‘Marvin? Why does this say Merlin?’
Marvin peered at the open, browning book. ‘Oh! I’d almost forgotten.’ He slipped his bag under his desk. ‘It was a nickname I had in school. I already had a ridiculous name, but for some reason “Merlin” just sounded cooler.’
‘Merlin…’ Arthur mused. He grinned. ‘Can I call you Merlin?’
Marvin expelled a loud laugh. ‘If you like. Not in front of the other students, though.’ The bell went. ‘Ah, time for registration! Go on, sit.’ Arthur returned to his desk, The Human Condition clutched tightly in his hand. ‘The book!’ Marvin hissed. ‘Put it somewhere safe. Don’t let anyone find it!’
‘Sorry, Merlin.’ Resisting the urge to start reading, Arthur stowed it away in his rucksack. The classroom began to fill.
* * *
Gwenhwyfar was eager for the day to end. The milder weather allowed for lunchtime to be spent in the cold sun, so she and Viola claimed an old picnic bench nestled between Badbury and Wormelow. After talking extensively about her upcoming test shoot that weekend, Viola broached the topic weighing heaviest on Gwenhwyfar’s mind.
‘So what did the principal want yesterday?’
Reluctant to linger on the details, Gwenhwyfar skirted over the experience and focused instead on the principal’s behaviour, exaggerating how he had looked her up and down when he’d asked how she had managed to get away. ‘It was gross, really,’ she remarked. ‘It’s almost like he was just looking for an excuse to check me out.’
‘Well, he does hang around the girls’ changing rooms a lot,’ Viola said, a half-eaten apple suspended in her hand.
‘But seriously,’ Gwenhwyfar prompted, ‘I didn’t mention you or anything. I didn’t want to get you into trouble.’
‘Thanks.’ Viola smiled. ‘I don’t really feel like a trip to the Nutcracker’s office. Though I’m sure my name will come up at some point, even if it’s just mentioned by a vengeful Emily.’
They laughed again.
‘They’ll get bored with you eventually, you know,’ Viola told her. ‘Then they’ll move on to their next target.’
‘Poor soul.’ Gwenhwyfar twisted in her seat as Viola’s gaze slipped up the hill. She frowned. ‘Is that Gavin?’
He could move fast, for someone so tall. As he cantered past students leapt aside as if run at with an out-of-control car. Soon he was towering above them.
Viola swallowed. ‘What on earth’s the matter?’
‘You’ll never guess what I just saw,’ their messenger panted. ‘All three Furies coming out of the principal’s office.’ He climbed over the bench and sat next to Gwenhwyfar. ‘They were absolutely ashen, all of them. I overheard a member of staff saying they’d be called back in with parents for a severe talking to. Didn’t you say Gwen was called in during Geography yesterday?’
‘That’s right,’ Viola admitted. ‘It turns out Ravioli wanted to question her about what happened on Friday.’
‘I just didn’t realise it would be so soon,’ Gwenhwyfar fretted.
‘It means that they’ll be punished, at least.’
‘If my word is better than theirs.’
‘Well, we have witnesses,’ Gavin reminded her. ‘Tom and I both heard Charlotte tell Hector you wanted to meet him. Bedivere was a part of it too, not to mention Arthur and Vi. We outnumber them.’
‘I don’t think we can count on Arthur’s support.’ Viola threw her apple towards the nearest bin. It went in with a clang. ‘I tried to speak to him about it before Maths, but he wouldn’t listen. He thinks Gwen and Bedivere helped mastermind it.’
‘Ridiculous,’ Gavin muttered.
‘I know.’
‘I still don’t get how Ravioli found out,’ he added. ‘I mean, did you tell him?’
Gwenhwyfar shook her head. ‘No. Did you say anything?’
‘Not a word.’ Gavin shot his gaze to Viola.
‘I haven’t either,’ she said. ‘What about Arthur?’
‘Definitely not. He hasn’t a clue,’ Gwenhwyfar insisted.
‘He might have told on you, if he thinks you set him up,’ Gavin pointed out.
‘But he doesn’t know about Hector,’ Gwenhwyfar reminded him. ‘That’s what Ravioli was asking me about.’
‘Have you told anyone else?’ Viola asked.
‘Bedivere knows, but I don’t think he’s the sort to go and do something like that.’
The three shared a moment of silence.
‘I’ve got another meeting with him tonight.’ Gwenhwyfar confessed. ‘My dad’s not pleased with the way Rav handled things.’
‘Do you think he’ll involve the police?’ Viola asked, suddenly anxious.
‘I think it’s up to Gwen if the police are involved or not,’ Gavin observed.
‘I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. I just don’t want to talk to Hector, Emily, Charlotte or Hattie ever again.’
Viola shrugged. ‘I know. But if they get expelled, you won’t have to.’
* * *
When Gwenhwyfar met her parents in the foyer after school, the principal was running late with a prior engagement. They were forced to wait outside his office on low, uncomfortable chairs as the building emptied, leaving only a few teachers to wander the halls. Mr Caledonensis offered Gwenhwyfar a smile as he passed them in the corridor, carrying an empty, tea-stained mug. No sooner than she had smiled back he was gone, his footsteps echoing around the corner. Abruptly the door opened.
‘Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Taliesin. Miss Taliesin. Please, come in.’
Her mother went in first. Last in, Garan shut the door behind them.
‘Take a seat, won’t you? I apologise for the delay. I was stuck in a call.’ He smiled at them as he positioned himself at his polished desk, but it was the same cold smile as before. Garan pulled out two chairs from the side of the room and sat down with Eve, the angles of his blue suit crinkling.
‘How can I help you?’
‘We were wondering what the developments are on the situation involving our daughter,’ Garan started, his legs too long for the plastic chair. ‘Yesterday on the phone you mentioned meetings with the other pupils involved.’
‘So I did.’ Dr Ravioli propped his elbows on his desk. ‘I can assure you that progress has been made. I have spoken to all three girls involved in the incident.’
‘And their accounts were somewhat different from your daughter’s, Mr Taliesin.’
‘Are you calling my daughter a liar?’ Eve snapped. Her hair was scraped back into a formidable bun that pulled her cheeks taught.
‘No, Mrs Taliesin, of course not. I am merely saying that there is more than one version to compare. I am afraid that it is rather a case of four against one.’
‘If it’s numbers you’re worried about, there are others who can vouch for me,’ Gwenhwyfar interjected. ‘Like who heard Charlotte get Hector involved, or the person who pulled him off.’
‘I thought you couldn’t remember who that was, Miss Taliesin?’
Her father was losing patience. ‘Could you tell us how the versions differ, at least?’
For a moment the principal looked uncomfortable. ‘According to the girls, Gwen asked to meet Mr Browne and Mr Humphreys upstairs. They say that they had no idea what Gwen’s intentions were.’
‘That’s not true!’ she burst out.
‘That has to be made up,’ Garan argued, astounded.
‘Hector’s version is consistent,’ Dr Ravioli added. ‘He claims that Gwen was consenting until someone hit him on the back of the head. Whoever that was, by the way, will be in serious trouble when we find them. Mr Browne had to go to casualty.’
‘Despite any uncertainties you may have regarding the incident, what is it you propose to do next?’ Garan demanded, his face set like stone.
‘I intend to investigate further. Despite these inconsistencies, rest assured, I will get to the truth. Once I have established who is responsible and understand wha
t took place, I will deal out swift and harsh punishment.’
‘Be that as it may, I find the way you’ve handled this situation to be absolutely appalling,’ Garan snapped. ‘Gwenhwyfar was devastated when she came home on Monday. Your insensitive questions were intrusive and unnecessary, and she tells me there was even another teacher present. Who was this?’
‘Mr Hall,’ Ravioli responded calmly. ‘He’s the deputy head. He escorted Gwen from her lesson.’
‘Escorted? What is she, a criminal? Or was she being escorted to ensure that Hector didn’t attack her again?’
‘Gwenhwyfar tells me this Hector has a history of harassing girls at this school,’ Eve interrupted. ‘Is this true?’
Dr Ravioli shifted. ‘There have been a few incidents, yes.’
‘Then why on earth hasn’t he been dealt with before? All of this might have been avoided!’ Garan exploded.
The principal didn’t seem to have an answer.
‘I should string you up,’ he growled. ‘You knew he was a risk, and did nothing! If anything, this is your fault. Why don’t I go and find the parents of the other girls who have had a run-in with this boy? We could have you done for negligence.’
‘Are you threatening me?’ Ravioli asked, his voice steady.
‘No,’ Garan growled, ‘I’m merely stating the facts.’
‘Facts aside, I need to be sure I have all the information to avoid making any rash decisions,’ he insisted.
‘You have all the information,’ Garan disputed.
‘And I will use it, Mr Taliesin, I assure you.’
Eve gave a stiff smile. ‘Well then, I am sure that your knowledge of Hector’s record will play in Gwen’s favour. I think for now, however, we can ask for a little more sensitivity. Gwen is the victim here.’
‘Exactly,’ Garan added. ‘We’ve already had to make one formal complaint. If we feel that this isn’t being dealt with in the appropriate manner, we will be going straight to the governors.’
Garan and Eve rose to their feet. Gwenhwyfar and Dr Ravioli did the same.
‘Of course, my only concern is that the matter is dealt with thoroughly.’ The principal stiffly extended his hand, and reluctantly, Garan shook it.
‘It’s probably best to inform you that we’re also considering going to the police,’ he said, his shoulders rigid.
‘I understand completely. Assault is assault, regardless of school procedures. Logres is always invested in what is best for our students.’
‘Good. We look forward to hearing from you.’
Ravioli grimaced and remained standing as they exited his office and slipped into the corridor.
‘New National nut,’ Garan muttered, as they clustered into their family unit on their way out. ‘Did you see that poster? That’s hardly appropriate. He’s headmaster, for God’s sake.’
‘It’s just a poster, Garan,’ Eve huffed as they came out into the cold. ‘It’s normal. I’ll bet all schools have them.’
‘Maybe so, but what do you think every child sees when they’re in there? That poster, that’s what. It’s not right.’
‘Garan,’ hissed Eve. ‘Can you not, just this once? It’s not helping.’
They bundled into the car. Gwenhwyfar slammed her door.
‘And you’re all right with that, are you? Our daughter’s new school churning out New National cant?’
‘I don’t know why you’re so worked up. It was there last time.’
Garan started the engine. ‘Not as I remember.’
‘Well, you remember wrong.’
‘Stop it, will you?’ Gwenhwyfar snapped, leaning forward to remind them both that she was still there. ‘The last thing I need is you two bickering. Who cares about a sodding poster?’
She sat back with a huff. ‘I don’t even want to go to the police. I thought we were going to let the school deal with it?’
‘We are.’ Garan turned the car out of the car park, and rejoined the traffic to the main road. ‘But it doesn’t hurt to consider it. The principal needs to know what we’re thinking. That way he knows we’re serious.’
Eve gazed out of the passenger window. ‘You’re not going to make a fuss about this, are you?’
Garan looked to Eve. ‘What do you mean?’
‘The poster. If we go to the governors, it should be about Gwen, not about what you find ethical or not.’
‘I won’t mention anything!’ Garan exclaimed, defensively. ‘Now who’s going on about it?’
Eve muttered something that Gwenhwyfar couldn’t hear, and then they all descended into a thick, unhappy silence.
Morgan Faye
Gwenhwyfar stuffed her hands further into the gloves lining her pockets. Her cold lips blew into the folds of her knitted scarf, puffing out a cloud of moisture that plumed in the frigid air. Ahead of her Llew padded slowly, while her father kept an eye on the dog’s dangling lead.
It was just the three of them. Gwenhwyfar’s mother didn’t really do walking, least of all walking with the dog. With hardly any sleep, Gwenhwyfar had risen reluctantly on Thursday, wishing once again that it were the weekend. She huddled further into her coat. Garan coughed.
Gwenhwyfar thought for a moment. She watched the leaf-scattered path pass beneath her feet. ‘This thing with Ravioli… do you think it’ll be all right?’
‘I don’t see why not. I think the meeting with him went relatively well, don’t you?’
Unsure, she nodded.
‘And your mother really had him with that point about Hector’s previous record. The principal can’t side with him now that he’s aware we know about that.’
‘It’ll be fine, trust me.’ He tucked her into his side, and they linked arms. Gwenhwyfar looked up. Llew had plodded ahead and was sniffing at a tree, his lead tangling in the dead leaves. Her father was right; this was a nice park. It seemed to be a favourite spot for early morning dog walkers. There was one at the top of the hill.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Sorry for what?’ he asked, a frown present in his voice.
‘For not telling you about what happened. I was going to, I just… didn’t know how.’
Garan looked ahead. ‘You should always tell us if something like that happens, Gwen,’ he urged. ‘No matter how silly it may seem to you, or how embarrassed you are. If you tell us, we can do something about it. Even if we only help prevent it from happening to someone else.’
‘I know.’
‘What upsets me most is that you felt you couldn’t talk to us. We’re your parents.’
‘I know, and I’m sorry, but—’
‘I want you to promise me that you won’t hide things from us from now on. Doesn’t matter what it is, I want you to know that your mam and I are always there for you. If anything is worrying you, or if anything like this happens again… I want you to tell us. Can you promise me that?’
She gazed at him for a moment, but then diverted her eyes to the path. ‘I promise,’ she murmured, and her words caused him to impress a squeeze upon her arm.
‘Do you think I should have told the police?’ Llew scouted up ahead, tackling the steady hill at a stiff pace.
‘You weren’t worried about getting those girls into trouble, were you? Just because there was alcohol at that party?’
‘No. I couldn’t care less if they got into trouble. It was my new friends that I was worried about… it was their party.’ He looked at her. ‘It wasn’t their solution, though,’ she added quickly. ‘I actually think Hector supplied that.’
‘Why doesn’t that surprise me?’ Garan muttered. ‘We still have time to go to the police, Gwen. If you decide it’s best.’
‘Do you think I should?’
‘It depends. I can’t see them making too much of a fuss about the alcohol, if it was out of your control.’ There was a moment’s silence. ‘Per
haps we should see what the principal comes up with? You may feel it’s adequate.’ A tan dog, thickly built with a distinctive stripe down its spine shot into view and halted by Llew. Alarmed, Llew cowered but then some civil sniffing ensued. Garan frowned. ‘Is that a Rhodesian Ridgeback? You don’t see many of those, these days.’
The handsome dog shot off again.
‘I’m glad you’ve found some new friends,’ he added. ‘I was a bit concerned that you might not have anyone to talk to.’
‘No, I have friends,’ she assured him. ‘They’re actually really nice. Nicer than those girls, at least.’ Suddenly Gwenhwyfar recognised the lone dog walker. The Ridgeback had returned to him, and he clipped it back onto the lead. It was Gavin.
They met as they crossed on the path.
‘Gwen!’ he exclaimed, his face lighting up with surprise. ‘I didn’t know you had a dog. Is he yours?’ He gestured to Llew who looked back with concern.
‘Yes, that’s Llew.’ Beaming, she looked down to the handsome animal at his side.
‘This is Cass. Family dog, but of course I’m the one who ends up walking her.’
‘Sounds familiar,’ Garan remarked. Gwenhwyfar noticed that Gavin stood a few inches taller than her father.
‘Sorry. This is Gavin. Gavin, this is my dad.’
‘I think we’ve met, actually,’ Garan recalled, shaking his hand. ‘When I picked Gwen up after that party.’
‘That’s right,’ Gavin nodded politely.
‘You walked her home. Thank you.’ Their hands separated. Gwenhwyfar watched the transaction with interest. ‘So what do you do, Gavin? Do you play any sports?’
‘Rugby mostly,’ he said, relaxing. ‘I’m on the school team. Do you play?’
‘No, the extent of my involvement is shouting from the sidelines,’ Garan admitted. Gwenhwyfar’s eyes wandered. ‘So Gavin, do you work?’
‘Dad!’ she interjected, feeling the interrogation was wholly unfair.
‘Gavin doesn’t mind; do you, Gavin? I’m just getting to know my daughter’s friends.’ He paused. ‘You can hardly blame me, after what the last lot did to her.’
The Future King: Logres Page 11