The General's Desire: San Diego Social Scene Book 2

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The General's Desire: San Diego Social Scene Book 2 Page 4

by Tess Summers

She let out a whimper, her arms wrapped back around his neck. His mouth was cool and tasted like peppermint, and she could smell sandalwood cologne mixed with his deodorant. Everything about him was intoxicating, and she couldn’t get enough. She wanted to feel his body against hers and pressed as close to him as she could, hoping to convey just that.

  He was kissing her neck and starting to unzip her dress when he suddenly stopped and pulled away from her, his face full of concern.

  “Brenna, am I moving too fast?”

  Her mind was screaming, what the fuck are you talking about? Why are you stopping!? Panting and confused, she said, “I don’t understand. Have you changed your mind?”

  He held her by her shoulders at arm’s length. “Oh, make no mistake, darlin’, I want you. More than anything. But the last thing I want is you waking up tomorrow morning with regrets. I don’t want to rush you. If you’re not ready, I can wait. You’re worth the wait.”

  She was frustrated at this point and frowned. “Ron, why would you think I’m not ready?”

  “Because you’re trembling, sugar.”

  She looked at her hands. So she was. She now noticed her legs were a little shaky, too.

  Embarrassed, she offered, “I guess I’m kind of nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

  Actually, I just really want you!

  Ron pulled her back into his arms, and simply held her while stroking her hair. “It’s been a while for me, too.”

  She let out a contented sigh, enjoying how safe and warm she was feeling. His arms around her were lovely, really, and she closed her eyes for a minute while he held her close. But truth be told, she had been looking forward to getting fucked–like maybe against a wall.

  She started to rub his half-erect cock over his suit pants and pressed her chest against him.

  “This is what I want,” she whispered, and turned her face up at him, smiling like she had a secret. He groaned and brought his mouth down hard on hers.

  He was completely erect now against her hand, and she kept stroking him while returning his kiss. She felt herself being guided backward until he had her pinned with his clothed body against the wall.

  Ron ran his hands up her sides until they found her breasts and squeezed before pulling the top of her dress down to free her tits from the confines of her bra. He pulled his lips from hers and leaned over to suck on her nipples. Brenna tilted her head back and closed her eyes, clinging to him like he was a lifeline as he suckled on her boob. She felt him start to inch her dress up her thighs. She was so freaking wet.

  Just then, an unfamiliar noise cut through their sounds of passion. She didn’t comprehend it was his phone until he was pulling away from her to retrieve it from his inside jacket pocket.

  Is he really answering his phone right now?

  She was relieved when he looked down at the screen but didn’t take the call. She realized he was merely trying to steady his breathing, because he inhaled deeply and said, “I’m sorry, I have to take this,” before stepping onto the balcony.

  He just had his lips around my tit and he takes a call? Seriously?

  Maybe he wasn’t as turned on as she was, because there was no way in hell she would have answered her phone. Her pussy was aching to be filled, and she knew he was hard, so she was pretty sure he wanted her, too.

  Why on earth did he answer his phone? And what’s so secret that he had to leave the room?

  She tugged her dress and bra back up over her chest.

  Oh fuck.

  If he’s married, I swear I’m going to throw him off this balcony.

  She didn’t have time to stew because he was stepping back through the door, but she could tell by the look on his face, she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

  “I have to go to work.”

  He looked genuinely upset. At least there was that.

  “Right now? You have to go to work, right now?”

  He looked like he was about to embrace her, then thought better of it. “Brenna, I am so sorry.”

  She didn’t say anything and looked away. The wetness in her panties now nothing but an uncomfortable reminder of what they were doing just thirty-six seconds ago.

  He sighed. “I feel like I’ve completely blown it with you.”

  She wouldn’t say that. She did want to see him again, even though she wasn’t exactly thrilled with how their night was ending.

  Shaking her head, she said quietly, “You haven’t blown it with me. I understand, your work is important. The government needs you.”

  Apparently more than I do.

  She hoped there wasn’t any bitterness in her voice.

  “Fuck.” He exhaled as he ran his fingers through his hair. “If I weren’t up for this big promotion…”

  Brenna touched his arm. “You go do what you need to do. I’m going to Tucson tomorrow for a few days to visit my daughter, but I’ll be back. I’m not going anywhere.” She grinned. “I’ll even give you my phone number.”

  He didn’t seem convinced.

  “God, Brenna, I don’t think the timing of this could be any worse. I wish I could stay.”

  “You need to go. The last thing I want is to feel guilty because you didn’t get your promotion.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Besides, the mood’s kinda ruined anyway. There will be another time.”

  He stood over her and scanned her eyes. “I will make this up to you. I promise. Thank you for understanding.”

  He then proceeded to kiss her so completely, she was having second thoughts about caring if he got his promotion, as long as he was with her tonight.

  “You need to go,” she whispered when they came up for air.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I know.” He swallowed hard as he caught his breath. “But I don’t want to.”

  Brenna smiled. “I don’t want you to either. But you have to.”

  She kissed him as they walked toward the door.

  “I will make this up to you,” he said while his lips were still on hers.

  She laughed when she pulled away. “You said that already! I’m going to hold you to it.”

  He kissed her again and opened the door. “Please do.”

  “Goodbye, Ron. Be safe.”

  Once he turned to walk down the hall, she reluctantly closed the door, then leaned against it with her eyes closed and touched her mouth as she relived their make-out session. She really hoped he meant it when he said he’d make it up to her. Right now, she was going to get in bed, pretend her hands were his, and finish the job he had started.

  Just then there was a knock on the door. She smiled wide and flung it open. Maybe she could live with the guilt of him not being promoted.

  Only it wasn’t Ron on the other side of the door.

  Chapter Seven


  Ron almost ran into Ray Reitmeier as he was getting off the elevator. The other man stumbled as he tried to get on while Ron was still exiting the car. When the bond trader recognized Ron was the man dancing with Brenna, he leered and said, “Bitch wouldn’t put out for you either, huh?”

  Ron ignored him but then turned around and held the doors from closing. “Fortunately, when I do get Brenna in my bed, I won’t have to worry about getting home to a wife, so I’ll be able to take my time and enjoy her thoroughly.”

  He stood back to let the doors close. The drunken man flashed a menacing smirk. “We’ll see about that,” he sneered just as the doors shut.

  Fuck, this night had been amazing. He hoped he hadn’t blown it by having to leave her so abruptly. She seemed like she understood. But she also seemed hurt. Goddammit, this better not be a fucking bullshit call based on inaccurate information or heads were gonna roll. He could practically still feel her in his arms.

  He caught a whiff of her perfume on his shirt as he walked through the lobby, and it was all he could do to keep from turning around. Then his thoughts went to Ray. Something wasn’t sitting right with Ron; the way the other man
had said, “We’ll see about that.” It felt odd.

  He picked up his phone and dialed her number. He smiled when he saw how she had entered her name into his phone. Breathtaking Brenna. She was fucking breathtaking.

  No answer. Maybe she was in the shower? He made it to his truck and got in before dialing her again. Still no answer. Was she was upset with him? Is that why she wasn’t picking up? He started his F150 and made it onto the main road before dialing one more time. When she didn’t answer again, he turned his truck around and headed back to The Plaza. His head was telling him he needed to be going to the base, but his gut was telling him something was wrong at the hotel.

  He replayed his run-in with Ray the entire elevator ride up to her floor. He was trying to come up with what he was going to say to her when she opened her hotel door in a towel with wet hair. He didn’t think he could resist leaving her if she answered the door like that, but he would have to.

  Maybe this was a mistake?

  He was sure she was fine, and he should just turn around. He didn’t want her to think he was playing games–he had told her he didn’t do that, because he didn’t. Him showing back up would contradict that, wouldn’t it? Still, his instincts wouldn’t let him turn around, and he found himself knocking on her hotel room door.

  No answer, just like her phone.

  He knocked a little louder and soon he found himself pounding on the door. “Brenna! Open the door.”

  He finally heard her say, “Go away, Ron.”

  “Brenna, open the goddamn door or I’m going to break it down.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, he heard movement on the other side of the door, and she opened it a crack with the chain on. She’d been crying, and at first he thought it was because of him, then he looked at her again and saw terror in her eyes.

  Thinking of a way to communicate to her that he knew something wasn’t right, he said in a loud voice, “Look Brenna, I know you said you weren’t interested, but you gotta give me a chance. You have to get over Ray; he’s married, and he doesn’t want you.”

  She shifted her eyes to the right, as if to indicate Ray was standing next to her. Her mascara was smeared and in a soft voice, she said, “You can’t be here.”

  “I want to be here. Open the door.”

  She shook her head no and when she did, he could see a bruise starting to form on her cheek.

  Ron continued pleading with her while he motioned for her to step back. Using his fingers, he counted down from three, and kicked the door when he reached one as she jumped back.

  Chapter Eight


  Ron kept her within arm’s reach the entire time the police were there. When she explained to them the reason she opened the door was because she thought it was Ron coming back, he sucked his breath in through his teeth and ran his hand up and down her back as he whispered, “I’m so sorry.” He felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

  She turned to him, and in front of the officers said, “Why are you sorry? You saved me. If you hadn’t known something was wrong and come back, he would have…” Her voice trailed off. Her bottom lip started to quiver while the tears threatened to stream down her face. He pulled her against him and held her once they began to fall. He didn’t want to think about what may have happened any more than she did.

  He let the police take pictures of her bruises, but drew the line when they wanted her to go to the station to give a statement.

  “She can give it to you now. If you need her for anything else, she’ll come down in the morning.”

  The young officer gently asked her, “Is there anyone you want us to call? You probably shouldn’t be alone tonight.”

  Before she could respond, Ron put his arm around her waist and interjected. “I’ll be here with her.”

  She shot him a questioning look that seemed to say, I thought you had to go?

  He held her gaze and answered her unspoken question. “You’re my priority right now.”

  It was all he could do to keep from kissing her in front of everyone when her eyes welled up with tears of gratitude. He couldn’t get rid of everybody fast enough.

  The hotel had moved them to the presidential suite, next to the bridal suite. It had a stunning view, and he stood with his arms around her while she leaned back against his chest as they looked out over the city.

  She turned to face him and smiled weakly. “You really don’t have to stay. I know you’re needed on base. I can call my sister, she—”

  Ron cut her off as he gently put his index finger to her lips. “Brenna, I told you, I’m not going anywhere. This is where I need to be.”

  She looked so vulnerable, he couldn’t help but lean down and kiss her on the lips he had just silenced. The woman before him was a stark contrast to the tigress he’d almost taken to bed right after midnight. He couldn’t decide which he was attracted to more. Even though the circumstances were awful, he felt honored she’d allowed him to see both sides of her tonight.

  She returned his kiss before burrowing her face against his chest and nuzzling her body as close as she could against his. He held her for a few minutes then whispered, “Come on darlin’, let’s put you to bed.”

  He groaned out loud when she looked up at him and said in a soft voice, “Only if you’re coming with me.”

  Gathering her in his arms, he carried her to the bedroom.

  Ron lay Brenna on the bed and slid on his side next to her, facing her. He stroked her arm while looking at her face; she was going to have a handprint across her pretty cheek in the morning.

  He still wasn’t sure how he’d managed not to kill that bastard. Lucky for Ray, the hotel had hired extra security because of all the high-profile people at Travis and Ava’s party, and they were there in a matter of minutes once Brenna called for help. Otherwise, Ron was pretty sure he would have hurt the man far worse than he did.

  Ray seemed to have drank his troubles away and convinced himself his marital problems were all Brenna’s fault–and he was going to teach her a lesson. Fortunately, Ron followed his instincts and came back. He had learned long ago to trust his gut. It hadn’t failed him yet.

  Right now, his gut was telling him that the beautiful woman he was in bed next to was pretty damn special. His heart was telling his head, ‘Don’t fuck this one up.’

  “Darlin’, I think you need to rest tonight. You’ve had a pretty traumatic experience.”

  She didn’t respond with words, instead, began kissing along his jawline and down his neck to his chest. Unbuttoning his shirt slowly, she kissed him down his core until the last button was undone. With his shirt pulled open, she smiled like she approved. He wasn’t too hairy, but he was forty-five years old. That came with a little body hair.

  She traced her index finger from his chest to his stomach, her head resting against his shoulder. He reached for her hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing her fingers.

  “Brenna…” He kept her hand at his lips.

  Withdrawing her palm from his, she caressed his face.

  “I don’t want to rest,” she whispered as she ran the back of her fingertips along the outline of his jaw.

  Not waiting for a reply, she rolled over onto him and slithered her body down his until she was nestled between his legs.

  He didn’t know how to respond. Shouldn’t I be stopping her? She couldn’t be thinking clearly. He should be thinking for both of them.

  But holy shit, she felt good.

  As if reading his mind, she breathed, “I just need to be close to you.”

  Well, how the fuck could he argue with that?

  Easily undoing his belt and opening his pants, she found his cock semi-erect under his boxer briefs. He started to protest when she began tugging on his trousers, but his brain overrode his mouth, and he shut up and lifted his hips so she could remove them. She even took the time to take off his socks before laying her head across his hip and outlining his bulge over his underwear.

you for being there for me tonight.”

  Ron took a deep breath as he felt himself getting more aroused. “I’m glad I was.”

  “I’m sorry I kept you from work. I know you’re needed on base.”

  He sat up, so by default, she did, too. Cupping her face in his palm, he kissed her furrowed brow.

  “Darlin’, I’m needed here more, and here is where I’m staying.”

  With a pout, she replied, “I hope I didn’t ruin your chance for promotion.”

  “You didn’t. They understood why I couldn’t make it.”

  The weak smile she offered let him know she wasn’t convinced. He needed to reassure her.

  He winked. “If anything, I think I earned points for staying with you. Chivalry is important, ya know.” His lips began kissing her exposed shoulder. “Besides, they knew if I were there, I’d be worthless because all I’d be thinking –and worrying about–is you.”

  He lowered his lips to her neck, and she drew a sharp breath in, tilting her head to better expose her throat and pulling him closer.

  Fuck, she smells good.

  With one hand at the base of her neck, his other hand slid up her side until it found her breast. He massaged and squeezed her through her dress as he remained lost in the crook of her neck. He could have feasted on her like that for hours, but her hand rubbing his cock made him want to move on to other things.

  He reached behind her to unzip her dress and noticed it was torn. If he ever saw that motherfucker again, he wouldn’t be responsible for what he did. Ron didn’t say anything about the tear while he moved the zipper down and slid the dress off her shoulders. Kissing her throat, he pushed the garment all the way off her, while he caressed her arms and sides, and pressed her to lie down, whispering how beautiful she was as he did.

  He about came in his boxer briefs when he saw her displayed before him, bruised face and all. Matching black lace bra and panties, and black thigh highs, she looked like she belonged in Maxim, not his bed. That image alone would be worth not making lieutenant general this time around.

  Chapter Nine


  Oh my God, look at his body! Brenna loved how Ron looked–and felt. She wanted to get to know every inch of him. It’d been a long time since she was with a man. And even longer since she’d been with one that looked at her with as much desire as Ron was now.


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