Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 21

by Darren Lewis

  “Is she ready?” Sloan asked in regards to Cassandra. Anthony simply nodded. “On my way.” Sloan said and left his office.


  Fern eyes were so wide they felt painful. The bush he was hiding in didn't provide much cover so he was trying to stay as still as possible. He feared, though, that his heart was speeding so fast and hard that his whole body was vibrating down into the ground giving away his presence. Fern had jumped into the bush a few moments ago after becoming convinced someone or something was tracking him. A faint rustle to his right and Fern held his breath and laid his head on the ground. A light appeared bobbing along in the dark along with some curse words that Fern was unfamiliar with. The light grew brighter and Fern saw the distinct outline of a rabbit!

  “Bloody brambles! Why would The White and The Grey create such a ridiculous, stupid, useless…?”


  “What? Who the hell is that?” Plume yelled brandishing his staff the light pointing straight at Fern.

  “It's me, Fern. I thought you were hunting me!” Fern yelled squinting into the white light.

  “Oh, Fern. Glad you made it. Have you seen anyone else?” Plume asked.

  “No.” Fern replied sadly blinking his eyes rapidly to regain his night vision. “What happened to you and Rox?”

  “I was shot and fell asleep, and I have no idea where Rox is. The others though, they're gone.”

  Fern started to tremble as Plume's voice fell to a near whisper.

  “What do you mean?” He asked the older rabbit.

  “Rox was right, the warren, all of us were being hunted. The warren was captured.” Plume's staff went dark and he cursed again.

  “What's wrong, Plume?” Fern asked in a worried tone.

  Plume ignored him and began sweeping the staff in a circle.

  “Come on, come on.” He whispered until the light returned once more. “Yes!” He exclaimed his free paw punching the air. He turned and grabbed Fern. “Are you still heading to the village?”

  “Yes. Plume, do you think it might be a good idea to call in the other warrens? With ours gone! We could use the help. I could use the help. I mean I know Rox trusted me with helping Ellie but, but, what if I mess it up?” Plume reached out and laid a paw on Fern's young shoulder.

  “Look, Fern, if we ask for help then we endanger the safety of our kind. This is down to us now okay. Whatever happens we have to protect the other warrens.”

  Fern took a shaky breath and gave Rox's protector a nod.

  “Good. I'm trying to find Rox and Flare. Got myself,” he said and he tapped Fern on the head with his staff, “a little friend to guide me, if it could stay on course for longer than a field's length.”

  “Your stick?”

  Fern felt the temperature drop a few degrees. Plume took his paw from Fern's shoulder, sighed and moved off into the darkness following his light, muttering to himself.

  “Plume? What did I say? Plume? Plume!”

  Book IV:

  The Dragon's Tomb


  As in book three, in Sacrifice of Angels I have used known history and mixed it with my own fiction.

  The First Emperor of China's Tomb and the discovery of the Terracotta Army are truly remarkable sights and events in our time. I have based the Emperor's tomb on the description of the historian Sima Qian in the amazing historical record Records of the Grand Historian but have altered details for my own devices about what is inside the tomb and the surrounding mausoleum.

  From the day the First Emperor was interred to the present day, the tomb itself lies undisturbed. There are no plans for an excavation as it may alter the delicate atmosphere within the tomb itself, destroying many wonderful artefacts.

  We may never know if mercury rivers truly run within the hill but ground tests have confirmed a higher than normal level of mercury within the soil. As with some of the best mysteries in life, we are simply left to wonder.


  “Ellie! Ellie!” Cole screamed. He banked sharply and saw Ellie disappearing into the clouds below. She'd asked Cole to fly above the low cloud surrounding the valley they were camped in and into the cool air at the higher altitude. Ellie assured her dragon it was nothing serious, perhaps a slight fever causing her a little discomfort and Cole was happy enough to get above the wet, humid weather the three of them had been plagued by the last few days.

  Malachite! Ellie's fallen off my back! Can you see her?


  As Cole entered the cloud layer in pursuit he saw a large form resolve from the dense cloud close by.

  I was above you! What happened? Where is she? Malachite screamed into Cole's mind, as both dragons continued their dive through the cloud layer.

  I don't know! She said she wasn't feeling well!

  The layer began to thin and Cole and Malachite emerged into the grey day below the piercing blue sky. The land below was covered by thick forest with no landmarks visible to the untrained eye to discern perspective. Luckily dragon's eyesight had evolved for millennia to be close to perfection for hunting and both dragon's spotted the falling figure of their friend immediately. Without conversing Cole and Malachite folded their wings back to become as streamlined as possible and let themselves drop.

  Dragons did not believe in a deity. They had no creation myth. As a race, before they'd left the world, their curiosity over where everything for them began was nothing more than a passing curiosity in a world full of danger. But for the first time in his life Cole muttered words to some unseen, and for all he knew, completely fictional being of power for the speed and ability to save his friend.

  The dragons slowly drew closer to Ellie but their speed was close enough to the point that any manoeuvre would not be able to save them from impacting the ground. Malachite glanced over at his friend and saw the anguish coupled with determination written upon his face and realised that Cole did not intend to even try pulling up after placing his body safely below Ellie.

  Cole! Listen to me! I know what you're planning and it won't work! It's going to take both of us!

  Cole's head did not move from Ellie's falling form but Malachite saw his eyes flicker towards him.

  Well what do we do then? He yelled at the green dragon.

  Once we're below her we both extend our wings and slow us down. It'll hurt but at least you won't be flattened across the land!

  Cole simply nodded and focused once more on Ellie. The two dragons slowly passed her and Cole moved his body so when the time came she would hopefully land safely and unharmed upon his back. Malachite faced Cole and they interlocked their forelegs. Pulling towards one another allowed each dragon to rest their heads on the shoulders of the other.

  Ready? Cole asked and even though he spoke within Malachite's mind his voice quivered with fear. Not for himself but for his rider.


  Both dragons extended their wings to the full and immediately screamed in agony as their wings and shoulders were wrenched backwards in their attempt to slow their fall. Cole fought and though his muscles were on fire he kept his wings out. Malachite continued to yell through his pain and only realised Cole was actually shouting at him when he felt his friend's jaw moving on his shoulders.

  “What?” Malachite growled back.

  “Your legs! Put them down!”

  “Oh yeah!”

  Both dragons hit the canopy of trees.


  Cole? Malachite? Where are you? Help me? So hot? So hot now, just need to sleep. Just for a little while longer. Mum? Dad? Where are you? I miss you so much. Please forgive me, please! No, don't go!

  “How is she?”

  “The fever has yet to break but the medicine will serve her well.”

  “Is this a sign, Anqi Sheng?”

  “Of that I have no doubt. But of what, my young friend? Would you see it as a good omen or a portent of evil?”

  “I have never seen a woman like this. Her pale skin and strange garments. He
r companions are creatures of myth and power but she rides them as I would a tame beast of the field. To command such power is a hunger I possess.”

  “Then a lesson maybe? A guide to show you your destiny?”

  “If a lesson is to be learned, then it shall be that I will attain and command such power and show the world. I will make it my destiny.”

  “As you wish, Zheng.”


  Ellie's eyes were so heavy she was convinced they were glued shut. But once a tiny sliver of light made its way in she found the heaviness dissipating until they were fully opened and watering at the dim light caused by the lantern close by. Her mind felt fat and sluggish as if it had overindulged without her consent and now she was paying the price for it. Dim memories surfaced of what Ellie was sure must've been a long time ago. Setting camp, Malachite starting the fire for the night. Cole catching their food, then nothing, just a blank wall she was unable to penetrate no matter what effort she put into remembering. Cole, Malachite. Maybe it was a nightmare and this is the next morning. Ellie thought half-heartedly.

  No. It wasn't a nightmare. It was real. Cole whispered. Ellie gasped and she tried to rise quickly but it felt like every muscle in her body protested and cramped at once causing her to scream in agony and thump back down to the ground. Her body twisted and contorted as it was gripped in the vicious attack inflicted on her by under used muscles. Ellie vaguely acknowledged one set of hands holding her down and another rubbing her arms and legs quickly to bring relief to her twitching limbs. As she calmed she heard Cole and now Malachite comforting her.

  Oh, Ellie I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you! Cole cried.

  It's not your fault, Cole. Malachite interjected. He's been sat outside your tent for three days and hasn't moved. I had to bring him food! Me! Malachite finished with a gruff note of affection in his tone.

  Ellie's body calmed enough for her to wipe the tears from her eyes with trembling fingers. She blinked and saw two Asian men, one young and staring at her with something approaching disbelief and one extremely old whose face was a mask against his emotions.

  “Hello.” Ellie rasped and she swallowed painfully. The old man brought a shallow wooden bowl to her lips and she drank gratefully before sinking back down to the ground, feeling exhausted.

  “Greetings.” The young man spoke. “I am Zheng and this is Anqi Sheng.”

  They saved your life. Cole added.

  After we did. Malachite complained.

  Ellie couldn't help but chuckle at Malachite's aggrieved tone. The two men gave her an appraising look before speaking again.

  “You are speaking to your companions yes?” The old man asked. His voice was so deep Ellie had to run the man's question through her head again to understand what he'd asked. She sighed when she understood the man called Anqi Sheng meant Cole and Malachite. She nodded.

  “Yes. They're my friends.” She replied.

  The man called Zheng moved closer, his eyes afire with need.

  “Are they spirits? They told us you fell from the sky. Were you cast out from the heavens?”

  What have you been saying? Ellie asked both the dragons in alarm.

  Not much. Cole answered. The old man, from what we can tell is a magician, or claims to be. Whatever we've said the other one, Zheng tends to twist it to his own ends.

  I think he might be mad. Malachite added innocently.

  “No.” Ellie told Zheng while contemplating what to say. “I'm just a normal person.” The fire in Zheng's eyes dimmed somewhat and he sat back on his haunches.

  “You've been feverish for a few days.” Anqi said giving Zheng a strange look. “Zheng found you and your friends in the forest.”

  After he'd eventually calmed down from the shock he offered to carry you to safety. Cole added in Ellie's mind. I explained we were capable but he insisted. Our wings are damaged in the fall but will heal. He walked with you for two days before we met Anqi.

  Wow. How did you hurt your wings?

  Cole flashed an image of what the two dragons had done to save Ellie's life.

  Wow again. But, why didn't you open a dragon thread? You'd already flown or fallen the distance down to the ground. You both could've popped right back up in the clouds again.

  Ellie asked, referring to the dragon's ability to travel distances quickly by dragon thread, a tunnel that existed outside of the normal world as long as they'd travelled that distance previously. The silence Ellie felt in her mind was quite disturbing, as if both dragons had shut themselves away from her.

  W…well. Cole stuttered. It was Malachite's idea! The red dragon exclaimed

  Hey! Malachite complained. I saved you from becoming part of the landscape.

  I was thinking about Ellie!

  Cole, Malachite! Ellie interrupted with a laugh.

  More silence followed until Cole spoke again, a bit contritely.

  Shall we agree never to mention it again?

  Fine by me. Malachite huffed.

  Anqi smiled at Ellie as he realised she was once again speaking with the dragons outside the tent.

  “You must rest now. Your fever is broken but you are still extremely weak. Rest and we shall speak again tomorrow.”

  Ellie nodded and breathed deeply.

  “Thank you, both of you.” She said

  Both men nodded and left Ellie alone in the tent to sleep.

  And thank you too. She said to Cole and Malachite.

  You're welcome. Cole whispered.

  Malachite responded with a small laugh before Ellie's mind went silent and she drifted into a peaceful sleep.


  “I'm afraid I have nothing to offer in payment.” Ellie explained as she checked Cole and Malachite's wings for damage. They'd both healed quickly and well, a fact Ellie was secretly amazed by considering the forces placed upon their bodies. It was three days after Ellie's fever had broken and apart from feeling extremely tired in the evenings she was recovering well. Anqi was striking the small camp while Zheng packed his belongings away as Ellie spoke to them.

  “I consider it an honour.” Anqi said, rising from the smouldering cooking fire. “To have encountered such wonderful creatures and their companion is payment enough.” Anqi looked over to Zheng. Over the last few days Ellie had not been able to garner a great deal of information on either men. Both were secretive to the point of paranoia. The overwhelming feeling from Anqi was of kindness and compassion. The old man may not have given much of himself away but his heart was apparent after a few minutes in his presence. Zheng however was even more of a mystery. Yes he'd played a major role in saving Ellie's life but there was something about the man that put Ellie, and for some reason Malachite, on edge. Maybe she was being unfair, Ellie had kept a lot of her personal history a secret as well.

  Zheng finished tying his sleeping roll up and crossed over to Ellie, his dark eyes a mystery though the expression of shocked awe had eventually given away to a begrudging acceptance of a woman riding such beautiful creatures.

  Maybe that's it. You are without doubt, a woman. Cole said.

  Perhaps. Ellie responded dryly. We're a long way from equal rights.

  Malachite didn't even bother entering the silent conversation, he merely grunted and scratched his mended wing on a nearby tree.

  “Anqi Sheng speaks some of the truth but not all.” Zheng took a deep breath before resuming. “I am not one given to falsehoods or lies so I admit it is strange for me to accept a woman riding such powerful creatures.” Ellie kept silent as she watched this strange man contemplate his words. “Also, I will ask a token or favour of you.” Zheng finished and awaited Ellie's response. For some reason without knowing why she knew what she said here and now could be very dangerous.

  “I agree. I owe you my life.” And Ellie saw a small smile start to form on the young man's face. “However. I will not harm anyone and I will not offer service of my companions. They are free in this world to choose as they will.” The smile slipped from Zheng'
s face and he cast a look at Anqi. The old man took small bronze charm from his pack and handed it to Ellie.

  “If Zheng ever has the need he may call upon you once.”

  Ellie took the small charm. A simple circle of bronze with a triangle carved into the metal. Zheng bowed at Ellie and she returned it. The young Asian man turned quickly, retrieved his travelling bundle and left the camp.

  What an oddball. Malachite observed.

  Anqi Sheng took Ellie's hands and looked deep into her dark brown eyes.

  “You are as hidden and closed off as I.” He said. “But I think your spirit is greater and will sustain you in what is to come.”

  “What's coming?” She asked.

  “Darkness. It forever seeks an enemy.” Anqi replied massaging her hands to try and instil some comfort. “Your future is bound to Zheng and I. This will not be the last time we meet. Be well.”

  Anqi bowed low and Ellie returned the gesture with a warm but troubled smile. He turned and picked up his pack and set off into the trees. As he vanished from view he sent one more message to Ellie, Cole and Malachite.

  And thank you as well to you two wonderful creatures. You've given an old man a very rare gift. A surprise!


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