Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series) Page 2

by Eden Redd

  Trystan thought of his familiar. Mental images crossed over to Bella now that she was gone and he had to push it away. It saddened him that he could not spend any more time with the slime. He missed her deeply.

  Gwen could see the sorrow crawling into Trystan’s brow. “Are you okay?”

  Trystan woke up from his daydreaming. “I’m not sure. I came here to see you but I also have something to show you.”

  Trystan’s fingers touched his slightly ripped robe and opened it up from around his neck. Pulling the fabric down, he exposed part of his chest with the tattoo of Kira. Gwen stepped close, eyes drinking in the image of the dragon woman over Trystan’s heart.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Gwen said as she examined the intricate work.

  “Her name is Kira. My evil ex had her inked into my skin to protect me. I’m sure she is using her to keep an eye on me.” Trystan frowned.

  Gwen placed her hand over the tattoo of Kira and her hand began to glow. Gwen closed her eyes and let her mind search, exploring the hidden secrets of the tattoo. Trystan watched as the witch continued on until the glow faded. Opening her eyes and pulling her hand away, she continued to eye the tattoo.

  “There are no connections except for you and Kira. As far as I can tell, the dragon woman is nothing more than a powerful familiar.”

  Trystan closed his robe. “Kira knows about me and Nia. She even knew about Sylk and Red Fang. I have no idea how much information she may have or what she will do with it. Freya made sure that she looked just like her so she will always have a presence in my life.”

  Gwen could see Trystan was agitated. The mage’s eyes opened a little wider and his entire body tensed up. The witch put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

  “Yes she did and right now it is working. It is very hard to spy on someone through their familiar unless they are very skilled. Even then it can only be done through dreams. The information would not be completely reliable. There are spells better equipped to do that. Using a familiar is more work than it needs to be.”

  Trystan eyed Gwen. “You managed to do it.”

  Gwen nodded. “Yes but I kept it short. As the bond grows between familiar and master, anyone would be shut out. Even now I cannot connect with Sylk in that way because of the bond between you two. I doubt Freya would do this just for a few days of seeing your life.”

  The edge of Trystan’s mouth grimaced. “Freya will do anything to torture me. She sees me as property and nothing else.”

  “Ink withes and warlocks can inject a certain amount of pre-knowledge as far as someone can tell them. Freya knows you but will only be able to have the ink witch inject what she knows, whether it is true or not. I saw what you saw when we opened you mind. Freya and my ex-husband have plans for you and we have to find out what they are.”

  Trystan’s head tilted in defeat. “I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m a danger to everyone around me. I feel like I need to leave so no one will get hurt because of me.”

  Gwen held the mage close, comforting him. “If you leave then who will be there to help you? Myself, your friends and the college will not let anything happen to you. We know what you’re going through and we will do everything we can to stop them.”

  “I have a familiar that I never asked for…..” Trystan trailed off.

  “Trystan, I know with that big heart of yours, you will do the right thing. Kira as a familiar will do right by you because even she knows that she cannot live without you. She is bonded to you and you are her master.”

  “She doesn’t even call me master. She calls me Father. It’s like some sick joke for Freya to make it as uncomfortable as they can for me.”

  “Would you like it if I called you Father or Daddy? It has been a fantasy of mine.” Gwen smiled brightly.

  Trystan looked to Gwen’s smiling face and instantly felt like a fool. A moment later they both started laughing hysterically. When the laughing fit died down, the mage had his hand on Gwen’s hip and smiled like an idiot.

  Gwen let out a cleansing sigh. “You see how silly it is to get hung up on that. Let her call you Father or Daddy all she wants. It will bother her more that it doesn’t get a reaction out of you. I believe as she gets to know you, it won’t be so much that she has an effect on you but more like you will have an effect on her.”

  “Have you encountered such experiences?” Trystan was genuinely curious.

  Gwen nodded. “It happens sometimes. At first a mage and their familiar may hate each other but the bond is always there. They eventually overcome it and become closer from the experience. With time, Kira will do anything for you just as you will for her.”

  Trystan looked to the beautiful witch, his heart beating with new life. “I can’t thank you enough. You help me so much. Thank you for putting it in perspective.”

  Gwen patted his butt. “If you really want to thank me, you can help me get this place in order.”

  Trystan picked up the broom from the counter and stood at attention. “Point me to the evil dirt and I shall whisk it away, never for it to befoul your home again.”

  Gwen could not contain her happy smile. “Thank you kind mage. Let me get my other broom and we shall whisk it away together.”

  Gwen walked off to the beaded curtain and passed through. Trystan leaned on the broom, placing his chin on the end. Talking to Gwen helped him feel a lot better. Freya may have placed Kira on his skin but Gwen was right. He was Kira’s master now and he had to show her his way. That would be the best chance of working through all the bad experiences he had with Freya. When Gwen walked through the curtain with a broom in her hands, the mage and witch started sweeping. Loving glances flowed back and forth to each other and a happy glow filled their broken hearts.


  Trystan heard the “ding” of the elevator and the doors opened. The mage stepped out into the small hallway leading to the penthouse. The excitement of the day had taken its toll. Shoulders slumped, he moved along with thoughts of bed. An image of Gwen smiling and kissing him goodbye floated into his weary mind. A small smile appeared on his lips as he took hold of the door handle and twisted the knob.

  Walking in, Trystan looked up to the glass walls leading out to the patio. The mage couldn’t believe that their block just managed to get missed by the giant slimes. The penthouse didn’t make it through completely unscathed. The windows to the main room were shattered and the patio floor was cracked in several places. The hot tub was mangled from flying debris and the water drained away. For the last week Trystan couldn’t be in the main room due to the cold nights so he spent most of his time in his room, towels along the bottom of the door to keep what little heat he could in the room. Looking at the newly installed glass caused the mage sigh in relief.

  Outside, past the new glass, a pointy-eared goblin was working on the hot tub. Trystan stepped over to the door and stepped outside. It was a bright spring evening but the temperature was still a bit chilly. Reeko looked up and smiled at the blue mage. The goblin wiped away some strands of black hair from his face, black grease on his hands and forearms. Trystan couldn’t remember the last time he saw the goblin so unkempt.

  “Will she live?” Trystan asked while looking at the hot tub.

  “Maybe. I still need a few parts. No relaxing in the hot tub for a week or two.” Reeko put a tool down.

  Trystan looked around at the stone patio floor. “The cracks are gone.”

  The goblin picked up a rag and began cleaning his hands. “Yea. I couldn’t wait for the repairs so I attempted to meld it myself. It seems to be holding. I will have to have a professional come in and make sure it stays solid. Don’t want to have a party and have them go tumbling to the street.”

  “How did you get the new windows? I thought it would take weeks to fill that order.”

  Reeko looked to the glass. “My family knows a friend. They put us at the top of the list. No more cold nights for us.”

  The goblin turned fro
m the glass and looked to Trystan. “How is she?”

  Trystan’s eyes lowered a little. “She is okay. I think she will need some time to adjust to having one working eye. I tried to lift her spirits but I think she is very self-conscious about it.”

  Reeko tossed the rag onto the edge of the empty hot tub. “I think the whole city will need time to adjust. My family wants me to leave Stukarr and come back home.”

  Trystan was silent but looked to the goblin.

  Reeko grinned. “I told them no. It will take more than a few giant slimes to make me quit.”

  “I’m glad and not because we would lose this wonderful penthouse. It’s good to know you will be here with us.”

  “Don’t get all sappy with me, mage.” Reeko smiled before it faded as another question came to mind. “When is she coming home?”

  “Tomorrow I think. I will bring her home. I think we just have to keep everything as normal as possible.”

  Reeko looked to the hot tub again. “Then I better get back to work. Nothing says home like a steaming hot tub to relax the bones.”

  Trystan nodded. With that, he turned and stepped back into the main living room, closing the door behind him. Walking to his bedroom, the mage tried to not hunch. Reaching his bedroom door, the mage stepped in and nearly stumbled to the bed. Falling into the sheets, the mage sighed and let his body relax. He knew he had to take off his boots but they were so far away and he was so tired.

  Mist streamed from his arm and Sylk burst into view. The siren took hold of the mage and turned him onto his back. She quickly moved to his boots and began taking them off. Trystan lay with his eyes open as his siren slowly undressed him. When the mage was nearly naked, the siren slipped into bed and pulled the quilt over them.

  Another stream of mist flowed from the mage’s chest. Sylk glared over as Kira appeared at the foot of the bed with a frown. The dragon woman walked over to the other side and lifted the thick blanket.

  “You have done enough today. Let master rest. He doesn’t need you giving him nightmares.” Sylk said with a hard edge to her voice.

  “You can’t tell me what to do. I’m his familiar too. If I want to sleep next to Father, then I will.” Kira pouted.

  Trystan turned his head to Kira. A small painful ache filled his mind. The dragon woman looked like an exact clone of Freya. Trystan had a hard time telling himself that she was a separate being. She was created but it wasn’t her fault that the person who helped create her was evil. Trystan knew he shouldn’t hold it against her but looking at her facial expressions caused a dim faraway pain to flare. It was difficult to say the least but something else flared deep within. Compassion washed over his senses as he knew he had to swallow bitter resentment.

  “Sylk, let her sleep with us tonight.” Trystan said in a low voice.

  “Master, she doesn’t belong with us. We should cut her off your skin so she will never bother you again.” Sylk said while giving Kira a hard stare.

  Trystan let out a long exhale before sitting up. He looked to Kira who was still standing, her mouth frowning. Turning to Sylk, the siren seethed hatred. The mage knew she wanted to explode and say everything that was bothering her but he was proud that she was keeping it quiet, sort of.

  “I was hoping we talk in the morning but it seems now is better. I need both of you to get along. No more fights.” Trystan said calmly.

  Sylk and Kira began complaining at the same time. Clawed fingers pointed at each other as Trystan tried to make out the incoherent mess of their words. The mage rolled his eyes as this went on for a solid two minutes, each familiar trying to say the other one is wrong. Trystan put his hand up and both familiars became silent.

  Trystan looked to dragon woman. “Kira, what are your intentions?”

  Kira shifted her gaze to Trystan. “I’m here to protect you.”

  “If you are here to protect me then you are also here to protect Sylk.”

  Sylk’s jaw dropped. “I can protect myself!”

  Kira nodded. “Yea, she can protect herself.”

  Trystan shook his head. “Sylk, the same goes for you. I need to know you two will look out not just for me but for each other.”

  “We don’t know what Freya has done to her. She could turn on us at any time.” Sylk said defiantly.

  Trystan’s eyes lowered. “I know that is a possibility but we can’t live every moment waiting for some betrayal.”

  Kira’s horned head lowered. “Mother told me many things when I was created. She told me that I must protect you because you cannot protect yourself. She said you are important and one day you will return to her. I look forward to that day so all three of us can be together.”

  Trystan rubbed his eyes while he spoke. “Freya and I will never be together again. She was abusive and I will never let her into my life again. She created you to remind me every time I see you that she is there. You may be innocent of this mess but Freya’s intentions are clear. She will do anything to get me back despite the fact I ended it between us.”

  Kira looked away, the corner of her lip quivered.

  Trystan opened his eyes to see the dragon woman sadden like he stabbed her through the heart. “I’m sorry this hurts but it has to be said.”

  Kira hugged her own waist. “I’m not even a day old and I feel like the worst creature in all of Lurth.”

  Trystan felt the tug at his heart. It was hard to comprehend that the dragon woman before him was still new to this world. Despite her knowledge, she still lacked world experience. Trystan could remember when he was alone. How awful it felt to not be part of something bigger then yourself. To not have anyone to turn to because there was no one there.

  The mage slipped from under the covers and stood up. The mage had a few inches on the dragon woman. Kira looked up with wet eyes. The mage leaned in and hugged her close. Kira looked up, her eyes dripping with tears. She returned the hug, scaled hands holding her Trystan close.

  Sylk looked on silently. The siren felt the sadness and understanding in her master’s heart. It had a powerful effect on the familiar. It was enough for her to remain quiet and not fight.

  Trystan pulled away and looked into Kira’s eyes. The dragon woman flexed her wings and brought them close to her shoulders. The mage crawled into bed. Kira slipped in behind him. The mage felt his whole body become weak and sleepy. Two hands pulled at his boxers.

  “Not tonight.” Trystan whispered.

  “Sorry Master.” Sylk said.

  “Sorry Father.” Kira said.

  Trystan closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep. Dreamscapes bloomed in his mind and a suspicious vibration pulsed. The mage walked the dream with a dreadful feeling like he was being watched.


  The next day Trystan woke with boundless energy. The mage couldn’t remember the last time he slept so well. Nearly jumping out of bed, the mage rushed to the bathroom to start his morning routine. Sylk and Kira slept on, their backs facing each other with a good three feet of space between them. When Trystan was finished, he strode back into the room, took hold of the covers and pulled them off.

  “Master!” Sylk said as she curled into a ball.

  Kira’s eyes fluttered open. With a sleepy smile, she turned to mist and flowed to Trystan’s chest. The dragon woman tattoo was curled into a ball, her tail wrapping around her body. The mage waited for thirty seconds but the siren didn’t move an inch. Turning, the mage set off to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

  The day became a blur. Trystan started cleaning the penthouse. He first tackled Nia’s room and then cleaned his own. He did what he could for the rest of the place, making sure there was no dishes in the sink and the floor was swept.

  Later that day, he rushed to the hospital. Nia was already signing herself out when the mage showed. Trystan looked to Nia as she gave a shy smile. She was wearing a black eye patch but the points of the star shaped scare were still visible around the edges. Trystan rushed the fire mage and held her close so she d
idn’t have a chance to feel awkward. Nia was happy to hug him back and for a long moment, she felt normal again.

  Trystan was quick to get her home. When they walked in, almost everyone was there. Sunara and Aznara rushed the red head with hugs. Reeko walked over when they were done. Taking her hand into his, he kissed the back of it and grinned ear to ear. The arachnix Skella moved on spider legs to Nia, hugging her and welcoming her back home. Trystan told Nia that Vanessa was happy you were out of the hospital and sends her best wishes. The undead girl was still working with the Lord Mayor, having the dead help rebuild the city. Sylk emerged from the bedroom and greeted Nia with a long hug before turning into mist and taking her place on her master’s skin.

  Soon everyone was sitting around the living room, drinking wine and talking. Nia felt warm as everyone carried on as if nothing had happened and she was grateful for it. Trystan was at her beck and call, jumping up to refill her wine glass and bringing her a plate with food.

  The evening whirled on until it was time for everyone to leave. Sunara shot Nia a longing gaze before Aznara shoved her out the door. The succubus turned and blew Trystan and Nia a kiss before closing it behind them. Skella yawned and said her goodnights as she moved down the hall to her room. Reeko touched Nia’s shoulder before saying his goodnight.

  Trystan and Nia were alone and the couple lay together on the couch, lost in blissful silence. After a time, Trystan sat up and pulled Nia with him. The mage noticed a shy hesitation from the red head. He never knew her to be this shy. Together they walked to Trystan’s room.

  Trystan began to undress. Nia stood by the door, not moving.

  The mage turned to Nia, shirtless. “I’m sorry if this is going too fast.”

  Nia looked away. “No, you’re not going too fast. I doubt I could sleep by myself anyway. I just…..” Nia trailed off.

  Nia shook her head. “It’s okay.” The red head moved to the light switch and turned it off.


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