Paige_Woman Empowered

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Paige_Woman Empowered Page 20

by Mj Fields

  She shakes her head. “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean, you can’t?” I ask, walking forward so her back is against the brick wall of the bar. Then I grind against her.

  “She has her reasons.” I look left and see Pace with a bag of ice on his eye. “Me,” he admits.

  “Pace, you don’t have to.” The hurt in her voice is real, it’s raw, and I fucking want to know what’s causing it. More importantly, I want to know what I can do to stop it.

  I look at Pace, who shrugs.

  “He ruined my chance at a real fucking life.”

  I don’t understand what he’s implying, but the same pain is in his words, his tone, and his eyes.

  “I’ll be in the truck. You tell him, Paige, but Vincent, I trust you to keep it to yourself.”

  When he walks away, I look at Paige.

  She tells me about his ex-girlfriend, the accident, and the abortion that Warren Black took Paces ex to get before fucking and dumping her.

  “Maybe Pace should run against him.”

  She shakes her head. “Pace needs to heal and trust that love is still possible. He’s a good man, Vincent. He deserves to believe in love.”

  I nod and chuckle.

  “What?” She pushes my chest, but not hard; it’s playful.

  “Those fucking dating apps. What a joke. Maybe we should consider a ladies’ night, and he can work it.” I point to the bar. “Maybe he can meet someone real.”

  Chapter 19

  This One’s For The Girls


  At dinner tonight with my parents, a drunk brother, and a drunk Vincent, I see something inspiring. The light in my father’s eyes, the one that was gone since I’ve been home, and if I think about it, the light that has been dimming for the last couple years, returns.

  When a drunk Vincent, who I know is trying to be kind, tells him that he and I will do the same thing he and my mother did for her parents, Dad nearly chokes.

  “I’m not that fucking old,” he barks at Vincent who is oblivious because he is eating the hell out of the fish soup Mom made, which makes her deliriously happy.

  When Pace brings up the bar, the coffee shop, and that Vincent paid Luther Tragus’ debt, giving him one month more to figure out what he wants to do, Dad nearly chokes on his fish soup.

  “What the hell are you going to do with a coffee shop, a bar, a marina, and an abandoned warehouse, boy?”

  Vincent doesn’t look away from his bowl, just shrugs. “Joe and Caroline will continue to work, as will their staff. The warehouse … well, a million things can be done with that, or nothing. Hell, maybe simple storage for local folks’ boats. And you and Pace don’t need me at the marina, so”—he looks up and smiles at me, a drunk, sloppy smile that is utterly adorable, until he says. “I’ll fish and …”

  He stops when I squeeze him under the table and glare at him.

  Mischief plays in his eyes as he reaches under the table and runs his hand up my thigh so I have to let go of him and manage the hand that is trying to creep into places they shouldn’t be creeping into when my parents are in the room.

  “Fill.” He smirks.

  “Fish and fill? What in tarnation does that mean?” Dad huffs.

  I answer for him, fearing what he may say. “He means fill in when someone needs a day off.”

  He grins. “There will be no days off for you, lady.”

  Holy shit. Holy fucking shit, I think as I dig my nails into his skin, making him laugh a deep, sexy laugh.

  With all my strength and very much going against my body’s desires, I pull his hand up, keep it in mine, and hold it on top of the table.

  “How much money do you have to blow before you run out and everyone loses everything again?” my father asks.

  “Daddy,” I scold him.

  “Twelve years of saving nearly every penny I made while protecting the Segretti family.” He looks up while he thinks.

  “Segretti? That’s your friend Laney’s last name.”

  “She is married to Dominic Segretti, and Vincent was the bodyguard to Valentina and her girls while Franco was in prison.”

  “Franco, the man who killed that other Italian fella.” Dad nods.

  “A boat that’s paid for and can be sold if shit goes wrong.” Vincent laughs. “A bank account I could live on for, hell, five lifetimes.”

  “What kind of money are we talking?” Dad asks.

  “Daddy, it’s really none of your business,” I scold him again.

  “You’re his ship.” Vincent shrugs. “No dings, no dents, no harm, no foul.”

  He’s ranting like a lunatic, making no sense, as he grabs the beer in front of him and pounds it back. Then he sighs.

  “After today’s”—he looks at Pace and laughs—“business conducting—”

  “Acquisitions.” Pace chuckles. “Makes us sound like we know what the hell we’re doing.”

  Both of them hold out their beer and tap them together.

  “I’m still good for five.”

  “Five, what?” Dad asks. “Five bucks?”

  Vincent looks at him and shakes his head.

  “Jesus Christ, I’m in the wrong business.” Dad throws his napkin on the table.

  Vincent is suddenly serious. “No, Sir, you’re not. What you have is worth more than money. What you have is what others want desperately and are afraid to believe is possible.”

  “I’ll sell them to you.” Dad laughs. “Hell, you can have them for just one.”

  After that, Vincent is quiet, and I know why. His mother would have given him up for much less. She did.

  Pace and I get him in my room and onto my bed. He’s asleep within minutes.

  I open the closet door and pull out my packed suitcase. Then I stop beside my bed and lean down to kiss him. “I love you, Vincent.”

  Walking into Valentina’s house, I look around. It’s not even been a month since I was here last, but it seems like a lifetime ago.

  I sit on the couch then lie down. I’m exhausted and could easily fall asleep.

  I wake when I hear the home security system announce the front gate is opening. My bladder is about to explode.

  I run to the door and open it as Nikki pulls up front in her SUV, smiling.

  “Hurry up,” I yell, waving frantically while crossing my legs.

  Laughing, she gets out and holds up the drug store bag.

  “I’m going to explode,” I groan as she runs toward me and hugs me.

  “Well, go.” She laughs, pulling the box out of the bag and tossing it as she follows me.

  Inside the bathroom, I pull down my leggings as Nikki rips open the box.

  “You ready?”

  I shake my head.

  “You are, too.”

  Tears spring to my eyes, and then I sob uncontrollably as I sit on the toilet.

  “You’re going to be just fine,” she tries to soothe as she pulls the stick from the packaging and hands it to me.

  Crying, I allow my bladder to empty as I hold the stick in one hand and Nikki holds my other. Once I’m finished, I set it down, wipe, pull up my pants, and then wash my hands.

  Nikki takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom where we lay on the bed as I cry.

  She holds me, whispering, “Shhh …”

  When her phone rings, I wipe my face and nod to her to answer.

  “Did she pee yet?” Mel asks.

  “Did Pea pee?” Laney giggles.

  “She did,” Nikki says, petting my hair like a dog.

  “This is going to be the longest ten minutes of your damn life.” Valentina laughs.

  “But Paige,” Mel says then stops. “Paige, look at me.”

  I turn toward the phone and sigh.

  “Oh, my God, you’re glowing!” Laney blurts out then covers her mouth.

  “Am not.” I sniff.

  “Can you please, pretty, pretty please be happy, Paige?” Laney whispers.

  “I don’t deserve to be.” I
sob again.

  “No, no more of that bullshit.” Nikki literally shakes me. “None. Do you hear me?”

  “That fucker Warren Black would have made your life hell,” Mel sneers. “You were eighteen years old and you did what you had to do.”

  “Would have been like breeding with Satan,” Valentina, who clearly knows about my terminated pregnancy, spits. “And nobody wants to breed with Satan.”

  “You were five weeks, Paige. Five weeks and took a pill. Most people don’t even know they’re pregnant at that point, and most pregnancies terminate on their own before the first tri—” Laney stops as she looks at Mel, who is glaring at her. “Sorry.” Laney looks down.

  I hold up my pinky. “I need a sisterhood swear that what I tell you doesn’t ever leave this room, or wherever you three are.”

  They all hold up their pinkies, hook them in the air, and nod.

  “Warren …” I choke back a sob. “Pace …”

  God, I don’t know if I can even do this.

  Nikki holds me tighter. “Take your time.”

  “Warren talked Pace’s girlfriend into having an abortion after he found out about mine.” God, it hurts to talk about this. It hurts so bad knowing I can’t even tell Pace the truth. I’m not sure I will ever be able to.

  “That rat bastard,” Mel hisses. “I should tell Sabato to—”

  “No,” Valentina gasps. “Don’t you do that. If he’s caught …”

  “Sorry,” she sighs out. “I’m sorry.”

  “Go on, Paige.” Nikki begins to stroke my hair again.

  “It was the day of the accident, and Pace, he crushed his pelvic bone. He can never … He can never …”

  “Okay,” Nikki coos. “I understand you’re upset, but you didn’t cause the accident, Paige.”

  “But I made him hate me so much that he took away Pace’s baby. An eye for an eye, you know?”

  “No, screw that,” Valentina snaps, literally snapping her fingers at the camera. “That would be like saying Franco killed Benito to punish me for my abortion when …” She stops when we all look at her. She holds up her wine glass. “Here’s to the girls once saint turned sinner.” She drinks back her wine and laughs. “Oh, Paige, you’ll have twins.”

  “Oh, my God, don’t say that!” I gasp, and they all laugh.

  “You will. And do you know what? You’re going to lose your fucking mind. It’ll be completely gone.” She starts laughing again, this time harder. “Oh, my God, can you imagine two little Vincents running around?”

  Mel and Laney giggle until Valentina gives them a look that stops them.

  “What?” I ask, knowing they are hiding something.

  “Nothing,” they all say at the same time.

  “Do you see what a mess I am? Don’t fuck with me when I’m fragile!” I growl at them.

  Nikki pulls my head back to her chest, and I feel a silent chuckle vibrating against my face.

  I pull away and look at her. “Oh, real funny, Nikki. I’d say I was gonna whip your ass, but you’d like it.”

  “Don’t knock it till you try it, sister.” Mel’s snort comes from the phone, and I turn my glare on her.

  “Shh, for the love of God! If Franco hears this, you’re liable to be raising the Vincent twins alone,” she whispers, leaning into the phone.

  “Spill it,” I say through my teeth.

  “It was just talk, you know. Like, oh look at that guy; he’s hot,” Laney whispers.

  “Like, I bet he’s got so much pent up anger he’d fuck you until you pass out from exhaustion,” Valentina whispers.

  “Your man’s hot as hell, Paige. We’ve all talked about it.” Mel giggles.

  I look at Nikki.

  “Wouldn’t trade Abe for the world, but there’s something dark and dangerous in those fuck-me eyes.”

  “And the fuck-me hair. Jesus, he has great hair.” Laney rolls her eyes.

  “You’ve never talked about it in front of me,” I snap.

  “Honey, the talk started when we would watch him watch you sashay that ass out of the living room on many a wine Wednesdays.” Nikki smiles.

  “I bet he’s an ass man.” Mel smirks. “Looked at yours like he was angry at it.”

  “Shut up,” I get out through a half-laugh.

  “Why the hell do you think we had him take you home every time you got to drunk? You’d have passed out in twenty minutes and not given a damn about work.” Valentina laughs.

  “Or tripped on having someone just as pretty as you inside your vagina.” Mel snorts.

  “Yeah, tell me, how is it to finally have fucked someone who isn’t so … average?” Valentina makes a disgusted face.

  “Amazing,” I whisper my admittance. “He’s amazing.”

  The timer on Nikki’s phone goes off, and we both sit up.

  Laney giggles. “Let’s do this.”

  “All together.” Nikki takes my hand.

  Mel claps excitedly. “Turn the camera so we all see the results at the same time.”

  Nikki hits the button as we walk into the bathroom, and when I see the results, we all see the results. I fall to my knees and cry.

  Chapter 20

  Cool Girl


  I wake to a hand in mine, a mouth full of cotton, and a head full of pain. I deserve the pain, even the cotton, but what I don’t deserve is her.

  I pull her hand so she moves closer and take a deep breath, hoping her scent doesn’t only have magical powers when it comes to my mind, heart, and cock, but some healing and hydration would be great right now, too.

  I inhale again, but she’s not smelling as sinfully delicious as she normally does. In fact, I think she changed her body wash. I’m not so sure I like it.

  “Oh, my God, Mother!”

  I jump up when I hear Paige’s mom and look beside me.

  Babička is smiling her fool’s head off.

  “You are a beautiful man.” She pulls my hand to her lips and kisses it. “But you’re not my Stephan, are you?”

  I help her sit up and kiss her hand in return. “No, Babička. Sadly, I’m not.”

  I hear a loud belly laugh as Evan walks in and holds his phone up. “This one’s for the books.”

  “Evan, leave them be.” Paige’s mom tries and fails not to laugh.

  My head is a wreck, I feel like hell, but right now seems like the most awkwardly fucking perfect time to ask the question.

  “Evan, can you step in and shut the door?”

  He looks at me like I’m nuts, but he does what I ask.

  I look at Babička. “I’m Vincent, and I have known Paige—”

  “My sweet pea?” She smiles big again.

  I nod. “I’ve known her for a very long time. I know her moods and her mannerisms. I know what’s important to her, and it’s quickly becoming important to me. I know I want to make every one of her dreams come true, and I want to push her to never settle.” I run my hands through my hair that I know is all sorts of fucked up, but I don’t give a damn. “And I know damn well I’m going to have to challenge her daily to keep her on her toes. I respect her. I trust her with everything I am and everything I have. My loyalty knows no bounds, and she has it forever, whether she wants it or not.”

  She holds her hands up to my mouth, stopping me. “You should marry her. She’ll make a good wife.”

  I swallow back emotions and allow myself to smile. “You think so?”

  “I know so.” She nods. “Now, help me up. If she catches us in bed, she’ll never go for it.”

  As I help her up, I look at Evan. “I’d like your permission to ask your daughter to marry me. It’s not too soon, I promise you that, and I don’t want it to ever be too late.”

  He narrows his eyes. “She already said yes?”

  I shake my head. “Haven’t asked her.”

  “If I tell you no?”

  I simply stare at him.

  “Do you love her, Vincent?” her mom asks.

bought half the damn town for her. Of course he loves her.” Evan shakes his head and looks at his wife. “He’s asking my permission, but he doesn’t give a damn what I say. He’ll do it anyway.”

  “Like you would have if my father had said no.”

  “Exactly.” Evan nods.

  She looks at me and smiles, then back at him. “He’s doing it out of respect, Evan. Give him the same?”

  “You can marry my daughter if she’ll have you.” He turns, opens the door, and walks out.

  I look down. I have never been happier. I didn’t have a fucking hard-on with Paige on my mind.

  “I’m going to sneak out of here, Babička. Going to go plan something special for Paige. What do you think would make tonight unforgettable for her?”

  She curls her finger, so I bend down. Then she leans in and whispers in my ear, “Sex. Paige would like to have a man like you looking down—”


  Babička jumps and looks back at her, scowling.

  “I am so sorry, Vincent.” She looks back at Babička. “What has gotten into you?”

  “Well, not him.” She laughs as she leaves the room.

  Paige’s mom’s mouth is gaping.

  “Damn kids,” Babička mumbles as she walks out the door.

  “I’m … I’m … I’m …”

  “It’s fine, truly. I’ve done some reading on dementia. But it’s normally the men who revert to sixteen-year-old boys. Women are known to—”

  “Carry around baby dolls.” She sighs. “I know, and trust me, I’ve tried.”

  I step into my jeans and grab my shirt. “I’m going to head out.” I feel in my pocket for my phone, but it’s not there. “If she asks, let her know I’m going to Joe’s to see if I left my phone there. I’m pretty sure I did; however, the night’s a little foggy still.”

  “Do you drink a lot, Vincent?”

  “No, I don’t, which is part of the problem. My tolerance is clearly lacking.”

  She smiles. “That’s not a bad thing.”

  “I agree.” I pull on my sneakers and tap my head. “Gotta stay sharp.”

  I feel like I have been on a wild fucking goose chase, trying to find my fucking phone. And worse, getting a new one doesn’t mean a damn thing because I don’t know one person’s number. I know because after Joe told me Pace had been in so he could see what opening the place was like, he took my phone back to the marina.


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