Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 8

by Jennifer Anderson

  “I said off Blane.” It happened so fast I didn’t know what was happening until his lips were smashed against mine. I wanted to push him away, but I didn’t want to. When he dipped his tongue in my mouth, I remembered letting out a shocked squeak which humiliated me in the fact it showed I wasn’t all that experienced. He must have not paid it any mind because he only continued with his assault of my senses. The realization hit me that I wanted this angel badly. He did things to my mind and body that were foreign to me. It scared me, yet thrilled me. Gripping my leg he pulled it up hefting me up closer to him. My heart pounding in my chest wildly. For the first time I could enjoy the moment, only feeling my own emotions. My body heating up under his touch I kissed him back, my hands gripping in his hair. Ripping himself away from me, he stumbled back until he hit the opposite wall. Smoothing my skirt out with a shaky hand, I was a nervous mess. Neither one of us speaking, just staring at each other. He looked flustered. Something told me he was never flustered. Leaning against the wall, he was breathing like he he couldn’t catch his breath. His solid mass of muscles heaving up and down, now his eyes staring blankly at the floor.

  “We have to go.” He said breaking the silence.

  Walking towards me, this time he grabbed my hand gently. This time leading me rather than pulling me like before. Something had changed in his demeanor. Now he was quiet again, but he didn’t seem mad. He seemed lost in thought instead. Leading me outside and to his car I was blinded by the sunlight.

  “Are you upset with me Blane?” Asking before I could think better of it.

  Stopping he put his other hand to my face, “No. I’m not upset with you. We have to go. We have been gone to long. It’s not safe out in the open.”

  Opening the car door and helping me in. On the way back to his house, it felt like there was a giant elephant in the car. He was almost acting like the kiss didn’t happen. Quite frankly it was the best kiss I have ever had. I was worried none would ever rival that one moment in time. Not quite sure if I had much longer to live to find out first hand. I couldn’t lie, it hurt. Now almost wishing it didn’t happen. If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t never know what I was missing. It was just as well, I didn’t feel like talking to him either. So much happening in my life that I hardly had time to soak it all in. Just a short time ago, my biggest worry was how to sustain my abilities when I arrived at my college class. Now, I’m just trying to save myself. Now more worried that Blane was going to get killed by all the demons coming after me.

  Pulling up the winding driveway we were back at my temporary home. I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t put any person at risk to save my life, let alone an angel. Wouldn’t that guarantee me a front row seat in hell anyhow if I managed to get an angel killed on my behalf? As it is, the demons gunning for me will be taking me there, if they don’t kill me first. Looking over at him he had dark sunglasses on and you couldn’t see his dark eyes. He was so incredibly sexy navigating this sports car, knowing how to handle this machine with such precision. Looking out the window as the garage door was opening, old lady Rose was crazy. I don’t love him. You can’t love someone in a matter of what? Three or four days maybe. Already losing track of what the day and date was. It didn’t matter. What is time really when you know yours is running out? I knew he wouldn’t let me out of his sight very easily, not without some other angel keeping guard over me. That meant I had to leave when we were under attack or when he was asleep. Knowing that could be days before he slept again, that option still sounded better. If I distracted him in a fight by running he could get hurt or killed. I couldn’t take that chance. Once I was gone the heat would be off of him and all would be right in his world again. Inside the garage only one bulb above the car was lit, lending an eerie effect to it. In a flash he was outside of my door, opening it for me. Grabbing my hand he lifted me up, looking me in the eyes when all of a sudden he went still, looking around. My heart leaping into my throat he shoved me back into the seat.

  “Don’t move until I come back for you. Got it?” Hitting the lock on the door.

  Shaking my head, I slumped down in the seat as he shoved the door closed. The windows were tinted which made me feel a little better in the fact I would not be seen as easily. Looking out the passenger side window, he ripped off his shirt and pulled a huge knife out of a holster at his back. My heart in my throat for the first time in years I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer for his safety. Opening my eyes back up slowly, he was no longer standing beside the door and I could hear talking behind the car. I hated the fact that I couldn’t see what was happening, only being able to hear.

  “Blane, I wondered when we would meet again. It’s such a shame I am going to have to kill you for the girl. To kill such a legend would be a waste. Lucky for you I don’t have a conscience.”

  “You won’t touch a hair on her head.” Blane said in reply to the person. I’m guessing another demon.

  With that said, the car shook and I knew someone was thrown on the trunk, praying that it wasn’t Blane. Clasping my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming with each violent shake of the car. I could hear what sounded like knives clanking together, and Blane letting out a roar. I couldn’t tell if it was from pain or him just being pissed, but the tears started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably. The flood gates were now open and I couldn’t do a thing to stop them, putting both my hands solidly over my mouth to muffle my sobs. Finally, the shaking stopped and I heard a loud thud and then silence. By this time I was now sitting on the floor board with my head down on the seat feeling like a coward. The locks on the car suddenly clicked and Blane had the door open, blood dripping down his chest.

  “Blane. Are you alright?” I asked in between sobs.

  Giving me a confused look and picking up his shirt that was on the floor he wiped it off. “I’m fine. It’s not mine angel girl. See?” The blood wiped clean from his chest.

  Shaking my head I still couldn’t move, my body felt numb with fear.

  “Sh, it’s okay. I’m fine.” Leaning over and lifting me out of the car into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. Trying to get control of the sudden burst of emotions wasn’t proving easy this time. I hated him seeing me like this. He’s risking himself, and I am being such a pansy ass girl right now. I barely noticed that he had climbed three flights of steps until we were in his room and he was turning all the locks again.

  Sitting down in a black leather recliner that sat beside his bed he wouldn’t let me go, not saying a word. Taking his hand he sat silent and stroked my back while I let all the tears out and I had nothing left. I’m not sure how long we sat there together but at that moment I needed him, and he didn’t waiver. Finally building the courage I sat up and looked at him. He was muscle after solid muscle, the blood staining his skin did nothing to detract from his beauty. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” Shaking his head, “Why were you crying Carma?” Looking at me confused.

  “I was worried you were injured or worse.” Never knowing what his reaction will be, I didn’t want to lie.

  Closing his eyes, “Carma…”

  Interrupting him, “No. Don’t say anything. I already know. Excuse me.” Getting up and walking to the bathroom, a new set of tears were working behind my eyes. Shutting the door behind me before he could get a glimpse of the new water works I was about to perform. Walking over to the mirror I splashed cold water on my face trying to clean the hysterics off of my face. Turning and putting the lid down on the toilet I sat and wiped the new tears off my face with a cold towel. Hearing a knock at the door.

  “Carma, are you alright?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just getting cleaned up.”

  “You do know I have super sensitive hearing. I can hear you crying.”

  “Um it’s nothing. I stubbed my toe.” Awful lie. I didn’t even believe it when it came out of my mouth, let a lone him.


  Sighing, “Yes Blane?�

  “I’m not as breakable as you like to think. Have a little faith in me.”

  All went silent and I knew he walked away. I knew I couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever and he was probably wanting to get cleaned up. Mustering up all the courage I had, I opened up the door and walked out. He was sitting in the chair, one eyebrow popped up at me, staring.

  “I’m fine.”

  Standing up, “I had no doubt.” Walking by me and shutting the door.

  Flopping down on the bed, this was going to be a long day.

  I don’t know when exactly I fell asleep but when I woke up the blinds were pulled and I was covered in blankets. Sitting up quickly and looking around.

  “It’s okay beautiful, you’re not alone.”

  Sitting in the chair beside the bed, flipping the channels on the television, Gabriel sat. Arms crossed over his designer clothes. This time his sandy blond hair was untied and went to just above his shoulders. Usually, I am not one to like longer hair on guys but it worked on him. It did nothing to sway from his beauty in the least, if anything it added to his good looks.

  “Gabriel. Why are you here? Is Blane okay?”

  “What? No concerns for my safety beautiful?”

  Rolling my eyes, “Why are you calling me beautiful? What happened to human?”

  “I took your advice.” Smiling at me.

  “I said next time your trying to get with a girl. You’re not getting with this girl.” Pulling my legs to the side of the bed and slipping on my heels. “Where is Blane?”

  “One track mind much?”

  “You would know.” I countered back at him.

  Laughing again, “Usually I would object to these little babysitting jobs, but you are just too amusing and beautiful to pass up.”

  Crossing my arms and staring at him, “Blane.”

  “He’s fine. He had some business to take care of.” Flipping through the channels on the TV again.

  “Please tell me he didn’t go back down to hell.” My heart lurching in my throat.

  “No, not this time. Not that I’m aware of.”

  “Fantastic. How long is he going to be gone?” Sarcasm dripping from my voice.

  “Do I look like his babysitter? No, right now I’m yours. So get over here, you need a spanking.” Winking at me.

  “You’re a dog for an angel. You know that?”

  Laughing again, “You’re lucky you belong to Blane. Or you would be mine.”

  “I’m not Blane’s. I don’t belong to anyone.”

  “Sure honey, what ever you say.” Blowing me off.

  “Besides, I thought angels and humans couldn’t be together.” Trying not to sound like I was interested.

  “Oh we can be with a human sexually. It’s frowned upon, but rarely enforced. It’s the whole commitment thing that we can’t do. Personally, I think it’s a pretty sweet deal.”

  “You would.” I said dryly, making him smirk at me again. “Can you angels be with anyone at all or are you forever alone?”

  “Oh yeah we can. We can be with other angels, other kinds of immortals, that sort of thing. Just not with you fragile humans.”

  “Oh Gabriel, you have a way with words.” Saying sarcastically, retreating back to the bathroom. My heart telling me I couldn’t ever be with Blane. Not that I wanted to. Then telling myself to quit denying my feelings for him.

  “Don’t be in there to long sweetheart, just in case a demon pops up in front you.”

  Stopping and looking at him, “Is that possible?”

  Laughing, “What do you think?”

  “I’m suddenly feeling better.” Sitting back down on the bed. I was uneasy enough without Blane here. Gabriel had yet to prove how bad ass he was and I was hoping he wouldn’t get another opportunity. Glancing at the windows, and then at the covered up double doors leading to the balcony. I wanted fresh air, but I was afraid to do much without Blane here. “Tell me more about Blane.”

  “Why don’t you just ask him sweetheart.” Still flipping channels.

  “Are you ever going to stop on one channel? And he’s not exactly forthcoming.”

  “Well, your asking the wrong person. I know very little myself, just what I’ve heard from some of the other angels.”

  “What have you heard?”

  “I probably shouldn’t tell you.”

  “What’s it matter. Just spill it.”

  Sighing, and settling on a channel that had half dressed women on it, “Well, he’s powerful. That you probably surmised. Thing is, he’s too powerful.”

  “Too powerful? I’m not following.”

  “As in he shouldn’t be earth bound. He’s one of the elite. He should be on the High Council. Not down here on earth with no wings doing menial jobs.”

  I should be insulted being described as a menial job, however my interest was peaked. “Then why is he here?”

  “No one really knows for sure. There was ramblings that he was to much of a wild card, unsympathetic, a warrior. Then I’ve heard he was more powerful than all the High Council members put together.”

  Laying back on the bed and propping myself up against the headboard, “So why doesn’t he just go back and take his rightful place?”

  “It’s not that easy sweetheart. If it was, everyone would be trying.” His eyes now glued to the TV.

  “But you said he was more powerful than most of the High Council. So I’m assuming he’s more powerful than a lot of other angels also. So, why doesn’t he just go prove himself? Put them in their places?” I asked.

  “You sure are a chatty little human.”

  Staring back at him.

  “Fine, because doing that would be suicide. Especially without your wings.”

  “Why without your wings? I can tell he is strong.”

  “We hold most of our powers in our wings. When we have them, that is when we are the most powerful. Without them we are not whole. It’s like we always have one hand tied behind our back. Never completely performing at our fullest potential.”

  “I see.” Troubled by this new information.

  Blane could hear them talking, he chose to teleport onto the balcony curious as to what they had so much to talk about. Pushing himself into the corners of the balcony by the doors, he let himself get lost in the shadows.

  “There is something else you want to ask human. I can see it.” Gabriel said studying my face.

  There was something else I wanted to ask, something I needed to know. Fidgeting with the hem of my skirt I couldn’t look him in the eye when I asked. “Has Blane ever had a relationship with a human or any other kind of person?” Struggling to just get it out. Looking up he was smiling at me.

  “I really don’t know. He has always pretty much stuck to himself from what I hear. Never letting anyone get to close. That’s why I’m surprised you are here, in his room. As far as I know he’s never brought anyone back to his house, let alone his bed.” Arching an eyebrow up at me.

  “I haven’t been in his bed.” Saying flustered.

  “You might want to look again sweetheart.”

  “I mean not…you know what I mean Gabriel.”

  Laughing heartily, “Oh human, you are an amazing little thing. Blane has never asked me for a favor so I admit my curiosity was peaked. Now I’m glad I partook in this little babysitting job.”

  “I’m not three years old Gabriel. You don’t have to say you’re babysitting me.”

  Turning serious, “You care for him. That is the only reason I am not trying to reason with him to get rid of you Carma. You can very well be his death sentence. He is my brother. My family, just like all the other earth bound angels. Always there if one of us needs him. He has blessed many lives, even if the Council wants to ignore it. It will be a shame if he is lost forever.” Gabriel said a serious manner, and that in itself unhinged me.

  “Don’t you think I know that? It has tortured me every second of every day since he dropped in front of me in the basement hurt.”

>   “That is why you are still here or I’d dropped you off at some far away desert myself. For some reason you are different to him. He is driven when it comes to you. Take care of my friend human.” Unsheathing his knife and sharpening it to pass the time.

  Sitting back, I was done talking. I would let him take me and drop me off in a desert if it meant saving Blane’s life.

  She really does care? He knew it somewhere deep down inside. The crying when she thought he was hurt. He wanted to bang his head against the wall, this was proving to get quite complicated. He was pretty sure that he loved her from the very first moment he laid eyes on her, sitting across the room on that bar stool. Beautiful perched up and looking around, skin tight corset with her white wings. She looked more beautiful than any female angel he had ever seen in the Heavens. Watching that guy paw all over her on the dance floor, well he was still lucky to be breathing. He would have taken the punishment gladly for taking him out. He thought still pissed off. Taking the back of his hand and brushing his lips before running his fingers through his hair, thinking about her lips on his. This woman had him tangled in knots, thinking of any way of keeping her for all eternity. Wondering if she wanted him just as badly. Knowing everyday she was in his life he brought just as much danger to her as she did to him. Constantly under attack. If he could only get his wings back, he could protect them both. One problem, no earth bound angel has ever been able to keep their wings. They have always been ordered back into the heavens. Before her, that was all he could think about. Now things were different. Carma is here now giving him a reason to want to stay earth bound. Looking down at his clothes, he made the newly blood stained clothes disappear, being replaced by a new black ensemble. Most people would think he was just trying to look bad ass, when the real truth was blood wasn’t as noticeable on black. Inspecting himself up and down one last time, he didn’t want Carma to know he cut this demon off at the path before he could strike in his home, and in front of her. Wanting to give her a few moments of peace. Understanding how desperately she was needing it. She cracked today, and he couldn’t watch her break down again without admitting his true feelings for her. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he teleported inside the room.


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