Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 25

by Darren Lewis

  Are we doing anything or not? Malachite said, interrupting Ellie's concentration.

  I can't see anything! Ellie objected.

  Oh, of course. Thousands of years and I still forget humans have awful eyesight!

  Ellie felt Malachite walking forwards and she resisted the urge to duck her head against any possible injury rendering obstructions.


  Though it was useless Ellie immediately snapped the torch on and swung it around in an attempt to find the source of the voice. Malachite hadn't spoken and thoughts of what could be waiting out there in the blackness began to invade her imagination. Creatures of nightmare. Multi-legged and multi-fanged, crawling, slithering, stalking them both. A cold shiver tickled its way down Ellie's back and she rested her free hand on Malachite's back for comfort.

  Nearly there. Are you okay? He asked.

  Yes. Ellie hesitated for a moment. Yes. This darkness and that constant noise is making me imagine strange things.

  Oh. Malachite replied. Like big furry bats or really big millipedes? Ellie?

  Malachite. Please be quiet.

  She heard the dragon laugh softly.

  Here we go. Shut your eyes.

  Ellie switched the torch off and closed her eyes. Malachite inhaled deeply and then let a great stream of fire loose into the tomb. Through her eyelids Ellie could see the incredible colours of Malachite's fire and the heat made her headache ease a bit.

  Incredible. Malachite whispered. Look at this.

  Ellie opened her eyes and gasped. At first she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. Thinking it might be a model due to the lack of scale available down here. The buildings and structures Ellie and Malachite saw were illuminated by large braziers that Malachite had set alight with his flame. That flickering orange light revealed a replica of the emperor's palace, a long and straight road lined with temples led all the way to a great gate that shone in the dancing light. Ellie turned and saw the black hills carved into the earth to create a landscape. The source of the noise was still off in the distance but Ellie was able to guess that she was hearing the continuous crash and tumble of a waterfall. But not a `water' fall, the rivers Ellie could now see did not run as swiftly or move like water. They were right, she thought. The rivers ran with mercury. The silvery liquid ran smoothly after two thousand years and Ellie marvelled at the craftsmanship she was witnessing still at work. Ellie remembered the remaining sequence the orb had shown her and gazed up. The ceiling of the tomb was indeed decorated with the lights of heaven. The engineers had replicated the stars in the night sky for their emperor before being condemned to death for their knowledge of it.

  Beautiful. Malachite observed.

  But deadly. Ellie finished referring to the mercury and the price for working on the construction of these magnificent spectacles. Come on. Let's get this done. With a nod, Malachite walked the road to the emperor's last resting place.

  Eleanor and Sloan

  The Geek Squad, as they were unaffectionately known throughout the Institute, were currently on the trail of Baiulus' former chief of operations, Audrey Copping. What didn't surprise them at all was the totally lax security measures in places some thirty years ago when she'd joined. Back then a false identification, complete with birth certificate, passport, credit history, whatever was needed was much easier to fake and be accepted as real, and of course once you were in the door and though security measures improved you would've already been accepted.

  Due to their contacts and influence any paperwork considered false from years previous could be analysed in terms of who was doing the faking back then. If you needed a birth certificate then the Geek Squad had access to all the counterfeiters who would've provided such a service over the last fifty years. The list was extensive considering work of this type happened worldwide but the advent of the internet and computers becoming faster and faster each year, made searching easier for the Geek Squad. Many counterfeiters when identified were strict on destroying files and any reference to their `customers' but the Institute had the advantage of the twins who could sift through and find the person from the counterfeiter's memory. After the initial passive interrogation was complete the counterfeiter was remanded indefinitely for information extraction and then quietly moved to a psychiatric hospital as the process left the prisoner devoid of memory.

  Fortunately for the Geek Squad the information they required had been extracted a few years ago from a counterfeiter who had aided another company in infiltrating Baiulus by supplying false documentation. The team leader analysed the information compiled, checking his colleagues' data trails until he was certain it could be presented to Sloan. Electronic documents were attached and flagged as urgent for Sloan's attention then the leader smiled with satisfaction as he sent the data on its way.


  Rather than the standard interrogation room Eleanor was taken immediately to Sloan's office. The security team had relinquished their prisoner after a more thorough search determined Eleanor was not carrying any weapons or electronic devices and Sloan's two bodyguards escorted her onwards. Anthony held the office door open and Eleanor entered what had been her office at one point. Sloan was standing at the window gazing at the city below. Anthony cleared his throat and Sloan turned. His face was a mask but his eyes roamed swiftly over Eleanor's as if the answer to all his questions lay there. He gave Anthony and Dana a small nod and the two bodyguards departed. Sloan licked his lips.

  “It's been a few years, Ms. Copping.” Sloan stated.

  “Yes, but don't remind me how many. These days I find that quite depressing.” Eleanor responded.

  Sloan moved to his desk and gestured towards the chair on the opposite side. Eleanor sat down and placed the orb on the desk between them.

  “Quite a coincidence that you visit us today. Not to mention one of my spotters has identified that,” Sloan pointed at the orb, “as the artefact the girl was carrying when we tried to intercept her.”

  “Well, I have my ways.” Eleanor said.

  “Not to mention the dragon which rescued the girl and then put in an appearance during another operation.”

  “Busy day.” Eleanor remarked.

  Sloan crossed his arms and looked into the corner of his office his expression one of guarded amusement.

  “I've been quite busy myself. I pulled all your files on your time at the Institute and had my team track you down. They're good, very good.” Sloan shifted his gaze back to Eleanor. “The false leads, different identities, multiple bank accounts and passports. They found you though.”

  Eleanor didn't say anything. If she'd learned one thing over the years it was patience and that people would eventually get to the point no matter how gleefully they were getting there.

  “Then I asked our tech guys to run a comparison between visuals of you and the girl. Amazing. 99% match, allowing for age difference of course.” Sloan leaned forward and placed his arms on his desk shaking his head. “I may not understand everything that's occurred today but I will and you're going to help me, Audrey.”

  Eleanor smiled as Sloan apparently finished his little speech which she guessed was contrived to intimidate her.

  “As you wish. Well, before this gets too uncomfortable for either of us, what would you like to know?”

  Sloan cocked an eyebrow as his former boss wondering if he was still in control of this conversation. I must remember, he thought. She always has this effect, it's the self-confidence and self-assurance that's so damn off putting.

  “Okay.” Sloan said. “Let's start with a simple one. Tell me about today.”

  “Alright. My real name is Eleanor, Ellie to my friends and family. The green dragon's name is Malachite. This is a very powerful orb that I've brought here to use to heal my dragon I arranged the capture of years ago. I couldn't prevent the attack on the warren but Malachite had other ideas and made his way there.” Eleanor lied and covered it by leaning forward as well, bringing her face close to Sloan's. “I've
lived for thousands of years and that girl is as precious to me as anything in this world.”

  “Why?” Sloan asked with a fascinated tone, his eyes staring deep into Eleanor's.

  “She's me.”


  Sloan was standing at his office window, alone once more, coffee mug in one hand and the orb in the other. The debrief of Ms. Copping, Audrey or Eleanor, whatever her real name was would take months but Sloan had the feeling that events were moving swiftly, maybe too swiftly to ultimately control. What bothered him was his former boss' apparent transparency about her motives not to mention her honesty of the planned operation to `capture' her dragon. After their initial conversation Sloan had Eleanor escorted to a holding cell. He'd needed time to think without those eyes boring into him.

  Apparently the tech team had run a deep background check on this woman and found an address. Sloan had not reviewed the files completely about how Ellie/Audrey had managed to create such an elaborate façade but he'd ordered a surveillance on the property to see if anything useful could be ascertained about the former chief of operations and Sloan was wondering how much of Audrey or Ellie's story was true.

  Sloan blew gently at the surface of the hot coffee and brought the orb up to his face wondering how this apparent magical object wormed its way into the day's events.

  It was an accident. The orb said dryly. Sloan jerked and coffee spilled over his sleeve causing him to yelp as the hot coffee burnt through the fabric to his skin.

  “What the hell?” He cried.

  Sorry about that. I thought it was time we were introduced.

  Sloan's eyes widened further as the orb continued speaking, his scalded wrist completely forgotten.

  “Who…what are you?”

  The orb laughed in its own fashion, causing Sloan to grimace and try to turn his head from the sound of hundreds of laughs at once. It was another shock to Sloan when the sound did not lessen and he realised the orb could speak directly into his mind.

  I'm a magical entity created, well, a long time ago by two dragons. Over the years I became sentient. Any questions so far? No? Good. You see Ellie, as that is her real name, really wants her dragon back to heal him. Now she wanted to come in here all guns blazing at first so to speak but I convinced her otherwise.

  Sloan swallowed loudly and went back to his chair. He went to place the orb back on his desk but found the glow and heat somehow comforting and he thought he might shake too badly if he released it so he kept holding it and decided to experiment.

  What do you mean? He asked within the confines of his mind.

  Eleanor has held her peace for centuries. All that time she has watched and learned again and again to fit in, blend in and disappear from Baiulus. Ultimately however, her enemy had the means to keep Cole, that's his name by the way, alive.

  And she decided to infiltrate us, to arrange his capture?

  Yes. Now imagine the patience, the planning and ingenuity required.

  Sloan leaned back in his chair and felt strangely at ease with this strange conversation.

  Audrey…I mean Eleanor, was always brilliant. She led Baiulus successfully for a number of years. In fact her tenure marked the largest capture rate ever known throughout the Institute's history.

  Indeed. The orb remarked. Now imagine what it takes for someone to be the thing they hate. To carry on Baiulus' work. Now believe me when I say her option of freeing Cole would've raised this building and the holding facilities to the ground and no one would get in her way.

  I always thought she was ruthless, but…

  She's been separated from part of her family, her dragon, which kept her alive for thousands of years. The orb interrupted and then sighed. So I came up with a new plan. Hopefully one that will remove the possibility of bloodshed.

  Sloan placed the orb on the desk and massaged his hands. The longer the orb had talked the more tense he'd become. So the Institute was in danger but how much? Could he use this orb to his advantage and gain Baiulus possibly one of the greatest finds in the field of magic? But what about Eleanor and could he convince this orb to work with him? The possibilities were immeasurable.

  NO! The orb shouted into his mind and Sloan rocked back into his chair, unthinkingly clutching his ears at the noise.

  “What?” He gasped out loud, blinking rapidly to clear the white spots that had appeared in his vision due to the orb's mind shout.

  I know what you're thinking, Sloan, and apart from the fact you have an awful employer and have perpetrated some horrendous violations of human law I still convinced Ellie to give you a chance.

  “Why?” Sloan asked quietly.

  I care about Ellie and didn't want her carrying the burden of throwing you off the roof of this building, which I might add she will do if you stand between her and her dragon today. One chance, Sloan.

  “What do you want?”

  Just lean back and relax.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Show you.


  The holding cell Eleanor sat in was akin to a rather bare, utilitarian office. But without the charm, Eleanor joked to herself. There were no windows and just an empty desk and a chair. Eleanor dug into her own memories of the building and recalled this room used to house stationery. She laughed without humour at this pointless fact and sat down. For the first time in years she felt hope mixed in with her emotions and it was hard to keep her patience in check. Her original plan of using the Terracotta Army against Baiulus to free Cole and as many captives as possible at any cost was now lost. Whilst the others were awakening from the sleep the orb had placed them in to show them Eleanor's history the orb had fastened on Eleanor's plan and convinced her to change it. At first Eleanor refused, she would not allow Cole to be in Baiulus' hands any longer than necessary now the orb had been recovered. The orb listened and realised that Eleanor was in danger of taking the same path as Isabelle. Revenge.

  You don't need to do it this way. The orb had told her.

  I can't let them get away with this for any longer. Now I've found you we can heal Cole and bring an end to what Isabelle did.

  How? By killing them all? The Institute will still be there. I suppose I could kill every single member but that's a few thousand people we're talking about.

  Eleanor had quickly succumbed to the orb's logic. The Institute might represent a vast evil to her but a great many of their number were just doing a job and Eleanor knew she must educate not persecute as she'd seen so many times perpetrated by others and their new plan was formed though she thought it was risky as hell.

  Why are you doing this? Eleanor had finally asked.

  Because it's what you would've done if free of the pain and grief. Given people a chance. In all your years trying to put an end to whatever persecution mankind inflicted, you always gave the perpetrators that one chance. You're a part of me too, Eleanor. You helped bring me to life.

  The memory flitted away and Eleanor placed her head in her hands. That conversation within the White Room of The Institute had taken a mere second of real time as Ellie was reunited with Rox. How close she had come. How much in the last three or four hundred years had her mind turned towards revenge. With the orb she'd have gladly sent every member of Baiulus to Hell and sat astride Cole once more as their precious Institute burned. She blew out a large breath and thought of her younger self, Rox and her friend from the monastery, Thomas. Eleanor smiled and nodded.

  “Still human, Thomas.” She cocked an eyebrow. “For now.” She added sardonically.

  The First Emperor

  “Those builders knew what they were doing, didn't they?” Malachite asked, his loud deep voice echoing through the empty tomb city. Ellie nodded and patted Malachite's leg. She had dismounted and they started walking through what seemed to be a central road lined with opulently decorated temples to a pair of large shining gates. As they progressed Ellie's sense of wonder and amazement never wavered at the level of design and construction on display. No
building as they walked seemed damaged or showed signs of the degradation of time. Every stone, every carving and roof tile looked as new as the day it had been placed.

  For some reason this had given Malachite some cause for concern and the green dragon decided to start communicating with his proper voice instead of speaking into Ellie's mind. He's nervous, Ellie thought and he's whistling in the dark, trying to banish those nerves.

  “They did, Malachite.” Ellie replied. She gave the dragon a sidelong glance. “Are you okay?”

  Malachite growled softly and a small black cloud escaped his mouth.

  “I don't like this place. I don't like the memory of Zheng. He used us.”

  Without knowing the full story Ellie just shrugged non-committedly and pointed at the gates.

  “We're nearly there so don't worry, Malachite. Then back to the Army.”

  Malachite nodded but still growled every now and then.

  Nearing the gates to the emperor's palace Ellie saw the gold leaf beaten and shaped over every inch of each gate that measured at least forty feet in height and were easily wide enough to allow Malachite entry without any problems. They both stopped and Malachite looked down at Ellie with an evil glint in his eye that made her shudder.

  “Shall I knock?”

  Ellie's shoulders slumped at the green dragon's awful attempt at humour but then she saw the glint in his fiery yellow eyes wasn't evil at all just mischievous. She grinned and then let loose a small laugh. Malachite grinned in return which caused Ellie to laugh harder. Malachite huffed now and large clouds of black smoke were sent billowing into the air to rise and disappear in the darkness above. Tears ran down Ellie's face and she tried to answer.

  “What…if…” Ellie wiped her cheek. “Someone answers!” And she laughed harder, trying to stop as it was making her headache worse but unable to.


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