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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 10

by Eden Redd

  Sylk reached over and touched her master’s shoulder. “About two hours.”

  Trystan tried to move again, an odd free feeling fell over him as he moved his legs and tried to sit up. The mage looked down to see that his chest was bare. A second later, he realized he was not wearing any clothes with only a blanket covering him.

  “Um…Where are my clothes?” Trystan asked.

  Kira stepped closer and looked to her master. “We thought you would be more comfortable.”

  Trystan noticed Nia and Sylk nod their heads in unison.

  “It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.” Aznara laughed.

  “I hadn’t seen him like that.” Reeko grinned.

  The demoness shot the goblin a playful smirk. “Now you have. Welcome to the club.”

  Trystan felt another wave of weakness and he fell back into the comfortable bed. “Thank you everyone but I’m not sure I need everyone watching me.”

  “You are our fearless leader. We have to watch you.” Reeko said with relaxed sarcasm.

  “Sylk and Kira filled us in. We were talking about guard schedules.” Nia said as if she was trying to hold back her emotions.

  “Not sure we need to set up a schedule. They attacked me in a secluded area of town. I think we just need to make sure everyone travels in pairs.” Trystan said.

  Trystan looked away to the balcony and the cool night air beyond. “Not that it makes a difference. We will not be able to charter a ship. The coast is locked down until further notice. There have been sea monster attacks and boats won’t risk leaving the docks.”

  Aznara crossed her arms. “I think we just need to convince someone to take us. I’m sure Reeko has enough coin to do that.”

  Reeko’s pointed green ears twitched. “There isn’t enough coin in the world to convince someone to take their own lives in danger, never mind ours.”

  “We can’t give up.” Nia said with a soft command.

  “Maybe we can buy a boat?” Aznara shifted on her feet.

  “Last time I heard, gremlins even attack at sea. All the boats here are wind sails. Does anyone know how to pilot one?”

  The room grew quiet and almost all eyes turned to Reeko.

  The goblin put his green hands up. “My family may be wealthy but we don’t like the ocean very much. I’m the only one in my family who knows how to swim.”

  “We could travel by foot and use magic to cross the waterways between islands.” Sunara added.

  Trystan shook his head. “We would be so depleted and exhausted by the time we reached our destination, we wouldn’t have any fight left in us. Plus there are sea monsters in the waters.”

  “I can’t believe this is it. There must be a way.” Nia said with drop of doubt in her voice.

  Trystan let out a deep sigh as his mind worked. They couldn’t have come all this way to be stopped now. The entire room filled with doubt as they tried to weigh their options and come up with any kind of solution.

  “We should sleep on it. We can plan in the morning…..” Trystan was stopped mid sentence by the door to his room swinging open and slamming against the wall.

  Jenny sauntered in on wobbly legs. The blonde-haired woman looked to everyone with a drunken smile until her eyes fell on Trystan sitting up in bed. With a squeal, she launched herself across the room. The group of friends watched astonished as the busty librarian soared through the air and landed on Trystan. The mage let out an “Ouff”, arms catching her.

  “You’re all better!” Jenny slurred.

  “Almost.” Trystan said with wide eyes.

  Jenny crawled up closer, eyes half closed and lips parted. Trystan felt a shiver of embarrassment as she moved like a coiled snake. Jenny did not seem to notice everyone else in the room as she put her face as close as she could to Trystan’s. The smell of rum was overpowering.

  “I have some good news but you will have to kiss me first.” Jenny giggled.

  “Jenny, I don’t think….”

  “Kiss me or I won’t tell you about the ship.” Jenny said with a whisper.

  “You got us a ship?” Trystan said as he pulled his head back until it hit the backboard.

  Jenny let out a throaty hum. “I’ve said too much. Kiss me and I will tell you the rest.” Jenny said in a slurred whisper.

  Trystan looked past the inebriated librarian to everyone else. The group stood, watching. Sylk was the only one to look away in dismay. The mage took in a deep breath. Jenny closed her eyes and puckered up her lips. Trystan leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

  “You will have to do better than that.” Jenny said with closed eyes and creased brow.

  Annoyed fire bloomed as Trystan despised these types of games. Leaning his head in, he pressed his lips to hers. Heat reached out and touched delicate nerves. Jenny leaned in, drinking in the mage’s moist lips and warmth. Trystan felt a warm calm flow over him as Jenny’s heat and energy connected to his. The spark was there and Trystan became momentarily confused. Pushing away the odd sensation, the mage pulled away.

  Jenny looked to Trystan and gave a sheepish smile. “That’s more like it.”

  “The ship?” Trystan asked as his face turned red.

  “What ship?” Jenny said as she opened one eye.

  “The ship? The news you have?” Trystan huffed.

  Jenny sat up slightly. “Oh, that. Yea, Kutter has a ship. He will do us the favor of taking us to the Broken Islands.”

  “He will! That’s great Jenny!” Trystan said a little too excited.

  Jenny let her hand glide down the blanket and stopped at the mage’s hip. “Let’s celebrate.”

  Aznara’s brow formed a sharp V. She grabbed Jenny by the arm and pulled her from the bed. The blonde whimpered a protest as she was roughly brought to her feet.

  “Trystan needs his rest.” The succubus said sternly.

  “I know what he needs.” Jenny said defiantly.

  “Please stop!” Trystan said a little loud.

  Everyone turned to him and the room grew quiet.

  Trystan sat back. “Thank you Jenny and thank you everyone. I think we are in a better place to continue our quest. Jenny, did Kutter say when we can set sail?”

  Jenny fixed her shirt with a small frown on her lips. “He said we can leave the day after tomorrow, bright and early. He needs time to get the ship ready.”

  “This is good news.” Trystan smiled.

  The group nodded in agreement and an awkward silence fell over the room.

  “Let’s let Trystan rest. We can pick this up tomorrow.” Reeko said, breaking the silence.

  Quietly everyone shuffled for the door except for Sylk and Kira. Jenny gave Trystan lustful eyes as Aznara guided her through the door. Nia gave one glance back, smiled and walked through the doorway to the hall. Sunara followed. Reeko was last to leave, closing the door behind him.

  Sylk dimmed the lights further while Kira stood by her master’s bedside.

  “Father, did I do well, protecting you?” Kira asked as her eyes filled with insecurity.

  Trystan looked to his familiar with an understanding gaze. “Yes, you did. Thank you.”

  Kira tilted her head forward and a small smile appeared on her lips. Sylk crawled into bed and under the blankets. Pressing her body to her master’s, she let out her own comforting sigh. Kira looked away, her smile fading and her body turning to mist. She returned to her master’s skin over his heart.

  Sylk snuggled close, eyes closed. “I’m glad you’re okay.” The siren whispered.

  Trystan held her close. “Me too. I hope tonight was the worst of it.”

  The mage didn’t believe his own words. Another wave of weakness flowed over him and he fell into a fitful sleep. Thoughts swirled down the drain as he wondered what they would face next and if he had the strength to overcome.


  Trystan sat on the edge of the dock, feet inches from the seawater. The sun was just above the ocean horizon and yellow light bathe
d the entire town in its magnificence. A gentle lapping of water soothed the mage’s frayed nerves.

  The rest of last night was not kind to the mage as he tossed and turned. When dawns early light touched the world, Trystan dressed and left the hotel for some air. Despite his talk earlier about everyone travelling in pairs, the mage thought it would be best to let everyone rest. When he walked through town, he appreciated the solemn silence. When he reached the dock, it felt like he was back home, taking in the salty scents and beautiful ocean scenery.

  Mist flowed off the mage’s arm and Sylk appeared next to her master, sitting with webbed feet dangling. Without thinking, Trystan reached over and took her hand into his. It was a quiet moment they shared. Trystan didn’t realize how happy he was to have Sylk at his side. The master and familiar sat and gazed out across the water.

  Long moments passed until Sylk gently pulled her hand from her master’s hand and slipped off the dock into the inviting water below. Trystan watched as the siren swam on her back in circles. It was almost hypnotic and for a brief moment, the stress of the quest faded into the background before it crept back into his mind.

  Ugly doubt and worry washed over the young mage. He tried to come up with strategies to defeat Damon Wick but felt his power couldn’t hold a candle to his. Trying to come up with a clever way to defeat a powerful opponent eluded him. The mage had to refocus and try to think his way out of this terrible trap.

  Trystan held out a hand and made a few hand signals. The spell fizzled but he tried again. A small orb of seawater rose up and floated before him. The mage could feel his mana linking to it, controlling it and seeing options of control and manipulation. Remembering the shadows from last night, Trystan made a few more hand signals and whispered an arcane word. The orb shifted and formed into a little man made of water. Trystan pulled unseen mana strings and the little man floated toward him. The water man landed on his leg and stood at attention.

  Trystan smiled and pushed a little more mana into him, giving him just enough to move on his own accord. The little water elemental walked around but kept pointing his faceless head to his creator.

  “Can you fight?” Trystan whispered to his creation.

  The little water man shifted an arm into a sharp point just like the shadows from last night.

  “Can we do better?” Trystan asked amused.

  The little water elemental shifted and shaped the sharp point into a sword. It then danced and took stances, sword out and slashing at the air. Trystan watched fascinated at his little creation. He pondered if he could scale up these little water soldiers into an army? The mage thought it over as Sylk continued to swim in circles and the water soldier tumbled and stabbed upward at nothing.

  The sound of footsteps echoed through the air. Trystan looked over at a few docks further away, his little water solider melting to water and soaking into his pants. The mage ignored the sudden chill as he watched men with baskets walk along a particularly long dock. The baskets filled with apples, pears and plums. The men reached the end of the dock and put the baskets down. To Trystan’s astonishment, heads emerged from the water around the dock by the dozens. They each had different color hair from greens to deep blues. Pointed ears were on some while others looked human.

  The men on the dock began turning over baskets, spilling fruit into the ocean. The sea women took hold of what they could and disappeared under the water’s surface. More baskets turned over, webbed and normal hands took hold of fruit. Trystan stared as this went on for few more minutes until the baskets were empty. The last bit of fruit bobbed in the water before it too disappeared under the watery surface.

  Trystan watched mystified as the men walked off with empty baskets in their arms.

  “Master.” Sylk said with alarm.

  Trystan turned his head to see many heads in the water, oval eyes turned to him and Sylk. The mage sat and stared back as sirens and mermaids blinked and eyed him silently. Sylk was right before her master in the water, surrounded by sea women.

  “Hello.” Trystan said cheerfully.

  The sirens and mermaids glanced to each other for a moment before looking at Trystan and smiling. A green-skinned siren swam closer and peered up at the human.

  “Hello handsome.” The siren grinned.

  “My name is Trystan. Please to meet you.” Trystan waved.

  “He has manners.” A siren said to another.

  The green one continued to stare. “Hello Trystan. My name is Merra.”

  Merra then turned her attention to Sylk and gave her a hard stare. “Your master is handsome.”

  Sylk nodded. “He is.”

  Trystan felt uneasy as they all continued to stare. “I didn’t know your kind liked fruit so much.”

  Merra turned back to the mage. “We love fruit.”

  Trystan nodded. “They dumped a lot of fruit for you. Is that some sort of payment for helping patrol the waters around the town?”

  Merra grinned. “He is handsome and smart. The Scylla have become bolder with their attacks. We have always loved the people of Lantern Beach. They pay us in fruit so we help protect them.”

  “Is there a reason why the scylla have become bolder?” Trystan was genuinely curious.

  “It is what they do. They despise any creature on land and want to return all life to the sea. We understand the balance and wish to help keep it. Now, may I ask a question?”

  Trystan nodded. “Sure.”

  “Join us for a swim? We would love your company.” Merra leered.

  Trystan paused. He knew the legends about sirens and mermaids. They often lure men to the sea so they could drown. Sirens would sing their seductive song while mermaids would pull men deep below. The mage had a feeling they wouldn’t do such a thing but for a moment he was unsure.

  The sirens and mermaids watched for a long breath before they started laughing. Sylk looked around herself bewildered and Trystan remained quiet.

  “He thinks we will drown him!” a siren shouted.

  “He believes the old legends!” A mermaid cackled with laughter.

  Trystan let a smile creep into his cheeks. “Forgive me. I meant no disrespect.”

  Merra smiled brightly. “None taken. We often asked people to join us for a swim. No one has drowned in these waters in over a hundred years. We just like the company of men.”

  “If I join you, will you tell me more about the war with the scylla?”

  Merra nodded. “There isn’t much but we will tell you all we know. Join us for a swim and we can speak.”

  Trystan pulled his feet up and stood up on the dock. The sea women watched as he removed his clothes down to his boxers. A nervous thrill ran through the mage. He was always in love with the sea. After his initial hesitation, an excitement grew. Holding his nose closed the mage cannonball into the water. The sea women clapped and cheered as Trystan rose up and broke the water’s surface.

  Webbed hands reached out and caressed his skin before pulling away. The mage tread water as sirens and mermaids circled him. Sylk watched with territorial eyes as the sea women clamored over the nearly nude mage. The green-skinned Merra swam over to Sylk and eyed her with oval eyes.

  “We will not hurt your master.”

  “I’m not worried about you hurting him.” Sylk said with a knowing hard stare.

  Merra laughed. “We will not take him for our pleasure, unless he wants to.”

  “He doesn’t want to.” Sylk said and crossed her scaly arms.

  Merra looked to Trystan and then back to the blue siren. “He is yours?”

  Sylk nodded.

  “I will ensure everyone knows.” Merra smiled.

  “Thank you.” Sylk said softly.

  “Have you been taught our ways? You may be a magical sister but you can still learn.”

  Sylk looked to the Merra and raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “You are like us but you are not like us. You are a magical sister but you share your energy with our ancestors.
Do you know the songs?”

  Sylk’s eyes lowered to the water. She never thought about others like herself. She spent all her time being a familiar; she didn’t know what her kind could really do. The shock clouded her eyes for a moment and she quickly looked up to Merra, stewing in the ignorance of her people’s history.

  “Do not fret young one. We can share those songs with you should you want to know them. There will be an exchange for such knowledge but we can speak of it another time. Swim with your master and us. Let us enjoy this glorious morning.”

  For the first time, Sylk felt timid and unsure. The green siren seemed confident and understanding. Sylk felt a growing respect but the question of an exchange loomed in the back of her mind. Before she could ask, Trystan swam over, hugged the blue siren and twirled around in the water with her.

  “Swim and guard me. They can’t keep their hands off of me.” Trystan smiled.

  “Come back lover boy!” A siren catcalled the mage.

  Sylk stared into her master’s eyes. “Anything for you master.”

  The mage and familiar swam in the warm waters with the sea women. Trystan found himself smiling and laughing. Tension bled away and for a moment, he forgot about the dangerous quest ahead. Sylk stayed by her master’s side, playfully keeping the sea women at bay. The sun rose higher in the splendid morning sky.


  The door to the hotel room opened and several wait staff pushed carts of food into Trystan’s room. The group of friends had gathered around the carts and the hungry anticipation vibrated through the room. The staff pulled the covers off several dishes, the steam of hot meat, soups and cooked vegetables rose into the air. Another set of silver covers lifted to reveal fruit, cakes and assortment of cookies. Wine was poured into glasses and handed to each of the young mages. Reeko pulled out a few coins and handed them over. The staff bowed and made a quick exit.

  Cool evening air flowed in from the open balcony doors. Plates were grabbed and food was shoveled on in heaps. Everyone took a seat on the carpeted floor in a circle and began eating immediately. An unspoken feeling ran through the group. Tomorrow they would set sail for the Broken Islands and they didn’t know when they would eat this well again. With plate’s half-empty, hunger subsided and wine took the edge off for the discussion ahead of them.


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