by Susan Moore
“The bearded man, who was he?”
“I do not know. I took an image of his face and searched. No match.”
“Send it to the Clan in Mongolia; ask them.”
Fizz’s eyes flashed amber.
Nat looked over at the silver-framed photograph on her mother’s dressing table. A normal family photo – Nat on her mother’s knee, her father standing behind on the deck of the Junko. Everyone smiling. Zoinks! Yet nothing was as it seemed.
She took a deep breath, turned and headed for the door.
“One sword down, another to go, Fizz.”
First published in the UK in 2017 by Nosy Crow Ltd
The Crow’s Nest, 10a Lant Street
London, SE1 1QR, UK
Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd
Text © Susan Moore, 2017
Cover © Alessandro “Talexi” Taini, 2017
The right of Susan Moore to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved
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ISBN: 978 0 85763 8267