260-1, 271 Aime of Monte Cassino, see Amatus Aimeri, Cardinal, 314, 324-7 al-Akhal, Emir of Palermo, 46-7 Alaine of Flanders, Duchess of Apulia,
Alberada of Buonalbergo, 78-9, 116, 118,
195. 227, 247 Albert of Aix, 287-8 Alcantara, river, 142
Alexander II, Pope, 158-9, 195-6, 206,
218, zdzn., 308 Alexander of Conversano, 311-12, 318 Alexander of Telese, 282-3, 303, 313,
3i6-i7n., 330, 340 Alexandria, 290
Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor, 69. 225-7, 229-33, 235. 243. 247n-> *5i> 284-5
Alfonso VI, King of Castile, 297 Ali ibn Temim, 155-6, 164 Ali ibn Yahya, 295-7, 300
Almoravids, 296-7, 301
Alp Arslan, Seljuk prince, 200
Amadeus, Count of Savoy, 202
Amain, 11, 21, 36, 38, 87-9, 108, 114, 201,
218, 276-7, 291, 309 Amasea, 230
Amatus (Aime) of Monte Cassino, 15-17, 18, 19, 40-1, 57, 59-60, 67, 69, 72, 76-7, 79, 85-7, 94, 109-10, 112, H7n., 137, 142-3, 177. 183, 197-8, 20m., 210-11, 339
Anacletus II, Anti-Pope, 326-9, 331 {see also Pierleoni)
Ancona, 89
Andria, 194
Anselm, St, Archbishop of Canterbury,
274~5, 293"-Anselm, Bishop of Lucca, 237, 261 Antioch, 284-6, 290, 299 Apostolic Legation, 273-4, 294 Aquino, 89, 109-12 Archifrede, 181 Arduin, 56, 58-60, 62, 67 Arezzo, 120
Argirizzo of Bari, 171-2
Argyrus, 56, 62, 65, 67, 70, 75, 84-5,
90-1, 97, 99, 102, 104, 106 Arisgot of Pozzuoli, 184 Arnulf, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 288-9 Arnulf, Bishop of Lisieux, 324m Arta, 243 Ascalon, 287
Asclettin, Count of Acerenza, 68-9 Asclettin, Count of Aversa, 68, 71, 79 Ascoli, 14, 60, 66 Aspromonte, 131
Atenulf, Prince of Benevento, 62, 75 Atenulf, Duke of Gaeta, 109, 112 Atenulf, Abbot of Monte Cassino, 23, 26-8
Ather, Cape, 245 Aubrey de Hauteville, 40 Augsburg, 213 Avellino, 328
Aversa, 37-8, 40, 43, 59, 62, 67-8, 74, 79,
108, 131, 216 Ayub ibn Temim, 155-6, 164, 166-7 Azzo, Marquis of Este, 202, 217
Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, 286-9, 294
Bamberg, 20, 23-6, 32, 80
Bari, 9, 12, 14-15, 25, 60-2, 70, III, 126,
132, 138, 148, 168-73, x74> x95> 245>
269, 305, 313, 317 Basil I, Byzantine Emperor, 12-13 Basil II, the Bulgar-Slayer, Byzantine
Emperor, 19-20, 22-3, 33-5, 45 Basil of Gerace, 149
Beatrice, Marchioness of Tuscany, 121, 202
Belisarius, 51, 229 Benedict, St, 15, 27, no Benedict VIII, Pope, 22-9, 33, 73 Benedict IX, Pope, 73-4, 80, 95, 123 Benedict X, Pope, 122-4 Benevento, 10—n, 22, 28, 35, 74-5, 82-5, 89-90, 94-5, 99-100, in, 127, 129, 199, 203, 214-16, 219, 243, 266, 309-15, 328-9
Bernard of Clairvaux, St, 327-8 Bernavert, Emir of Syracuse, 254-8, 298 Bertha of Turin, Western Empress, 238-9 Bethlehem, 286 Biferno, river, 90 Bisceglie, 194 Bisignano, 78
Bohemund I of Taranto, Prince of Antioch, childhood, 116, 118; passed over in succession, 195-6, 258-9; on Robert Guiscard's Byzantine expeditions, 227-8, 231-2, 235, 243-5; struggle with Roger Borsa, 249-51, 258-60, 267-9; on Flat Crusade, 277, 285; death, 285-6, 303-4. Other references, 247
Bohemund II, Prince of Antioch, 304, 307, 312
Boioannes, Basil, Catapan, 19, 21, 23,
25-6, 28-31, 33-5, 45 Boioannes, his son, 61-2 Boniface del Vasto, Marquis of Savona,
Bovino, 82, 90
Bradano, river, 313, 324
Brindisi, 9, 138, 162, 165, 226-7, 20°. 312,
5*1, 319 Brixen (Bressanone), 219 Bruno, St, 282 Butera, 156, 260, 269 Butrinto, 228, 244 Byzantius of Bari, 170
Calixtus II, Pope, 305, 321 Caltavururo, 156 Cannae, 19-20, 61, 162 Canosa di Puglia, 194, 236, 247, 285 Canossa, I94n., 213-15, 218, 236 Capua, 11, 26-7, 29-31, 33-6, 38, 40, 74, 88, 95, 108-9,
Cariati, 129, 132 Cartomi, Elias, 254
Castel Sant' Angelo, 159m, 236-8, 240, 270
Castello Maniace, Syracuse, 55n.
Castrogiovanni, see Enna
Catania, 133, 135, 141, 176-7, 189, 254-6,
271, 278 Centuripe, 143 Cephalonia, 245, 252 Ceprano, 218-20, 237, 262 Cerami, 156-8 160, 166, 184 Cerularius, Patriarch Michael, 97, 99-105 Chanson de Roland, 246 Charlemagne, Western Emperor, 9-12,
Charles III, the Simple, King of France, 6 Christodulus, 292-3, 298-301, 310 Cinisi, 253 Cisternino, 194 Citeaux, 328
Civitate, 90-6, 97, 100, 107-8, no, 126, 203, 240
Clement II, Pope, 74-5, 80, 82, 127 Clement III, Anti-Pope, 219, 234-9, 242-
3, 261, 265-6, 268 Clermont, 276 Cluny, 268, 323, 327-8 Coloman, King of Hungary, 278 Comnena, Anna, 69, 78, 117, 2o6n.-207n.,
223-6, 231-2, 244-5, 248 Conrad II, the Salic, Western Emperor,
32-3> 35, 41-3. 73, 81 Conrad III of Hohenstaufen, King of Germany, 327-8
Conrad, son of" Emperor Henry IV, 226, 272, 278
Constance, daughter of Roger I, 272 Constance of France, Princess of Antioch,
285, 304-5 Constans II, Byzantine Emperor, 51-2 Constantine I, the Great, Byzantine
Emperor, 128 Constantine IV, the Bearded, Byzantine
Emperor, 52 Constantine VIII, Byzantine Emperor,
34-5. 45
Constantine IX Monomachus, Byzantine Emperor, 64-5, 85, 91, 94, 97, 100-5
Constantine X Ducas, Byzantine Emperor, 134, 165
Constantine, son of Michael VII, 223-4, 226
Constantine Bodin, King of Zeta, 232
Constantinople, 10-13, x5> T9> 2I_2. 27> 34-6, 42, 45-8, 52, 55-7, 61, 63-5, 69, 85, 97-106, 121, 132, 165, 168, 170-1, 192, 200, 221-8, 231, 233, 251, 262, 284-6, 289, 290
Corato, 194
Cordova, 176, 292
Corfu, 228, 244
Cosenza, 107, 162, 269, 294
Crati, river, 77
Crescentii, 23-4, 73, 119, 122
Cunegonde of Luxemburg, Western Empress, 24
Damasus II, Pope, 80
Danishmends, 285
Dante, 76, 246
Dattus, 14, 22-3, 25-6
Desiderius, Abbot of Monte Cassino,
110-12, 123, 126, 199, 208, 210, 217-18,
235, 239; his papacy as Victor III,
261-6; 340 Devol, river, 285 ad-Dimas, fortress, 298-301 Dittaino, river, 143, 156 Donation of Constantine, 127-8 Dorylaeum, 284-5 Douglas, Norman, 190, 247 Doukeianos, Michael, 58, 61 Drogo de Hauteville, Count of Apulia,
39-40, 59, 66, 69, 71, 74-7, 79, 83-7,
i°7. 247
Durazzo (Dyrrachium), 118, 171, 175, 228-9, 23i-3. 244
Eadmer, 274-5
Eberhard, Papal Chancellor, 207-8 Edessa, 284, 286
Elvira of Castile, Queen of Sicily, 297 Enna (Castrogiovanni), 133, 135, 143-6,
155, 157, 160, 162-3, I66> I83, 253,
Erice (Monte S. Giuliano), 253
Etampes, 327
Etna, Mt, 132, 142, 253
Eudoxia, Byzantine Empress, 165, 170
Euphrates, river, 285
Falco of Benevento, 306-7, 312, 315, 340
Faro, Cape, 136-7, 139
Fermo, March of, 218
First Crusade, 268, 276-8, 284-7, 289
Florence, 105, 122
Foggia, 3
Formosus, Bishop of Porto, 98 Fortore, river, 90-1, 96, 156 Francis of Assisi, St, 5 Frangipani, family of, 324-6 Frangipani, Cencius, 314, 324 Frazzano, 143
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Western
Emperor, xiii Frederick of Lorraine, Cardinal, 89,101-5.
See also Stephen IX, Pope Fressenda de Hauteville, 39
Gabes, 295
Gaeta, 11, 21, 36, 88-9, 109
Gaimar IV, Prince of Salerno, 16-17,
21-2, 32-3, 35 Gaimar V, Prince of Salerno, 41-3, 45,
47-9, 62, 66-7, 70-2, 74-6, 79, 82-4,
86-8, 108
Gaimar, brother of Gisulf II of Salerno, 212
Gaitelgrima, Duchess of Apulia, 307
Galeria, 122, 124-5
Gallipoli, 107, 260
Gargano, see Monte Gargano
Garigliano, river, 19, 22-3
Gebhard, Bishop of Eichstatt, 89. See also
Victor II, Pope Genoa, 277, 290, 327 Geoffrey of Andria, 311 Geoffrey of Conversano, the elder, 164-5,
168, 182, 217 Geoffrey of Conversano, the younger,
Geoffrey de Hauteville, son of Tancred,
39, 107, 198-9 Geoffrey de Hauteville, son of Roger I,
George of Antioch, 292-3, 299, 301-2,
3i°. 317 Gerace, 132, 149-51, 254 Giato (S. Giuseppe Iato), 253 Gibbon, Edward, 6, 67, 89, I09n., 117,
119, 247, 248 Gilbert, 20
Giovinazzo, 62, 64,180, 194, 339 Girard of Buonalbergo, 68n., 78, 92 Gisulf II, Prince of Salerno, 87-8, 107-8,
116-17, 129, 180, 201, 203, 210-14 Glaber, Radulph, 29
Godfrey IV, the Bearded, Duke of Lorraine, mn., 121-3
Godfrey V, the Hunchback, Duke of Lorraine, 202
Godfrey of Bouillon, 285
Gregory the Great, St, 5, 243, 324m
Gregory VI, Pope, 73-4
Gregory VII, Pope, 81, 189; election, 196; character, 196-7; relations with Robert Guiscard, 198-204, 214-18; quarrel with Henry IV, 205-10, 213-14; invests Robert Guiscard at Cep-rano, 218-19; havers over Byzantine expedition, 225-6; recalls Robert Guiscard from the Balkans, 233; besieged in Rome by Henry IV, 234-42; dies at Salerno, 243, 245; names successors, 261; his policy followed by Urban II, 271. See also Hildebrand
Gregory, Bishop of Vercelli, 207-8
Grimoald, Prince of Bari, 305, 311, 317, 319, 329
Guiscard, Robert, see Robert Guiscard Guy de Hauteville, son of Robert
Guiscard, 244 Guy of Salerno, 183 Guy, Duke of Sorrento, 66, 87-8, 108
Hassan ibn Ali, 290, 296-7, 300-1 Hastings, 96, 163, 231 Hauteville, see Christian names Hauteville, family, 38-40 Hauteville-la-Guichard, 39, 284 Helena, daughter of Robert Guiscard, 223-7, 251
Henry II, the Holy, Western Emperor, 20-2, 23-32
Henry III, Western Emperor, 72-5, 80,
82, 85, 89, 94, 106, 119-20, 123, 127 Henry IV, Western Emperor, 120-1, 125, 129-30, 204-10, 213-15, 218-19, 226, 233-40, 262, 265, 272 Henry V, Western Emperor, 293, 303-5 Henry I, King of England, 274, 323 Henry II, King of England, 7, 8 Herman, son of Rainulf II of Aversa, 79 Herman, son of Humphrey de Hauteville,
180, 194, 235-6 Hildebrand, Archdeacon, secures election of Stephen IX, 119-20; of Nicholas II, 122; appeals to Normans, 123; part in papal election reform, 124-5, Ii°> supports Alexander II, 159, 195, 2&2n.; elected Pope, 196. See also Gregory VII, Pope Honorius II, Pope, 308-18, 322, 324-7 Honorius II, Anti-Pope, 159, 341 Hugh of Este, 217 Hugh of Jersey, 253
Hugh, Archbishop of Lyons,"'237,' 261, 264-5
Humbert de Hauteville, 40
Humbert of Mourmoutiers, Cardinal,
99-105, 119, 122 Humphrey de Hauteville, Count of
Apulia, 39-40, 75, 79, 87, 90, 92-3, 95,
107-8, 164, 247
Ibn al-Athir, 135, 277, 296 Ibn Hamdis of Syracuse, 252, 290 Ibn Hamud, Emir of Enna, 260-1 Ibn Haukal, 177
Ibn al-Hawas, 133, 135-8, 141-5, 160,
164, 166, 260 Ibn at-Timnah, Emir of Syracuse, 133,
135-6, 138, 141-2, 144, 145, 148, 151,
155, 160, 176 Innocent II, Pope, 325-8 Isaac I Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor,
229 Ithaca, 245
Jericho (Orikos), 246
Jerusalem, 9, 86, 182, 245, 284, 286-9,
293-4 Jews, 23m, 323
Jocelin of Molfetta, Duke of Corinth,
164, 171-2 John XIX, Pope, 33, 73 John, Abbot of Fecamp, 82
John the Orphanotrophos, 46, 48, 57,
63-4, 99 John, Bishop of Trani, 99-100 Jordan, Count of Ariano, 306, 309 Jordan I, Prince of Capua, 214-18, 224,
235, 237, 259, 262-5, 2^9 Jordan, natural son of Roger I, 252,
254-7, 280-1 Judith of Evreux, wife of Roger I, 146-7,
151-4, 156, 176, 192, 278 Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 11, 51
Kairouan, 47, 133 Kastoria, 233, 235, 254 Kuria islands, 298m
La Cava, Abbey, 79, 304, 307 Lagopesole, 319 Larissa, 243
Lateran Palace, Rome, 73, 95, 122, 125,
240-1, 268, 325-7 La Torre, Monastery, 282 Laurentius, Bishop of Siponto, 4, 5 Lavello, 6o, 75 Lecce, 107
Legatine Powers, 273-4, 294
Leo I, Pope, 242
Leo IV, Pope, 155m.
Leo IX, Pope, 80-96, 97, 99-i°2,
119-23, 196-7, 215 Leo VI, the Wise, Byzantine Emperor, 12 Leo di Benedicto Christiano, 122 Leo, Bishop of Ochrid, 97, 99-100, 102 Leo, Bishop of Ostia, 76, 340 Lipari, 271-2
Lothair I, Western Emperor, 124 Lothair III, the Saxon, King of Germany, 327-8
Mabilla de Grantmesnil, 3i9n.
Mahdia, 277, 294-302
Malaterra, Geoffrey, 39, 60, 106, 113-14, ii7n., 140, 144, 149. IiI> l51~4> IJ6-8> 161-3, 166-7, 169, 172, 183-4, 229, 233, 254n., 267, 273, 311, 339
Malta, 176, 269
Malvito, 77
Manfred of Hohenstaufen, King of
Sicily, xiii Manfred, Marquis, 280 Manfred, Bishop of Mantua, 3 24m
Maniakes, George, 47, 54-6, 58-9, 64-5,
67. 137. 142 Mantzikert, 200, 230, 232 Margaret of Navarre, Queen of Sicily,
54m Marsala, 298 Matera, 62, 64
Matilda, Countess of Alife, 282, 309, 340 Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, 202-3, 207,
213, 235, 237, 263, 266, 305 Mauger de Hauteville, Count of the
Capitanata, 40, 107, 134 Mazara, 133, 183, 271 Melfi, 57-62, 66-7, 70, 79, 107-8, 113,
n6n., 126-8, 131, 135, 138, 148, 194,
216, 303, 310, 320-1 Melus, 9-10, 14-15, 17, 19-20, 23-4, 56 Messina, 52-3, 134, 136-44, 146, 148,158,
160, 175-6,183, 254, 256, 259, 269, 283,
290-1, 306 Michael IV, the Paphlagonian, Byzantine
Emperor, 46-7, 57, 63 Michael V, Calaphates, Byzantine Emperor, 63-4, 70 Michael VII Dukas, Byzantine Emperor,
200, 220, 222-7 Milan, 206 Milazzo, 136
Mileto, 135,146, :49, 151, 278, 280, 283
Mili S. Pietro, 28 m.
Minervino, 107
Misilmeri, 166-7
Mistretta, 255
Monopoli, 62, 64, 170
Montalto, 319
Mont-St-Michel, 9
Monte Cassino, 15, 22-3, 25-6, 27, 29, 40-3 71-2, 110, in, 121, 124, 126, 242-3, 251, 262-6, 307, 339-40
Montefusco, 312, 314
Monte Gargano, 3, 9, 67, 75, 81, 83, 90, 232, 310
Montella (Monte Ilaro), 84
Montemaggiore, 61, 66
Montepeloso, 6i, 66, 165-6, 174
Monte S. Angelo, 4, 5, 9
Monte S. Felice, 314
Montescaglioso, 306, 310
Monte Siricolo, 61
Muriella de Hauteville, 39
Naples, 11, 21, 29-30, 34-6, 38, 43, 213-15, 273, 280, 291, 329
Nardo, 107
Naval Power, 168-9, 175, 222, 29I_3 Nebrodi Mts, 146 Nicaea, 98 Nicastro, 115
Nicephorus III Botaneiates, Byzantine
Emperor, 224-6, 230 Nicholas I, Pope, 98-9 Nicholas II, Pope,n6n., 119,122-31,133,
159, 183, 205, 218, 247, 321, 324 Nicosia, 152, 184 Nicotera, 255, 296-7, 300 Nijmegen, 26 Nilus, St, 53n. Norbert of Magdeburg, 328 Noto, 257, 260, 269 Nusco, 306
Ochrid, 232
Odo, Bishop of Ostia, 237, 261, 263-6,
268. See also Urban II, Pope Ofanto, river, 19, 61, 156 Olivento, river, 60-1, 156 Ordericus Vitalis, 37n., 250-1, 281-2,
293n., 307n. Oreto, river, 16m., 177-9 Oria, 107, 138, 162, 260 Orikos, 246 Ostrovo, 65
Otranto, 11, 27, 107, 175, 227, 234-5,
246-7, 260, 312 Otto I, the Great, Western Emperor, 13,
Otto II, Western Emperor, 5, 13 Otto III, Western Emperor, 5, 13
Palaeologus, George, 229-32
Palermo, 51-3,156, 161-4,166-7, i74-g5>
189-91, 229, 259, 269, 271, 276, 283, 289, 291, 299, 306, 312, 330-1
Palestrina, 80
Pandulf III, Prince of Capua, 21-3, 25-9, 32-6, 38, 40-3, 47, 70-1, 74-6, 88, 127 Pandulf IV, Prince of Capua, 108-10 Pandulf, Count of Teano, 29, 31, 34-5, 87, 89
Pantelleria, 298 Pantheon, Rome, 266 Paschal II, Pope, 293-4, 303-5, 321, 323, 340
Pateranos, Stephen, 170-1 Paternd, 143 Patti, 289
Paul IV, Pope, 323 Pavia, 10, 29
Perenos, Duke of Durazzo, 164, 169, 175 Peter, Archbishop of Amalfi, 89, 101-5 Peter (the Venerable), Abbot of Cluny, 328
Peter Damian, St, 95, 159, 262n. Peter the Deacon, 340 Peter of Trani, 194, 217 Petralia, 147-8, 164 Philip, 257
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