Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love of Steel [The Callens 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Jade sat at the end of an empty picnic table next to the heater. The beginning of April was too cold for her, even though no one else seemed to mind.

  “May I join you?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Absolutely.” If you hadn’t asked I’d have been terribly disappointed.

  She loved how polite he was. He didn’t swagger like other men or act super tough. No, Logan Smithfield was cool personified.

  He slid across from her and smiled. Only now did she realize how hard it would be to eat with him watching her.

  He waved a fork. “I have to tell you that I was amazed at what you’d done with the factory. It had been sitting idle for as long as I can remember.”

  She’d purchased the factory about eighteen months ago. It took her the next twelve months to get it inhabitable. “I did put a lot of sweat equity into making it livable.”

  “The floors and walls are fantastic.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “They took about a month to sand down the wood floors, stain, and then seal them. I thought they came out beautiful.” Talking about the renovation was dear to her heart. Given he was a green developer, she figured he’d appreciated what went into her design. “I think my favorite part might have been the skylights and solar tubes in the top floor.”

  His brows rose. “You’ll have to give me a tour.”

  Her throat turned dry and her hand shook. Her imagination ran wild thinking about having Logan in her home, seeing her feminine bedroom and her unusual bathroom where she’d lined the shower walls with steel then glazed them with porcelain. “I’d love to.”

  “If I recall, your place used to be an ice-cream factory. Was there anything you could salvage?”

  “Not much. About the only things left behind were the vats. Most were too big, but one of the smaller ones I was able to use as a bathroom sink. I also repurposed the industrial-size sink to use in my kitchen.”

  “That’s so creative. I’m hoping I might get some ideas for something I’ve been dreaming about.”

  She leaned closer. “Are you thinking of getting into the renovation business?” They would have more in common if he did. She’d learned a lot of what to look for in a used building. The first few she’d contemplated buying were pure money pits.

  “Perhaps. I kind of got the itch watching what Parker did with the old theater.”

  “He did do an amazing job, especially in restoring the ornate sculptures.” Now the city could enjoy plays all year long. Hopefully, he was making a go of it.

  Since Logan had dug into his meal, she didn’t want to be rude and not eat. She cut her steak and took a bite. Juices dripped down her chin, and she immediately wiped them off. Logan’s eyes twinkled. Damn. Why couldn’t she have aimed better?

  The small lift to his lips disappeared. “Tell me where you get your inspiration for your ironwork.”

  She paused, unsure how to answer. There was no question who she imagined seeing the finished product—Logan Smithfield. “Actually, your home designs gave me a lot of inspiration.” Her pulse raced wondering if she’d been too honest.

  He grinned. “I’m flattered.”

  * * * *

  Last night’s cookout had netted a lot more than Logan had hoped, yet he couldn’t get Jade out of his mind. She was a beautiful and independent woman who, he bet, could succeed at anything she set her mind to. That was refreshing. In his line of business, many of the women he interacted with either felt that they needed to act like a man to succeed in the male-dominated business or were gold diggers. Jade was neither. Her love of her job intrigued him. Like him, working hard seemed to be built into her DNA.

  He pulled in front of the theater and was lucky enough to get a space. After periodically interacting with her for a few years, she’d piqued his interest more than ever yesterday. Since he and Parker loved to share, he wanted to get his best friend’s take on possibly pursuing her.

  When Logan entered the theater, Parker was on stage directing two actors. He slipped into one of the stadium seats to watch the rehearsal. Parker had to be one of the most passionate men he’d ever met. Not only could he get into a character’s head and help the actor understand what to do, but his artwork belonged somewhere other than on a backdrop. Logan had a few of Parker’s pieces scattered in some of the model homes, but his friend claimed he didn’t want to spend time painting commissioned pieces when there were plays to write and direct.

  The current show, My Heart’s Desire, was about to open, and Parker was giving final directions to the lead actors. Logan would have auditioned, but with the development about to open, he didn’t have the time. Now that Jade had agreed to build the set for the next show, he might have to rearrange his priorities.

  “That’s a wrap, gang. See you tomorrow for the show.” Parker patted both actors on the back.

  Logan got up and ambled toward the stage. Had he heard more of the dialogue, he would have clapped.

  Parker looked up and smiled. “Hey, what brings you here?”

  “Thought that since the show opens tomorrow your immediate job is mostly done. I was hoping we could grab a beer. I know you’ll be busy working on the next show by tomorrow.”

  Parker laughed. “Understand my workload, do you?”

  He guessed that meant Parker would be willing to spend some time going out. “How about the Raging Bull? It’s Thursday, so it shouldn’t be too crowded.”

  “Perfect. Let me grab my jacket.”

  While Logan waited, he looked around the theater. Parker had done a remarkable job on a shoestring. He’d restored the ceiling that lit up with the night sky and had redone the gold-leaf molding to its original grandeur. Just this year the theater broke even. Logan’s way of supporting the arts was to let Parker live free in his guesthouse.

  Parker returned. “Let’s go.”

  He hoped Parker shared the same infatuation with Jade he did. Sharing a woman was not a decision either took lightly.

  Chapter Two

  Parker thought it a bit odd that Logan would show up at the theater, but he was willing to go out for the night, in part because he knew Logan had gone to Spencer’s anniversary party as Dustin’s guest. He was a bit jealous that his best friend had the opportunity to mingle with the alluring Jade Callen for the night.

  They found two stools at the rather empty bar. Canned music played in the background, and the locals were behaving themselves for a change.

  “How was the Callen anniversary party?” Jade had been on his mind ever since Logan mentioned the invitation.


  “Have any good chats?”

  Logan burst out laughing. “Why don’t you just ask me what you want to ask?”

  Damned man could see through him like a hole in a backlit drop cloth. “How was Jade?”

  “Beautiful as always.” Logan polished off the beer and asked Jackson for another one.

  “Did you ask her about designing the staircase for your model home?” He was sure Logan came up with the request as a way to get a chance to work with her again.

  “You are Mr. Curiosity tonight. Yes, I asked her about the staircase, and she said yes.” He got that damned smirk on his face.


  “I also asked if she’d do the set for your next play.”

  Logan hadn’t even read the damned thing. “You did what?” He wasn’t angry, just surprised.

  “I thought it might be nice if the three of us had something we could participate in together.”

  Even for Logan that was a bit overboard. “How do you know I can use her talents?” While she was great with a hammer and nail, her specialty was ironwork.

  He shrugged. “I told her the play was set in New Orleans. I figured with all the balconies there, you’d need her.” Jackson slid another beer across the bar for Parker.

  He nodded to the bartender. “Thanks.” That would never work. “The play mostly takes place inside of an apartment. I’m not even sure if there are many outside

  Logan drank some beer, placed it back on the bar, and wrapped both hands around the bottle, as if he were composing his argument. “Then reset it in New Orleans. What’s the big deal? One city is as good as another.”

  His jaw lowered. “I set it in Los Angeles for a reason.” Something was up. “What’s really going on?”

  Logan looked along the wall across from the bar. “Want to get a booth?”

  That was code for him wanting to talk about something more personal. “Sure.” They carried their drinks over to the vacant seats. “Spill.”

  Logan told him about his visit to Jade’s place last week. “You should see how she’s renovated the old factory. I only saw the staircase, but from the living room, I could see into the kitchen since she’d designed an open floor plan. Not only is the wrought iron staircase a masterpiece, but she created a six-foot side-range hood that’s amazing. You’ve got to see it.”

  “If she invites me, I’ll be sure to go. But why lie to her about the set?”

  Logan tapped his fingers on the table. “When I was with her, something inside my head clicked. I want her. I think she’s the one. I needed an excuse to get the three of us together.”

  “You’re serious?” He’d had the same thought but had dismissed it thinking that Logan wanted a more worldly woman.

  “Totally. What do you think?”

  “My cock got hard the first time you said her name. I wasn’t sure you were that taken with her.”

  Logan leaned back. “I admit I had a bit of a problem with her at first. She’s bold and shy at the same time, and you know I go for a more aggressive woman. I never thought Jade would be the type to ever put the moves on us, but I swear she likes us.” He scraped at the label on the glass bottle. “She asked about you.”

  Parker sat up straighter. “Oh, yeah? I didn’t think she even noticed me.”

  “She noticed. Trust me. I just said you were working on a new play and she commented about how talented you were.”

  That pleased him. “I did try to get close to her when she worked on another set for me, but she seemed too self-conscious for anything to work between us. I don’t think she’s bought into the idea of a ménage lifestyle. Her parents are monogamous.”

  “I think all of Josh’s family are into ménages now, and Jade doesn’t seem put off by any of them.”

  “You might be right. But her cousins marrying is a recent development.”

  Logan finished shredding the label. “I also think she changed a bit once she opened her shop. Being a business owner gives you a new perspective on things.”

  “I know. It takes dedication and a willingness to work with others.”

  “That’s how I got on the topic of her helping with the next set.”

  Logan was notorious for getting people to do what he wanted them to. “I’ll be the first to admit that she’s not only great with ironwork, but she’s awesome with a hammer.”

  Logan polished off his second beer. “Can you tweak the play and set it in New Orleans?”

  He quickly raced through the scenes, seeing if he could adjust them to fit. “Possibly.”

  A grin spread across his face. “Got a good role for me?”

  “Actually, I wrote the play with you in mind.”

  “I’m flattered.” Logan leaned forward. “How about a role for Jade?”

  “You been smokin’ crack? She doesn’t act.”

  Logan waved the bottle. “Just a bit part where I have to kiss her.”

  Now he saw the reason for the request. “You’re really hooked on her, aren’t you?”

  Mr. Cool dragged a thumb down the bottle. “Yes.”

  He wouldn’t have guessed. “You asking if I’m interested in sharing?” They’d had a few women together over the years, but none of them had been someone they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.

  “Yes. Maybe it’s the fact that the development is drawing to a close and I want someone to share it with, but when I saw Jade this time, something snapped. It was like I’d found the last piece to my happiness puzzle.”

  Happiness puzzle? He laughed. “Could it be because you’re getting up in age?” He enjoyed goading Logan.

  The chest puff was expected. “I’m all of thirty-five. You’re pretty long in the tooth, too.”

  “I’m two years younger than you. Here’s the problem. I think she’s terrific. Her artistic talent is unparalleled. I admire her entrepreneurial spirit, and she’s independent.”

  Logan leaned back in his seat. “But?”

  “Why isn’t she taken? She’s twenty-nine. Hell, her mom had a slew of kids by that time.”

  “If I recall, Jade did date, but I don’t think she was really serious with any of the guys.”

  He finished his beer. “My point exactly. Do you think she even wants a long-term relationship?”

  “From the way she dresses and how she watches me, I’d say yes.”

  Or maybe she wanted to get laid. No. That wasn’t Jade. She was too retiring, as if the wall she’d built around her was made of steel. He contemplated what Logan had said. Having a woman in his life would be a dream come true, but given his busy schedule, he might not be home as much as a wife would want. “I’m hesitating because I don’t want to make the first move and get shot down.”

  Logan cocked a brow. “Like that would happen? The women flock to be in your plays.”

  It was true they were always trying to hit on him. “Jade’s amazing, but she doesn’t seem to be able to close the deal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think getting close to a man scares her.”

  “Then we need to show her what she’s missing by not being with us. If we can get her to come to us, are you in?”

  Parker leaned forward on his elbows. “You bet.”

  * * * *

  Parker had spent the last three days thinking how to restage the play in New Orleans, and he’d finally figured out how to do it. Once he rewrote a few scenes, he had to make a rough draft of the set design. Now he needed to see if Jade was still on board with helping him.

  He had expected her to contact him about what he wanted in the way of ironwork, but she never called. If he’d been able to wait a few more days to see if her curiosity got the best of her, he would have, but since there were only six weeks between plays, he had to get moving on the set.

  He walked into Jade’s shop and hoped she was in the back creating her designs. They needed to talk about when he needed the project completed.

  Dakota bounced over to him. “Hello.” Her eyes glistened.

  “I need to speak with Jade.”

  She grinned. “I’ll see if she’s presentable.” Dakota rushed into the back. He wondered what that was about. Did she always act excited around customers? Or was she excited for Jade? He hoped it was the latter.

  Dakota returned. “Jade said she’ll be right out.” She stepped closer. “I think she needs to change for you.”

  For me? “She doesn’t have to go to any trouble.”

  “It’s really hot in the back room with the furnace and all, and I think she’s trying to save you from seeing her all sweaty.”

  He laughed, pleased that Jade cared enough to want to look nice, but a little bit of sweat on a woman never bothered him. Hell, when he made love with a woman, their body heat always made the two of them slick.

  About ten minutes later, Jade entered through the back door into the store. She had on big black boots, skinny jeans, and a fresh tank top. Sure her face was a bit smudged, but she looked beautiful to him.

  “Hey. I didn’t expect you.”

  “I guess I should have called.” He waved his rolled-up plans.

  “Are those the set designs?”

  “Yes, but I’m always open to suggestions.”

  The bell above the door rang, and two people he’d never seen before came in. Jade’s gaze dropped to her feet as if she absolutely didn’t want a potential client to see her like this.r />
  “Can you come into the back?”

  Just my plan. “Sure.”

  She led him into a stifling-hot room. “Let’s go into my apartment where it’s cooler.”

  She wouldn’t get any argument from him. He followed her upstairs. As soon as he stepped into her spacious second floor, a blast of cool air greeted him. “Quite the contrast.” Her home wasn’t what he expected. While it had the feel of a medieval castle because of all the iron, the purples and rose accents clearly had a woman’s touch.

  “I know. I’m working on a way to get some of the heat from downstairs to the upstairs. I’m afraid in the winter this place will be brutally cold.”

  “Logan is great with designing a space that has good airflow. Maybe he can help you brainstorm.” He hoped that hint wasn’t too obvious. While he wasn’t sure that Logan actually knew how to retrofit a heating system, he bet the developer could find someone who did.

  “I’ll keep that in mind when I have some extra money to finish the renovation.” She walked over to a table and moved the salt and pepper shakers to the counter. “How about spreading out the designs here?”

  He unrolled the paper and grabbed the two shakers back and used them to hold down the paper. Jade scooted into the kitchen and brought back two ceramic mugs and placed them on the vacant corners. He took that moment to check out her staircase and kitchen.

  “I can see why Logan was so excited about you doing a staircase for him. Yours is beautiful.”

  “Thanks. It took a long time, but I loved working on it. I wish I had thirty hours in a day so I could make more big pieces.”

  “You and me both.”

  She leaned over the table and studied the print. One thing about Jade was he didn’t have to explain much to her. She was a quick study.

  “So we’re talking about two iron balconies?”


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