” Julian laughed sadly.

  “No. Go see if she’s still sleeping. If she is, grab your shit and come to my cabin.”

  Julian wanted to. Very badly. “What if she wakes up?”

  “I’ll give you ten minutes. If you’re not here, I’ll go clean up and meet you in an hour upstairs.”

  “Okay.” Catching Brodie’s excited smile, Julian prayed Amelia was in a coma-like sleep. He hurried to his room and silently opened the door. It was dark in the interior since there was no porthole. As quietly as he could, Julian turned on a light in the bathroom, keeping the door partly closed so no light hit Amelia’s bed. She was still out, her breathing deep and loud.

  Tiptoeing to the closet, Julian held his breath as he removed clean clothing from it. Hearing Amelia stir, he froze. She shifted and rolled over, but didn’t wake. Setting his handful of things by the door, Julian wrote a quick note to her on the ship’s stationary.

  “Didn’t want to disturb you. Went to Juneau for a look around. See you at dinner.”

  He knew she’d be furious, but she’d be even more upset if he woke her up. Biting his lip, grabbing the key, shutting off the bathroom light, Julian crept back to the door and opened it. Pausing at the click of the latch, he waited. She didn’t move. Once he was out in the hall, he gathered up his clothing better so nothing dropped out his hands, and was about to race to Brodie’s cabin when he found him standing in the hall.

  “Go,” Julian whispered, gesturing for him to move.

  Brodie jumped up in glee, removing his key from his shorts and rushing to his door. As if they were thieves, they slipped into Brodie’s cabin, shutting it tight behind them.

  The moment they were alone, Brodie pinned Julian to the door, cupping his jaw in both hands and kissing him. Julian’s body covered in chills. Dropping the items of clothing he had been clutching to his chest, he gripped Brodie’s hips and began grinding against them.


  Loving the feel of Julian’s coarse, unshaven jaw in his palms, the heat from Julian’s body as it pressed tightly to his, Brodie knew he could go completely wild on this man. It was rough, aggressive, and so exciting he was already gasping for breath and his heart was pounding under his ribs.

  Moving his hips side to side, he felt his cock riding over Julian’s and back again. The friction was making him delirious. And Julian’s tongue spun in dizzying circles around his, giving his ton
gue head and sending zinging sensations to the tip of his penis.

  Needing to breathe deeply, Brodie parted from the kiss to groan, “Julian, I just can’t get enough of you.”

  “I know. It’s crazy.” Julian held onto Brodie’s bottom, a hand on each cheek, and humped him hard.

  Seeing Julian’s eyes seal shut, his teeth clench, Brodie started dragging Julian’s shirt over his head. Julian raised his arms high, assisting Brodie in taking it off. Brodie took the opportunity to trap Julian’s extended wrists in his left hand, smoothing his right all over Julian’s bare chest. Julian vocalized his enjoyment in the most exquisite little whimpering moans Brodie had ever heard.

  Brodie went for his right nipple, licking it, followed by a playful nip. Julian’s groans grew louder, his weight shifted from side to side. Brodie released his wrists, digging his fingers into Julian’s gym shorts. Julian dropped his shirt to the floor, held Brodie’s face, and kissed him again. Deep sucking kisses that screamed for more taste, scent, and satisfaction.

  With both hands Brodie grabbed Julian’s cock straightening it from where it had been bent down the leg of his shorts. Gripping the base tightly with one hand, moving between Julian’s legs with his other, Brodie felt Julian’s balls tighten at his touch and the delicious sweaty heat between Julian’s legs. As Julian widened his stance, his lips went slack. Brodie backed off from their kiss to see his expression. Watching Julian’s handsome features morph into one of ecstasy, Brodie pumped Julian’s cock in his fist and massaged Julian’s balls. All the while he played with Julian’s body, his own was going berserk trying to deal with the yearning for penetration and satisfaction.

  Craving Julian’s taste, Brodie dropped to his knees, taking the tight shorts down Julian’s thighs to his ankles. Once Julian was exposed, Brodie lapped at the tip and that glistening drop that shimmered out. The salty sweat, the masculine scent, made Brodie moan. When he did he felt the vibrations shudder through Julian’s cock.

  “Holy fuck,” Julian whimpered.

  Sucking him as deep as he could, almost to the base, Brodie wiggled his tongue underneath it, feeling the engorged vein, all the way to the head, where he tickled and circled the tip of his tongue wildly. Julian’s cock pulsed, hardening to rock.


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