True Nature

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True Nature Page 45

by Jae

  She works as a psychologist. When she’s not writing, she likes to spend her time reading, indulging her ice cream and office supply addiction, and watching way too many crime shows.

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  Excerpt from Manhattan Moon

  by Jae

  Shelby Carson hip-checked the car door closed and crossed the psych ER’s parking lot. She breathed in the crisp fall air, preparing her sensitive nose for the smells that would hit her as soon as she entered Bayard Medical Center.

  When she glanced up at the dark sky, she realized a full moon was shining down on her. “Oh, wonderful,” she murmured. “A full moon on Halloween. Just what I need.”

  Contrary to popular belief, the moon had no effect on her fellow shape-shifters, but humans seemed to go crazy during a full moon.

  The automatic doors of the back entrance whooshed open. Shelby strode down the hallway and had to unlock two sets of double doors before she reached the attending’s on-call room. Wrinkling her nose at the smell of chips, stuffy air, and disinfectant, she squeezed past the desk and the narrow bed. With practiced movements, she slipped out of her street clothes and into a set of scrubs. She clipped her ID badge to the scrub shirt and the beeper to her waistband, then shoved a pen into the chest pocket, feeling like a knight getting ready for battle.

  As she left the on-call room, the sounds and smells of the psych ER engulfed her. In one of the isolation rooms, someone shouted and banged on the door, and in the next room, an off-key voice sang Broadway musicals. Sneakers squeaked on the linoleum as one of the nurses rushed down the corridor.

  She straightened her shoulders and walked toward the triage area, weaving her way around gurneys and wheelchairs lined up in the corridor. The stench of sweat, cleaning agents, and metabolized alcohol made her wish for the stunted sense of smell her human colleagues possessed. Then she picked up the subtle scent of jasmine.

  Shelby grinned. She would recognize that scent anywhere. Nyla.

  Just inside the front door, Nyla Rozakis sat behind the triage desk.

  Shelby paused and drank in the sight of her.

  In the midst of the typhoon that was the triage area, Nyla was an island of peace. She brushed back a midnight-black strand of hair that had escaped her French braid as she stood and rounded the desk. Her eyes, almost as dark as her hair, didn’t seem to register the psych techs and security guards, who were wrestling to restrain a screaming man. She was focused solely on her own patient.

  Nyla stooped down a little to address her patient, who was sitting in a wheelchair, and asked, “Do you know where you are?”

  “In hell,” the patient grumbled.

  Wrong answer, buddy. Shelby suppressed a grin. A psych ER is not a good place for sarcasm if you don’t want to appear psychotic.

  “Can you tell me today’s date?” Nyla asked.

  The patient told her, and Nyla made a quick note in his chart without taking her gaze off the patient for more than a second.

  “Do you have any weapons on you? Any sharp objects?”

  The patient shook his head, but his hands went to his coat pockets.

  Shelby tensed, ready to step in should he pull out a weapon.

  But Nyla didn’t need her help.

  “Ben.” After a wave from Nyla, one of the security guards helped her search the patient’s pockets. They laid the contents of his pockets onto the triage desk: a lighter, a glass pipe, and—Shelby squinted—a pair of vampire fangs.

  Humans. She grimaced.

  When another nurse led the patient into an interview room, Nyla looked up. A welcoming smile dimpled her cheeks. “Hi, Dr. Carson.”

  “Hello, Nyla.”

  “I didn’t think you’d be working tonight,” Nyla said and went back to filling out the intake sheet. “I thought you volunteered to work Thanksgiving and Christmas?”

  She knows my on-call schedule? Shelby held back a delighted grin. “I don’t mind covering the ER on holidays,” she said. “It isn’t worse than any other day.” Wrasa didn’t celebrate human holidays anyway, so she’d volunteered to work the night shift on Halloween when she’d seen that Nyla would also be on duty.

  “Famous last words, Doctor.”

  “Busy night, huh?” Shelby asked.

  “Full moon on Halloween in New York City—if that’s not a recipe for madness, I don’t know what is. We have fifteen new admissions and eight still in triage. All isolation rooms are in use, and EMS keeps bringing in new patients.”

  Before Shelby could think of a way to ask Nyla out for coffee later, loud grunts and moans from the waiting area interrupted them.

  Shelby whirled around and took in the crowded waiting area. On one of the blue plastic chairs bolted to the wall sat a young woman clutching her belly. “Has she been cleared by the medical ER?” Shelby asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Nothing physically wrong with her. She just thinks she’s giving birth.” Nyla stepped next to Shelby. Shoulder to shoulder, they gazed at the moaning patient.

  Shelby wanted to moan too as she breathed in the intoxicating scent of jasmine. She tried to keep her voice light and professional. “Another baby Jesus?”

  “No, this one thinks she’s giving birth to the child of a vampire slayer.”

  “Vampire slayer?” Shelby arched her brows. Every time she thought she’d seen it all, a new patient surprised her. The psych ER patients weren’t short on creativity. “Didn’t anyone tell her that Buffy is a woman and can’t get her pregnant?”

  Nyla’s dimples deepened. “Welcome to the twenty-first century, Dr. Carson. There are plenty of options for a lesbian who wants to get her partner pregnant.”

  Shelby marveled at the casual remark. Does she know I’m gay? Is she? She had asked herself that question for months now, but her diagnostic skills failed when it came to figuring out Nyla’s sexual orientation.

  When silence grew between them, Shelby finally said, “I better get to work. See you later. And please keep her,” she pointed at the grunting patient in the waiting area, “away from Mr. Fangs.” She peered up at the board that listed patients still waiting to be seen, then grabbed a chart from the rack and went to see her first patient of the night.

  * * *

  The novella Manhattan Moon is available at many online bookstores as a DRM-free e-book.

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  978-3-95533-032-3 (mobi)

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  Novelist Jorie Price doesn’t believe in the existence of shape-shifting creatures or true love. She leads a solitary life, and the paranormal romances she writes are pure fiction for her.

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  When the Cat’s Away: When a mouse takes up residence in Griffin and Jorie’s house, Griffin calls her fathers over. With three cat-shifters on the hunt, the house will be a rodent-free zone in no time. Or so she thinks.

  Plus One: Griffin accepts Jorie’s invitation to be her “plus one” at Jorie’s high school reunion, eager to find out more about her lover’s past. But the food at the buffet has an unexpected effect on Griffin.

  Manhattan Moon


  ISBN: 978-3-95533-012-5 (epub)

  978-3-95533-013-2 (mobi)

  Length: 28,500 words (novella)

  Nothing in Shelby Carson’s life is ordinary. Not only is she an attending psychiatrist in a hectic ER, but she’s also a Wrasa, a shape-shifter who leads a secret existence.

  To make things even more complicated, she has feelings for Nyla Rozakis, a human nurse.

  Even though the Wrasa forbid relationships with humans, Shelby is determined to pursue Nyla. Things seem pretty hopeless for them, but on Halloween, during a full moon, anything can happen...


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  Then Leni gets a new job as a nightshift cook at The Jester’s Court, a bustling roadside truck stop, where she encounters an enigmatic colleague nicknamed Yak. Finding herself fascinated with the woman, Leni disregards all advice to the contrary and attempts to befriend her fellow chef. Yak proves to be a hard nut to crack, but what’s harder still is deciphering why everyone lives in fear of her.

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  Hidden Truths

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  “Luke” Hamilton has been living as a husband and father for the past seventeen years. No one but her wife, Nora, knows she is not the man she appears to be. They have raised their daughter
s to become honest and hard-working young women, but even with their loving foundation, Amy and Nattie are hiding their own secrets.

  Just as Luke sets out on a dangerous trip to Fort Boise, a newcomer arrives on the ranch—Rika Aaldenberg, who traveled to Oregon as a mail-order bride, hiding that she’s not the woman in the letters.

  When hidden truths are revealed, will their lives and their family fall apart or will love keep them together?

  True Nature

  © by Jae

  ISBN: 978-3-95533-036-1 (mobi)

  ISBN: 978-3-95533-035-4 (epub)

  Also available as paperback.

  Published by Ylva Publishing, legal entity of Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.

  Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.

  Owner: Astrid Ohletz

  Am Kirschgarten 2

  65830 Kriftel


  First edition: October 2013

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