Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5) Page 10

by P. G. Allison

  Candace was even more beautiful in person than all the many photos of her had showed and she made a great impression on everyone. She was a natural blond with deep blue eyes and a dazzling smile. She was not at all shy and presented herself in a most articulate manner, telling them first how close she was to her uncle Paul who had taken over for her family when her father had been killed years earlier. Then she went on to praise the witches who had not only located her but then had rescued her. She couldn’t share any specifics as so much of that operation was highly classified but she did clearly convey how indebted she was. Likewise, she acknowledged how deeply in love she now was with Oliver, the man and … yes, the witch … she intended to spend the rest of her life with.

  There were a lot of questions which Candace answered freely and it gradually became quite clear to the audience just what a traumatic experience it had been for her. First the kidnapping and being brought half way around the world, never knowing what might lie ahead. She had assumed she was being sold into some sheik’s harem as a sex slave. Then, after being delivered to that WIJO group and realizing they intended to blackmail her uncle and her country, she had been in total despair. Her father had died in Afghanistan fighting terrorists just like them. For her, being used by them as a pawn was even worse than the threat of her death.

  Oliver also impressed the group and wanted them to know how proud they should all be about the two warrior witches, Missy and Tracy, who were dedicated to serving their country and protecting their nation from the horrors and atrocities of those enemies like WIJO, al Qaeda, the Taliban and other terrorists around the world. From listening to what Candace had described about the ordeal she’d experienced, the awareness of just how real these threats might be had been brought clearly and fully home to everyone there.

  Oliver announced, “I’m very glad Robert Ulrey has asked me to be part of his Psychic Division, where I can help the authorities locate missing persons and kidnap victims. And, now that she’s experienced what terrorists might do, my soulmate Candace has decided to dedicate her life to helping our nation. She plans to work in our embassies overseas where she can make a difference. Standing up against our enemies is very important and, although not a warrior, she intends to do all she can. I will go wherever she goes, of course. We witches cannot just sit back and allow others to face those who would harm us, whether here at home or abroad.”

  After that introduction as witches who actually wanted to be warriors, Missy and Tracy came out, both wearing their full dress grey uniforms and looking very impressive indeed. They were very proud of being West Point cadets and wanted everyone there to know that. They were followed by Robert and Connie, with Mike and John trailing behind and the last to appear.

  There was a bit of a commotion as now, finally, the rogue witches had arrived. Angelina Dangelmeyer had made up her mind in advance that these girls needed to be brought to task and should be apologetic. Seeing them brazenly appear now, not at all showing themselves as humble servants ready to be chastised but instead flaunting their military affiliation? That made her very upset. She had wanted this meeting to go in an entirely different direction. She had wanted groveling and begging for forgiveness. She could see now that wasn’t going to happen.

  Angela tried asking a few questions, aimed at putting Missy and Tracy on the defensive. She wanted them to acknowledge what a huge risk their being at West Point was creating for witches everywhere.

  Tracy was very passionate, explaining how she and her mother had been living amongst the military all their lives, with her Dad a career officer, and that hadn’t exposed witches; no, on the contrary, she viewed this as her destiny. “Those who can, do! And, it’s a good thing they do, since otherwise, all those who can’t would be in real serious trouble!” She managed to convey how her exposure to military personnel had affected her and inspired her. Such individuals made tremendous sacrifices and risked their lives, all in order that America could remain strong and its citizens could live their lives in safety. Living around such people had made all the threats very real to her, whether or not others were aware of them.

  Angela’s son Troy, on the other hand, had quickly shed all the preconceived notions he’d brought to the meeting. Those had mostly been due to his mother’s influence but he had indeed been favorably impressed by everything so far and was even more impressed by seeing Missy and Tracy in person. First there had been the beautiful blond, Candace. Now, the lovely brunette Tracy and the stunning redhead Missy. Wow! Too bad they were involved with other guys, in serious relationships … each had actually found their soulmate, according to what he’d heard ahead of time. And, seeing them now with said soulmates, he could tell that indeed was true.

  Missy was asked to tell her story. None of them had actually met a shifter before and to learn she was both a shifter and a witch was very surprising. Of course, as Missy explained, no one had been more surprised about that than Missy herself. Hearing her openly describe all that she’d gone through on her path, discovering all the things about her own supernatural nature, was very revealing. And, they gradually came to understand why she was at West Point.

  Missy summarized by saying, “When I first Changed, all I had was my intellect, my will and my instincts. While I retained my human nature, I had no choice but to embrace my animal nature. I was a cat and I had no way of knowing whether that was permanent or not. I lived as a wild predator for two years. I am very happy that I leaned to Shift, so I can live as a human once again. But, my life is not merely that of a human. I have my dual nature and I embrace that now. I know I am still a wild predator and I’ve accepted that. It’s what I was born to be, how the Fates have destined I must be. And, it is my desire to be the very best possible werecat-witch-warrior-woman I can possibly be!”

  This was met with enthusiastic acceptance and approval by most, with only Angelina and a few others still grumbling their concerns. Robert was allowed to explain his vision for the FBI’s Psychic Division and why that should benefit witches, giving them some real credibility along with both payment for their time and effort and availability of resources they could tap into for support which far exceeded anything they’d had before while assisting local police forces. All agreed the searches being conducted were valuable, worthwhile endeavors, especially when children or teenagers were the ones missing.

  Once the formal discussions were over, the meeting became more of a social event with everyone mingling. Small groups formed, broke apart and re-formed as they all went around, getting to know one another. Desiree Yerger told Robert she was willing to be one of his psychics, at least on a trial basis. She was feeling a lot more comfortable about the whole thing and she thought Candace’s story was just amazing.

  Troy Dangelmeyer was excited to learn Mike was actually that Mike Ryan, the swimmer he’d heard so much about. While their colleges did not compete in the same leagues and Mike was not expected to try out for the Olympics, his NCAA records in some of the swimming events had been widely publicized. When Missy joined them and listened in on their lively discussion concerning who was doing what in college competitions, she laughed. By that time, a few others had joined the group, including Scott Robinson.

  Missy said, “Hey, if I’d known this meeting was going to be all about swimming matches, I’d have brought my roommate from last semester along with us. Sally loves to talk about swimming, only I thought she was mostly doing that since I was competing in so many other sports. She knew I was a lifeguard one summer and kept telling me how I coulda-been-a-contender!” This got several laughs as she had lowered her voice and stated that last part with a lot of dramatic emphasis.

  Mike turned to Troy and said, “Hey, isn’t your school Colgate in the same league as West Point? Maybe you’ve heard about Sally.” Looking at Missy, he said, “She set a couple records for freshman last year, right Missy?”

  Troy said, “Wait … you’re not talking about Sally Navarro are you?”

  “Oh, so you have heard of her?�
� asked Missy.

  “Heard of her? I watched her when she set one of those records. The two-hundred meter breast stroke. She’s amazing!” Troy had indeed noticed Sally at that event and had been trying to figure out how he could get introduced to her ever since. But, girls at West Point weren’t exactly out and about, where a guy could meet them socially. “Did you say she used to be your roommate?”

  Missy was sensing some very significant interest from Troy and she could tell he was actually getting aroused just thinking about Sally. Wow! Wasn’t that something? “Hey, if you sign up for Robert’s Psychic Division, maybe I can get you a ticket for our next football game. We have a home game next Saturday and Sally always attends those … we all do. Interested?” She laughed and from the expression on Troy’s face, she knew she’d better arrange for that ticket right away.

  By the time they all said their goodbyes, Missy was thinking about what Helen and Millie had advised Tracy, telling her what would help convince Troy to join the FBI. Only it hadn’t been the presence of any beautiful girls at the coven meeting. Instead, it had been the promise of an introduction to Sally Navarro. Of course, Sally was indeed a beautiful girl, so the advice had not been all that far off the mark.

  Chapter Twelve

  Oct 26, 2019

  Heather had finally sat Donald down and had explained all about Missy. Or, as much as she could, since even she didn’t know all there was to know about her crazy sister. He of course had been extremely skeptical, accusing her of making it all up just to yank his chain.

  Then, as she managed to convince him she was not trying to do that but was truly sincere, he suggested she was maybe simply delusional. For whatever reason, she had convinced herself these incredible things were true, she truly believed them, but she was wrong. There simply were no such things as supernatural beings like that in the real world. Witches? Werecats? No way!

  Heather continued to plead with him to understand. “It’s in our genes, Don. You knew about Missy being gone for two years, right? Where did you think she was? What did you think happened?”

  Donald shrugged and said, “Hey, I didn’t want to get into what I assumed was a very personal family matter. I read what was reported back then, of course, not long after we started dating. There was the suggestion your sister had been grabbed by a sexual predator, maybe. But, she escaped and no one was ever arrested. The FBI said the investigation was closed. I wondered if maybe she killed the bastard but I wasn’t planning on asking you to explain things, okay?”

  Heather realized that had been pretty much what she herself had assumed, prior to Missy bringing her out to the State Forest that day and Changing right in front of her. She sighed. Don was going to have to see Missy demonstrate some things, just as she herself had predicted. Where was Missy, anyway? She had promised she’d come by and help with this. Mike and John had gone down to West Point that morning and she assumed they were bringing the girls back.

  Then, glancing past Don’s shoulder and looking to see what had caught her eye, she watched as her own nightgown was slowly moving on its own, floating in midair. Okay. Somehow, Missy had snuck into their apartment and was now doing a few of her telekinetic tricks. Thank goodness!

  “If you were to see some of my clothes come floating out here, what would you think? That we had ghosts? Take a look behind you, Don!”

  Donald glanced back quickly, to humor her. He was about to turn back when he stopped and stared. Sure enough, Heather’s black nightgown was floating along and her big fluffy white robe was right behind it. What the hell? He watched as these were paraded right past him and floated their way over to where their bathroom was located. The bathroom door opened and the light went on inside. Then the clothing items disappeared in there.

  “My sister is doing that, you know. I told you about her telekinesis, right?”

  “Yes, you told me but no, I still don’t buy this. How did you manage it? Fishing line? One of your friends is helping you play games on me?” He started to get up but suddenly felt a force on his chest pushing him back down. “Hey, this isn’t funny, Heather!”

  Missy decided it was time to materialize. She figured she’d given Heather enough of a head’s up and so she went over to the furthest corner in the room. She stopped, focused, and finished her Change. After a large burst of energy went pulsing into the room, there she was. She’d left Mike in New York only fifteen minutes ago and now she was up here in Salem, hundreds of miles away. Presto!

  Heather recognized the energy pulse, having experienced it enough times in the past, but she still was not ready to have Missy suddenly appear, materializing right there in front of them. In her cat form. Donald of course was flabbergasted.

  “Holy shit, that can’t be real!” The strange energy pulse he’d felt was quickly forgotten. He was staring at a huge mountain lion which had somehow appeared right inside their apartment. “What the hell?”

  Heather said, “Now Missy! Behave yourself! You promised you’d help but this isn’t helping.” She started laughing and walked over and began rubbing Missy’s head between the ears. After getting over her initial shock, she figured she may as well go along with whatever Missy was up to.

  Missy purred. Then, she lay down and rolled onto her back. Soon, as she’d hoped, Heather began rubbing her tummy. She purred louder.

  Donald stood up but didn’t know what to do. He wanted to go over and pull Heather away but he also wanted to just get the hell out of there before the wild beast attacked. Then, he saw Heather stand up and the huge cat did also, rolling back on all fours and standing beside Heather, with its long tail straight up in the air.

  “This is really my sister Missy. She’s not going to hurt you, Donald. She knows who we are and is merely giving you a chance to appreciate her in her cat form. Look at her eyes, okay?

  Sure enough, the eyes which the animal was looking at him with did actually seem intelligent. And, damn! He’d been impressed by Missy’s deep green eyes often enough, noting how they sometimes would glitter with millions of gold-yellow speckles appearing out of nowhere. Usually she was with Mike when that happened; they made quite the couple. He had never seen anyone else who could do that. And, sure enough, this cat was now looking at him with Missy’s eyes!

  “Oh, and see all these old scars on her shoulder and her back? You’ve noticed Missy’s scars before, right? And, gosh … look at these two new ones! Those must be from those bullet wounds she got in Afghanistan this summer. Wow!”

  “Enough already! If that’s really Missy, ask her if she’ll Change back.”

  Heather laughed. “Alright, silly man! Only, she’s not going to do that and be standing here naked in front of you.” Turning to Missy, she said, “Go ahead. Into the bathroom. I know that’s why you took my things in there, right?” Then, looking at Donald, she said, “Wait. First, let’s have Donald inspect the bathroom so he’ll be convinced you’re not already hiding in there.”

  A few minutes later, there was another big pulse of energy which Donald could feel. This was after he had indeed inspected the bathroom, stepped back out and watched the mountain lion pad its way past him, go inside and close the door. Then, after the energy pulse, the door opened and Missy walked out, wearing Heather’s gown and robe. Wow!


  Mike had been waiting patiently. Missy had been gone for almost three hours, after simply disappearing in that shimmer of light. He hadn’t seen her do that before … just be there fully dressed one moment and then gone the next, with her clothes lying there on the floor for him to pick up.

  He knew she was now indulging herself, having hunted down a deer out there in that State Forest. He had long ago accepted what voracious appetites she had. She was high energy and very physical with tremendous needs. He really enjoyed helping her satiate those needs, of course. She’d just promised him she’d be there soon and had warned him to be ready.

  Ha! Very funny. He knew how wildly amorous she would be on her return and was looking forward
to that. She’d already told him how much fun she’d had surprising Heather, who hadn’t known she could now teleport, and giving poor Donald quite an education about what supernaturals could do. The good news was Donald would still be asking Heather to marry him. That hadn’t been verbalized but Missy had of course been able to sense how Donald felt.

  After the strain from spending the afternoon with a coven of witches, this had all been just what Missy needed. Playing pranks on her sister, performing magic for Donald, and being a cat … yes, just what she needed. Of course, he intended to fulfill all her needs by making mad passionate love to her once she finally blinked back into his room. He knew she was already sensing his emotions and his readiness, and would arrive back with all her controls turned off and her libido turned on to the max.

  Missy did indeed arrive back feeling both energized and very aroused, a nice combination. She paused only a moment while in her spirit form and, seeing Mike waiting for her in the large bed, she then materialized just a few feet away, letting her pulse of energy announce her return. As soon as he looked at her, with obvious delight and a glint of lust in his eye, she immediately experienced a huge rush of carnal desire. Since this was all happening just after regaining her physical body and all her senses, she actually moaned. She leaped on top of the bed, tore back the covers and splayed her naked body on top of Mike’s body which, thank goodness, was also naked.

  “Welcome back, wandering woman!” Mike laughed at all the thoughts Missy was now sending him, clearly making her wishes and desires known. Of course, what she was doing with her body was making things all the more obvious and as she brought her lips down on his, he enthusiastically kissed her right back. His tongue battled hers, plunging inside her mouth as his kisses tried in vain to claim her. But, she was wildly thrashing about on top of him and could not be tamed, using her mouth to demand he surrender instead.


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