Fury of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 4)

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Fury of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 4) Page 18

by Sky Purington

Within seconds, he had her against the wall, with her legs over his shoulders and his mouth right where he wanted it. Then he made sure she felt nothing but pleasure.

  “I can’t…can’t,” she panted into his mind. “You have to stop. I can’t keep quiet.”

  “Be as loud as you want,” he replied, relishing how good he was making her feel. How good she was making him feel. “Nobody will hear you.”

  “Are you sure?” she started to say before she locked up and released a long, throaty moan.

  He didn’t leave her be after her first release but continued to enjoy her as much as she was enjoying him. Her taste was addictive. Her desire delicious. After she peaked a few more times, he scooped her up and waded into the shallow pool nearby. Lit by the otherworld of Helheim, it glittered a thousand different shades of moonlight.

  Carefully resting her on a waist-high flat rock, he settled between her thighs, cupped her cheeks and kissed her again. At this point, she was putty in his hands and her kisses slow and languid. Her eyes were glazed and dreamy when he finally nudged her back until she was sprawled out for his viewing pleasure.

  He had never seen anything so beautiful.

  “Matthew,” she murmured as she peered at him from beneath drowsy eyelids. “I’m ready.”

  It was then, in her moment of complete openness, her complete willingness to let another care for her, that he saw the dragon flicker within her eyes. Her human side was opening up to him, and her dragon was curious to see what he would do. If he would be as good to her as she had been to so many others.

  Though it was strange timing, it made sense considering Shannon herself. The calmness she constantly embraced. Now she was in a position of complete vulnerability and release. She didn’t need to watch her every emotion but could just be free.

  And he intended to make her feel far more than that.

  As he rubbed his cock against her center, he began stroking and touching her everywhere. Her thighs, hips, waist, breasts, shoulders, arms, every last bit of her he could find. He enjoyed her small frame and gentle curves. The way every part of her fit into his hands one way or another. He could wrap his hand almost entirely around her upper arm and span her entire waist with both hands. Though he typically preferred more robust women suited to his size, her slight build seemed to appeal to his dragon because a growl of appreciation had started deep in his chest.

  When he pulled her wrists over her head, and she became even more vulnerable, both of them responded strongly. She expelled a deep-throated purr, and he moved past a low growl to nearly baring his teeth.

  What was this?

  All he knew was whatever roared up inside him liked her submissive nature.

  And it wasn’t just the dragon but the man too.

  What made it all that more appealing was that she welcomed his dominance as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed against him. Urged him on. This time she didn’t plead. She didn’t need to. Her dragon eyes were flaring with invitation.

  He had never felt so aroused.

  So ready.

  So wanting.

  By the time he pressed into her, his breathing was harsh and his body trembling. She was tight, hot, his, and he relished every small movement she made. Every tiny nuance. From her small gasps to the shivers that made her body quiver. Then the way gooseflesh rippled across her skin followed by a red flush that told him she had gone from heated to steaming hot in the blink of an eye.

  She was feeling so much.

  As much as he was.

  By the time he was fully seated, her purr had only increased, and her pale blue dragon eyes were brilliant. She wasn’t afraid of it surfacing. But he suspected she never really had been. Just cautious and careful. Not willing to take chances. Not with her daughter’s life at stake. And not with so many spirits depending on her.

  But right now, she was free from worry.

  Free to embrace whatever she chose.

  Caught between the feeling of being inside her and being part of her letting go, he lowered until their lips were inches apart. Until he could stare deep into her dragon eyes. He knew his dragon looked back based on the red skirting his vision. But it didn’t matter at that moment. Nothing mattered but the connection they were making. The sensation that was wrapping around him.

  It was intense.


  And it was all because of her. Because they were letting each other in.

  Caught in the moment, entrenched in his need for her, he grasped her wrists tighter and started to thrust. Her eyelids fluttered then closed as she began releasing animalistic groans of pleasure. Then she licked her lips. Not quickly but slowly as her thoughts churned with his. Not just how wonderful she felt but how much she wanted to taste him too.

  And that sent him into a state he’d never been in with a woman.

  A strange sort of hunger took over, and he no longer thrust but slammed into her. Her eyes shot open, and she dug her heals into his backside, excited by his intensity. Then it was just pure passion mixed with desperation as they moved and their thrusts synchronized.

  Not once did they lose eye contact.

  Not once did they look away.

  Instead, they raced toward a pinnacle that had pure fire racing up his spine, and his balls so tight it was near painful. He gritted his teeth and braced his hands on the rock beside her head.

  Then he experienced something unexpected. His hands shifted to talons. It was brief and happened the moment they cried out and found their release. A blink later, everything returned to normal. But he knew, thanks to her, he was one step closer to embracing his dragon.

  They stayed that way for some time as they struggled to catch their breath. Him covering her without crushing her. Their sweat-slicked bodies close but barely touching. Eventually, he pulled her down into the water but stayed inside her, kept her close. Mainly because he couldn’t stand the idea of pulling out.

  She remained silent, but he felt her emotions.

  Every last one.

  And so much more intensely than he could before.

  Shannon rested her cheek against his shoulder, and murmured, “Something’s changed again between us, hasn’t it?” She dropped a small kiss on the edge of his collarbone before she rested her cheek on his shoulder again. “And I’m not talking about sex.”

  He caressed her ass with one hand and ran his other up and down her spine slowly. “Yes, something has changed.”

  “It’s odd,” she whispered. “To feel like this when Anthony still hasn’t moved on.” He heard the emotion in her voice. “It feels…like I’m being unfaithful.”

  “I know,” he murmured and kept stroking her, not sexually but affectionately. “But…”

  When he tried to find the right words, ones that expressed how he felt, he just couldn’t.

  Shannon lifted her head and met his eyes. He knew she was about to ask, “But what?” yet didn’t. She understood. This wasn’t easy for either of them. Though their spouses died years ago, they were still connected to the lives they’d once shared. And they hadn’t been able to heal properly because of it.

  Rather than speak, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him. It was soft. Careful.


  And it stirred him.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured against her lips as his arousal grew and he made to pull away.

  “No.” She pulled him close, met his eyes, and kept him inside her. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” There was no missing the anguish in her gaze. “And I didn’t either.” She shook her head. “Neither of us did, Matthew.” She swallowed and clearly fought back tears. “We might see them, but they’re not truly here anymore and never will be again. The next time we’re with them will be when it’s our time. Nothing can change that.”

  He managed a weak nod and decided not to tell her everything he felt. Perhaps she sensed some of it. Perhaps not. At the moment, he just wanted to be with her even if they were in Helheim. He wanted to forget the gui
lt he was experiencing. A sense of guilt that went deeper than she thought. Guilt that had to do with how much more strongly he felt about her than he had about Sigrunn. But then maybe she shared the same guilt. After all, he got the feeling her and Anthony had struggled. That love wasn’t theirs in the end.

  Maybe it all had to do with the fact they were both dragons, and that made him feel more connected to her. Maybe it was as simple as that. Because he had loved his wife. Right up until the end.

  Matthew shook his head and shoved aside where his thoughts were heading. Right now, he just needed this. Shannon. So when she wrapped her arms more firmly around his neck, wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and started moving, he allowed himself to get lost.

  To feel everything she had to offer.

  They remained close, her cheek near the side of his neck, almost nestling, as they moved against each other. Not fast and furious but slow and grinding, feeling each other in another way entirely.

  The water undulated around them as they moved, ripples shimmering across the pond as he gripped her hips loosely and stopped moving altogether. This was for Shannon. To take what she needed. But he knew as she made tiny little rolls with her hips and her hot breath fanned his skin, that when she went, he would follow.

  His breath was ragged and his body taut and desperate by the time she pressed onto him the final time, bared her teeth against his skin and released a choppy sob of release. The moment he felt her milking his cock, he cupped the back of her neck, rested his cheek against the top of her head, inhaled her sweet scent and let go.

  Her body pulsed around him for a long time afterward, even after she drifted off to sleep. He had never felt a woman’s climax last so long. But then he had never stayed inside one so long either. While he would much rather remain like this, he knew she needed a good night’s rest, so he carried her out and dressed her. She never woke. Never blinked an eye.

  As she rested soundly, he caught glimpses of her dreams.

  She was calm, happy. Emily was there. He was there. Matthew clenched his jaw against emotion when he saw who else was part of her dreams. Her happiness.


  The draw she felt toward him was growing stronger and stronger. He continued to wonder if it was because of their own growing connection. Yet he got the strangest feeling it might be more.

  By the time he exited their cave, Helheim had faded, and everything had returned to normal. He lay Shannon down next to Emily, made sure they were both snug beneath a fur, then sat nearby. He didn’t want Emily to wake and see him next to her and her mother uninvited. So he wrapped a fur around his shoulders, sat against the wall, refreshed the fire with a chant and stared at it for a long time, his thoughts on the past.

  And on a future he still wondered if he deserved.

  He must have dozed off at some point because when he awoke things had changed. Emily wasn’t where she was supposed to be. He was about to jump up when Shannon’s eyes locked with his and she put a finger to her lips.

  “She’s okay, Matthew,” she murmured into his mind. “She’s with you.”

  Only then did he feel the small weight pressed against his side. Emily had crawled under his fur and was curled against him, sound asleep. Håkon used to do the same thing and probably still would if he hadn’t pushed him away. The emotions that blew through him were strong. Hard. Not easy to deal with.

  Yet he felt grateful.

  Thankful that Emily felt safe next to him.

  When he looked Shannon’s way again, her eyes were damp as she spoke within his mind. “Get some rest, Matthew.” Her eyes held his. “And thank you...” her eyes flickered to Emily then back to him. “For everything.”

  He had no response to that because he wasn’t sure what he had done. But she did, and that’s all that mattered. Tucking the fur more securely around Emily, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He never slept after he awoke. Not for years.

  But now he did.



  When he woke again, Emily was no longer by his side but whittling a piece of wood alongside Sven. She didn’t seem distressed in the least but smiling away. Everyone else was eating and talking.

  As if she knew he was about to open his eyes, Shannon was already heading his way.

  “Good morning.” She smiled, handed him a stick with meat, a skin, and then sat down

  “So it seems,” he agreed, meeting her smile when he had no right to. He was leading them over dangerous land with the enemy right around the corner yet here he was sleeping. Still, he couldn’t find a scowl if he wanted to. “Did you sleep well?” His eyes went to her daughter. “Did Emily?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. “We both slept very well, thanks.”

  Worried, his eyes returned to hers. “Was she…did she…” He shook his head and frowned. “Did she mean to sleep next to me? Did you urge her to for safety?”

  “No, Matthew.” She shook her head as well. “Emily went to you on her own. All by herself.”

  He wasn’t sure what to say to that. Was Shannon upset? Had he, without even knowing, overstepped his bounds?

  “Not at all,” she said into his mind, clearly following his thoughts. “She went where she felt safest, Matthew. And that was with you.”

  “But you are her mother.”

  A wistful smile curled her lips. “But you caught her the first time she shifted and never let go. You were there for her.” Her eyes held his. “I know nothing about dragons, not really, but something tells me that was a big step…for both of you. She’s in a strange land and you…” There was a look of pride in her eyes as she searched for the right words. “You made it feel normal for her. All along, you’ve made this good for her. Not coddling when you shouldn’t then coddling when you should.” Her gaze grew even warmer. “You’re an amazing father, Matthew.” She squeezed his hand. “Now we just need to find Håkon so that you can remind him of that.” Her eyes narrowed, and she squeezed harder. “And we will. I swear we will.”

  “I know.” He returned the squeeze, grateful for her support. “Soon.”

  His attention turned to his kin. All were here. All were eating and awaiting his instructions. “Thank you for the food.” His eyes went from Sven to Kadlin and Kodran. “It is time to finish eating and keep moving.”

  Where he led them next, however, was far more treacherous and he made sure they were aware ahead of time.

  “Everyone needs to choose a partner and stick with them,” he said when they came to the first steep incline. “Full dragons with humans.” He looked at Kodran. “You’re the strongest. You take Emily.” Then his eyes went to Kadlin. “You take Shannon.” He looked at Sven. “You take rear guard behind Cameron. I’ll stay above him.”

  “I would prefer to stay with Cameron,” Kadlin declared.

  “Prefer all you want,” Matthew growled and made sure she saw his dragon eyes. “You will still do as I say.”

  He might not be able to shift right now, but she knew better than to disobey him. He was the first born dragon-shifter of their generation, and all respected that. While Heidrek might rule and be the elder of their set, their kin had always offered Matthew as much respect.

  Or at least they had before the battle and his change of attitude.

  But the battle was long past, and as they began climbing, he finally felt that for the first time. That it was in the past, and he couldn’t change a thing. Had he ever felt that before? He frowned. No, never. Not once. Yet now he did. He felt different somehow. Lifted. Elevated almost.

  The way was difficult, but all traveled well enough as they climbed higher and higher. This network of caves would eventually lead them onto a plain he knew all too well. One he had visited many times.

  Though a storm still raged outside, they would soon reach an elevation above the weather, and all were starting to feel it as the day wore on. Cameron in a negative way. His fellow dragons in a positive way. As their elevation increased, oxygen decreased w
hich wasn’t good for Shannon’s brother-in-law in the least. Everyone else, however, seemed more energized the higher they went.

  This was their elevation.

  This was closer and closer to where dragons flourished.

  “I’ve got you, Cameron.” Matthew wrapped an arm around the weakening man’s waist, grateful they were past the point of having to scale rock and still somewhat amazed by how well everyone had done. But if he had learned nothing else by now, it was that Shannon, Emily, and even Cameron possessed more perseverance than most.

  “I’m sorry,” Cameron muttered, clearly frustrated. “Shannon and Emily would have been better off if I wasn’t here. I’m slowing you all down.”

  “No,” Matthew said, surprised by his response because Cameron really was slowing them down. And a day ago he would have said as much. But not now. “You’re Shannon and Emily’s family. They need you.”

  “Yeah, I suppose,” Cameron mumbled. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not slowing you down.” He scowled. “I’m starting to think them needing me in a place like this is only gonna get them hurt.”

  Matthew said nothing. Not right away. But when he did he meant it.

  “Any place they go now is dangerous,” he said softly as they stopped. He met the man’s eyes and told him not what he wanted to hear but the absolute truth. Before he did, he was damned sure to block Emily and Shannon from his mind. “There is nothing certain in front of any of us. It will only grow more perilous. You will most likely die protecting your family. Are you prepared for that?”

  “Yes,” Cameron said without hesitation, his eyes never wavering from Matthew’s. “Did you think for a second I wasn’t? This is Shannon and Emily we’re talking about.” He clenched his jaw and shook his head. “They’re not just my brother’s family, but mine. I love them.”

  Any remaining doubt he might have had about the man faded when he saw the look of determination in Cameron’s eyes. He genuinely cared about Shannon and Emily.

  “I can help Cameron,” Kadlin said, coming alongside. “It will only take a small amount of magic.”

  Matthew had been mulling that over for a while now. The deeper they got into enemy territory, the riskier it was, but then they were still fairly close to the Place of Seers. And Cameron was really struggling.


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