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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 11

by Eden Redd

  “Do we have any idea what we are facing?” Reeko said while chewing on a piece of meat.

  Jenny sat with her legs folded under her, eyes a little distant. “I island hopped here years ago. Some of the islands have lizard folk while the water between islands are filled with all types of sea serpents, dragon turtles and spear fish.”

  Aznara finished gulping down her wine. “Lizard folk? Are they dangerous?”

  Jenny nodded. “They can be. They are tribal creatures and often attack on sight. They seem superstitious and I found that casting big bright spells will scare them off.”

  Trystan sat with his back against the side of the bed. “What about landmarks or structures on the islands?”

  Jenny nodded again. “Some islands have old pyramids and ruins. I never had a chance to explore all of them so I don’t remember exactly what is out there.”

  Trystan nodded. “I learned today that there is another threat we should be aware of. An ancient race of scylla are waging a war with the sea folk here. They worship some ocean god called Draygon.”

  Jenny looked to Trystan. “I heard about him. The lizard folk also worship him as their god. I found idols and shrines in secluded areas on different islands. He is known as the Dead Sea God.”

  Nia put her plate down. “What can we expect from the scylla?”

  “They will attack any ship they spot. They wage war on magical bone ships that seem to defy logic. They can move under and on water. They are slow but powerful and there is a fleet patrolling the waters.” Trystan took a sip of wine.

  “How did you find this out?” Sunara asked.

  Trystan’s eyes lowered. “I was swimming with sirens and mermaids this morning. They were nice enough to let me know what is happening here.”

  Aznara smiled. “And you didn’t invite us? I’m crushed.”

  “It was spur of the moment. They were very friendly.” Trystan’s voice raised an octave.

  “I thought we were supposed to travel in pairs. What if you were attacked again?” Nia said with a hint of anger.

  “I needed to think things out. I didn’t think it was a big……” Trystan was cut off.

  “It is a big deal! You could have been killed, dragged off and no one would have known. You can’t be this irresponsible.” Anger flared as Nia looked Trystan in the eye.

  “I’m sorry Nia. Sorry everyone. I just needed some time to myself.”

  Reeko put a green hand on Nia’s shoulder. “We should all take it easy. We are here to discuss plans of action.”

  Nia’s fingers curled into tight fists against her thighs. “Promise me you won’t do that again. Promise us.”

  Trystan nodded. “I promise I won’t go off on my own again.”

  Nia’s hands relaxed and uncurled her fingers. Sunara looked to the red haired mage with loving eyes. Jenny sat silently. Reeko gave Nia another pat on the shoulder and a comforting squeeze.

  “I think we need more wine.” Aznara said as she stood up and walked over to the wine cart.

  Everyone held up their glasses as the succubus poured into each one in turn.

  “Do we know where we are going exactly? What do we do when we get there?” Sunara asked after a sip of wine.

  “I know the direction we are going but Damon has prevented me from speaking or indicating the location. We have three days left before the full moon but I think we will get there sooner. We can scout out the location and see if there is anything we can use to our advantage.”

  Sunara swirled her wine. “That is pretty vague. If Damon Wick is as powerful and intelligent as he seems, he will have guards and traps ready. I don’t know how we will overcome and stop what he has planned.”

  Jenny closed her eyes as she spoke. “I might be able to cloak Kutter’s ship. It will require me to concentrate for the entire journey so I will not be able to do much else.”

  Trystan raised an eyebrow. “You can do that for three days?”

  Jenny nodded. “I can. Kutter is also very experienced. I’m sure he has a number of tricks to keep our enemies at bay.”

  “Still doesn’t help against Damon Wick. Can we even take on someone that powerful?” Sunara said with a hint of dismay.

  Trystan tapped his glass with a finger. “We don’t have to fight him directly. He is performing a ritual on the night of the full moon. We just have to stop the ritual. We all work well together. Rituals are delicate in nature and require time to set up and execute. If we disrupt it then he may have to wait till the next full moon.”

  “We will have to do this again in a month?” Aznara asked and gulped her wine.

  Trystan shook his head. “No. Once we all know the location, we can tell the headmaster and headmistress. They can stop any further activity at the location. Damon told me that once we reach the area, the spell preventing me from speaking it would end.”

  Reeko finished his wine and held an empty glass. “Sounds like a plan and I think we are all crazy enough to do it.”

  Trystan looked to his friends. “We can do it if we are all in agreement. Are we?”

  Aznara nodded her head, followed by Nia and Sunara. Jenny nodded and Reeko put a green thumb up and smirked. Trystan let a small smile slip as he looked to his friends. The air took on a charge of positive energy.

  “We should rest up, how about one more glass of wine for the night?” Trystan smiled.

  Everyone smiled and lifted their glasses again. Reeko stood up and grabbed another bottle of wine. Red liquid flowed as the group chatted and relaxed. Trystan tried to keep his courage up. Fear languished as he hoped they would make it out okay. For now, he would enjoy this night before embarking on the final leg of their quest.

  The mage looked to Nia but his mind drifted to Gwen. The mage wished she were here. The bond between himself and Nia felt like it was thinning more and more yet the bond between himself and the ink witch seemed to grow stronger. He didn’t know how this would all turn out but he knew he loved Nia. He knew she loved him enough that maybe one day she would return to him. Trystan would keep that door open but in the time being, he would let her go and let a candle burn in the window for her return.


  Mist blanketed the town of Lantern Beach. The sounds of footsteps on the wooden docks broke the serene gray morning. A dim ball of light burned in the far distance, its light unable to break through the shrouded gloom. Mages walked single file down a lone dock, backpacks over their shoulders and excitement in their hearts. Jenny led the way with Trystan close behind.

  The mist around the dock parted with each step. Soon a sail ship appeared to rise out of the mists. Trystan drank it in the closer they moved toward it. The masts rose up like wooden spires against the gray background. A lone figure was on deck, pulling at ropes. Trystan at first thought it was a normal man until the mist parted further to reveal leathery wings. The figure moved from one rope to the next, wings flexing and gray muscled body moving with each pull. Pointed ears were on the side of its head but Trystan couldn’t make out the face.

  Jenny smiled as she walked to the gangplank and stepped up onto the ship. Trystan followed and stepped onto the vessel. The gray-skinned humanoid turned and an incredibly handsome face looked back.

  “Who is that?” Aznara asked as she stepped onto the ship.

  Jenny opened her arms and rushed the handsome gargoyle. Thick gray arms hugged her back and buried its face into her neck. Together they hugged for a long moment before breaking their embrace.

  “It’s so good to see you again, Tyler. Where’s your master?” Jenny grinned.

  Tyler pointed a gray finger to the command deck. Trystan looked up to see Kutter at the main wheel in his trench coat, looking like a pirate captain from old storybooks. The ex-magistrate peered down at the mages and beckoned them onboard.

  “Morning Kutter.” Trystan shouted.

  “Morning mage, stow your gear in the rooms below. There are only three rooms so some of you will have to double up. Tyler, pull the gangplank a
nd raise the anchor. We leave now.”

  The handsome gargoyle moved to the port side and raised the gangplank. Kutter made a few quick hand signals and whispered a word. The wind picked up, pushing the mist away and inflating the sails. Tyler took hold of the chain to the anchor. Muscles bulged as he hoisted it one hand over the other. Ropes holding the ship to the dock untied themselves and rolled onto deck. The ship lurched free and they were on their way.

  Trystan moved to the side of the deck and looked out. Head broke the surface and webbed hands waved goodbye. Reeko joined the mage at the side of the deck, smiling at all the beautiful sea women.

  “Welcome to the Sea Strider!” Kutter bellowed and turned the wheel.

  The ship turned direction and began sailing south. Trystan waved to the sea women as they slowly faded from view. Sunara took Nia’s hand and pulled her to the door leading to the deck below. Aznara stared at Tyler as he worked the ropes, holding and twirling her own tail. Reeko gripped the side of the ship. Trystan glanced over to see a blanks look in the goblin’s eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Trystan asked.

  “No….I….don’t think so…..” The green goblin’s face seemed to become greener.

  Trystan was about to say something when the goblin leaned forward and his breakfast came up. The mage grimaced as Reeko wretched and groaned his displeasure. Just as Trystan thought he was done, more came up.

  “First…time…..out…to…sea….” The goblin heaved.

  Trystan patted him on the shoulder. “I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks.” Reeko managed before he dry heaved over the side again.


  The morning mist parted and blue skies shined with the bright sun. Trystan took in a deep cleansing breath as he marveled at the perfect clear sky. They were a few hours into their journey and calmness fell over everyone. Reeko had retired to a room after heaving for nearly an hour. Trystan had helped him settle in and the goblin quickly passed out. Aznara spent the whole time staring at Tyler. The gargoyle ignored the succubus as he moved to make sure the rigging was secure. Aznara did her best to make sure he was in sight at all times. Jenny spent about an hour talking to Kutter on the command deck. Trystan didn’t know what they were saying but it seemed like a serious conversation. After an hour, the librarian stood to the back of the command deck. Trystan just barely saw her mouth move, and then she looked upward. Her eyes turned white and she became as still as a statue. Kutter kissed his fingers and touched them to Jenny’s cheek. She remained unmoving as if she wasn’t in her own body.

  Trystan spent the time enjoying the view and thinking about the journey. Mist rolled off his arm and flowed to the deck. Sylk appeared but her head tilted forward, eyes on the deck and hands at her sides. Trystan looked over for a moment and then looked back out to sea. The siren stepped over to the side of the deck beside her master.

  “I can tell you want to talk.” Trystan said eyes still looking up.

  “Master…..I…..” Sylk trailed off.

  “It’s okay. I saw you talking with Merra. She talked to me too.”

  Sylk looked up to her master. “She wants to show me things. Show me knowledge from other sirens.”

  “I know. She asked me if it was okay. I already said yes.” Trystan smiled.

  Sylk’s eyes widened.

  Trystan continued. “I have read about familiars leaving their masters for special journeys. I didn’t even know you could leave me for a length of time and distance. Merra seemed understanding that you should learn more about your kind. What better way than to learn from your actual people.”

  Sylk looked out to the water. “I can leave but there will always be a pull to come back to you. My needs will change and I will be able to draw mana from food until I return to you. It will not be as powerful as your mana but it will be enough for me to survive.”

  Sylk’s eyes looked to the water. “You need me for this quest. I feel like I’m abandoning you when you need me the most.”

  Trystan sighed. “Life never travels in a straight line. Merra made a compelling statement for your benefit. I couldn’t say no. If I did, then it would have been incredibly selfish and you wouldn’t grow. I love you and only want you to experience life to the fullest.”

  Sylk looked to her master and hugged him, tears running down her cheeks. “Merra said this would be the only time to train because they are preparing to leave Lantern Beach and meet with another clan of sirens to strengthen their forces against the Scylla. She didn’t know how long she would be gone. I don’t want to go. I want to be by your side.”

  Trystan ran fingers through blue hair. “Merra told me it would be a few days before they leave, plenty of time to train you. It’s not a lifetime. Besides I still have Kira.”

  Sylk pulled back and glared at her master. “That bitch better protect you.” The siren growled.

  “Bitch? I thought you guys were getting along?”

  Sylk pressed her cheek to her master’s chest. “I will never trust her. We may be your familiars but she will never be our family.”

  “Don’t worry. Our friends will make sure I am okay. Take this time to learn and grow. We will meet up again soon.” Trystan hugged Sylk a little harder.

  “Please be safe. I will come back stronger for you, for us.”

  Trystan cupped his fingers under her chin, raising her up so their eyes could meet. “You are already the strongest woman I know. Learn everything you can and come back.”

  Sylk nodded her head. Pulling away from her master, the siren leapt onto the railing. Sylk looked to her master. Trystan winked and smiled. The siren blew a kiss and dove over the side. The mage looked over to see her blue body hit the water with barely a splash. A second later, she was gone.

  A haunting sadness washed over the mage as he stared at the water, looking for any hint of his beautiful familiar. Another hour passed and he stepped away from the railing. Looking around, Kutter was still at the wheel. Jenny was next to him, eyes still white and her body unmoving. Tyler the gargoyle was up in the crow’s nest. Aznara was leaning against the opposite railing, eyes on the crow’s nest and pointed tail swishing back and forth.

  Trystan let out a sigh and walked across the deck to the succubus. Aznara didn’t even notice him as he stepped close and leaned against the same railing.

  “So, see something you like?” Trystan smiled.

  “I don’t understand. I have been throwing every signal in my arsenal and the gargoyle hasn’t even blinked in my direction. He has a face carved by angels and a body that would turn me into a pretzel but doesn’t even see me.” Aznara said while keeping her gaze.

  “Maybe he is focused on his work. We are going into dangerous waters.”

  “No. There has to be something else.” Aznara said in a low voice.

  A high-pitched whistle filled the air. Trystan and Aznara turned to Kutter as he worked the wheel. The ex-magistrate was looking up at the crow’s nest and a finger pointed to the deck. The gargoyle looked down and leaped into the air. Tyler glided down and gently landed next to his master.

  Trystan and Aznara watched as the ex-magistrate leaned in and kissed the handsome gargoyle. Tyler pressed his body to his master’s with a loving embrace. When they pulled apart, Kutter gave Tyler a quick pat on the butt. The gargoyle made a loving squeak before flying back up to the crow’s nest. The ex-magistrate looked down at Aznara and winked.

  “Now it makes sense.” Aznara smiled ear to ear.

  The succubus turned and looked off to the water. Trystan eyed her and then turned to gaze out next to her.

  “So that’s it. No more trying to seduce the gargoyle?” Trystan smiled.

  “I need to come up with a new strategy.” Aznara was quiet for a few moments before speaking again. “The sea is beautiful.”

  Trystan nodded. “It is. Grew up next to it most of my life. I have books of poetry dedicated to the ocean. She has been my inspiration for a long time.”

  “Where I lived there ar
e beautiful mountains and canyons. Big rivers flowing with crystal clear water. I miss it sometimes. The last year has been so strange. I hope we all survive this quest so we can enjoy many more years together.” The succubus gave the mage a small sly smile.

  Trystan smiled back. “I have hope in my heart.”

  Aznara looked away. “I hope so. I have been watching you and it seems this quest has been hard on you.”

  “It has. I worry all the time that something may happen to you all. I’m thankful for the help but I couldn’t live with myself if any of you were hurt.”

  “We are tougher then you think. I know we will all protect each other when it comes down to it.”

  Trystan nodded and put his hands on the railing. Aznara’s slender hand reached over and lay on top of his. Trystan didn’t pull away and the two mages looked out in the oceanic expanse before them. The mage could feel in his mind a gentle pull, a direction he must follow in order to reach Damon Wick’s destination. The warmth from Aznara’s hand was distracting but the mage made no move to remove it.

  “Trystan! Up here!” Kutter shouted.

  The mage turned and his hand slipped away from Aznara’s hand. The succubus turned her head slightly and caught the mage gazing at her. She thought he moved on to meet Kutter but instead he stayed.

  “Aznara, I have to ask you to help me with something.” Trystan said in a low voice.

  “We are friends. I will help you with anything.” The succubus said with a gentle smile.

  “Good. I will see what Kutter wants and then I will be back down to talk to you.” Trystan smiled and walked off.

  Aznara stared as the mage walked to the stairs leading up to the command deck. A few seconds later, the mage was at Kutter’s side. A wave hit the side of the ship, sending sea spray in the air. Gulls cawed in the distance.

  “Trystan, we need a heading. Jenny informed me of the unique circumstances concerning this quest. Point in the direction and I will get us there.” Kutter spoke and kept his eyes to the horizon.


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