Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 9

by P. G. Allison

  The Deputy Secretary of State said, “While I was briefed that “P” Branch is supposedly monitoring a few supernatural beings, which the rest of you may accept as being true, I was never provided with any proof. It was merely a briefing. Now, you want us to accept this so called asset is inside those caves … but, this report is far from proven as fact. What do we know about this asset? Why are you so certain this isn’t fantasy or fiction? I’m okay with continuing the funding that “P” Branch has requested -- while we validate this information -- but I was expecting this exercise would be providing us with some actual proof. Proof that these so called supernaturals not only exist but are willing to help us.”

  Drew said, “Up until now, we’ve not asked any of them to help us like this. And, we’ve been monitoring all of them … not just those here in the U.S. but all around the world as well. Those in the U.S. are far outnumbered by those located elsewhere. And, for the U.S. supernaturals, trusting the U.S. government has not been a risk that very many of them have ever been willing to take.” He looked around at everyone and could tell they were starting to appreciate the dilemma.

  Then he continued, “It was always understood that staying aware of who they were and what they were capable of was very important to our national defense. That’s been the main purpose of Paranormal Branch up until now. My office can provide plenty of proof that these individuals do exist. You have the clearance, so you can visit us and review our files if you like. But, this asset that we are using right now volunteered and did so with the understanding that complete anonymity was assured. So, we’re not sharing any details about this asset.”

  The Defense Secretary said, “Okay. I’m briefing the President tomorrow morning on what we have so far and I want to tell him everyone here is going forward. We’ll meet again in three weeks to assess what each of you has been able to validate and what plans you consider appropriate. Yes, it might take a few months, but I think what’s in this report will avoid our going in false directions and will save us a lot of time. We now can get ahead of this. Let’s come up with a plan that will neutralize this enemy base. For the past year, I’ve been hearing we believed it was out there. Now we know it is and we know where it is.”

  After several minutes of further discussion, the group finally did agree with the Defense Secretary’s direction and the meeting was adjourned. General Blake was asked to work directly with “P” Branch and Drew promised him hourly updates.

  General Blake said, “Good enough. And, if those missing engineers can be rescued? I still have that A-Team standing by. Let me know.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Dec 31, 2018

  John watched as Tracy once again got ready to do her magic. She didn’t consider it doing magic, of course. None of the witches in her coven thought that way. No, they harnessed and used energy. Depending on just how gifted and just how powerful the witch might be, the results of their harnessing and using energy would vary. But, watching how Tracy had been burning things up all week with those fireballs she could conjure up? Magic.

  He had been in that circle of hers earlier, along with her Mom and Mike, when she’d brought down lightning bolt after lightning bolt for that crazy Operation Roseanne that his sister had orchestrated. That had indeed been impressive and he’d been able to actually experience energy flowing through him, being channeled to both girls. When Tracy and Missy had both started drawing power, there just were no words that could describe what he’d been able to feel that night.

  Just as there were no words that could describe all of his feelings now. These last few days with Tracy had been so fabulous, so special and meaningful, that he knew he would never be the same. After their lovemaking the other night in the hotel … and all the times since, which had been several … he was transformed. And, if all the power that Tracy had been demonstrating she could now wield was any indication, so was she.

  Her fellow witches in the coven were in absolute awe of what she was capable of now. Her mentor, Millicent Pratt, a very powerful witch herself who was now in her sixties, had explained that what Tracy was doing was almost unheard of. Tracy had described to her coven how working with Missy that night had zapped them both, increasing their capacity for energy. Then, glancing at John with absolutely no embarrassment whatsoever, she had gone on to say that having really great sex was also helping.

  John had been totally shocked and couldn’t believe the way she had just come right out and said that, right in front of everyone. Wow!

  She then had gone on to explain how she now needed to use energy, just to keep from going a bit crazy. And, Millie had acknowledged that was normal, something powerful witches experienced as they grew and developed. The part about having great sex being a contributing factor? They all seemed to acknowledge that as being perfectly normal. Jeez! Who knew? Apparently, these witches had indeed been keeping some great secrets. Millie had then encouraged Tracy to create a few of those fireballs that she could make, in order to burn off some of this energy.

  After a few preparations, with her coven all gathered around, Tracy had extended her hands and had started creating fireballs. Only, unlike the small ones that she’d done in the past and which she’d merely held a few feet above her hand for a minute or so, Tracy had stood at the edge of this huge field and, one after another, huge balls of fire had begun to appear. These were white hot and she managed to hold them suspended ten feet in the air, all around the field, some as far away as a thousand yards. Tracy then began moving each of them around, both up and down, as well as in circles … almost as though she was juggling them. When there were over a dozen of them, all flying about, and she’d been going strong for over twenty minutes, her fellow witches called out for her to stop.

  They had all been able to experience power being drawn through them, even though Tracy hadn’t formally drawn any circle. John had felt it, just the same as he had felt it before, and he knew she must have visualized a huge circle all around herself, encompassing everyone who was there, and had then started doing whatever it was she did.

  Her hair had extended itself all around her head and her dark brown eyes had begun to shine. Tracy had clearly been enjoying the total control she was holding for all this power and, once she’d released each of the fireballs allowing them to wink out and disappear, she’d finally lowered her hands and had laughed. “Oh, that was great!” she’d said. “I really needed that!”

  What John had found disconcerting was the way several of the witches began looking over at him with knowing glances. He could read their minds. Oh, yes … Tracy was obviously enjoying some great sex, all right. Yes indeed! Wow!

  Millie finally took pity on him and took him aside. “John, Tracy tells me your sister Missy is a witch and she’s also in a pretty special relationship, right? She’s found someone who she considers her soulmate, whom she has a deep resonance with, and whom she draws power and energy from. When that happens … and, it doesn’t often happen for us witches, unfortunately … well, things can be pretty good.”

  John stared at her and said, “Yeah, I get it. I do. Tracy thinks I’m her soulmate, that we have a special connection. Just like her parents have. Just like Missy and Mike have. I’m thrilled she feels that way. I can’t say that I understand all this witch stuff, but I can say I’m very much in love with Tracy. I think I fell in love with her right when we first met, watching how she was with her parents and my sister … she’s been totally consuming all my thoughts and feelings ever since.”

  Millie said, “Yes, you’re very well suited to one another. But, I do have to warn you. While I did say that things can be pretty good, I didn’t say things would ever be easy. And, the more powerful the witch, the more difficult things might get. Great gifts always carry some great burdens and responsibilities. I hope you’re up for those.”

  John laughed and said, “Oh, I’m not at all surprised. In fact, ever since I watched my sister Change into a huge cat, I’ve been less and less surprised about things. But, I�
�m definitely willing to go to the ends of the earth, if need be, just to make Tracy happy. Whatever she needs, I’ll always be there for her. She’s worth any price. She’s magic!”


  Tracy had never been so happy. She and John were on their way to a big hotel downtown in Dallas for the New Year’s Eve party which someone had organized … a real gala event that she’d been invited to, along with several of her former classmates. She and her “plus one”. She was looking forward to showing him off to all her friends. She was looking forward even more to later spending the entire night with him up in one of the hotel rooms. Making love and having sex with John had fulfilled her in ways she’d never even dreamed about. And, since she had fantasized a great deal about someday finding the great love of her life, she found herself now completely amazed and overwhelmed. And, blissfully happy.

  John had really impressed everyone in her coven and she was excited about how easy it had been to have him be there, meeting them all with her. Outsiders were not brought in, ever. But, in addition to John being in a relationship with her, John’s sister was a witch. So, he was hardly an outsider and her fellow witches seemed quick to appreciate how important he was to her. Yes, she had been showing off her increased power, purposely controlling all those fireballs. Such fun! She knew all the talks she’d had with Missy about control had really helped her. She also knew she was now drawing added energy from John and was getting so much more power from doing that, it was unbelievable. Power and control.

  Missy had explained how, for her, control was everything. She’d spent years controlling herself, her dual nature, and that often had meant not displaying any supernatural abilities. Not allowing her predatory instincts to take charge. Not letting her emotions interfere with making the right decisions or taking the right actions, if and when needed. Tracy had found she now could really focus as well, channeling her own special abilities in ways that were always positive. Her confidence these last few months at the academy had really grown and, now that she was experiencing the love and support that John was providing, she really believed she was fully coming into her own.

  After arriving at the hotel, she and John made their way inside and found the large ballroom that had been set aside for the big event. Texans liked to do things in a big way, and tonight was no exception. There were several tables, all decorated with elaborate centerpieces proclaiming the New Year being heralded in, and these were spaced around a large dance floor area. On one wall was a huge flat screen, already showing how the celebrants in New York’s Times Square were getting amped up. And, there was also a DJ up in front, playing music and waving a microphone around.

  There was a bar in one corner, but since she and her friends from high school were underage, she didn’t think they’d be getting served alcohol all that much. Even John, two years older than she, wouldn’t turn twenty one for several more months. But, this crowd included a lot of older couples and it was obvious that many had started to celebrate early. And, she suspected her friends would still manage getting themselves some drinks, easily enough. This was supposedly a private party, right?

  She spotted some tables around which several of her former classmates were all getting settled and she headed towards them, with John’s arm comfortably entwined with hers.

  Tracy was wearing an evening gown that shimmered, with lots of blue and silver in it. With three inch heels, she felt quite comfortable and was looking forward to some dancing. Her dark brown hair was combed out in a nice page boy style and she had applied just a bit of makeup. With her naturally lovely complexion, her dark brown eyes shining brightly and her really pretty smile, she didn’t need much. Although not a great athlete like her friend Missy was, Tracy was very athletic nonetheless, and at five-six with a nice figure, she knew she looked good. Bigger boobs would have been nice but then, after the way John had been raving about how perfect he considered them, perhaps they indeed were fine the way they were. She had certainly enjoyed the way he had been lavishing his attention on them all week. A delicious tingle zinged through her body just thinking about that.

  John was wearing a dark blue suit and he looked great. He was six feet and had a nice build. With his handsome features, deep blue eyes, thick reddish brown hair and that winsome smile, combined with that wry mischievous expression he always seemed to have, she knew exactly why he had captivated her so much, right from the beginning. And, after all the lovemaking she’d enjoyed with him this week, she knew she’d never have eyes for anyone else. She felt very secure about the love they shared for one another. She was excited and proud to be able to bring him to this party.

  As they approached, two of Tracy’s girlfriends suddenly noticed her and both came rushing up to greet her. After lots of high pitched squeaking and squealing, hugging and several air kisses, they stepped back. They both began talking and asking her questions, all at once and together. “It’s so good to see you again!” “How’s West Point treating you?” “I love you in that dress, Tracy!” “Ohh, who’s your friend?” “Come and join us over here!”

  Without waiting, they dragged her with them and John followed along behind. Tracy turned to him and said, “John, meet all my friends.” Then, looking around the group that was milling about, surrounding several tables, she said, “Everyone, meet John. He’s from Massachusetts. He’s also the man in my life now, so please be nice to him. And, no … he’s not going to dance with anyone else tonight, so don’t even think about asking him!” That got some laughs as well as a few envious looks from some of the girls there.

  Tracy’s friends began introducing themselves to John and for several minutes the conversation was very animated as they also exchanged their greetings with Tracy. It was obvious that Tracy was very popular with the other girls there and many of the guys with those girls also seemed to know her pretty well. There were also a few new guys, being introduced around just the same as John was, so his wasn’t the only new face. Gradually, after several minutes, people began to take their seats around the tables, which each had ten place settings.

  Soon, the salads were brought out and the celebration meal got underway. John and Tracy were both signed up for the steak entrée and they positioned little cards in front of their plates to indicate their choice. Whoever had organized this event had done a great job. Tracy only knew it was a friend of a friend of a friend, but she had known about this event for a couple of months now and had been looking forward to it a great deal. Even before she’d known John would be there with her, she had accepted the invitation and had sent in her money for two tickets.

  There was music playing and several couples had already gone out onto the dance floor. When a nice slow dance started and Tracy looked at John, he immediately stood up and extended his hand. She let him lead her out to join the others already dancing and when he pulled her close, she melted into his arms. Moving together, slowly circling the dance floor with John’s body pressed firmly against hers, Tracy considered herself to be the luckiest witch alive.


  Jan 1, 2019

  Tracy woke up and could sense that John was already awake. She was lying on her tummy and he was on his side, next to her with one arm draped over her back. She lifted her head to look up at him and, sure enough, his eyes were open and studying her. He smiled and said, “Morning, sweetheart! I trust you slept well?”

  “Ummm! Yes, once he-who-shall-not-be-named finally stopped doing all those amazing things to my body with his magic fingers.” Tracy turned onto her side and wriggled up against him, noticing how this caused him to immediately get an erection, which began pushing insistently against her naked thigh. “Of course, it was his magic wand that really kept me awake and … good grief … I think that wand is performing some more magic right this very minute!”

  Giggling, she moved her hand down and began stroking him. “Oh, look! See how big it’s getting, see how hard it’s getting …”

  John rolled her onto her back, grabbing her arms which he pushed up
above her head. “Before she-who-shall-not-be-named gets to make any more of her magic, she shall first yield and allow some liberties … some lengthy licking … and lapping … of lush … lovely … luscious … lascivious … lusty … libidinous …” John’s tongue, during this soliloquy, had been darting in and out to tease each of her nipples, alternating back and forth, and he ended with his mouth sucking on her left breast with such determination that she squealed.

  As he continued to suckle, her right breast definitely became envious, and Tracy finally freed her hands, grabbed his head, and forced his mouth over to ensure an equal share of attention was given to that breast as well. John happily devoted several moments to sucking and nibbling on her tender flesh, causing her rock hard nipples to now each send messages out to the rest of Tracy’s body.

  Before Tracy could react to those messages in any meaningful way, other than notice how her inner core was experiencing a meltdown, John began sliding himself lower, tracing a path all along her abdomen with his tongue, playing for a while with her navel as he positioned himself down between her legs. Then he brought his arms around and underneath, spreading her legs apart and forcing them wide open as he slipped his hands below to grab her buttocks.

  Tracy started to protest by exclaiming, “No, no …” but when John’s hands lifted her ass up and his tongue began licking her clit, she shuddered and said, “Ahhhh, yes! Yes, yes, yessssss!” Moments later, when her orgasm began, causing her to buck and thrash -- with John continuing his incredible assault, hungrily feasting on her sensitive flesh -- Tracy began yelling and screaming, her words no longer intelligible.

  A half an hour later, after Tracy came three more times and John finally climaxed as well, they lay side by side, completely spent. The sex they had enjoyed the night before -- after finally coming up to their room having dutifully brought in the New Year with all of Tracy’s friends -- that had indeed been nice. Great, even. But, they had been tired and it had been very late, after a long and busy day. They even had each downed a couple glasses of champagne. So, in spite of Tracy’s joking about what his magic fingers had done to her body, they had made love quickly and then they both had fallen asleep soon afterwards.


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