Bea and the Bad Boy: Young Adult Sweet Romance (Love in Ocean Grove Book 3)

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Bea and the Bad Boy: Young Adult Sweet Romance (Love in Ocean Grove Book 3) Page 5

by Anna Catherine Field

  “Yeah?” he asks.

  I feel my own grin slip into place as his hand connects with mine. “Yeah.”



  I’m almost thankful when Clarke walks off in the parking lot, because my brain had felt a little fuzzy since she got in my car smelling like whatever it is that she put on that morning that smells like sunshine and grassy meadows. I felt a little bad calling her a lame prude, but sometimes the truth hurts. The girl needs a boost to her social stature and dating Carter Haines certainly won’t hurt.

  But there’s another reality here, I admit to myself as I walk onto the pool deck. For a moment, I got the feeling she wanted to bail on this whole plan and not just because it’s a stupid idea. It’s totally a stupid idea, but that’s not her problem. Her problem is that she’s afraid. Of me.

  I know my reputation isn’t the cleanest and some of that is valid. I did get caught with a bag of weed in my locker—and as cliché as it sounds, I was holding it for a friend. I just didn’t tell the principal or the cops that. I also maybe have a history of hooking up with girls, but I definitely didn’t get anyone pregnant. Once again, I did nothing to stop the rumors. Why should I? These people don’t mean anything to me and if I start letting them know the real me, then they’ll start asking questions that I don’t feel like answering.

  “Hey,” Katherine says, coming in a few minutes later. “What’s going on with you and Bea?”

  I give her a slow, amused grin. “That’s not really for me to say.”

  “Well, she’s not going to tell me,” she grumbles, hanging her bag in her locker. “Are you messing with her?”

  “Messing with her?” I ask, feeling like I’m about to get round two. “Look, Atticus already gave me the speech. I don’t need to hear it from you, too.”

  “Doesn’t seem like you listened.”

  “You know I’m not afraid of Atticus.” I shake my head. Clarke had it right. It doesn’t take much to get under their skin. “It’s none of his business, anyway.”

  “Well, it’s mine,” she says, slamming the locker shut. “Bea is my best friend and I don’t like the idea of you using her.”

  I hang my whistle around my neck and lean against the desk. “Yeah, see, I don’t know if that’s true. From what she tells me, I don’t think you two are best friends anymore.” Her face falls. I rub my neck with my hand. “Look, I’m not trying to be a jerk—”

  “I know,” she replies. “You can’t help it.”

  I laugh. “Maybe not. I don’t really understand what’s going on with you and Clarke, but I don’t think worrying about my relationship with her is going to fix it.”

  I check the time and swim practice is almost over, which means we need to get on the deck. Katherine still doesn’t look happy; if anything, she looks more upset than before. I stop before I climb on the stand. “I’ll promise you this, I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “Yeah,” she says, heading across the pool deck, “that’s the thing. I didn’t plan on hurting her either."



  I manage to avoid applesauce, temper tantrums, and my brother for the entire day. I do see Carter during free swim and he gives me a wink that both repulses and thrills me at the same time. How does he do that?

  “Miss Bea.” I look down and see one of the campers, Lydia, shifting on her feet. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “It’s right over there, behind the guard stand.” I point.

  She shifts again, this time a little faster. “Can you go with me?”


  I wave to Maria to let her know I’m heading to the changing area. I’ve just pushed her into a stall when I see a flash of red behind me.

  “You can’t avoid me forever.”

  Katherine stands behind me, her long hair French-braided down her back. Her skin is already turning a nice shade of brown without the tan lines of a camp shirt like myself.

  “Actually, I can.”

  “Are you trying to prove something with this Carter Haines thing?”

  Ouch. Busted. It’s not really a surprise. Katherine knows me better than anyone in the world. That just means I’ve really got to sell this fake relationship.

  “No. You know how it is, it only takes one meet-cute to spark a romance.” I give her a shrug. “You could say, Carter and I 'fell' for one another.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “Are you saying that two seemingly incompatible people that have been in one another’s orbit for years with no interest in the other, yet suddenly develop feelings, can’t happen?” I give her a pointed look.

  “I’m not sure that made sense,” she says with an exasperated look. “Bea, don’t do something stupid because you’re mad. Carter’s trouble. He’s about to get fired and the last thing you want is to be associated with that.”

  “You don’t get to assume what I do or don’t want in my life anymore.” The toilet flushes and Lydia rattles the bathroom door. “Hold on a second, Lydia.”

  I move to help her unstick it and she walks out with her straps all twisted. I help her straighten them and nudge her to the sink.

  She washes her hands and we’re almost at the bathroom door when Katherine says, “I don’t know what you’re up to, but it’s not going to make me break up with your brother.”

  I stop and turn. “Do you really think everything in my life revolves around you? Get a clue, Katherine, those days are over. We’ve both moved on.”

  I push open the door and Lydia runs back to the edge of the water, jumping in with a splash to join her friends. I walk across the hot pool deck, blinking back tears from the altercation in the bathroom. That was the most we’d spoken to one another in months, and as much as I wanted to believe what I said to her as I walked out was true, I know in my heart it wasn’t.

  I haven’t moved on and I’m terrified I never will.

  By the time I meet Carter at Pie Whole I’m cranky, hungry, and exhausted. He’d had to stay late to swim laps and couldn’t give me a ride. I refused to go with my brother and take another series of questions about our relationship from him and Katherine. Luckily, Maria took pity on me.

  “Thanks,” I say as she pulls up. “I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. I live out this way.”

  I grab my bag off the floor and move to open the door.

  “Are you really meeting him here?”

  I pause. “Who?”

  “Carter. The lifeguard.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “I overheard him mention that he was coming here after work to Sam. The hippie that works in the concession stand? He didn’t say your name, but,” she shrugs, “I saw you two looking at one another at the pool.”

  “I told you, Carter is my next door neighbor. We’ve known each other for a long time.” It’s not completely untrue. “We’re just friends, that’s all.”

  “That’s like the exact opposite of what you told me the other day.”

  “Oh right, well we’ve decided to embrace the fact we work together and hang out more.” She makes a face. “What?”

  “Nothing.” I glare at her and she relents. “Fine, Sam wondered if you were dating and I said I’d find out. You and Carter just seem really different, that’s all. It’s no big.”

  “Sam was asking about me?” Sam with the shaggy blond surfer hair and the easy smile. That’s the big news here. No one ever asked about me before.

  She laughs. “Here’s a little secret about working at The Club in the summer. It’s a cesspool of gossip, summer romances, and drama. Everybody wants to know everything about everyone.”

  “Oh,” I say, not having a hard time believing that. “So it’s a lot like high school?”

  “Exactly, but with more free time, less supervision, and bathing suits.” She looks at me and frowns. “You look nervous about that?”

  “I’m not exactly great at high school—like with social stuff and guys an
d all that.” And living in the shadow of my amazing twin.

  “That’s what’s so great about it, Bea, I know you’ve got family and friends there already, but anything goes in the summer.” She nudges my elbow. “You’re already meeting one of the hottest boys for dinner. You’re one step ahead.”

  Make that two, but I couldn’t tell her about it. It did make me feel a little more confident to know that she thought I was capable of being friends with someone like Carter Haines. Maybe I didn’t come off as socially inept as I thought.

  “Thanks for the ride,” I say, opening the door.

  “Anytime. Have fun.”

  I close the door and enter the front door of Pie Whole. The waitress, a girl with curly hair, points me to a booth in the back. “You want to wait for your friend to order?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  I’d picked this location for two reasons. One, Lucy Harrington used to work here, and Katherine and I made it a habit to try to come as often as possible hoping that she and her boyfriend Dean Turner would show up. So far, no luck. Second, it’s next to Bazinga! my favorite comic book shop, and if Carter stands me up I can go over there and pretend like I’m not the world’s biggest loser.

  Thankfully, it’s not long before the door opens and Carter strolls in. His eyes search the room and land on me and I feel awkward and hot under his gaze. His eyes are intense, his features so strong. Being around someone like him is not something I’m used to. He’s broody. Tense. And makes me feel on edge in a way I’m not used to. Anxiety, I’m familiar with. Unpredictable guys? Not so much.

  He shrugs out of his hoodie, casting a waft of shampoo mixed with suntan lotion and chlorine across the table. It’s like a special brand of cologne I want to bottle. His hair is damp. “Did you order?” he asks.

  “Not yet.”

  He grabs the menu. “Want to share a pizza? I’m starving.”

  “Sure. I like just about everything.” I watch him skim the menu. “How much did you swim?”

  He shrugs. “A couple of warm-ups and two five-hundreds.”

  “I don’t know how far that is.”

  “Twenty laps.”

  “Twenty! And you did a couple?”

  “Yeah, I’m better at distances than sprints.” I’ve heard that on the announcements at school. He looks up suddenly. “How come you don’t swim like your brother?”

  “Because I don’t like looking like a drowned rat trying to get from one end of the pool to the other.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  I make a face. “I’m sure it is.”

  The waitress appears at the table. “What can I get you?”

  “We’ll have a veggie supreme,” he says, looking up at her. Well, more than that. His eyes rake down her body. She shifts on her hip and gives him a short smile.

  “You got it.”

  He watches her walk away and I stare at him in astonishment. He finally looks back at me once she disappears in the back. He notices my expression.


  “Dude, you can’t look at her like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like…like you want to ravish her or something.”

  His head tilts. “Did you say ravish?”

  “Just calling it like I see it.” I lean over the table. “If we’re supposed to be dating, then you can’t look at other girls, or women, or moms at the pool like they’re a fresh-baked snack. Do you even want to be convincing?”

  He reaches across the table, threading his fingers between mine. A spark travels down my arm and settles somewhere in my chest. I start to remove it but he holds tight. “I’m definitely willing to be convincing.” He stands without releasing my hand and moves to my side of the table, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I’m engulfed in his warmth and scent.

  I wriggle my hand free and push him back a few inches so I can keep my head clear.

  “Let’s set some ground rules,” I say, pulling out my phone and opening the notes app.

  He relaxes a little but is still way too close. “I’m listening.”

  “Before we even get started, there’s a deal-breaker for me in this. The smoking. It’s gross and unhealthy and I don’t want to be around it.”

  He sags in his seat. “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m not and there’s no way you can tell me your coach and dad approve. If that’s who you’re trying to convince that you’ve changed, then you need to stop.” I flash him a smile. “I’m just the extra motivation you need to do it.”

  He grimaces. “Fine. I’ll quit.”

  That was easier than expected. “Good. Well, then I’d like to set a time limit on this. The summer camps only go through the first week of July. Does that work? Gives us half the summer to not be in this relationship.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  I type this into the phone. “Okay, so, as discussed, no more flirting or leering at other girls. Or women. Or waitresses.”

  He frowns. “It’s kind of my thing. I don’t even do it on purpose.”

  “Yeah, I know. That’s why you need to stop.”

  He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Fine.”

  “Also, for this to work I’m going to need to get a ride to and from work from you.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget I have practice after work a few days a week and we have swim meets on Thursday nights.” His eyes twinkle. “Which you should come to anyway to support me.”

  I grimace. That means I’ll have to see Atticus, too, and I’m sure Katherine will be there. I swallow back my displeasure and type it in my calendar. “Okay, I can go to your swim meets. I’ll either get a ride home on your practice nights or wait around.”

  “What else?” His eyes travel over me. “You’re going to have to up your fashion game. The girls I date put in a little effort.”

  I scowl. “I put in effort. I have my own style.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Then more effort. Like that girl you work with.”


  “Sure. She wears the same thing but with a little flair. She’s cute.”

  I jot this down even though I really want to take my fork and stab him with it.

  “You’ll have to come over to the house a few times,” I tell him. “Atticus won’t buy this if you don’t meet the parents and do the whole watch a movie thing with me.”

  “I’ve met your parents,” he says, eyes shifty.

  “Meet them as my boyfriend.”

  “You know, that’s not really something I would do with any girls I hang out with.”

  “Well, I’m helping you go legit, so it’s happening.” I make a face. “Seriously? You’ve never met any of their parents?”

  “Not on purpose,” he replies evasively. “Don’t you think you should come to my house, too?”

  “Uh, no. That’s not happening.”

  “Why not?”

  At my house, I know I can control the setting. No privacy. Intrusive mom. Overbearing brother. At Carter’s, his dad is rarely home and I doubt supervises much when he’s not.

  “Because there’s no point,” I say, dismissively. “What else?”

  “We’ll have to go to a few parties.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Parties? With people from school?”


  I don’t like it but I know better than to fight it. Even Katherine goes to parties with Atticus now, where from what I can tell via ChattySnap they’re just all adorable and social and gross.

  Speaking of…

  I know my face turns red when I ask, “Can we get the physical parameters set?”

  Our waitress walks up carrying our pizza. She lays it on the table and definitely notices that we’re both on the same side now.

  We pile pizza on our plates and Carter says, “Tell me what you mean about physical parameters.”

  I don’t miss the amusement in his voice. There’s no room for question, so I just lay it out there. “You were right this morning.
I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve never really held hands or kissed or any of those things. This is new for me and I guess I’m game, but…”

  “But what?” he asks, with genuine interest.

  I feel my ears getting impossibly hotter. “I’m not like you, Carter. Being intimate with someone isn’t just something I can do without some emotional attachment. I’m not sure I’m ready for all that first stuff to be fake.”

  He watches me for a minute and then says, “I can respect that Clarke, but I have a feeling these are just walls you’ve put up to keep yourself from getting too close to other people, which is exactly why your brother and Katherine dating bothers you so much.”

  When did he get so observant?

  “Maybe so,” I say quietly, “but like I said, this isn’t about me being another one of your conquests.”

  His mouth opens like he’s about to say something and a flare of something ignites in his eyes—something dark—but he keeps it to himself, instead shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. He chews slowly and then says, “How about this. You let me lead on this. I promise I won’t overstep any boundaries and if I do just, I don’t know, use a safe word.”

  “A safe word?”

  That smirk tugs at his lips. “You know what a safe word is, right?”

  “No.” I get the feeling that I should and the fact I don’t confirms my naivety.

  “It’s, uh, just a word we agree on when something’s gone over the line. It can be anything.”

  “Like,” I look around. “Cheese?”

  He laughs. “I guess. So if we’re together and your brother is watching and I reach out and do this…” His fingers reach for me and I freeze, feeling his fingertips graze my cheek as he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. Every nerve in my body lights on fire. “That’s okay, right?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “But something else—” He doesn’t finish, just leans toward me, perfect lips coming my way.


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