Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 17

by Jennifer Anderson

  I didn’t like that last part, about touching him. Looking defiantly up at him, “Got it.”

  “Lets go then.” Threading my arm through his, we started up the steps.

  “Why are there humans after me?” I never did understand that, and never got around to asking Blane.

  “Most of them sold their soul and are working for those demons. So, they are just sent to retrieve you, like any other bad guy.”

  “Oh. That explains a lot.”

  Walking up to my door, he stopped and looked at me.

  “Crap. I lost my key. What am I going to do now?”

  Rolling his eyes, the lock clicked and he pushed the door open.

  “Why is everyone else’s abilities so much better than mine?” I said walking in to my ransacked apartment.

  Looking around, “Okay, no one is here. So, do your thing.” Gabriel said unlatching from my arm, scanning the mess.

  My heart was down at my feet again, “No. no. no.” I cried in a panic going through my stuff that was laying on the floor. Tears for the second time today streaming down my cheeks. Shuffling through homework papers, garbage thrown everywhere, my whole body started shaking.

  Gabriel knelt down beside me, “Hey, hey. What’s wrong? Is there something I can help you find?”

  “How could I have left it? I’m horrible. I should have came back sooner.” I said my heart in agony yet again.

  “What Carma? What is it you’re looking for?”

  His arms came around my shoulders, and I stood up and ran into my tiny make-shift bedroom. It looked like it hadn’t been touched. The tears were rolling down faster.

  “Carma, tell me. I will help you.”

  “The picture.” I sobbed catching my breath. “The only picture I have of my mom. It’s gone.” Pulling me into his arms, he stroked my back while I cried on his shoulder. Kissing me on the top of my head, doing his best to console me for the second time today.

  . . . . . .

  “You happy Blane? See? She is just fine.” Alexander said, trying to calm down the caged lion.

  Watching her from the heavens wasn’t near as good as seeing her in person. His heart stricken. The images unfolding in front of him of Gabriel embracing Carma beside of a bed. Giving her a kiss on the head, he waved his arm and the images disappeared. Mad as hell he could punch something, anything.

  “I shouldn’t have left her. She still has demons on her trail.” Pacing the long hall, now worried and pissed.

  “Gabriel is taking care of her. He now has enough experience Blane. You have to let this human go. You know it’s forbidden.”

  “Yeah, he looks like he’s taking really good care of her.” Promising himself next time he see’s that angel, he was going to rip his arms off and beat him with them. Now mad at himself for trusting Gabriel, mostly for loving Carma. He felt stupid, hurt and pissed.

  “It’s for the best Blane. You don’t want to go against the High Council. You know what happened last time you went against them.”

  “Yeah, I remember Alexander. I also remember you didn’t lift a damn finger to help me.” Pacing over to Alexander, face to face with him now.

  “You know my hands were tied Blane.” Shaking his head, refusing to back down. You didn’t back down from angel warriors like Blane, to do so was admitting defeat.

  “You owe me Alexander.” Blane said staring at him.

  Shaking his head, “That may be, but you have to pick something a little more realistic. I will leave you now. You will receive instructions soon.” Alexander said, disappearing.

  Turning around, his wings spread and he flew among the clouds and dropped down to his home. The same home he lived in so long ago among the clouds. Stepping into his castle in the sky, nothing had been touched since last time he was there. Thinking, trying to recall how many years, decades it had been. It didn’t matter, he was home. After all this time, now he was wishing he wasn’t. Mad as hell for being tricked, used. Walking into his home, everything was glaringly white. Everything was his, but didn’t feel like it anymore. It no longer felt like home, now missing his house on earth. Where the colors were bold, the smells were intoxicating. Then thinking of making love to Carma, nothing compared to that experience. He didn’t get it. How could she have replaced him so quickly? It didn’t add up. Nothing added up with that woman. Thinking maybe it wasn’t what it seemed, anything rarely was with that woman. Laying back onto his couch, he was supposed to be happy in this moment. He had his wings back, he was back in the heavens, but he wasn’t home. Not truly.

  . . . . . .

  Alexander stood outside the nursing home, looking at the old building that had nicely pedicured bushes. A gentlemen sat on the front porch in the rocking chair, whistling a tune. He rarely interacted with humans and did his best to avoid it at all costs. Blane was right, he owed him. Walking past the gentlemen, he grabbed his arm stopping him.

  “Am I dying?” The nice old man asked, with calmness in his eyes.

  “No sir. Not today.” Alexander said walking away from him and through the double doors. The hallways were empty, ducking inside of a room his clothes changed to a pair of blue jeans, a solid black t-shirt and boots. He felt out of place, but it was obvious he needed a better disguise. Stepping back out, he made his way down the hall and stopping at the exact door he was looking for. Stepping in quietly, she sat in bed watching the television.

  “Hello Rose.” He said walking over to her bedside.

  “I figured you would be coming sooner.” Rose said setting down the remote, giving him complete attention.

  “You don’t know me Rose.” Alexander said confused.

  “You are the friend of Blane.” Patting his hand and smiling. “What can I do for you?”

  Staring down at her, he went straight to the point and decided to ignore the fact that she knew so much. “You will be visited soon by a girl named Carma. Do you remember her?”

  “Yes dear. Lovely girl. Will you bring my afghan up for me dear?” Pointing towards the end of the bed.

  Looking at her stunned, he had never been asked to do anything by a mere human. Pulling the blanket up to her, he dropped it quickly.

  “Thank you dear. Now what can I do for you?”

  “When Carma comes to visit, you need to tell her the truth about her past.” Alexander said, as he had just figured out exactly what her abilities were. This made his job easier, left him out of the equation more.

  “What makes you think I know anything?”

  “Oh Rose, you know you cannot fool me.” Alexander tsked shaking his head, smiling at her.

  “It seems I cannot. Although, I had to try. I hope you do understand.”

  “Of course Rose. You never can be to careful. You will do this for me. Yes?”

  “You know who I am doing it for Alexander.”

  “I know Rose. I will be back when it is done.”

  Shaking her head and smiling, “What you are doing, it is good Alexander. For you will need assistance with the matters of the heart someday.”

  Looking at her confused, she made him uneasy. No one made him uneasy. “What are you speaking of Rose?”

  “Ah Alexander, you know I cannot tell you of the future, for it may be damaging.”

  Looking at her and turning, “I will see you soon.” Disappearing before her eyes.

  Shaking her head, smiling. “Yes you will.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Pulling away from Gabriel, “It’s gotta be here.”

  “I will help you find it.” He said turning and walking to the living room. Following behind him I was hit from behind, falling to the ground.

  Gabriel turning and pulling his knives out threw the knives into the demon knocking him down before he could do any more damage. Adverting my eyes just in time so I wouldn’t have to see him take his head. Looking back over at the thing that assaulted me, he didn’t look much different than all the other demons. I was starting to recognize the low level sort. Oh what has my life come
to? I asked myself as the back of my head throbbed with the pain of getting hit from behind.

  Gabriel crouched down beside me, “Carma are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I just have a gigantic headache.” I said rubbing the back of my skull. Pulling my hand out with blood on it.

  “Oh shit.” Gabriel said, looking at the back of my head. Pulling my hair apart, he studied the injury closely.

  “It’s not that bad. Just a scratch. Let me get you a towel.” Crawling over to the papers scattered through out the floor, I started looking for that familiar picture frame again.

  “Here put this on your head.” Gabriel said, putting pressure on the back of my head.

  “I’ll help you. Just sit and calm down. Blane will find a way to kill me if anything happens to you.” He said sorting through the papers.

  “Is he ever coming back Gabriel?”

  “No, I don’t think so Carma. I’m sorry.” Looking at me briefly before continuing.

  “I’ll always love him.” The towel to my head, hating my life at that moment.

  “Yeah, I know. Does he?”

  “Does he what?” I asked now my turn to be confused.

  “Know? That you love him?”

  Shaking my head, “No. I figured at that point, it would only make it harder on him. I did not want him fighting to stay and only getting punished. That, and I don’t know how he feels about me.”

  Gabriel now smirking.


  “I would think it would be rather obvious Carma. He only looked like he was going to murder me any time I looked in your general direction. I’m pretty sure he is probably plotting my death as we speak.” Gabriel muttered as he helped me look through the complete chaos in front of us.

  Smiling for the first time today. “Jealousy doesn’t equal love.” Shaking my head.

  Gabriel smiling wide and turning, “Is this it?” Holding up the picture of my mother.

  Grabbing it out of his hand, “Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Hugging him excitedly. My precious picture back in my hands again.

  “Carma, I can only be a gentlemen for so long. Since he’s already plotting my death, I’m starting to think I might as well do something to deserve it.”

  Pulling away from him, “Sorry.”

  Standing up, and pulling me up with him. “Alright. Lets get out of here. You are to big of a target here. Your scent is everywhere.”

  “Okay.” Grabbing his arm and following him out of my little piece of the world. Looking back and knowing this was another place I would have to say goodbye to. Walking out and to his car, “Where to now?”

  “We have to go check on Rose.” Opening up the door for me, I slid in. I was happy and sad about that all at the same time.

  “Why?” I asked when he sat in the drivers seat, slamming the shifter in gear before taking off.

  “I promised Blane.”

  “How? He didn’t know you were taking over.” Now mad at the possibility that he knew something and didn’t tell me.

  “He made me promise after he got his wings back. It had nothing to do with you Carma.”

  Of course it didn’t. That was stupid and selfish for me to think. Kicking myself for being so vain.

  “We’ll go check on her, I’ll pay up the bill and we’ll be out of there.”

  “I don’t mind. I like talking to her.” Staring out of the window, and the buildings blurring by. In actuality I would have just like to find a big bed, (Blane’s preferably) and crawl in and hibernate for the next year or so. Or until all the pain goes away, knowing that probably would never happen. Many hours later we were pulling up to the familiar building. Helping me out of the car, I followed him down the hall. Stopping briefly to look into the room where Blane kissed me for the first time. My heart aching, I continued walking on to Rose’s room.

  Gabriel knocking and walking in first, Rose was sitting up in her bed looking a lot better than she did the last time I saw her. Her cheeks had the color back in them, her nightgown was changed from the hospital whites to a pink floral.

  “Rose, you look so good honey.” I said walking up and sitting in the chair beside her bed.

  “So good to see you dear.” Patting my hand and looking up at Gabriel. “Hello Gabriel. I’m so happy you brought Carma to see me today.” She said smiling and looking back at me.

  Looking stunned, “How did you know my name?”

  “Don’t ask.” I cut in answering for Rose.

  “You’re such a nice boy.” Rose said looking up at him. “Don’t you have something to do? I have some girl chatting to do dear.” She said excusing him.

  Gabriel chuckled, “Okay then. You going to take care of the little pain in the empath butt then?”

  Rolling my eyes, “Oh Romeo, your chivalry never ceases to amaze me.”

  Winking at me and smiling, he walked out of the room.

  Rose brought her hands up and the headache pushing into my head, eased and the emotions faded before they took a hold of me. “Thank you Rose.”

  “How are you dear? With Blane being gone?”

  “I’m fine.” I lied, giving her my best smile.

  “You lie.” She smiled, now holding my hand.

  “I thought I was the lie detector.”

  Smiling, “That may be. Did you find the picture of your mother?” She asked concerned.

  Nothing she said surprised me any longer, and I have learned to just go with the flow.

  “Yes I did. Thank you.” Smiling back at her.

  “You are beautiful like your mother, but I think you get most of your beauty from your father.” She said smiling and winking at me.

  My heart faltering, “My father? Do you know something about him? Is he alive?” Firing questions at her. No one has ever been able to tell me one detail about him. Not one.

  “You have his Native American heritage. He is not living.”

  Bowing my head, I didn’t know how many more blows I could handle in one day. “I wish I had a picture of him. I would give anything to know what he looks like.”

  “Oh dear, but you do.” She said smiling gently at me.

  “No. I don’t Rose. I’ve never seen him.” Shaking my head, now getting upset.

  “Your dream dear. The one you have had since you were a child.”

  Confused, “The dream?”

  “The angel over the crib, that is your father.” Rose said

  Sitting back in the chair stunned silent. Looking at her with a blank face.

  “The angel with the black hair, black wings. That is your father dear.” Trying to get through to me.

  “How do you know? Are you sure?” Snapping back into reality.

  “Quite sure honey.” She said smiling gently at me. “The baby, the one you can’t see in the bassinet. That is you dear. It wasn’t a dream, it has never been a dream. It is a memory, placed there by your father.”

  “What does this mean? My father is an angel? Where is he? Where has he been?”

  “I only know he is in the heavens. The relationship with your mother was forbidden. He was forced to leave after you were born, to protect you.”

  Stunned, “Is my mother human?”

  “Yes dear. You are half human, half angel. That was the reason why I was so confused about how beautiful you were when you first came. There are not many like you, that is why you have such strong abilities. That is the angel in you. You were never taught to control your abilities, harness them. You got double doused with your mother’s abilities and your father being an angel.”

  “Do they know about me?” Pointing up towards the ceiling.

  “I don’t think so dear. I think someone on the High Council may have suspected, that’s why they sent Blane to protect you.”

  There it was, the pain in my heart. Every time Blane was mentioned. A light bulb now going off in my head, “Is that why you said that there is always a chance? Of us being together that is?”

  “I had my suspicions. Today I was
lead into the right place. Now I am leading you. This is that moment, the fork in the road child. Decision time honey.”

  “What do you mean?” Asking as Gabriel walked back in .

  “Okay, girl time is over.” He said smiling. “You’re paid up another month love.”

  “Shut it angel.” I said giving him a look.

  “What the?” Gabriel said moving to the other side of the bed.

  “What are you saying Rose? Clasping her hand, like she was my only lifeline.

  “I’m saying, the choice is yours. You can take your rightful place in the heavens, be with Blane. For all eternity.”

  Gabriel now looking back and fourth between us, like we had both gone crazy.

  “What? How? I don’t understand.”

  “You just choose it, that is it. Once you decide it, it will then come to pass.”

  Sitting back in the chair, the excitement was taking me over. I was afraid of being to hopeful. “Choose it? That’s all?”

  “Yes dear. You just think what you want. If you choose to stay on earth, live as a mortal, then you simply think that. If you choose to be an angel, claim your heritage, become immortal, then you think that.”

  Standing up and looking up towards the ceiling, It wasn’t even a decision to me. I choose Blane. I choose to see my father. I choose to help people, the way I have always felt like I was meant to.

  Falling to my knee’s the pain in my back was unbearable. It felt like my back was on fire, bones started crunching and I thought instead I had chosen to die. Gabriel running over to my side.

  “Rose what is going on?” Gabriel asked.

  “You know what is going on dear. She has chosen. She is now your kind.” Rose said sitting there like it was just another day.

  Gabriel stepped back, knowing what was going to happen soon for he went through the same thing once upon a time. His back throbbing, making him miss his own wings.

  Doing my best to muffle my screams, tears started to stream down my cheeks. Until suddenly the pain started to subside and a surge of energy started coursing through my veins. Standing up, I could feel the wings expanding out of my back at full mass. Looking at them in awe, I could feel all the emotions in the room now. Only they didn’t make me double over in pain anymore. They calmly entered my body and I didn’t feel them near as bad as I used to. They were more like thoughts, instead of pain.


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