Picture Perfect Murder

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Picture Perfect Murder Page 17

by Rachel Dylan

  Lily tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness of the pit. The light from outside still shone down, but she couldn’t see the full hole in great detail. Only what was directly in front of her. The rest was shaded. She felt around her to determine if there was anything she could hold on to if she attempted to climb out. But there was nothing.

  “I know you’re down there, Lil,” Jackson said.

  She could see his menacing shadow above her. But she had to wonder, if he came down, how would they get out? Then a shiver went down her back. What if that was his plan? What if he didn’t want to get out? They’d die down there in that dark, muddy hole together.

  No, Lord. Please don’t let that happen.

  Her thoughts then went to Rex. And how she’d pushed him away time and again. Instead of accepting the love and affection that he was trying to offer her. Love? Was that what real love felt like?

  While her last thoughts on earth might be of Rex and what could’ve been, she had to at least attempt to get out of this mess, even though it seemed impossible. If Jackson wanted to, he could reach down with his gun, aim and shoot her right now. She had nowhere to run. She pushed her body as close as possible up against the wall of the pit to try to stay out of the line of fire, but it wouldn’t take him long to shift angles and get a direct shot.

  “Jackson, don’t come down here. If you do, you won’t be able to get back out. We’ll be trapped in this pit. You don’t want that, do you?”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  “This isn’t the way you pictured us being together. You need to think about this.” If he was going to jump down into the pit, it would give her a split-second opportunity to get the upper hand right when he landed. Clenching her fists, she waited for him to make a move.

  A couple of moments passed and she took a few deep breaths in anticipation of the fight that was about to take place.

  Jackson jumped down into the hole, which she estimated was about a ten-foot drop. There was room down there for a couple of people to stand, but that was about it.

  As soon as his feet touched the ground, she leaped into action and delivered a hard right kick to his ribs. He groaned and stumbled back a step. He started to reach for his gun, but she connected with another strong kick to his side.

  Not waiting for him to recover, she rammed her right hand as hard as she could into his nose and heard the crunching sound of breaking bones. She got no pleasure out of hurting him, even after all the atrocities he had committed. But she also realized that this was her only chance to take him out before he killed her. Time was not on her side.

  He looked at her and she didn’t even recognize the man standing in front of her with blood gushing down his face. And just like that he rushed her, pure evil in his dark eyes, tackling her hard to the ground. She found it impossible to breathe as his two-hundred-plus pounds pinned her to the ground.

  He reared back and slapped her hard across the face. Clearly, she’d angered him, and he continued his assault. This man was seeking revenge against her. She took a pummeling, but through each blow she desperately tried to focus on surviving. On getting out. Alive. She felt that the Lord would answer her prayers. Even if it just meant that he’d spare her from torture before death.

  But in that moment, she couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

  “It wasn’t supposed to end like this, Lil,” Jackson said. But he didn’t stop his onslaught against her. With every strike, the pain intensified throughout her body, but her will to live didn’t fade. She continued to focus on pushing through the pain.

  “You should’ve come to me willingly. You should’ve loved me the way I loved you. This is all your fault. We could’ve been happy together. You stole that from me.”

  Garnering every ounce of strength she had and praying to God for a miraculous intervention, she was able to push him off her, managing to roll to the side. But then he was right there again. Dragging her to her feet by the hair.

  “Don’t do this, Jackson. You don’t have to take another life. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you really want me dead.”

  “You just don’t understand, do you? This is our destiny. It was always meant to be just you and me, Lil. Only the two of us in our own world.”

  “Jackson, you need to get a grip. We’ll die down here. It won’t be the two of us living a happy life together. We’ll be dead.”

  “Don’t say things like that, Lil. You’re going to be mine forever, just like I’ve planned for years.”

  She took a deep breath, and then the sound of a single gunshot rang loudly through the air. Jackson crumpled to the ground right in front of her. It was a direct shot to the back of the head.

  She realized then that she had been screaming and tears were flowing down her face. The mixture of tears and blood stung her wounds.

  “Lily, are you all right?” Rex called out.

  “Yes. But I can’t get out of here. There’s no way for me to climb up.”

  “Is Jackson dead?”

  She looked down at the body. Unmoving and covered in blood. There was no doubt that the gunshot wound to the head would’ve been lethal. “Yes, he’s dead.”

  “Hang tight. We’ve got a rope. We’re going to rappel down and bring you back up.”

  “Okay.” She tried to steady herself. To process what had just happened. She started shaking, not just from the emotional trauma but also the pain that was undeniable.

  Lily was in a daze as the FBI team rappelled down the hole and hoisted her out effortlessly.

  Once out of the small pit, she saw Rex standing there, his eyes wide with concern. Unable to help herself, she threw her arms around Rex’s neck. He held on to her tightly.

  “Lily, I am so sorry.”

  “You couldn’t have known. He was my friend for years and I had no clue.” She sucked in a breath, trying not to hyperventilate. “Rex, he killed all of those women because of me. All because of me. I don’t even know how to deal with that.”

  “This isn’t on you, Lily. Jackson obviously had major psychological issues. You aren’t to blame for the deaths of those women. You did everything in your power and then some to stop him. If anything, I should be the one apologizing. The FBI never even considered the fact that you were the killer’s main focus. We just assumed he wanted to kill you because you thwarted his attempt on your life. That you were one of many on his list. That could’ve been a deadly mistake.”

  “I’m just thankful that I’m alive, Rex. Even as I mourn for all those other innocent women.”

  “You need medical attention right away. You’re hurt.”

  “I know. But just hold me for another minute, will you?” She wouldn’t hide her heart any longer. No, she had serious feelings for this man. Feelings unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

  She pulled back after a minute and looked up into his big brown eyes. Her tears started again, and she couldn’t even form words as the emotions bubbled up inside her.

  “I know,” he said. “I feel the same way.”

  Except he didn’t shed any tears. No, he was her rock right now and she held on to him tightly.

  “I prayed so hard that I would be saved,” she said. “God answered my prayers. He heard me, Rex.”

  “Lily, God was always ready to answer your prayers. The answers He gives may not be exactly what we want to hear. But He was with us today. I knew for certain that it wasn’t time for you to leave this earth. Not yet. And I’m so thankful to Him for that.”

  “I’m thankful, too. I didn’t want to contemplate dying having not been honest with you about how I felt. I know I erected some huge walls around my heart, and provided excuses about why we shouldn’t pursue our feelings for each other. But the truth is that I was just afraid. I was terrified of being hurt again.”

  “And I’m terrifie
d at the thought of living my life without you in it, Lily.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yes. You’re the most unique person I’ve ever met. Stronger than most agents I’ve worked with, but with a kind and gentle heart. I know it’s soon and things have been crazy because of what you’ve gone through, but I want to give us a chance.”

  “I do, too. More than you can even imagine.”

  “Good. Because somewhere along the line, I’ve fallen in love with you, Lily. The kind of love that I think only comes along once in a lifetime.”

  “I believe that, too. The Lord brought you into my life for a reason. Not just to literally save my life, but to help lead me back to my faith. And to show me what true love really is.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss sweeter than any she’d ever known. And this time she kissed him back without reservation and with an open heart. In that moment she wasn’t thinking about her past, but only her bright future with Rex.


  Lily sat on her back porch watching Rex throw the tennis balls for Grace, who was having the time of her life romping around the backyard. She picked up her camera and took a few action shots as the two ran around.

  The past six months had been a time of healing and rebuilding. Her house had finally been renovated after the fire. It truly felt like home now—especially when she had Rex over. He’d held her when she was weak and kissed her when she felt strong. He’d literally been by her side each step of this long road to gaining her life back.

  Learning the details about Jackson’s master plan had been difficult for her. Jackson had kept records on his laptop documenting everything. He had chosen Sean as the scapegoat because he was a rookie cop. He’d taken advantage of all the computer training and resources that the tech company he worked for provided. He’d been able to plant or manipulate all the evidence to frame Sean. It still boggled her mind that Jackson had become a killer, but she was trying to move forward.

  Rex jogged up the back porch steps with Grace right by his side. A bright smile lit up his face. And she felt the same way. She’d never been happier.

  Grace dropped the ball in front of her. “I think we’re done playing for a bit, Grace.” But she leaned down to pick the ball up, and that was when she realized it felt odd.

  “Is this the new ball you bought for Grace at the pet store the other day?”

  “Yes, but there’s something in there for you,” Rex said.

  “For me?” What could he be talking about? Curious, she twisted the top of the ball off and then her breath caught. There was a black velvet ring box inside.

  He pulled her up from her seat and dropped to one knee, taking the box out of her hands and opening it. The princess-cut solitaire diamond sparkled in the fall sunshine. Her heart pounded.

  “Lily Parker, you’re everything to me. I realize now why I waited to find someone special. And it was because I was waiting for the Lord to send you to me. You challenge me, you make me laugh and you warm my heart with your love and generosity. Would you make me the happiest man on the earth and marry me?”

  Lily could barely form words. But she also knew that there were some things she wanted to say. “Rex, I was so hurt from what happened to me in the past. But when I’m with you, I’m not looking back. I’m not stuck in the pain and regret that swallowed me whole for so long. I can see us having a life together, and that makes me so happy.”

  He smiled. “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded, now trying to fight off the happy tears. “That’s a definite yes.”

  He slid the diamond on her finger and Grace barked loudly with excitement.

  She looked up into his eyes and knew that her life would never be the same. She’d found what she never thought really existed. A family for her and Grace.

  “Can Grace be in the wedding?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he said.

  As he sealed their proposal with a lingering kiss, she held on to the man who had made her have faith again in all aspects of her life. And she knew that she was truly loved.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from REUNION MISSION by Virginia Vaughan

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  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Picture Perfect Murder! It was enjoyable and a challenge to write a complex character like Lily. A woman who had lived through life-and-death situations as a CIA agent, and then faced an entirely different threat back at home. Lily’s life shows that we can be complicated, multifaceted people with a lot of different interests—and a lot of different problems. Lily’s story is special to me because I feel it shows that no matter what you’ve been through, the Lord is ready to take you back with open arms. And that He’s been there each step of the way with us even when we may have had our doubts.

  And, of course, I don’t think I can write a story without a furry companion. I hope you enjoyed Grace the lovable rescue Labrador as much as I did. Animals provide so much comfort and joy to us, especially when we are at our weakest.

  I love to hear from readers! You can visit my website at www.racheldylan.com or email me at [email protected].

  Rachel Dylan

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  Reunion Mission

  by Virginia Vaughan


  Claire Kendall unlocked the side door to Lakeshore High School and slipped inside. The hallway was dark and eerily quiet on a Sunday afternoon. The hall lights were controlled by a main switch in the storage room, but they took a while to power on and Claire didn’t want to bother with them. The overhead light in her classroom would be enough, especially if she opened the window blinds and let the sunlight stream in. She took out her cell phone and hit the flashlight function, noticing as she headed down the hall how it seemed to stretch farther than it did when the lights were on and kids were present.

  She reached her classroom and saw it, too, was dark. Strange. She was supposed to be meeting her student Luke Thompson here. The text message he’d sent her earlier had indicated he was already at the school waiting. Had he given up waiting for her and left?

  She reached up and flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. The room remained dark.

  As she moved to open the blinds to at least give them some light
, her foot caught on something on the floor and she stumbled, catching herself on one of the student desks. She turned the phone light to the floor to see what she’d tripped on and spotted something between the rows of desks. As she moved the light closer, she saw the outline of a hand...then an arm...then a body sprawled on the floor.

  “Luke!” Claire knelt beside him, but he didn’t move at the sound of his name. Her knees touched something wet and sticky. Dread filled her at the realization of what had happened.

  She looked at her hand and saw blood. Luke’s blood.

  She stifled a scream. Panicking wouldn’t do any good now. She needed to remain calm. If there was a chance Luke was still alive, she had to get help. She hit the keypad on her phone and tried to dial 9-1-1, but her hands were shaking so badly that she had to reenter the number.

  Hang on, Luke!

  She had just pressed Send on her call for help when someone grabbed her. Claire screamed and the phone slipped through her fingers and hit the floor with a crack. Her assailant clamped a heavy hand over her mouth and pinned her arms.

  His breath was hot against her skin as he hissed into her ear. “You did this. You killed Luke with your meddling.”

  Terror gripped her at his words. Luke was dead. This man had killed him, and now he would kill her, too.

  She struggled to break his hold, flailing her legs against a desk. It toppled over, taking the one beside it down, too. The wood and metal clanked against the tiled floor. She tried again to scream for help, but his heavy hand over her mouth prevented the sound from escaping. And who would hear her anyway in an empty school?

  Oh, God, help me!

  She was going to die right here in her classroom alongside one of her students.

  * * *

  Trixie. In his school.

  DEA agent Matt Ross jiggled the handle on the southwest door by the cafeteria, and it opened just as Luke had assured him it would. He examined the lock and saw it didn’t latch properly, preventing the locking mechanism from catching. He wondered how long it had been that way and how many Lakeshore High students had taken advantage of such a lack of security for skipping classes.


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