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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 6

by Eden Redd

  After a few twists and turns, the mage could see the station lights a few blocks away. Pulling out his cell phone, Trystan powered it down and shoved it in his backpack. He told himself not to turn it on again. If he heard Nia’s or Gwen’s voice, he knew he would surely crack under pressure. He had to go it alone and that meant no distractions.

  The mage was a block away from the train station. Heart quickening, he told himself he was almost there. In thirty minutes he would be on his way and there would be no looking back. A new excitement flowed through his veins. Despite all the gloom and doom, the mage thought of lands and ocean to the South East and it tantalized his imagination.

  Trystan walked passed the edge of the last block and looked to the misty lights of the station. Shadows moved from under the lamps. Trystan focused his eyes and took a step back when he noticed the familiar outline of a witch’s hat.

  “Trystan!” said a familiar voice.

  The mage was ready to turn when the group stepped into the light and walked toward the startled mage. Trystan’s fingers clenched into fists as he watched Gwen, Nia, Reeko, Sunara, Aznara and Jenny walk toward him. The entire group was smiling and carrying back packs except for Jenny whose arms were crossed with an annoyed crease to her brow.

  Gwen stepped forward with head slightly tilted forward. “Before you say anything, I talked them into going with you.”

  Nia stepped forward next to Gwen. “More like we volunteered.”

  Trystan’s hands shook for a few seconds before he opened his hands and relaxed them. Looking to his friends, a warmth spread over his heart.

  “Thank you for coming but I won’t have any of you hurt because of me. I need to do this myself.” Trystan tried to sound convincing.

  “You think we would let you do this by yourself? We are your friends.” Aznara said and blew him a kiss.

  Sunara nodded her blue haired head. “The Broken Islands are dangerous. A bigger party would help our odds greatly.”

  Reeko gave a knowing grin. “After everything we have been through, there was no way we would let you do this by yourself. Besides, I’m bank rolling this expedition and a Greengold never breaks a contract.”

  Trystan tried to hide his smile. The entire group was wide eyes and ready to help Trystan’s quest. Gwen smiled and walked to the stunned mage. Taking his hand, she led him away from the group. When they were out of ear shot, the witch stopped the mage and looked into his eyes.

  “I’m sorry but I had to do this for you. It was the only way to help you on your quest.” Gwen said with a sad smile.

  “I wish we talked about it first.” Trystan said sadly.

  “If we did, would you have gone through with it?”

  Trystan shook his head. “You’re right. I would have tried to sneak out sooner.”

  Trystan glanced pass the witch to the blonde librarian. “Why is Jenny here?”

  “I knew that Damon would likely have spies everywhere, focusing on myself and the professors at the college. I spoke with Jenny on accompanying you on your trip because she seemed less likely someone Damon would concern himself with. She is powerful and has a lot of knowledge on many places across Lurth.”

  Trystan felt his shoulder’s sag. “She saw that I was researching the Broken Islands at work. When I asked for vacation time, she bullied herself into joining me. I was trying to sneak out without her knowing.”

  Gwen smiled. “I know she is a bit unusual but she is a powerful genius. I did my research on her and she finished the Elemental College in three years instead of six. She had her pick of jobs from teaching to dangerous quest research. She instead chose to be the Stukarr Librarian. Only some can detect the large amount of mana she has and she often hides it well. I know she tends to be a bit oversexed but have you ever met a genius that didn’t have some kind of quirk?”

  Trystan sighed. “Yea. I get it.”

  Gwen lifted her hand and touched his cheek. “Please don’t be mad with me. I couldn’t sit back and let you go alone. I too feared that if I went with you, I would be putting you in more harm. Otherwise I would be there with your friends on this journey.”

  Trystan took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I can’t be too mad. If I was you, I would have done the same thing.”

  The young mage let his eyes lower. “Gwen, I can’t thank you enough. I have been thinking about a few things and…..” The witch cut him off.

  “Tell me when you return. I will be waiting for you and we can speak then. Focus on the quest ahead of you and you can tell me all about it when you get back.” Gwen smiled and hugged the mage.

  Trystan returned the hug. Holding each other for long moments, it was Gwen who broke their embrace.

  “Your friends are waiting.” Gwen said as her hands slipped from Trystan.

  The mage and witch walked back to the group. Everyone seemed eager to board the train. It was Nia who walked up to Gwen. The witch and fire mage looked to each other.

  “Nia, please take care of him. He is pretty special.” Gwen said in a low voice.

  Nia nodded and looked to Gwen. “I will. When we return, the three of us should sit down and discuss our future together.”

  Gwen smiled at the redhead. “I would like that very much.”

  The two woman hugged each other. Trystan watched uncomfortably. Parts of his inner self tore at each other. He wanted both of them and couldn’t deny his feelings any longer. It hurt to leave the witch whom he had fallen deeply in love. The mage firmed up as Nia gave one last smile to Gwen and walked back to the group.

  Reeko clapped his hands once. “Alright! Let’s get this show on the road. Broken Islands here we come!”


  The train rocked smoothly as dark trees rushed passed the window. Trystan sat on his bed, several maps laid out and his Trial Spell book open with quickly scrawled notes. The mage felt it was best to write what he could in one place and the spell book was perfect for that. Several times Trystan tried to write down the location of Damon’s gathering but the pen would not move and the ink would not flow. Gritting his teeth, he tried again and his hand remained nonresponsive. Letting out an annoyed sigh, the mage tried to write “Damon is an evil moron” and the words scribbled out unhindered. The mage smirked to himself as he went back to research and attempt at some sort of plan. A knock at the door woke him from his thoughts.

  “Yes?” The mage said as he closed his spell book.

  The door slid open and Aznara’s horned head peered in. “I saw you go right to your room. Want to join me for a glass of wine?”” The succubus asked as she looked at the maps all over his bed.

  Trystan looked to her and gave a weak smile. “Thanks but it’s late. I think I’m going to go to sleep soon. We still have a day and a half train ride before we get to Lantern Beach and I think we will need all the rest we can get.”

  Aznara’s eyes narrowed but a smile bloomed. “When did you become an old man? Come with me for one glass. Then I will let you get back to your maps and your beauty rest.”

  Trystan looked to the maps and then back to Aznara. “I’m not sure……”

  Aznara stepped in. “Come with me now Trystan Song. Or I will bring two bottles back and we will drink it in your room. I will get you drunk and have my way with you whether you like it or not.”

  Trystan eyed the demoness mage and he knew he wasn’t winning this exchange. “Alright, one drink. Let me roll these up and I will be right out.”

  Aznara leaned against a wall and crossed her arms. “You tried to go at this alone without our help. You won’t mind if I stay right here until you’re finished.”

  Trystan felt the corners of his eyes sag. “I’m sorry but I didn’t want….”

  Aznara cut him off. “Save it. We know why you wanted to go at it alone, that is why I didn’t give you a black eye. Hurry up and join me for a drink and all will be forgiven.”

  Trystan nodded his head and quickly rolled up his maps. From the corner of his eye he could see Aznara w
atching him, her eyes travelling to his butt.

  A short time later, the succubus pulled the mage along from car to car. Passengers often took double looks as the demon led Trystan along. The mage ignored them as they continued. They reached the dining car and Trystan thought they were going to stop but Aznara pulled at him to keep going. Trystan gave a confused expression as they reached the back of the dining car to a door with frosted glass.

  “Watch your step.” Aznara said as she opened the door.

  Trystan watched his step as they stepped through a covered section in between train cars. There was another door and it read “Bar Car” in gold letters. At first Trystan didn’t think too much of it until the door opened and he was greeted by people shouting “Surprise!”.

  Trystan stepped in to see the bar car empty except for all his friends, their familiars and two bartenders. Trystan stepped in with the door closing behind him. Reeko stepped forward with two drinks in his hands. He put one in Trystan’s hand and clasped him on the shoulder.

  “Surprise? It’s not my birthday.” Trystan said as he eyed the drink in his hand.

  Reeko grinned. “We know. But since you are our fearless leader for this expedition, we thought we’d throw a little party to calm the nerves and have a little fun.”

  Trystan glanced sideways at the goblin. “Fearless leader?”

  “Yes fellow mage. You won the vote. I still feel it was rigged. You slept with most of the people who voted.” Reeko finished with a laugh.

  Trystan felt heat rush to his cheeks as Reeko guided the mage into the fray. Nia and Sunara sat on bar stools side by side. The red head and blue haired demon raised their glasses in his direction. Shots lined the bar and Jenny took one, downed it and took another. The busty blonde turned to Trystan and threw her arms around his neck. The mage gave her a nervous smile and she attempted to kiss him.

  Reeko untangled her arm and gently pushed her away. “Hey now! Leave some for the rest of us.” The goblin laughed.

  Jenny pouted and turned back to the bar, hands reaching for another shot. Wendy and Red Fang sat in a small booth, sipping on drinks. They turned to Trystan and raised their drinks to him. Vossa, Aznara’s vampire familiar, held a glass of red wine and clinked the glass against Trystan’s glass. She eyed him hungrily as she sipped, making sure her plunging neck line was in full view. Trystan’s eyes looked down and back up into her eyes, the nervous smile growing wider.

  Aznara walked over with two drinks in her hand. Trystan was about to wave her away, showing that he already had a drink. The demoness put a glass in his empty hand and raised her glass. Trystan stood there with a glass in each hand and not sure what to do next. Reeko and Aznara took deep sips from their drinks. When they pulled their glasses from their lips, the goblin turned Trystan around to face everyone.

  “Can I have your attention! Your attention please!” Reeko said loudly.

  The car quieted down as all eyes turned to Trystan and the goblin.

  Despite being shorter than Trystan, Reeko put his arm around the mage’s shoulder and held him firmly. “We are all gathered here to celebrate the appointing of Trystan Song as Leader of our quest! He has fought gallantly against undead and slimes and has slain a number of hearts in his wake. Tonight we will have this bar car all to ourselves and drink to our heart’s content. Now I won’t babble on too much longer. Trystan, do you have any words for your fellow mages as we embark on this dangerous quest?”

  Trystan was silent as he stood with a drink in each hand and paralyzing shock bleeding into his eyes. The room was quiet as they patiently waited.

  Reeko squeezed his shoulder a little harder. “We are all friends here.” Reeko said with a comforting smile.

  Trystan shook off the moment of paralysis and looked to all his dear friends. “I know a lot has happened. I’m sorry I tried to go at this alone. I am still afraid of what might happen but I do feel better that you are all here. I don’t think of myself as a leader. We could be going someplace very dangerous and I don’t know what will happen. All I can tell you is that I will be here to fight and protect you with every ounce of my heart.” Trystan finished with his eyes pointed to the floor.

  “We will fight and protect you with all of our hearts!” Nia shouted.

  Trystan looked up to see all his friends smiling and holding out their drinks to him.

  Reeko took over. “A bit serious for such a fine evening and not a completely terrible speech. I think you will need to take a speech class but for tonight, all you have to do is drink.”

  “Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink…” The crowd chanted.

  Trystan’s heart warmed as his friends continued to chant. As good feelings washed over him, the mage smiled and guzzled one drink in his hand. The crowd watched, smiled and laughed as he drank down the second glass. When he was finished, Trystan held up both empty glasses and everyone cheered and clapped.

  The evening spun on from there. The mood was relaxed as conversations murmured and drinks continued to flow. Sylk slipped from her master’s arm and appeared. A scaled webbed hand entwined with his as he walked around. The siren familiar stayed close to her master as he made the rounds, making sure everyone saw her on his arm. The bartenders filled empty glasses nearly instantly.

  The alcohol hit Trystan pretty fast as the train car began to sway a little more with each passing moment. Conversations turned to blissful laughter as Reeko jumped onto the bar and did single handed hand stands. Vossa slipped into the booth with Wendy and Red Fang, her pale hands caressing the red furred wolf creature’s shoulder. Wendy smiled but would often turn her one horned head to the direction of her master.

  Trystan noticed Nia turning her eye to him every few moments. Sunara would put her hand on Nia’s, as if to steer her back to their conversation. The mage found himself staring at Nia, her beautiful red hair flowing over her shoulders. Heat ran up his neck as he thought back to all the wonderful moments they shared. He looked to her and tried to capture her perfect face in his mind. Even with the eye patch and star shaped scar pointing from the corners of it, he could never deny her beauty, inside and out.

  Jenny stood up from a stool and nearly stumbled off. The blonde crisscrossed her steps as she tried to keep her balance. The train rumbled along and a slight shift of the car sent the busty blonde straight into Trystan. The mage clumsily held her, trying to help her back to her feet. The librarian gazed at the mage with warm fussy eyes and lips half parted.

  “We should sit you down in a booth.” Trystan said, his own balance a little woozy.

  “I’m fine right here.” Jenny whispered as she pressed her body to his. “Or we could go back to your room.”

  Trystan maneuvered the librarian to a booth seat. “I think you have had a little too much to drink.”

  Jenny’s brow furled. “I will tell you when I’ve had too much drink!” The blonde said angrily.

  Reeko stepped in close. “I will take it from here.”

  The goblin slid in across from the drunk librarian, his green hands taking hers. Jenny looked to him, eyes half closed and confused. Trystan made a hasty retreat while Reeko started a conversation to keep her distracted.

  Nia beckoned the mage over. Trystan saddled up, liquor calming his rattled nerves. Sunara politely smiled and nodded as the mage joined them. Trystan noticed the warm lighting made Nia glow with deep beauty.

  “Having a good time?” Nia asked.

  Trystan nodded. “Yup. But I still think we should all be sleeping now.”

  Nia smiled. “We have another day and a half train ride. I doubt we will be doing much tomorrow but sleeping off hang overs.”

  Trystan smiled. “You two never told me how it went when you captured the red slime Belle?”

  Nia looked down as Sunara spoke. “It was quite a battle. The red slime didn’t even leave us a chance to talk. It attacked us on sight. Nia would have been hurt if I didn’t tackle her to the ground.”

  Trystan looked to Nia.

e fire mage kept her gaze to the carpet. “Belle came at us with razor sharp tentacles. Sunara saved my life. Professor Hart and his familiar met the slime head on. Belle was like a storm, attacking anything that moved. The professor didn’t have time to use the jar on her so I used the jar to capture her.”

  Sunara touched Nia’s hand again. “Nia is being too modest. I may have saved her life but she saved all of ours. The razor tentacle meant for her, sliced a thick tree at the base. It came down and a thick branch struck me on the head. I was out cold. Professor Hart told me that Nia and Red Fang unleased a fire storm to keep Belle at bay. It gave them enough time to use the jar. Red Fang poured on the fire as Nia selflessly charged the mass of tentacles. I still don’t know how she made it out without a scratch.”

  Nia’s face was a mask as she talked. “It was nothing. Professor Hart was doing most of the work keeping her occupied. I think I closed my eyes when I was close. I felt the jar touch her and she screamed, her body slipping into it.”

  Sunara gave a smug grin. “Professor Hart said her bravery is what won the day.”

  Nia shifted on her stool. “I think he was just being nice when he said that. He is always so positive.”

  Sunara looked to Nia as if Trystan wasn’t there. “Take the credit where credit is due. You saved us and that is pretty amazing. You are amazing.”

  Trystan felt odd standing there, listening to the story. He was about to turn and move to Aznara when the entire train car lurched. The sound of talking stopped and everyone looked to each and the windows. The train car lurched again and everyone took hold of something to balance themselves.

  “Gremlin Alert! Gremlin Alert!” came over a loudspeaker.

  Beyond the window, a flash of white hot light flared. Trystan steadied himself and watched as the light blazed and dimmed, blazed and dimmed. He knew that the cars had protections against gremlin threats but uneasiness filled the mage. He had heard of gremlin attacks all his life but this was the first time he witnessed one.


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