Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 3

by Rachael Tonks

  “Well that’s one I haven’t been on before,” he says in a woman’s voice. I looked up at him strangely and he just laughs.

  “Seriously girl! Pretty Woman… as in the movie. You must have seen it. Practically everyone on this planet has,” he virtually shouts while offering me his hand to help me off the floor.

  “So I haven’t seen you before, you must be the new girl! Let me be the first to welcome you to Newport Harbor! You are really going to love this place, it’s totally the shit,” he says, rolling his eyes.

  I sense sarcasm in his voice.

  “Yeah, well, it’s certainly different from home. I’m not sure I’m going to fit in,” I say, speaking my thoughts out loud. I knew running away had been reckless, and the consequences if I were caught would be worse, but I could no longer live a life so brutal that I worried every day would be my last.

  “Ha!” he shouts, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Who wants to fit in sweetheart? Standing out is what it’s all about. Stick with me kid, I think we are going to get on swimmingly.”

  With that he grabs my arm, linking it through his as he guides me down the hallway, hopefully in the direction of the office.


  Jumping out of the car, I’m instantly surrounded by the usual gang. It seems like ages since I last saw them all, I can’t believe I had to miss spring break to go visit colleges; what a waste of time! I can’t wait to catch up with them. Knowing it’s Kennedy’s first day, I want to try and keep an eye on her; she seems so nervous, I can tell this is difficult for her. I’m not sure how she will take to the whole school thing. Although mom doesn’t share any information about Kennedy’s past, I know whatever happened was terrible and this school thing is a far cry from her previously secluded life. I’m worried; some of these jocks can be vulgar and downright disgusting. The last thing I want to see is her upset and me having to kick someone’s ass.

  As I turn to look for her, Caitlin throws her arms around my neck before sticking her warm minty tongue down my throat. Damn she tastes good, but I’m sure this is her bitchy way of marking her territory. Was she always so fucking clingy? And why haven’t I noticed it before? All I want to do is shrug her off and search for Kennedy. I wrap my arms together and maneuver her to the side. My eyes search for Kennedy, but I can’t see her anywhere. I can’t help worrying about her, I know this is a new experience for her and I don’t want her to have to do it alone. Fuck, I already messed up.

  I feel a hefty slap on my back and turn to see Dennis the Dick grinning like a fucking Cheshire cat. We’re only friends because we are on the same football team. The other guys seem to think he’s okay, but to me he’s a Grade A dick with little to no respect for women. He shuffles closer and leans in.

  “Yo dude, who was that hot piece of ass I saw climbing out of your truck? I want to take her to the boneyard if you get what I mean?”

  “I don’t even want to know what you mean. She’s off limits dude. Completely. Stay away from her,” I puff. I didn’t want anyone looking at her. In fact, the thought of it made me angry and sick to my stomach. God I was totally screwed. Why did I feel so protective of a girl I barely knew? Whatever the reason, I couldn’t deny the pull I feel and the need to find out more about her. Hell, there is no denying the girl is stunning, in a natural beauty sort of way. Fresh skin that is light and pale but with an undeniable creamy texture. Piercing blue eyes that are like staring straight in to the ocean. The girl really sets me on fire, that’s the only way I can explain it. Considering I’d only known her for a short time, the way I was starting to feel made me nervous. Not scared or anxious, but excited nervous, like unwrapping a present and having no idea of what’s inside or where it has come from. God I would like to unwrap her, and I’m certainly not willing to share.

  The sound of Dickhead Dennis pulls me from my thoughts. “I didn’t realize you called dibs on her. I’ll back off if you think you can handle two women at once. Does Caitlin know about it? Is she gonna be game for a ménage a trois with this new chick then? Because that’s totally hot,” he laughs.

  I grimace at the shit flying from his mouth. I knew he was trying to push my buttons, get a rise from me, and it was working. I wanted my fist and his face to get to know each other a little better. But getting in to a fight the first day back probably wasn’t wise.

  “Just back off, Dennis,” I growl through clenched teeth.

  “Nah man, she seems like fair game to me. I might just try my luck,” he says with a gleam in his eye. “I’m happy to share if you’re game,” he adds with a smirk.

  He always has to take it one step too far. Every school has at least one major douche, and Dennis was ours.


  We move quickly, going side to side through the crowds of students. I keep my feet moving and a serious grip around Ash’s arm. I try to take my mind away from the thought of Cole, but I can’t. More and more of my time is taken up thinking about him; the warmness I feel from him, the concern in his eyes. I feel like he is consuming me, from the gravel of his voice to the tender touch of his skin. The way he makes my insides clench just at the thought of him. It was everything.

  Ash turns to look at me with a frown before leaning in.

  “Girl, you gotta tell me what you’re thinking right now.”

  “I’m thinking about whether your taking me in the right direction or not.”

  He lets out a loud snort.

  “Never fear my beautiful Barbie, I am taking you straight to reception, unless there is somewhere else you would rather be right now... hmmm?” Ash wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive kind of way.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I saw you arrive with Mr. Big Pecks Peterson, and no one can deny that boy is mighty fine; damn girl if he wanted me I’d be dropping it like it’s hot, he’s been my boy crush since 7th grade!”

  I let out a loud belly laugh with my hand flying to my stomach. Still slightly hysterical, I try to speak but it just comes out as mumbo jumbo.

  “Daaammnn girl, I haven’t got all day, now spit it out,”

  “Ah, ha haa… ww… what I’m trying to say is why would you think I’m even interested in Cole Peterson? For one he has an insanely gorgeous girlfriend, and for two he wouldn’t even look twice at me in that sort of way.”

  “Now listen to me- stop right there,” with that statement, he grabs my arm firmly and pulls me to a complete stop. “You have to be the hottest girl to ever set foot through those school gates, you really are a natural beauty girl, don’t ever doubt that! I bet you got Cole’s eyes popping outta the god damn sockets every time he looks at you! I bet queen bitch Caitlin is quaking in her boots.”

  “Oh you think Caitlin’s a bitch too, huh? She’s been a total ass to me.”

  “See, there you go, proof what I just said is right! She totally sees you as a threat! I’d watch your back though doll, she ain’t known as queen bitch for nothing.” Ash grabs my hand and starts dragging me towards a glass wall where I see a sign pointing me in the direction of the school office.

  “So what brings you to Newport Harbor?” he looks at me waiting for an answer. I gulp down hard not knowing where to start. I shut my eyes tightly as the memories of my life before flash through my mind and I start to panic. I breathe deeply, trying to steady my anxiety. He steps back giving me some space.

  “What’s wrong, do you have asthma or something?”

  I hold my hand to my chest trying to steady myself.

  “No. I’m sorry Ash, this whole school thing is new for me, I guess I’m just panicking a little,” I say breathlessly. I knew people would question me, I just didn’t realize how much of an effect it would have on me.

  “To answer your question, I’m from out of town and this is the first time I’ve ever been to school.”

  He looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

  “I was homeschooled,” I clarify.

  “Oh right,” he nods. “Ok, so here i
s the school office my little Barbie; I’m afraid I gotta dash to my first class, you think you’ll be ok from here?” he looks at me sympathetically.

  “Oh yeah, of course, thanks so much! And thanks for making me laugh, you made this whole school thing seem less daunting!”

  “Hey don’t thank me, just meet me outside the cafeteria for first break! I’ll be waiting for you doll! Don’t let me down now girl!”

  “I’ll be there; I’ll even let you buy me coffee,” I say with a little wink. Ash turns to walk away and throws his hand in the air giving me a little wave. “Laters Barbie,” I hear as the distance between us increases and he gets lost in the crowd.

  I retrieve my schedule from the secretary and head towards my first class. I can feel the sickness in my stomach, but I’m trying to shake the first day nerves; I want to make a good first impression and not look like a total loser. My first class is English, and thanks to the office detour, everyone will most likely already be sitting when I get there. Shit, everyone’s going to stare. I make it to my class, room 301, and my face starts to heat at the thought of walking in. I fidget with the notebook I’m holding in a death grip while giving myself a pep talk. Breathe Kennedy, you can do this. My hands visibly shake as I slowly open the door. I drop my head immediately, staring at my feet. I lift my eyes and scan the room through my lashes only to lock onto a familiar face. Sitting in the back of the room, slumped on the arm of the desk, twirling a pen in his hand is none other than Cole Peterson.

  “Excuse me, can I help you?” I hear a deep voice bellowing from the front of the classroom. I glance up and towards the desk where the teacher is looking at me over his silver rimmed glasses.

  “Oh…err...yes, sorry, here is my schedule; I’m new here, this is my first day,” I stutter nervously.

  “Who even says that?” “What is she, like 12?” Laughs a group of girls near the front.

  Great first impression Kennedy! Jesus, why did I say that? My head automatically drops again and my shoulders slump.

  “Excellent. Kennedy Harrison,” the teacher exclaims, looking at the sheet I had given him. “Please take a seat next to Abbey,” he points towards a petite red haired girl. She is wearing a cute pair of glasses, and is blushing profusely.

  I nod and quickly shuffle to my seat, barely glancing at Cole who is still sitting in the same slumped position. He winks at me, and heat rushes up to my face...again. I knew I was beat red. Quickly dropping in to my seat to avoid any more embarrassment, I take out a pad and pen from my bag. I don’t even know how I’m going to pay Jocelyn back for everything she has bought for me, but now wasn’t the time to think about it. I needed to concentrate on how the hell I was going to get through the next hour being in the same room as Cole.

  “Do you know Cole or something?” whispers the redhead beside me. I slowly turn my head around towards the corner of the room, and am met with Cole’s piercing green eyes which are locked onto me. A lazy smile spreads over his chiseled face. I whip my head back and look at the girl beside me. On closer inspection, she really is quite beautiful with deep brown eyes and a super cute, button nose.

  “Umm, I’m kinda staying with his Mom,” I admit. Here we go, the long list of awkward and probing questions are about to start. If I’m honest, I am surprised it has taken this long.

  “Well he sure seems to like you. He hasn’t stopped staring at you since you walked in the door. This never happens. I have never seen him take an interest in someone before. He is usually with a girl because it’s convenient. In fact, I’m surprised him and Caitlin have even lasted this long. Although I suppose Head Cheerleader and Star Quarterback go hand in hand. Everyone knows they will be prom King and Queen - it’s a given.”

  I look at her perplexed. This girl had a serious case of word vomit; they seem to slip out of her mouth carelessly. I decide right then that despite this, I like her. It was obvious that she was observant. I hadn’t decided whether it was just Cole or everyone. I had no doubt I would find out.

  She stares at me wide eyed and waiting. I smile back at her.

  “We’re just friends. Like I said, I’m staying with his mom, I barely know him.” I was tempted to steal a quick glance over my shoulder, but I knew I would be met with his eyes. I could practically feel them burning a hole in my head.

  “I’ll believe that when I see it. There is some serious chemistry between you two; I could feel it when you walked in to the room. The connection between you two is electric! I have always wanted that with someone. I would totally be all over him if I were you, have you seen his muscles? Damn that guy is hot! I’m sooo jealous right now. Hey, do you read? I love to read. Everyone here thinks I’m such a dweeb, especially Caitlin and her posse of popular girls, but I don’t really care what they think. As long as I keep my head down they usually ignore me. But yeah, back to reading, do you? Who is your favorite book boyfriend? I could lend you some of my favorites if you wanted,” she rushes out. I honestly couldn’t believe how quickly she could speak; she didn’t even stop to breathe.

  Before I have a chance to say anything in response, the white haired teacher clears his throat and looks pointedly at Abbey. She drops her head and never even looks at me again. It seems she is renowned for her constant chatting in class. I silently laugh into my desk. It was official; I really like this red haired pixie. I could already tell we were going to be friends.

  After the second class, it was time for lunch. We had quickly realized that I was in almost all of the same classes as Abbey, and this girl can really talk. I find it intriguing. She seems to speak without thinking; all her thoughts tumbling out of her mouth. She attached herself to me immediately and made it clear I was going to be her new best friend. It quickly became obvious that she doesn’t have many friends, if any. She is definitely one of a kind and a social outcast, but who am I to judge? I’m pretty sure I am too.

  As we make our way through the waves of students to the cafeteria, I spot Ash with his jet black hair and piercings waiting at the main door. I stand on my tip toes trying to achieve some height, waving my hand to catch his attention. He spots me and gives me an exaggerated wave.

  “Hey my little Barbie, how’s it going,” he looks back and forth between me and Abbey with a bemused look on his face. “So I guess you’ve met Miss Motor Mouth then?”

  “Heyyyy! No fair Ash,” Abbey protests, giving him a loud slap to the top of his arm. He lets out a laugh and throws his arm around her. “You know I love you Ab’s, don’t get all pissy on me.”

  I looked at the two of them in surprise, they were clearly good friends. They seemed to bounce off each other. I look around the huge tables in the cafeteria, searching to see if Cole was here. Yep that’s right, still thinking about him, more so after what Abbey said. Did he really like me, the shy insecure reject? I physically shake my head at the thought. There’s no way he could actually be interested in me; he probably just feels sorry for me. Abbey has got it all wrong.

  I spot him sitting at the far side with Caitlin on his knee, clinging to his neck and running her hands affectionately through his hair. They’re obviously sitting at the ‘cool kids table’, where it looks like a damn beauty pageant slash jock fest. I avert my eyes; I should probably steer clear from that general area.

  We each grab a drink and head towards an empty table. As we walk from the pay area to our seats, I feel like all eyes are on me. I start to fidget, wondering whether there’s something wrong with the way I look. Is my skirt tucked in my underwear or something? I turn to Abbey and whisper, “What's wrong with me, why is everyone looking?”

  “You’re the new girl Kennedy, there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just what happens when a beautiful blonde starts a new school; you’re like fresh meat!”

  “Just work it girl, you will have them eating out of your hand soon enough,” Ash taunts, sticking his tongue out at me.

  I can’t help but sigh. “I just want to blend in, be the girl no one notices you know?”

�Sorry, but looking like that, you will never be the girl that blends in,” he leans over and touches my hand gently, I guess his way of trying to comfort me.

  All I can do is shrug, and hope this ‘new girl’ thing wears off soon.

  After what seems like a long and uneventful afternoon, my first school day is finally over. I have to say, other than the very embarrassing start, it hasn’t been too bad but I am certainly ready to get back to the Petersons and just shut off from the world. Abbey and Ash asked if I wanted to hang out after school; offering to show me around town, the best restaurants and stores, but for today I’m done.

  Now to face Cole and Caitlin again. In the search to find him for a ride home, I head towards the parking lot and jump when I feel a large hand grab my arm, pulling me to a stop. I turn to see a muscular frame and look up, seeing it belongs to a beefy guy with blonde spiky hair and a sculpted face. I recognize him as one of the jocks from the cafeteria earlier. I pull my arm a little, but his grip is tight.

  “Hey beautiful, I don’t think we have been introduced. I’m Dennis. You’re Kennedy right?”

  I respond, my weak voice barely making a sound, “Please, uh please could you let go of my arm?”

  “Oh sure thing sugar, no problem,” he says as he starts rubbing my arm where his grip had been only a second before. “You know, I could take you on a personal tour of Newport Beach if you’d like.”

  He leans closer to me with a smug grin on his face; so close I can feel his breath on my cheek. “Personal,” he whispers slowly and suggestively while shoving his hand up the back of my skirt, his finger running on the inside of my pantie line.

  My body stiffens in response to his unwanted touch, I pull my head back and turn to make a speedy exit; was this guy for real?

  I take off fast. I hear the sound of a familiar voice shouting my name repeatedly, but in my hurry to get out of there, my legs just won’t stop. I suddenly feel a firm hand come round my waist and jump so ferociously I feel like I lose my balance. I can feel the sting of tears as my panic heightens. I’m quickly turned around and met by those eyes that never fail to make me shiver.


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