Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 20

by Rachael Tonks

  The whole way home we are both smiling from ear to ear. I never thought that Cole seeing the baby and finding out the sex would invoke such a strong reaction from him; a genuine reaction of elation at every point throughout the scan. I just never saw that coming.

  I turn to look at him, “Running away has been the best thing I could ever have done Cole; whether knowingly or not, I saved this little girl’s life. No one should ever be subjected to the torture I went through on a daily basis. Meeting you has changed my life; you, you’re my everything. Dammit, I don’t know where I would be right now without you.” I feel the redness in my cheeks as I try to hold back the tears, not of sadness, but of joy.

  “Hey baby, come on don’t cry.”

  “These are happy tears Cole, I’m not crying because I’m sad, but because I finally feel that, for once in my life, things are starting to feel right. I can’t believe I found you! I am thankful every day for having you in my life, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you know that right?” I sniffle back, patting away the tears from my cheeks.

  “Of course baby I know that, and the same goes for you!”

  “You have done more than I could ever expect from anyone. You have been my rock, you held me up when I was ready to fall, and you’re the oxygen that keeps me breathing. I feel like together we can face anything; you know?”

  “You and me against the world Ken! Not forgetting bubba,” he reaches and gently strokes the tiny pouch that is now my stomach.

  “I can’t wait to feel her moving. I wonder what it feels like?” He scrunches up his face as he looks at me.

  “I have absolutely no idea but I’m excited to feel her move too!”

  “Baby, we have so much to look forward to together! I’ve been thinking; it’s probably a good idea if we start to look for an apartment to rent, what do you think?”

  His words shock me.

  “We don’t have jobs Cole, how on earth would we pay for it?”

  “I’ll get a job Ken; we only have a few months left at school before we graduate. I can work through the summer, and get a part time job when I start College. I actually have quite a lot of money in my account.” He pauses for a second, a look of contemplation on his face. “See the thing is, when my grandparents... my father’s parents.... well when they died, they left behind a lot of money. My grandfather was a high up Judge who retired a very rich man. My dad was their only son, so between us we were left a hefty sum.”

  “No Cole, I don’t want you spending your inheritance on me, how does that make me look huh? Like some gold digging bitch, that’s what! No, absolutely not, no way,” I’m practically shouting. Cole pulls sharply over, slowly bringing the car to a standstill. He removes his seat belt and swiftly moves to face me, pulling me towards him.

  “Dammit baby, calm down. Why struggle when we don’t have to? The money is there for me to do what I want with. I would have been buying something soon with going to college anyway. Only now this way, I get you there with me. It’s a total win-win situation! It doesn't make you look like anything, certainly not a bitch! So there is no argument… of course … unless you don’t want to live with me…” his voice teeters off, his face looking solemn and down cast. I can tell he isn't going to budge on this no matter how I feel about the money situation.

  I get on my knees and lean forward wrapping my arms around him. “I don’t want to be without you Cole; living with you would be like a dream come true, but only if you are sure. I don’t want you to feel forced into doing this for me and the baby. As soon as I can work, I will pay my way, I will help out with money, I promise I will!”

  “No way, I’m doing this because I want to, because I love you!” And here come the butterflies… my legs feeling weak. Dammit he has such an effect on me.

  “I love you endlessly Cole”

  The next few days are total bliss; Cole has been massively protective and super attentive. The sexual tension between us is so fierce we can barely keep our hands off each other, but neither one of us dares to take it to the next level.

  The guys at school are totally buzzing with the news of the baby, but we are keeping it as quiet as possible, just between our tight-knit group. I need to remember to bring the ultrasound picture for Abbey; she has been bugging me for days about seeing it. It currently sits, in a place of pride, on the bedside table near the lamp. I catch myself holding the picture to my chest, in total disbelief that this tiny human being is growing inside me. The miracle of life is truly astounding.

  As I get ready for school, I try to pull out something loose fitting. Although my bump is tiny, it might be pretty obvious if I wore something figure hugging. I’ve noticed my breasts feel fuller and plumper; Cole has certainly noticed the change and has been making the most of them.

  I opt for a loose top and linen pants; today is set to be another scorcher. We are going to Jake’s house tonight. The guys are going to cook us some food, which really means they will be standing at the barbeque for hours burning everything. Fine by us, we plan on lazing either beside or in the pool anyway.

  Abbey has made me an appointment with the hairdresser she uses. I’m way over due a haircut and Abbey has decided she is treating herself to a manicure while she waits for me.

  We pull up outside the very pretty looking boutique. The window is dressed in silk fabric which drapes around the frames. Wow I can't believe how nice this place looks; it wasn't what I was expecting at all. I have passed some of the high end salons full of models, but this is the total opposite. We make our way in and there is a really warm and friendly vibe about the place.

  We are greeted by several smiling faces as we walk over to the receptionist who is sitting behind the white gloss desk.

  “Hi Abbey! Lovely to see you again. And this must be Kennedy?” She glances her wide eyes at me and I nod.

  “Oh that's great girls, please take a seat. Antonia and Paulette will be with you soon. Can I get you girls a drink maybe? Please help yourself to a magazine while you wait.” She points to the coffee table just in front of the seats.

  “Ooh could I get one of those lovely hot chocolates you do, Sheena?” Abbey responds. Sheena looks at me questioningly.

  I wave my hand gesturing, “No thank you, I'm good,” and smile at the friendly receptionist.

  “So what do you want to have done today, eh Ken?” Abbey asks, looking at me with a grin.

  I give her a sideways glance, knowing exactly what she is thinking.

  “Don't get too excited Ab's, I'm just having a trim, nothing else!”

  “Damn you, you are such a bore! You should really think about some highlights. Something, anything, a bit more exciting.”

  “We're not all as quirky as you Ab's, and anyway, I like my hair.” I give her a shove and she lets out a little giggle.

  “Okay girls, we are ready for you now. Abbey if you take a seat with Antonia just here,” she gestures to the table full of nail polishes and strange machines I've never seen before.

  “Kennedy if you take a seat in this chair we will get you all gowned up,” she says, oozing enthusiasm.

  I get seated in front of the long mirror as Paulette pulls on the gown, fastening it at the back. She begins to comb through my hair, “So what are we doing for you today Kennedy? Your hair is really lovely and long. You are so lucky; I have people paying hundreds of dollars to achieve length like this!”

  I turn to face Abbey who is pouting at me. I stick my tongue out at her saying “see!” She shakes her head at me. “I would just like a trim please, a tidy up at best”

  “We can do that, let’s get you over to the sink and get you washed first.”

  After 45 minutes of washing, blow drying and cutting, I'm finally done. My hair is styled in a natural wave and I feel like a million dollars. I have never been able to style my hair this way and I'm totally in love with just how good it looks.

  We head back towards the house knowing the guys will already be in full swing with drinking and ge
tting the food ready. I love it when we all get together. We all get along so well and Jake and Abbey seem to be working out. I'm pleased for her, the girl is so loved up right now; I never thought I’d see the day!

  We walk in to the backyard and see the boys all huddled round the barbeque drinking and laughing. Every time I look at Cole, he just puts me at ease. I can't believe how lucky I am to be getting a second chance at life.

  Cole turns to look at me and his smile reaches all the way up to his eyes. I point to my hair, flicking it over my shoulder playfully. He mouths the word 'wow' at me and I laugh. I run over to him and he picks me up and swings me around, murmuring in my ear.

  “You look good enough to eat baby. I am really struggling to control myself right now.”

  “When can you ever control yourself Cole?” I laugh.

  “Fair point Ken,” he chuckles and he sets me back down. I turn to look for Abbey but it seems her and Jake have already snuck off. Seriously those two are like rabbits. I turn back to Cole as he throws his arm around my neck and pulls me to his side.

  “What do you want to eat? Everything is nearly ready. Right Pete?”

  “Yeah dude, we’re almost done here. I’m sure Abbey and Jake are working up an appetite right now,” he says, moving his eyebrows up and down and throwing a wink towards Ash.

  “Please stop,” Ash squeals holding his hand in front of Pete's face. “That is not an image I need in my head before eating.”

  “Oh come on, Ash. You know they are upstairs going at it like animals,” Pete retorts, thrusting his hips backwards and forwards.

  “I am pretty sure all you think about is sex, Pete.”

  “Hell yeah it is!” He raises his hand in the sky, obviously aiming for someone to give him a high five. We all leave him hanging.

  “Yeah right, because you don't always think about sex!” he snorts.

  Cole looks at me and smirks and of course I blush.

  “I knew it!” Pete snickers.

  Just as I am about to open my mouth to say something back, I hear an unfamiliar voice hollering,

  “Hey Guys! I have arrived and I brought treats.”

  I turn to see the owner of the voice and am a little stunned to see someone who is clearly a few years older than us. Her deep red hair is completely different from Abbey's and is obviously out of a bottle. She wears a tight tank top with her breasts spilling out of the top and a short leather miniskirt. She must be boiling. Looking up, I’m relieved to see a genuine smile on her face. She looks kind, thank goodness. The last thing we all need is another Caitlin.

  Pete jogs over to her and throws his arms around her waist, bringing her towards us.

  “Hey guys, you all know Lizzy right? I think the only one you haven't met is Kennedy?”

  “Well hey there girl! Aren't you just adorable? It’s nice to meet you honey.” I can't help but smile towards her; there is no bitchiness in her voice and I can tell she is actually being sincere.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Lizzy.”

  That’s when it happens.

  I start feeling small flutters in my stomach. At first I think it’s just a bit of gas, but when it continues, I know that it’s my baby girl saying hello to me and I can't help myself; I just completely burst in to tears.

  “Uh Ken, are you ok?” Ash asks, looking over at me puzzled. Before I can say anything Cole is by my side and taking my face in his hands.

  “Oh my god Ken what's wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong Cole. In fact, everything is right. I just felt her, I felt the baby move!”

  “What seriously? Are you sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure, and it’s hands down the most amazing thing I have ever felt.”

  “Do you think I would be able to feel her?”

  “I doubt it. It was only light twitches, I can barely feel them myself, but I know it was her. Our baby.” I look up at him beaming as he rubs my stomach.

  “Well this is a reason to celebrate.” With that, Cole leaves my side, rips off his shirt and runs full speed at the pool shouting “Woo Hooo!” I can't help but laugh at the man I completely adore as he makes a huge splash.

  He resurfaces from under the water and his hands are in the air punching towards the sky. Before I know it, Pete has also taken off towards the pool and starts shouting,


  With all the commotion I don't even realize that Abbey is standing next to me and I nearly pass out when she speaks in to my ear.

  “What the hell is going on? Why are all the boys celebrating in the pool?”

  “Jesus Abbey! You can't keep sneaking up on people like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack,” I say with a huge smile on my face. I hold my hand against my chest trying to steady my unnecessary racing heart rate.

  “Why have you got a creepy smile on your face? It’s making me uncomfortable.”

  “I just felt the baby move,” I giggle at her.

  “WHAT? OH MY GOD!” she screams, ripping off her clothes down to her bikini and starts running towards the pool also screaming as she goes.

  I really do have bizarre friends, but I wouldn't change them for the world.

  Ash takes my hand and leads me over to the loungers beside the pool. We sit laughing at the idiots splashing around. Abbey keeps trying to duck the boys under the water only to fail miserably every time. I see Cole swimming towards us before he asks, “You coming in baby?” The cute look on his face is to die for.

  “I'm good, I'm just going to sit here with Ash a while okay?” He nods, ducks back into the water and swims off. I look over see disgust is written all over Ash's face when I turn back to him.

  “What's wrong with your face?” I ask incredulously.

  “You two... you’re so... what's the word? Sickly, yeah that’s it. You two make me feel sick with all your lovely dovey bullshit,” he's laughing but I can't help feeling bad. I've never seen Ash with anyone and it’s probably difficult around us all now that we seem to have coupled off.

  “No one special in your life Ash?”

  “Not that I would tell any of you guys,” he winks at me before walking over to grab us drinks. “Coke? Orange? Lemonade?”

  “Coke thanks.”

  He plonks back down on the lounger beside me, handing me the bottle. “I'm proud of you Kennedy; you are an amazingly strong person to go through what you've endured.” He pauses for a second, beer bottle at his lip. “You know if I was straight I would have totally bagged you before now!”

  I begin to laugh hysterically. A complete and utter belly laugh.

  “What...?” Ash asks, a note of seriousness to his voice. I can’t answer through the laughter.

  “Hey girl, I may not look like Super Adonis Coley boy over there, but I'm a prime catch you know.”

  I try to calm my laughter as I gather myself to speak.

  I rest my hand on Ash's arm. “I love you Ash, but my heart belongs to another.”

  He darts me a look

  “Enough with the soppy shit girl!”

  Cole walks over, wrapping a towel around his waist; he runs his hands through his hair which is dripping with water. He leans over to me to kiss my head but as the water droplets splash me, I jump out of my seat and to my feet bumping into Pete who is now standing behind me.

  “What's wrong with you?” Pete asks. “Cole never made you wet before?” he guffaws.

  I slap him hard on the top of his arm, my hand against his wet flesh making a loud noise as it connects. This guy sure has his brain in his dick, or maybe the sight of the busty red head has him all worked up!

  As I look over to Cole, I see his protective nature in overdrive again as he glares at Pete.

  “Stop looking at me like that man. It was just a fucking joke!”

  “Watch your mouth Pete! That's all I'm going to say; say what you want to any other girl but not Ken, got it asshole?” I see the tick in his jaw as he speaks and I just know that Cole is pissed.

Fuck man, calm down, it was a joke!”

  “Hey, I'm calm. You just need to watch your mouth man!” I grab Coles hand and lead him away. I needed to get him to calm down; his reaction was totally over the top.

  I put my hands on either side of his face and pull him in for a kiss. I can see him still glaring at Pete as I try to make eye contact.

  “Dammit Cole look at me.” His eyes connect with mine and I lean in to kiss his lips, the water still dripping from his hair.

  “I'm sorry baby, I totally overreacted, but I just hate it when anyone disrespects you. You deserve better than that.”

  I kiss him again, this time deeper and with more passion. His shoulders begin to relax as he leans into our embrace. I feel his wet, hard torso against me and it sends a shiver running through my entire body. I know he felt it as he pulls back looking at me, wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively. “You and me later,” he whispers gently into my ear. I can't contain the smile that slowly spreads across my face.

  As I break apart from Cole, I see Abbey walking towards me. She is acting coy, and I shoot her a look.

  “I can't believe you Abbey, sneaking off like that with Jake as soon as we got here,” I tease.

  She shrugs at me apologetically, “A girl has needs Ken, you know what I mean?” She winks back at me and I cover my face with my hand, not believing some of the stuff this girl says to me.

  “Spare me the details this time Ab's, I'm not sure how many more of your sex stories I can take!”

  It's not long before the tiredness kicks in. I’ve noticed I get tired quickly now. Luckily, Cole can see how exhausted I am.

  “You ready to go baby? You look ready to drop.” He smiles lovingly at me and I nod in response, covering my mouth as I yawn widely. Without a seconds thought, he scoops me up into his arms, carrying me towards the door.


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