Fate of the Fallen

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Fate of the Fallen Page 33

by Darren Lewis

  I know. But here we are.

  And I'm guessing that we're in trouble.

  You could say that! The orb yelled. Get back here, your two friends are a bit agitated.

  On our way! Eleanor called.

  And get me out of this bloody tank!


  Dana's mobile phone rang and with her eyes on Sloan whose attention never left his computer screen she flipped it open.

  “Yes. Yes I'm aware of an alarm sounding at the holding facility. The building has been scheduled for demolition in ten minutes. A small nuclear device will be activated at the end of the countdown.” Dana closed her phone and backed away from the desk slightly as Sloan came to his feet.

  “Are you crazy? You'll take us and the city with you!”

  The voice came back to his computer.

  “She is one of mine, Sloan. Her thoughts have been altered to serve me.”

  Sloan put his face close to the monitor.

  “You can't do this! The death toll will be huge. Including those at the holding facility you wish to save.”

  “Sacrifices must be made, Sloan and this is what I'm prepared to do. Sacrifice my brothers and sisters and start a revolution that will change the entire world and make it safe for my kind.”

  Mad. Sloan thought. She's totally mad. Sloan's eyes flickered to Dana's jacket. Every bodyguard carried a handgun and they were trained for years with them. Sloan sat back down at his desk and under the table slid his own phone from his trouser pocket. Under the scrutiny of his body now prison guard Sloan slowly composed a text to send to the geek squad.

  “What are you doing, Mr Sloan?” Dana enquired politely. “Please place your hands on the desk.”

  Sloan nodded and slowly did as asked. The text was complete all he had to do was press the send button. Dana reacted instantly, her hand reaching inside her jacket for her weapon and aimed at Sloan's forehead before he could press down firmly.

  “Remove your finger from the button please, Mr Sloan.” Dana instructed, her voice full of malevolence. Sloan looked down the barrel of the black gun aimed at him. It didn't waver or shake, his former bodyguard would not miss. He raised his other hand in surrender extremely slowly.

  “Very well.” He told Dana. Good luck, he wished to Eleanor and pressed the send button. Sloan heard a sharp crack and he fell into darkness.

  The East Facility

  The elevator doors opened and Plume leapt forward and stopped to survey the layout of the ground floor. The trucks Plume had used for cover to enter the building were parked in a row to his right. Straight ahead were the three main doors, Plume swore, they were closed.

  The alarms were still blaring away accompanied by swirling red lights on every wall. Figures were emerging from doors on the left wall, carrying long poles with nooses dangling from the end.

  “There must be a way to get those doors open.” Plume called to the rabbits. “On the far wall maybe. Stay with me. Stay together!” And Plume set off.

  More people emerged from the rabbit's left side, the majority Plume saw to his dismay were not wearing anything on their hands.

  “Don't let them touch you!” He shouted over his shoulder. Only one human could handle a rabbit without gloves and that was Ellie, or two now if Eleanor was indeed the same person. Contact from anyone else would result in the rabbit's intelligence being lost forever. They would become normal, wild, lost to their family forever. To that end Plume knew they needed cover while he and a few others scampered ahead to find the way to open the doors. He swerved sharply to the right making their pursuers cry out and run faster.


  “Come on. Come on. Just follow Plume, little ones.” Rox instructed the rabbits around her. The kittens and mothers had gravitated to their leader and for now the warren was following Plume as one entity. Rox was terrified though, but not for herself. She'd done many dangerous things, including some outrageous behaviour fighting dragons though she couldn't remember but Eleanor promised her she'd done. But this was different, those lives she was trying to save were around her, rather than at a distance.

  Her eyes caught Plume swerving sharply from the people rushing towards them and she made encouraging noises for the others to follow.


  At the rear of the pack Storm took a high leap for a clear view of what lay in front of the rabbits. As Plume veered away to his right Storm caught a glimpse of the large vehicles he was heading for. They'd provide some cover as they hid under them but not enough to escape the reach of the long metal poles these people would use to hook every rabbit by. But there was no way she could tell Plume his plan was flawed.


  Nearing the trucks Plume called over his shoulder to the rabbits nearest.

  “When I do, jump and kick the side of that truck!” Plume didn't wait for a response and increased his speed causing the rabbits to follow his action and come up alongside him.

  As the red lights swirled and the alarm blared Plume ground his teeth together and put every ounce of energy, physical and mental into his back legs.

  “Now!” He yelled through his teeth and he kicked away from the ground using his front paws and swivelled his body mid-air. The other rabbits performed the same action and with one simultaneous blow they crashed into the side of the truck. The crash caused the metal to bend and the tremendous force of the impact could be heard over the alarm blaring.


  Rox could not help the small, half crazed laugh that escaped her mouth as she watched her partner and several other rabbits leap and kick at the side of one of the trucks. The sight and sound made the people chasing the rabbits stop for a moment in stupefied awe as the truck was slammed over onto its side. Though still quite a jump, especially for the younger rabbits they now had somewhere, if not to hide, then to defend and keep free of the humans.


  “Up! Up! Come on!” Plume yelled. His eyes constantly wandering from the now running people to the rabbits still jumping onto the side of the truck. As Rox landed with her group of mothers and kittens Plume's view of the scene slowed. His eyes picked out Storm and the rear of the group of racing rabbits, he then fixed his attention on the closest person and he knew that at least thirty rabbits would be unable to make the jump. The person would be able to cut them off, forcing them to run for cover elsewhere and become trapped.

  Plume waved his staff at the rabbits and pointed it at the man who seemed to be running at normal speed while the rabbits were moving slower and slower as Plume's anxiety grew. Storm looked up and caught the gesture. Her eyes darted to the man racing towards the truck and she powered her legs through the group of rabbits.

  Silence fell in Storm's ears. She became free of anxiety over Plume's plan of escaping the human's with their nooses. She'd underestimated her daughter's partner and she grinned with pride at his quick thinking. Her breath came easily as a walk through a field. When her paws contacted the rough, cold floor it was the lightest touch, as if a small breeze were ruffling her fur. She saw nothing but the man in front of her. Not the truck, not the rabbits, not her daughter screaming at her. One last time, Storm thought. I did it one last time. I'm chasing the sky! Storm grinned and jumped at the man's face.


  “Mother!” Rox screamed. “No!”

  The jump aimed at the man's face caused him to react instinctively. He stopped, dropped the long pole he was carrying and flung his hands up to protect his face. Storm's body connected with the man's hands making him step backwards and fling his arms around. Rox dashed to the edge of the truck as the remaining rabbits jumped up under Plume's harsh commands. Storm was sitting with her shoulders hunched and body trembling at the man's feet. Rox felt a cold wave pass through the enormous warehouse and shivered, its intensity caused the people who were dashing over to pause and then walk over to the man Storm had crashed into.

  Rox whimpered as the man bent down and lifted Storm with his bare hands.

  “No.” Rox cried softly but the damage h
ad already taken place in their first contact. Storm was still as a rock, as a normal rabbit would behave. Plume rushed over and gasped. He rammed his staff into the metal of the truck siding startling all the humans into looking directly at him. Rox, with tears streaming down her fur, stood erect and looked at each one of them.

  “You have just destroyed something precious to this world. An animal that made it live. A rabbit that brought light instead of darkness and you've taken that away. My mother.” Rox finished, her voice dropping to a whisper.

  The man holding a vacant eyed Storm turned and spoke to the others. All nodded and those without gloves took a metal pole with a collar attached. Then with grim eyes they all started a slow advance on the truck.


  Here we go! 1138 called as a bright door appeared amongst the swirling colours of the wormhole. For the last few seconds, minutes, hours, depending on your perspective, Ellie had kept her eyes closed. The tumbling patterns were peaceful but Ellie realised she'd be asleep if she continued to stare at them. Ellie opened her eyes and blinked. The doorway was close.

  We're here! She called to the orb.

  Based on Ellie's last high speed exit from a dragon thread, 1138 and the orb had altered the spell to incorporate what Ellie called the 'emergency, emergency stop.' A field came into view, followed swiftly by a road. The view changed and Ellie saw the building Rox was waiting for her in. With just a few seconds in the wormhole remaining Ellie could see red lights attached to the building, spinning and flashing.

  Do you think they're in trouble? 1138 asked.

  Knowing Rox, yes and if Plume's there, definitely, without a shadow of doubt.

  Ellie exited into a hot summer's day from a place of no sound, heat or sensation beyond the visual and looked around wildly. They had arrived within the perimeter of the building's fence but already she could hear shouts from the guard house close by. As Ellie turned the army arrived, extending behind her, through the fence and the road beyond. The yells of warning turned to cries of fear and shock. Ellie heard the sound of a distant alarm and followed it to the large three metal shutters in front of her. Though riding high on the rush of travelling the wormhole and with an army at her back Ellie contained her exuberance. She raised her arms above her head and swung them down sharply.

  “Forward!” She commanded her troops and with the sounds of cracks and splintering the army rushed past her. “Through the doors!” She yelled.


  Plume guided a distraught Rox to the relative safety of the truck's new centre and she was surrounded by her fellow rabbits offering comfort and support. Plume stroked his loved one's ears and then pushed his way back through to watch the humans approach. Quite a few of them had realised that it would take a mad scramble for them to reach the rabbits and had dashed off to find ladders, chairs, anything for them to gain a purchase on the side of the truck.

  Plume turned and instructed the rabbits nearby to defend the side of the trucks. Before they could reply, he jumped off and ran for the doors.


  Ellie cursed. Metal doors were extremely effective against infantry composed of pottery. After a few of the warriors had cracked and fallen apart she'd made her way to the doors and desperately searched for a release to open them. She heard shouts once again from behind her and several sharp smacks followed by the smashing of clay.

  They're shooting at you! 1138 explained.

  Yes, I got that! I can't open the damn doors! Can you help?

  Not at the moment. Using magic has nearly drained what's left of me. You can do it though.

  What? Ellie asked, ducking instinctively as more shots felled more soldiers.

  I was hoping to last until we arrived at the Institute. I wanted to know my name. 1138 sighed. Never mind that now. She continued in a brisk tone. I can use my remaining energy and merge with you. I'll be gone but you'll possess my talent.

  Ellie leaned against the stone wall next to one of the stubborn metal doors.

  But I can't do magic! She protested.

  Ah! Most of it comes from the person. It's an effort of will, nothing more. The wormhole was special because of the power the orb linked us to.

  You'll be gone? Ellie asked quietly.

  Yes but this really isn't the time for sentiment. Do this and you can save your friend, save all of them.

  What do I do?

  Just relax. It's been a pleasure knowing you.


  In the human's rush to board the tipped over truck Plume slipped away unnoticed. He dashed under the two remaining parked trucks and arrived at the large doors unimpeded.

  “Please.” He whispered to the unseen sky. “Help me.” He ran the width of the room examining the doors quickly. Shouts from behind and a shooting glance told him he was discovered. But it was useless, what had he been thinking? These were human constructions. Objects he knew nothing about.

  Plume slowed and came to a stop. He brought his staff to bear. If he could delay them long enough maybe Ellie would still arrive in time to release some of them.

  Six people formed a semicircle about Plume with his back to the wall. He twirled his staff and slammed one end hard into the concrete floor.

  “This is for Storm, you bastards!” and with that he charged.


  Ellie watched in her mind as an old woman was released from the captivity of the blue liquid. Her body slumped to the ground and attendants rushed over to tend to her.

  That was me. Subject 1138 explained. Can you believe they actually showed me the video? That's my first real memory after they'd wiped my old one. Part of their warped plan I guess. The scene turned bright white and Ellie found herself face to face with the young woman she'd met on the front lawn of Isabelle's house only yesterday. The fake Isabelle's house.

  I want you to remember me this way. Not the old hag who invaded your mind.

  Ellie smiled and 1138 raised her hands which Ellie grasped.

  This might tingle a bit. 1138 said with an amused expression.

  Ellie's hands grew warm from 1138's touch. Looking down she saw her hands glowing softly blue.

  That's such a lovely colour. 1138 said gently. The colour coursed its way up Ellie's arms and under her clothes. Pins and needles followed the soft glow but the sensation wasn't unpleasant. Ellie looked up to the young woman and saw the colour draining from her face and eyes, leaving behind a cold, pale stare. As the tingling arrived at Ellie's neck, Subject 1138 stepped forward and embraced Ellie.

  If you can. Find me. I think I had a family.

  Ellie nodded and her entire frame trembled as the young woman gave up the last vestige of herself as she dissolved and merged into Ellie's body. The tingling became hot and uncomfortable. Ellie clenched her fists and then opened them quickly as they felt on fire. Sweat beaded and ran quickly from every pore in Ellie's skin and she fell to her knees. Come on, Ellie thought. The doors, concentrate on the doors. An image of the Institute's quarantine facility emerged from the white floor just beyond Ellie's knees. No higher than Ellie's chest it seemed like an incredibly detailed model. She leaned forward and raised her burning hands at the doors. A new sensation replaced the fiery one in her hands, as if a thousand, a million soap bubbles were drifting past and through her hands and Ellie was able to suddenly see a multitude of these objects before her. Her perception altered again and Ellie found herself surrounded by the same bubbles, only this time they were huge, with an enormous amount of black space between them. Understanding came with a cry of wonder. This was the view inside the metal doors! She was seeing the atoms of the barrier before her and the immense space on this level between each atom. Ellie focused her strength into the empty space and forcing her will into it. Then with a ridiculous amount of self-consciousness she screamed at the metal doors.



  Rox couldn't focus a single thought. She was aware of the yelling rabbits around her. She was aware of the alarms blaring and the red lights flashing. Sh
e was aware that the people of the Institute's facility had surrounded them and were attempting to breach the edge of the truck. She was aware her mother was gone, not dead, but stripped of her mind and intelligence, in fact everything that had made her Storm.

  Rox looked around her at tired, whirling eyes. For the moment the rabbits were holding their own. Anything that dared show itself beyond the edge of the truck was quickly kicked away but Rox knew it was only a matter of time. They were trapped and no matter how long they held this position their capture was inevitable. Movement on the far wall caught Rox's eye and she saw Storm cowering in fear at the blaring alarms and flashing lights. Her heart sank further as she for one second knew exactly the terror her mother must be feeling as a wild rabbit. A strange click sounded in Rox's head and she blinked rapidly.

  “My mother's still alive. She's terrified.” Rox's thoughts started to move quicker with this realisation. “She's still alive.” Rox whipped her head left and right and saw a man had managed to lever himself onto the truck near the back. Without hesitation Rox bounded towards him and then launched a kick at his stomach. Rox heard the rapid blast of air from the man's mouth as she connected and he toppled over backwards.

  “Where's Plume?” She yelled at the rabbits defending their position.

  “Near those metal doors! He's trying to get them open!” A few rabbits answered at once. Rox nodded.

  “Keep the little ones near the middle. If they get up here then do what you must to protect them from being captured intact!” Rox ordered. “Run towards the humans without protection on their hands.” Rox finished. Even in the din a silence seemed to form around the group.

  “Understood.” One of the older rabbits, Flock, replied and Rox leapt from the truck and into the confusion below.

  “What does Rox mean?” A younger rabbit asked.

  “That the lives of the warrens around the world must be protected.”


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