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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 9

by Eden Redd

  Trystan stopped walking and turned to his siren. Sylk tilted her chin down, as if ashamed at what she just said. The mage cupped her light blue chin and raised her face up so they could look eye to eye.

  “I didn’t know you thought about such things.” Trystan said softly.

  Sylk tried to look away but failed. “I envy Nia and Gwen. They can have you in a way that I never could. We may be close but I can never marry you or have your children. I will always be your familiar.”

  Trystan felt his heart beat warmly in his chest. “I don’t know if there is a rule that a mage cannot marry his familiar? If there is, who says we have to follow it?”

  Sylk’s eyes widened and she began jumping in place with a wide grin. “You mean it master? We can get married!”

  Trystan rubbed his own chin. “Well I’m not ready to marry any time soon but I won’t say no should the time ever come.”

  Sylk continued to bounce and smile gleefully. “I’m going to marry my master! I will have to look into dresses and see what would be the best location. We will have to plan well in advance because I read weddings can be time consuming. I think a summer wedding would suit us or maybe an autumn wedding….”

  Trystan watched as Sylk babbled on. It was that moment that he really felt close to her. He had already confessed his love but now it felt like their bonds grew even stronger. The mage had no idea when he would marry but just seeing his familiar so excited took some of the sad edge off.

  A cool breeze washed over the young mage. Sylk continued to talk loudly about where they can get flowers when Trystan felt a cold chill touch his mind. The mage turned and looked around. The street was empty except for a few hanging lanterns. The mage wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and it appeared they had walked to the edge of town closer to the wall.

  “Master?” Sylk asked as she stopped jumping.

  “Does something feel odd?” Trystan asked while surveying their surroundings.

  Sylk looked around. “Now that you mention it, I can sense mana flowing around us.”

  Trystan continued to look around, eyes searching for something in the air. The light from the lanterns caused shadows to move and bend. When a shadow leaped from one dark spot to another, Trystan whipped around and took hold of Sylk’s shoulders.

  “Get help! I think we…..” Trystan stopped mid-sentence.

  Shadows emerged from dark corners. Trystan and Sylk stood back to back as more shadows melted into the lantern light. The siren balled her webbed hands into fists. Trystan made several hand signals and spoke an arcane word. Sea water from the ocean surged up into a thin stream. It crossed the entire town and landed at Trystan’s feat. Another hand signal and the water turned into a blue staff.

  The shadows around them pointed and shifted. Darkness bloomed into black solid bodies. Trystan counted eight of them as they stood silently.

  “Master?” Sylk whispered.

  “This is shadow magic. Our enemies are close.” Trystan whispered back.

  “What should we do?”

  Trystan focused as he looked from one shadow to another. “Defend ourselves.”

  A shadow blinked forward, black hands turning into sharpened points. Trystan pointed the end of his staff, the end blasting off. The bolt of water turned into a cone and struck the attacking shadow in the face. The force blew out the back the of the shadow’s head. The black body melted and returned to dark corners. Trystan whispered a word and the bolt of water changed direction. Another shadow rushed forward only to have the water bolt slam into the side of its head, causing it to explode.

  Trystan divided his attention. The bolt of water whipped around as the mage brought up his staff to block two more shadows. Black energy struck and purple sparks flew as the mage kept them at bay. Sylk rushed forward at two advancing shadows. A webbed foot struck a black knee while a webbed hand clawed across a dark face. One shadow went down to one knee while the other stepped back, trying to retain its form. The siren pressed her attack, flipping up and kicking the shadow on its knee under its jaw. The shadow disbursed into dozens of black shards, returning to the dark corners of the street.

  Sylk landed on one foot and whipped her heel around. The other shadow lurched forward just as the heel struck it hard. The black shadow went flying into a stone wall and shattered.

  Trystan grunted as he spun his staff. The end of the staff struck at a neck, shattering the black body. The other shadow blocked the staff but had forgotten the water bolt spinning around. The bolt struck the side of its head hard and it fell to the ground in pieces. Turning, the mage centered on the last two shadows standing just out of reach. Sylk was by her master’s side, knees bent and eyes focused.

  Behind the two remaining shadows, darkness shifted and rose up. Trystan readied himself as a dozen more shadow men appeared in front of them. Sylk turned her head to see another dozen sprout behind them.

  “Master, there’s more.” Sylk said as she moved to face the dozen to the rear.

  Trystan stared as the shadows moved into a semi-circle formation. He couldn’t help but get the feeling they were toying with him. Taking a quick glance around, the mage spotted hooded figures on the nearby roofs, looking over the side.

  Shadow men raised their hands, forming them into hammers and sharp points. Trystan made quick hand signals and said several arcane words. The staff burst from his hand and formed many hand sized orbs. With another word, the water orbs froze solid. The shadows rushed forward. Trystan flicked his wrist and the orbs shot out. Time slowed down as the mage controlled each and every ice orb. Black bodies melted or shattered as each orb crashed through them like they were wet paper.

  Sylk took three steps toward the dozen shadow men in front of her and screamed. The focused vibrations struck them, causing several bodies to shatter and slip away to the darkness where they came. More rushed the blue siren but she pressed on. With an impossible leap, Sylk was airborne, screaming at the shadows. Darkness vibrated and cracked like delicate glass. When the siren landed, all the shadows fell and slipped away.

  The siren turned to her master. One final orb punctured a final shadow man and it fell to the ground without a sound. Trystan turned and horror filled his eyes. Darkness sprang up and a moment later, the entire street was filled with shadow men. Sylk was about to leap back to her master when several black hands and arms took hold of her. Trystan whipped out ice orbs but the numbers were too great. Shadows blocked or knocked away the orbs as if they could have done it all along.

  Trystan made one last attempt to end the fight. The mage directed the frozen orbs up at the cloaked figures watching. Heads ducked away as stone exploded from Trystan’s attack. Despite the effort, the shadow men did not slow or stop. Hands took hold of the mage and pulled at him. Trystan cried out as black fingers dug into his flesh. Sylk screamed, dispatching the shadows holding her but more took their place. The siren fought with every last bit of power to drive them off.

  Mist shot up from Trystan’s chest. The mage looked up to see Kira form right above them. The dragon woman flapped large leathery wings, green fire pouring from her open mouth. Shadows put their arms up but held little protection as poison fire melted their forms. Kira roared as she whipped her tail and spit green fire. Trystan fell to the ground as the shadows holding him were sliced in two. Green fire washed over the dark bodies as they tried to escape.

  Kira landed on clawed feet, stalking forward and spitting a stream of fire. Several shadows leaped into the air, sharpened hands ready to stab the dragon woman. Kira whipped her tail and cut them down in one swipe. Sylk regained her composure and screamed open a path. Shadows burst and fell away.

  Trystan rolled back onto his feet, cuts along his chest began to bleed. Shadow men rose up from darkness, ready to continue the fight. The mage lifted his hands and readied another set of spells. The shadows began their next attack when flashes of bright light cut them down. Trystan, Sylk and Kira watched as each shadow man was cut down before they could e
ver move. White bolts of energy slammed into them, disbursing them into nothingness. Trystan had to shield his eyes from the intensity of the attack. Each shadow was blown away, no shards joining the darkness, no new shadows formed. Three breaths later, the street was devoid of any shadow men or robed figures on the roofs.

  At the end of the street, a wide shouldered man stepped slowly toward them. Trystan tried to make out his features but his face was cloaked in shadow. When lantern light touched him, he wore a long black trench coat. Hands were covered in metal gloves. Light gave way to reveal a dark skinned man with short white hair. Dark eyes looked to the mage and his two familiars as they heaved from the battle.

  “You better explain why shadow mages are hunting you in my town?” The man asked with a hard gaze.


  “I don’t know where to begin.” Trystan said as he stepped to a wall and leaned on it.

  The large man in the trench coat eyed the mage, face made of stone. Trystan was breathing hard but soon calmed himself down. The man walked over and gave Sylk and Kira the once over. The siren ignored their savoir and ran to her master. Kira stayed where she was, eyes drinking in the large stranger.

  “I haven’t seen a shadow mage in nearly three years. Tonight I spot several, casting spells and trying to overwhelm you. You must have pissed someone off for them to take a chance at attacking you in my town.”

  Trystan nodded but looked to the man with questioning eyes. “Your town? Are you the Lord Mayor?”

  The large man chuckled. “Lantern Beach doesn’t have a Lord Mayor but if there was one, I would be the closest person to it. We have a small council here and I help keep the peace.”

  “You look like a magistrate.” Trystan said, his breath even.

  “I was.” The man looked at Trystan’s wounds. “Let me escort you to the hotel. They have a healer that can tend to those wounds.”

  Trystan nodded again. The burly man took the mage by the arm and nearly pulled him with him. Sylk and Kira stayed close behind, eyes on the man and ready for anything.

  “You can tell your familiars to settle down. If I wanted to hurt you, you would be hurt.”

  “You can understand their protectiveness. Do you have a name, sir?” Trystan pulled his arm away and kept up the pace.

  “Samuel Kutter. But you can call me Kutter.” The man said bluntly.

  “Mr. Kutter, we…..”

  “It’s just Kutter.” The ex-magistrate corrected.

  Trystan tried to think fast so not to give too much away. “Kutter, myself and my friends are on a quest to explore the Broken Islands. We come from the Elemental College looking to expand our knowledge base and earn extra credit over the summer break.”

  Kutter continued to walk, the words not having any effect on his demeanor. “I saw you and your friends having fun at the beach. For a research quest you seem to be taking it really easy.”

  Trystan touched his chest and fingers came away with blood. “We thought we would blow off some steam. Our train was attacked by gremlins.”

  “I heard about that too. Gremlins attacked the bar car where you and your friends were. Strange since they always attack the engine or cars with large amounts of technology.”

  Trystan tried to play it off. “This quest has been strange from the start. We thought we would take a few days to rest up for our journey.”

  “If you’re not willing to tell the truth then our conversation is over. I don’t waste my time helping those who keep secrets.” Kutter said with a deep voice.

  Trystan’s head tilted forward as he walked. “I’m sorry Kutter. I am being rude. You saved my life and the life of my familiars. Thank you.”

  Kutter turned a corner before glancing at the mage. “You still haven’t answered my question. Why are shadow mages hunting you?”

  Trystan felt like he was backed into a corner. If he didn’t say something useful then another attack may prompt the ex-magistrate to turn him over to the town’s magistrates. The mage felt a chill run through him. The attack could have just been a warning or Freya simply having fun with him. The more Trystan wondered, the more questions clawed to the surface of his mind.

  The mage took a deep breath and began talking. “We are on a research quest to the Broken Islands. There is a location we wish to explore but we believe the Shadow College may want to explore it first.”

  “I have heard of playful competition but what I saw was anything but. Judging from the blood leaking out of your chest, they were ready to put you down.”

  Trystan pressed his robe to the wound. “I think one of them may be an ex-girlfriend.”

  The large man paused.

  “I’m telling you the truth.” Trystan said with an edge.

  Kutter nodded and they continued walking. “So tell me elemental mage, how are you and your friends getting to the Broken Islands?”

  “My name is Trystan and I’m not sure. I thought we could hire a ship to take us out to the islands.”

  The large man smirked. “For a research quest you haven’t done much research. No ships are going to the Broken Islands, not since the Scylla attacks have increased.”

  “Scylla attacks?”

  Kutter nodded slightly. “Half woman and half tentacle creature. Their bone ships have made numerous attacks on sea going vessels. The only reason Lantern Beach is not closed down is because the mermaids and sirens are helping with patrolling the waters.”

  “I had no idea there was a war going on?” Trystan felt his heart sag in his chest.

  “It has been kept out of the news feeds so it didn’t hurt the tourist season. The town makes its best coin from the summer. If you looked a little deeper than you would have known no ships were sailing. It looks like your quest ends here.”

  Trystan’s mind worked. He couldn’t let this stop him. He felt they were halfway there. If he didn’t get there by the full moon, then no one will be able to stop Damon Wick’s plans. The young mage remained quiet as they continued to walk.

  After a few blocks, Kutter walked Trystan through the front doors of the Lantern Beach Hotel. A clerk at the front desk looked to Kutter and then to Trystan. The sight of blood caused the desk clerk to pick up the phone and dial immediately.

  Trystan took hold of the counter as a faint dizziness caused him to lose his balance. Sylk and Kira took hold of their master and held him up. Kutter kept his stony gaze.

  “Make sure this young man is healed and taken to his room.”

  “Right away, Kutter.” The clerk said as he came around the side to Trystan.

  Kutter turned away and started walking toward the front doors. A busty blonde stumbled out from the hotel bar entrance. She wobbled and zig zagged toward the ex-magistrate. When she was within a few feet, she looked up at the large man in the trench coat and her eyes widened.

  “Sam? Sam Kutter!” Jenny squealed.

  Trystan watched as the large man’s face melted into recognition. The mage was unnerved how quickly the large man went from stone faced to wide eyes and smile. Hands reached out and wrapped around Jenny, lifting her into the air and twirling her around. Trystan couldn’t believe it was the same man just a moment ago.

  “Jenny Warg! I have missed you my darling!” Kutter nearly squealed back. “I thought it was you I saw sun bathing on the beach but I wasn’t sure.”

  Jenny pressed her cheek to his and held onto him fiercely. “I’m here with friends! I was hoping to see you!”

  Kutter effortlessly put Jenny down to the ground and gazed at her with a bright smile. Jenny looked up with adoring eyes. Trystan stared as they gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Jenny glanced over at the counter. When she saw Trystan standing there with his two familiars and blood dripping down his chest, she broke her embrace with Kutter and ran to the wounded mage.

  “Trystan!” Jenny said when she reached his side, eyes on his wounds.

  “A healer is on their way. I was ambushed. Kutter saved us.” Trystan managed as he grimaced in pain

  Kutter walked over. “You know this young man?”

  “He is a good friend. We are travelling together with our friends.” Jenny said with concern in her eyes.

  Kutter crossed his arms and looked to Trystan. “You should have said you knew Jenny. I would have been a little nicer.”

  Trystan gave a weak smile before his legs trembled. The adrenalin had begun to wear off. The mage could feel the wound was worse than he actually thought. Sylk, Jenny and Kira began talking but the mage couldn’t make out what they were saying. Mouths moved but no sound came out. Trystan tried to talk but his strength started to slip away. Eyes rolling into his head, darkness closed in before he hit the floor.


  The abyss stretched out with cosmic indifference. Trystan floated in its vast emptiness. Pain had subsided but a deeper ache lazily caressed his cheek. The mage pondered in the darkness. Was this his new home he wondered? A shaft of light appeared in the inky blackness and slowly it opened, pushing away the primal abyss.

  The young mage blinked away the dark world of his mind. Dim light touched his eyes in between blinks. Eyes rolling into front and center, the mage forced his eyelids to open and take in his surroundings. Shadowy figures stood around him, glasses and bottles in their hands. As Trystan tried to focus, the sound of pleasant conversation flowed into his ears. The shadowy figures came into focus and the mage felt a moment of comfort, seeing his friends in his hotel room.

  Rolling his head to the side, Trystan stared up at Sylk’s smiling blue lips. Barely moving, muscles felt like they were still waking up and the mage groaned.

  “Easy Master, the healer told us you might be a little weak for a few hours.”

  Everyone in the room stopped talking and gathered around the bed. Trystan looked to them and gave a weak smile. Nia was at the foot of the bed, worry etched into her face. Sunara was by Nia’s side, her brows up in concern. Reeko gave a reassuring smile. Aznara stood by Kira and they both peered down with a mixture of relief and cheer.

  “How long was I out of it?” Trystan asked softly.


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