Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 12

by P. G. Allison

  John interrupted and said, “Please don’t worry. I know what you’re thinking. But, Tracy and I … well, her happiness means everything to me. And, I do understand that her being out there, doing things like that … the way she can? It’s because she’s happy. Her energy comes from love, right? Happiness and love. It’s very humbling for me, being the one she’s chosen and all. I know how important this is. And, I’m not going to let her down. Ever. Okay?”

  “All right, John. I told Tracy that I would trust her judgment about this relationship she has with you. It does help to hear your assurances. I know you’ve made her happier these past two weeks than I’ve ever seen her. Her father and I just want things to …”

  Millie laughed and said, “Stop! You’re embarrassing him. I’ve already warned him how things were not going to be easy. He knows.”

  John laughed as well, saying, “Yes! The more powerful the witch, the more difficult things might get. Hey? You’ve met my sister, right?”

  Tracy’s Mom laughed at that and nodded her head, looking over at Millie.

  Millie said, “I haven’t; not yet. But, from what I’ve been hearing, I sure would like to meet her. Someday. What’s she been doing over these holidays? Back home with the family?”

  John broke out laughing even harder. “Oh, if only! My poor parents. No, she and her boyfriend Mike have been away on some secret adventure. Some favor for her friends in the government which, knowing Missy … let’s just hope the next couple of months back at the academy will provide her with some recovery time. She always manages to do things that are rather extreme.”


  Jan 5, 2019

  Missy had been waiting for a half hour, gradually getting more and more excited. She could sense Mike’s approach, riding back towards her from Asadabad. She had noted his passing by earlier, on his way up to Asadabad, while she had still been a few miles away from this pickup point. This was the same place that she’d gone in, not quite twelve days earlier.

  It was snowing again but fortunately not enough to delay traffic on the road very much. Just some light flurries, making everything look whiter than white. She knew her Mike was also excited … she could feel his strong emotions which of course had amped her up all the more. Come and get me, Mike!

  Ten minutes later, Mike came walking towards Missy, carrying a duffle bag with all her gear. Since she was high up in a tree, he had no idea just where she might be, other than knowing she was now very close. Her messages to him had been fun. She had made it a game, of course. Now he stopped, as directed by her latest message.

  After thirty seconds, which seemed like a very long time to Mike, she dropped down in front of him from her perch high above. Surprise! She was coated with snow and almost looked like a snow leopard, but he’d been expecting her; he dropped the bag with her gear on the ground and rushed over to grab her. Wrapping his arms around her back and chest, Mike pulled her tight in a crushing embrace. Missy purred loudly and began licking his face with her tongue. For once, she didn’t send him any mental messages. They both simply enjoyed the moment.

  Mike released her and stepped back. “Go ahead and Change, Missy! We’ve got a plane to catch.”

  She did and, once again, Mike marveled at this incredible person that now stood before him. This incredible, naked person, shivering suddenly as the cold began to affect her. “Hey, beautiful! Looks like you maybe lost some weight out here, huh? Get dressed before your nipples fall off.”

  Missy laughed and said, “Oh, I hope not. And, you know how hard I work at keeping my weight up. I need the extra muscle mass for everything I’m doing at the academy.” She knew her body had actually increased its muscle mass, with all her strenuous activity combined with all the high protein meat from the sheep and goats she’d been eating. But, she’d burned away all but her essential body fat.

  She opened the duffle bag and began pulling out her clothing items. She didn’t bother with any underwear but pulled on the set of fatigues right away, then sat down to get her socks and boots pulled on as well. Mike helped by removing her GPS collar and then held her coat out for her. She stood up and quickly climbed into that and donned the hat he handed her as well.

  “Kiss me, Mike! I need that to warm me back up again!” She giggled and then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down, her lips seeking his lips, her tongue eagerly entering his mouth. He embraced her with an equal amount of passion, kissing and hugging her back for several moments. Finally, they broke apart; it was time to go.

  They made their way back to the vehicle where Les was waiting and climbed in. “Hey, Les! How’s Marsha?” They were both on the back seat and Missy slumped herself up against Mike, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling close.

  Les said, “Missy, you are a sight for sore eyes. It’s so good to see you again. And, I want to be the first to congratulate you on what you’ve done. On everything you’ve done out there. All the recon, plus finding the base and rescuing the Germans. Wow.”

  Missy said, “Yes, they’re safely back in Berlin … Mike already told me all about that. That is, he answered all my questions about them, so I was able to figure that much out.” She began snuggling with him even more.

  Les smiled and shook his head as he put the vehicle into gear, moving forward and heading back along the road. Their escort vehicles, one up ahead and one behind, began moving as well. “The way you two communicate is something else.” He glanced at them in the rear view mirror and noticed he no longer had any audience. They were both very obviously sharing a special moment with one another. He sighed and smiled to himself. He knew he’d be telling Marsha about this, over and over, as she’d be insisting on hearing him describe it again and again.

  Two hours later they drove right onto the airfield in Kabul. Marsha was there with Major Flament, who had managed to get all their papers in order for leaving the country. As their little convoy pulled up to the waiting aircraft, Marsha and the Major came out and climbed down the steps to greet them. Marsha made no effort to contain her enthusiasm as she began hugging Missy, making it obvious that this was a very emotional reunion for her. The hell with any military protocol or decorum.

  When they finally broke apart, Major Flament came up and shook her hand. “Miss Smith, or whoever you really are, I can only assume that you have played a big part in what has turned out to be a very important operation. Hostages managed to escape and get rescued from the Taliban, which can only be described as miraculous.” He dropped her hand but continued to stare at her. “I’ll never know what you’ve done, exactly, but I want to say thank you. I’m sure whatever your role has been in all of this, it’s made a difference. If we ever meet again, I’ll be very pleased.”

  Missy grinned, giving him her thousand watt smile, and said, “I look forward to that, Major. You just never know. Bye for now!”

  The Major watched the four of them climb up the steps and enter the aircraft. Then, as the door closed and the steps were rolled away, he and the other soldiers climbed into the three vehicles and drove back towards the hangar. He knew he’d be remembering those deep green eyes for a long, long time. The way they seemed to glow, with those golden speckles shining brightly within them … Miss Smith was not someone he was ever likely to forget.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jan 6, 2019

  Thanks to the time difference, the military flight arrived at JFK Airport in New York very early the next morning; it was still dark out when the aircraft taxied up to the gate. Clearing customs and immigration went smoothly and then Les, Marsha, Mike and Missy were met by Drew Martinson and Robert Ulrey. Greetings were exchanged with “Welcome home!” and “Glad to be back!” being repeated many times.

  Drew said, “Missy, what you and Mike have managed to accomplish has far exceeded any of our expectations. I’m sure Les and Marsha have already explained that, but I wanted to come out here and say that to the both of you, in person. You have contributed in very significant ways on many diff
erent levels and it’s definitely appreciated. So, thank you. Words can’t really convey our gratitude.”

  “Well, you’re welcome, Drew. Your organization has really helped us out before … in so many ways and on so many levels … so we were glad we could do this. Right, Mike?” She had purposely used similar phrases to the ones Drew had, emphasizing the words ways and levels.

  Mike joked and said, “What she means is, she wants to say thanks for not arresting her, putting her in a cage and then performing lots of government experiments in some hidden laboratory … she doesn’t think she could handle all the poking and prodding.” While everyone laughed, Mike knew that actually had once been one of Missy’s greatest fears.

  Robert said, “I trust your flight home was okay? And, were the meals acceptable, Missy? I realize the steaks were probably somewhat of a change for you … beef, rather than goat or lamb … we thought we’d try a government experiment …”

  Missy laughed. “Ha, ha! Those steaks were much appreciated, Robert!” She had feasted twice and had slept with her head on Mike’s shoulder for several hours in between the two meals. Les and Marsha had brought her up to speed early on in the flight with various details about the past two weeks, including several stories about Mike that had her laughing so hard that tears had been running down her face.

  Mike said, “We’re hoping we can check into a hotel for a few hours before that limo comes to bring Missy back to the academy. She needs to shave her legs and under her arms … and … stuff like that …” He looked at her and grinned. They were both looking forward to some alone time.

  He intended to help her take care of all her needs and it only took one glance to notice the way her eyes were filling up with yellow specs. Missy definitely needed to satisfy some desires, all right … and, her sexual desires right now were insatiable … she was making that very obvious … the emotions he was experiencing from her because of their bond were overwhelming.

  Marsha was quick to understand the situation and she broke out laughing. “Relax, lovebirds! Things have all been arranged. You have a reservation at the Hilton Hotel right here at the airport. Let’s not stand around here any longer. We’ll get you two over there and … Missy can shave those legs of hers!” She giggled.


  Tracy rode along in John’s car, blissfully thinking about how much her life had changed, yet again, in such a short period of time. She smiled at John who was focused on his driving. They were headed back to the academy, after having flown non-stop back to New York. Two weeks earlier, John had picked her up at West Point, having originally driven down from Massachusetts. Then, he’d conveniently left his car in the long term parking lot at JFK Airport during their stay in Texas. His college classes were starting up again also and so he would be driving back north after dropping her off.

  “Thanks for being my chauffeur and everything, John.” She was thinking mostly about the everything part of that statement. He really had shown her a commitment that far exceeded all she’d hoped and dreamed for. Not to mention all the great sex.

  “Hey, you know I wanted to spend every minute with you. And, every one of them has been a treasure … a treasure beyond any price … each moment more wonderful than the one before it … each second something more valuable than life itself … each nano-second an experience far beyond compare … each instant so overwhelming that my very soul is now searching, seeking, somehow hoping to find some solace … solace that can only be found when I’m holding you in my arms, caressing you and kissing you and …”

  “Stop, stop! You’re insane, you know that, right?” Tracy was laughing at his blather and blarney and the manner in which he’d been saying it all. “I love you too, okay?” She giggled.

  “Well, all right. I guess. I suppose. Maybe just this once. Since I’m driving and all and can’t hold you in my arms and caress you and kiss you!” He looked over at her and laughed. Teasing her was such fun.

  “Tell me what Missy’s been up to. Your Mom finally heard from her, right?” John had called home while they were still in the airport, waiting for their luggage at baggage claim, and Tracy had overheard him talking to his Mom about Missy.

  “Yes, she and Mike have returned from wherever they’ve been these past two weeks. She called this morning. She and Mike are actually in a government limo right now, as we speak, being driven back to the academy. When Missy learned I was dropping you off, she wondered if Mike could maybe catch a ride home with me. Mom said she was pretty sure that would work and that she’d talk to me about it. I’m hoping he’ll fill me in on what this secret adventure has all been about. She wouldn’t even give Mom any hint at all.”

  “Ooohhh, I’ll bet it’s something really interesting! And, I’m betting she’ll tell me about it. After the way that I helped her with that Operation Roseanne of hers, she’s been sharing more and more of her secrets. Of course, Missy always has a lot of secrets!”

  An hour later, they pulled into the parking lot at West Point and, sure enough, there was a black limo already there, with Missy and Mike standing outside next to it. They could see that Missy had obviously recognized John’s car; Missy and Mike both started waving to them, so John drove right over and parked nearby. He and Tracy got out and walked over to greet them.

  John said, “Hey, Mike, I hear you need a ride home. I’ll be glad to have you ride back with me.” He walked up to Mike and they shook hands. He turned to his sister, but she was already laughing at something. He said, “Hey, Sis!” but she ignored him.

  Then, Tracy turned to John and giggled. “Your sister tells me that your scent has impregnated my flesh and she knows I’m not a virgin any more. Sheeeshh! That sensitive nose of hers … so nosy! Now I know how poor Kelley felt that time Missy knew about her and Gary. Kelley hadn’t even had a chance to tell us and Missy already just knew she’d been sleeping with him.”

  Missy finally managed to contain herself. “It’s such a challenge for me, guys. Always knowing who’s doing whom … and not telling … I mean …” Again, she broke into more laughter as another thought crossed her mind. “Of course, that’s especially true for all the gay and lesbians here at the academy. I can smell but I don’t tell … if only they knew how really difficult that sometimes gets for me!”

  John said, “Ewwww … sometimes my sister can just be so catty!” This remark earned him a well deserved punch on the arm from Missy. He immediately responded by saying, “Hey, no public displays of affection, remember? You’re back at West Point now, Missy!” More laughter all around.

  With that, the girls quickly kissed the guys goodbye, albeit with kisses that were rather chaste, and headed towards the Admin Building to sign back in, dragging their little suitcases along behind them. Mike went over to the limo driver, who had been patiently waiting, and -- after getting out his own suitcase -- he thanked him and let him leave. Then, putting his bag into the trunk of John’s car, still open after Tracy had removed her bag, he closed the lid, went around to the passenger side and got in the car. John was already seated behind the wheel and started up the engine.

  As John pulled back out of the lot and headed for the highway, he asked, “How was your vacation, Mike? Missy’s going to tell Tracy all about it, right? So, spill. You know I’m not going to talk to anyone else. I promise I won’t even tell Mark or Alice. Of course, they already know more of Missy’s secrets than I do, so I’m not sure if that really means all that much.”

  Mike laughed and said, “Okay. You’re right, of course. Missy is going to tell Tracy. She might not share this with Alice, though. Alice isn’t military … but Tracy is. I can’t talk about some things. But, you already know how Missy has some government friends, right?

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Well, I can’t provide any details about them. And, I know Missy won’t either. But, she kinda did them a favor. Payback for all the times they’ve helped her. And, they’ve been helping her long before that Operation Roseanne that you and Tracy were in on. There’s
stuff you really, really don’t want to know about your sister.”

  John looked at Mike and nodded. “My sister has been doing her woo-woo stuff ever since she came back down from those mountains more than three years ago. I know you’re right about my not knowing some of the details. What I do know is that she has such a big heart, she’s always helping people … so, whatever she’s done? I’m pretty sure it was necessary and somehow she had to be helping somebody else.”

  Mike said, “Okaaay … sooo … did you hear about those three German engineers who escaped from the Taliban? They arrived back home on Friday. After the press conference they gave in Berlin, I understand there were a lot of stories in the news about them, even back here.”


  Jan 7, 2019

  Missy brought all her stuff over to her new room and wondered who she’d be having as roommates for this semester. Life at the academy was always changing, part of their training. Adapt, improvise and overcome might be the mantra for the Marine Corps but things at West Point weren’t that much different. She quickly began putting away her things, everything in its proper place.

  She was looking forward to actually sleeping in a bed again. It had been two weeks. She and Mike had spent a fun couple of hours in a bed that morning, at the hotel, but there hadn’t been any sleeping. Just thinking about that brought a quick zing of pleasure and she felt her nipples tighten and get hard. Mike, thanks again for today. Love you! She felt him respond and that caused a nice, warm feeling to slowly spread out from her inner core, deep inside. She sighed but then focused on the door to her room as someone entered.

  When the girl walked in, carrying several items, Missy recognized her and said, “Hi! You’re Sally Navarro … you roomed last semester with Barbara Rozak from my soccer team, right? I’m Missy McCrea.”

  “Hey, Missy! Yes, I did. And, Barbara has told me a lot about you. She really considers you to be a good friend. I’ve actually been wanting to know you better … so, we’re roommates, huh? I’m really glad we’re going to be together.”


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