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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 7

by Eden Redd

  Light flared outside the window before it died completely. The bartenders calmly told everyone to make for the door when a loud metal screeching pierced the night. Trystan turned his head to his friends who looked to each other in concern. Something thudded against a window and hung there. Trystan turned his eyes to see and he took an unsteady step back.

  It hung just outside the window, it’s body inches from the glass. A small face peered into the car, slitted big eyes looking from person to person. Long floppy ears pointed from the side of its head. A toothless grin smiled ear to ear. Trystan immediately noticed that the gremlin looked like a small human but with pale skin, strange eyes and ears. The gremlin stared at the group for a long moment before it let one of its hand’s drop to its side, holding something big.

  “Everyone, get down!” Trystan shouted.

  The gremlin smashed a window with a hammer nearly the size of its body. Reeko took hold and pushed Jenny to the ground as glass flew passed them. Sunara and Aznara pointed their clawed hands at the open window. Wind whipped in as the two succubi fired fire and lightning bolts. Flashes of white and red light blinked inside the car as they blasted out the open window.

  The two succubi stopped their barrage a moment later to visually inspect if they hit their intended target. The window stood ominously as everyone waited to see if the gremlin was stopped. Reeko pulled Jenny to her feet and they staggered to the door of the car. A moment later, a small hand appeared briefly in the window as it tossed something onto the carpeted floor. All eyes fell on a small black orb with the words “Bye Bye Suckers!” written on it and a lit fuse burning down to the base.

  Everyone dove for cover expect Trystan. The mage made a quick hand gesture. Liquid surged up from drinks and streamed toward the bomb. Colored liquid encased the orb just as the fuse touched the base and exploded. Trystan had less than a second to fortify the liquid when it detonated. Everything was happening so fast that the mage did not take into account the flammable alcohol.

  The explosion was muted for a moment before blowing a hole in the floor and lighting the carpet on fire. Nia was still on the floor as she made hand signals, the flames a moment later extinguishing. The lights in the car went out and darkness covered everything. Red hot fuses were the only light as three more bombs were tossed in. Trystan leapt forward to grab one out of midair and throw it back out the window. Sunara called up an air spell to catch another and throw it out the window. Reeko was by the door with Jenny when he took hold of the third one and threw it down the hole to the tracks below.

  Seconds ticked and three explosions filled the night. Trystan looked to Reeko and Jenny. The librarian was trying to shake off the effects of the liquor while the goblin opened the car door. The mage could see passed the goblin that two more gremlins with oversized wrenches hacked at the train car coupling. The two gremlins looked to Reeko and smiled evilly with bare gums. Reeko was about to call up a spell when sharp teeth sprouted from their bare gums. Reeko’s spell fizzled and the car lurched again.

  From the open window, the gremlin on the side flipped in and landed on a nearby table. It growled menacingly as it heaved its oversized hammer. Red Fang was first to move and take hold of the creature. The gremlin was unfazed as it brought the hammer up and slammed it into the side of Red Fang’s snout. The familiar clutched at his nose as he let go and stumbled back. Wendy took over, reaching for the little creature. It jumped out of her reach and rolled into a ball mid-air. Sylk turned her head to the creature mid-air and let out a scream. The cone of vibrations blasted at the gremlin. The creature unfurled and blocked the cone with the hammer. Booted feet landed on the bar. The gremlin twisted and sent the hammer flying at the Siren. Sylk tried to move but the hammer was too fast. It slammed into her chest and she went flying into Vossa. The siren and vampire fell to the ground, Sylk crying out.

  Aznara jumped onto the bar and opened clawed hands. A fireball burst forth. The gremlin jumped as the fireball soared past and exploded against a wall. The gremlin was on the floor and scooping up its hammer. Trystan made a hand signal and liquid flowed. The mage clutched at short batons, one in each hand. The gremlin sized up the mage as it hefted its hammer.

  Trystan stared at the gremlin as it leered. Sharp teeth emerged from gums and shined in what little light there was. The mage knew if they kept going like this, the two gremlins in between the cars would separate the train car. It seemed a little too convenient that gremlins attacked this particular train. He would hazard a guess that they were sent by Damon Wick. With his friends behind him and the gremlin blocking the path to Reeko and Jenny, Trystan wasn’t sure how they would get pass.

  Reeko called up another spell when one of the gremlins jumped up and brought his wrench down. The goblin side stepped it as the wrench smashed into the floor. The train shifted and Jenny fell to her knees. The gremlin’s eyes widened as Jenny fell to reveal shards of glass hovering behind her.

  Reeko smiled as the glass shot forward to the stunned gremlin. The creature made a blurry leap up as sharp glass just missed him by inches. The other gremlin used its oversized wrench as a shield. Glass shattered on impact. Reeko whispered an incantation as his eyes looked to the metal coupling holding the trains together. Metal twisted and bent to form a small hand. The gremlin didn’t notice until it was too late. The metal hand took hold of the creature’s ankle and held fast. Reeko was about to cast another spell when small feet flipped from the doorway, smashing the goblin in the face. Jenny caught the goblin as he fell back into her arms.

  The gremlin in front of Trystan held out a hand and beckoned with his fingers. Trystan knew better than to push the attack. He remained still as his friends behind him were soon to their feet. The gremlin noticed the group getting back to their feet and pressed his attack. Trystan met his hammer with his two blue staves. Trystan grunted as the gremlin pushed against him. The mage couldn’t believe how strong the gremlin was. They broke off their attack. The gremlin came at the mage with whirling attacks. Trystan blocked each one but the strength behind the attacks were enough to keep him off balance. The short gremlin took advantage by pouring it on with blow after blow. With the train moving and his footing off, the mage miss-stepped and crashed into a table.

  Nia pointed a hand with a fireball spell ready but she hesitated to take the shot with Reeko and Jenny behind the gremlin. The creature dug a hand into a small waist pouch and pulled out another bomb. Trystan stared as the gremlin touched the fuse and it lit. A crazy thought slammed into the mage’s mind as he rushed the gremlin. One hand took hold of the leather strap crossing over the gremlin’s chest. The other hand took hold of the bomb itself. The gremlin’s brow shot up as Trystan took the bomb and shoved it back into the pouch.

  The gremlin screeched as it quickly took off the pouch and threw it down the hole to the track below. There was no relief in the gremlin’s eyes as it darted for the open window and jumped out. The gremlin standing over Reeko and Jenny also screeched and jumped away. The last gremlin took its wrench and slammed at the metal hand, shattering it. The gremlin then made one metal clanging strike at the metal link between the train cars, sending a crack down the middle. The gremlin jumped away, screeching into the night. A bad feeling crawled down Trystan’s spine.

  Sunara was at the back when she looked out the window to the tracks behind the train. A moment later there was flash and the loudest boom any of them every heard. Sunara looked out to see debris and magical fire rain down on the bar car. Reeko managed to look to where the two gremlins were and he could see the metal links giving way.

  “Trystan! The train car isn’t going to hold!” Reeko said alarmed.

  “Everyone, move!” Trystan said as he stepped to the side.

  Familiars turned to mist and returned to the skin of their masters. The group made a dash for the exit. Nia took hold of Trystan’s robe but he knocked her hand away. The mage went to the bar and helped the bartenders out. Nia guided them along to the exit. Reeko and Jenny were on the other side
, pulling people quickly into the next car. Nia stepped over with a bartender when she looked back to see Trystan and Sunara still in the car. The roof and sides caught fire. Magical fire touched a bottle and a second later it exploded. Glass struck Sunara in the face. The link between cars screeched and moaned as the metal started to give way.

  Trystan ran toward Sunara as she stumbled. The mage slammed his body into her, pushing her forward. Hands reached out and took hold of the falling succubus and pulled her to the next car. Trystan misjudged his footing and landed on his stomach. The metal links gave way and the train cars separated. Trystan was back on his feet as the gap widened. The whole car burned and wobbled as wheels skipped off the track. The mage took a deep breath and launched himself forward.

  Nia, Sunara and Reeko watched as Trystan sailed through the air. Fear bled into his eyes as he saw he wouldn’t make it. Sunara made a quick hand signal as the bar car broke from the tracks, turned on its side and launched a few feet into the air. The very air took hold of the mage mid-flight. Sunara flicked a finger and Trystan was thrown into their waiting arms. The mage quickly took hold of them as the bar car crashed down a hill, wood and metal splintering in many directions.

  Sunara and Nia pulled Trystan in as Reeko closed the door behind them. Everyone lay about in the next car, breathing heavy. Trystan looked to Sunara and with heavy breath, gave her a nod. Sunara nodded back as she slumped to the floor, small drops of demon blood streaking her cheek.


  Two magistrates and several train personnel helped the group of friends to seating so they could treat their wounds. Sunara looked on as train personnel used cotton and alcohol to clean her cuts. They were superficial and the succubus remained unmoving as band aids were placed on her cheek. Aznara was by her side, clawed hand brushing her blue hair in comfort.

  Trystan looked to his friends as they were treated for minor bruises and cuts. Worry snaked into his heart. They had just started their quest and he felt they barely survived this encounter. What else was Damon Wick going to throw at them? The mage mulled over the invite in his head. Damon wanted him to show up to his gathering but Trystan could feel the renegade mage was going to make it as difficult as possible for them.

  The mage turned his attention to Nia. The red head sat but her eyes looked to Sunara. A second later she glanced over to Trystan. Something passed between them and Trystan wasn’t sure what to make of it until Nia lowered her gaze to the floor. The sudden pit in his stomach caused the mage to shift uncomfortably in his seat. Trystan took a deep breath and decided he would have to have a talk with Nia so they could clear the air.

  A magistrate looked down at Trystan. “Do you have any artifacts or technology on your person? Do any of your friends have anything like that?”

  Trystan looked up at the weather beaten face of the magistrate. “No, just our cell phones. We turned those off when we boarded.”

  “Those gremlins were after something. They normally attack the main engine and loot any technology they can get their grubby little hands on. Odd that they attacked the bar car.” The magistrate let the words hang in the air.

  Trystan didn’t want to give any hint of their quest. “I’m sorry sir, I have no idea why they attacked us. We were just having a good time, gearing up for our vacation in Lantern Beach.”

  The magistrate narrowed his eyes, like he was trying to bore into Trystan’s very mind. A moment passed and the tough looking magistrate made a feeble attempt at a smile.

  “Good thing you guys made it in one piece. The train will keep going so we don’t risk another attack. I suggest everyone check their phones to make sure they are off.”

  Trystan nodded. “What about the tracks? Will we be able to return home in a week?”

  The magistrate nodded. “The trains will reroute their paths but the track should be repaired in a day. We have repair crews who handle this sort of thing all the time. Thank you for your cooperation.”

  Trystan watched as the magistrate turned and walked off toward his partner. With the crisis over, the entire group quietly retired to their rooms. Trystan closed the door to his room and flopped onto the bed. Mind wandering and exhaustion setting in, the mage fell into a fitful sleep. Nightmares rampaged as Trystan watched his friends each fall into a deep pit, swallowed by the abyss.


  Trystan picked up his backpack and surveyed his room. Checking to make sure he had everything, he gave one last look and turned to the door. The mage walked through the cars to one of the exits as the locomotive began to slow down. Glancing out the windows, an electric excitement started to well up. Sparkling blue ocean shined in the distance with a sandy beach touching it. Trystan continued to walk toward his friends and companions gathered at one of the sliding doors.

  Trystan could feel a weight around his neck. After what happened in the bar car, the mage kept to himself, spending his time obsessing over maps and working scenarios in his head. He didn’t want to be caught off guard and chance his friends getting hurt again. Several times Nia, Reeko and Jenny came to his door but he refused to open it, taking his meals in his room. Trystan hated being antisocial but had to make use of every last second of time to make plans.

  The mage walked up to the group and everyone gave a smile.

  “Glad you can join us.” Aznara smiled.

  “Sorry about that. I needed to work out some plans.” Trystan said while not making eye contact.

  “We know you have a lot on your mind but we are here to help you.” Reeko said with a small grin.

  Nia stepped closer to the mage. “Don’t shut us out to protect us.”

  Trystan looked up to Nia and his heart glowed. “I promise that no matter what happens, we will work it out together.”

  Aznara folded her arms. “Good because next time I’m breaking down the door.”

  “How are you going to pay for that? You don’t have enough coin to fix a lightbulb.” Sunara playfully sneered.

  Aznara stuck out her chin. “Reeko can pay for it.”

  The goblin shook his head from side to side. “No way. You’re on your own with that.”

  “They probably throw you in prison for damaging a train.” Sunara laughed.

  Aznara turned to Reeko. “You would let them take me away?”

  The goblin nodded. “Yea but I wouldn’t feel good about it. I would have to drink more and remember how you looked before prison life. It would all be very depressing but I would be saving money.”

  Aznara lashed out a hand, shoving the goblin slightly.

  Reeko stumbled back. “Now we can add assault charges. I’m going to get the magistrate!”

  Trystan smiled like a fool as Reeko and Aznara playfully fought each other. The young mage began to feel better as the train slowed passed the main wall and eased into the station. With a loud hiss of steam, the train stopped and the doors opened.

  The mage followed his friends out onto the platform. Instantly the scent of the ocean breeze washed over the group. Trystan’s shoulder’s relaxed as familiar feelings reminded him of home. The sun beamed down on stone buildings and the sound of ocean waves could be heard in the distance.

  The group started walking, leaving the station and stepping onto cobbled streets. Restaurants lined sidewalks with people eating, drinking and filling the air with pleasant conversation. For a moment, Trystan felt like he was back home. Grinning, the mage looked around as if he would run into the Serpent Inn or his old home.

  On the group walked until they reached the boardwalk. Aznara and Sunara were first to walk to the handrails and gaze out. The two demons stared with wide eyes at the immense ocean before them.

  Trystan walked over and stood by Aznara. “Beautiful isn’t it?”

  Aznara barely gave a nod. “We have never seen the ocean in person before.”

  “We have seen video and images but nothing prepares you for the real thing.” Sunara finished.

  “Well until we can secure a ship, we might be here a few days. B
etter to enjoy it now before we set out.” Trystan said as he put a hand on Aznara’s shoulder.

  The succubus reached up and placed her hand over his. “I can’t wait to swim in it.”

  “Let’s drop our stuff at the hotel and then we can see about coming back out.” Nia said.

  The group nodded and began walking along the boardwalk. In the short distance, the Lantern Beach Hotel stood overlooking the beach and ocean. It was the largest building in the town, standing about fifteen stories. The whole town was encapsulated behind a wall which reached the beach. Past the hotel, a maze of ships and docks could be seen. Trystan made special note of it so when they were settled, he would take a stroll over.

  People walked past in bathing attire. The beach had a good amount of people, not too crowded and everyone spread out enough so they weren’t on top of one another. Aznara’s eyes moved from one bronzed body to the next. Trystan and Reeko had a hard time trying not to stare at women barely wearing bathing suits. It was almost like they only allowed beautiful people on the beach. Nia and Sunara chatted as they walked while Jenny brought up the rear, her own eyes on Trystan.

  The group reached the hotel and walked in. The air was cool as they strode up to the lobby desk. Reservations were confirmed and keys handed to each guest. Trystan tried to remain focused on the quest but the vacation vibe was overpowering. Shuffling off to the elevators, the group stepped in and the doors closed behind them.

  Everyone stepped off on the fourteenth floor. A hallway stretched out before them with doors lining either side.

  “I reserved all the rooms on this floor so we can have some privacy. I would have taken the penthouse but thought this would be more low profile.” Reeko said as he started walking.

  “Good thinking. I’m sure we can prepare in peace.” Trystan said as he walked behind the goblin.

  Everyone went to a door. Trystan walked over to a door, inserted the key, turned the lock and stepped inside. The mage walked into a large lavish room with an open balcony. Summer air drifted in making white curtains billow and dance. The sound of the ocean and sea birds floated in. A cream colored bed was against a wall. The mage walked over, dropped his back pack and fell into bed. Turning over onto his back, he let the ambience smooth over his senses.


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