The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues Page 21

by Ron L. Carter

  * Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  “If I can get a chance to talk to Bobby Marks I would like to see if we can get him on our side and try and stop these Muslim chaplains from spreading their Jihadist ideas inside the prison system. I think he and his "Southernwood" group would be beneficial in that effort.”

  Terry didn't like any part of the idea of trying to recruit Bobby Marks to help in the fight against terrorism. The FBI had run-in with "Southernwood" members and knew they have been responsible for hundreds of bloody inmate’s deaths throughout the prison system. He said, “I don’t like it, I think you're just asking for more trouble by asking this guy for help. Some of these people are just plain bad people and will never change. Regardless of how I feel, I will get in touch with Headquarters and have them set something up for you with the prison. We'll see what they say.”

  Terry made a request to FBI headquarters and after they made several calls to the prison, they were able to set up an appointment between Bobby and Doug the following day at 4:00 pm. Doug was really excited as he slapped his knee and said, “Alright, that’s great news.”

  When they arrived at the prison the next day it took about an hour to get inside by the time everything was approved by the prison officials. Bobby had been waiting for Doug at a table that he was chained to for about a half hour. He was shackled, hands and feet, where he couldn’t move away from the metal table. When Doug walked in Bobby didn’t look very happy to see him as he sat there with a stern blank stare on his face, "This better be good, I've been waiting over a half hour for you. What the hell do you want with me?" Doug apologized for being late and they immediately had a connection to each other. He and Bobby were about the same age, except Bobby's head was shaved bald and Doug’s hair was long and somewhat shaggy.

  Doug went over and sat down in front of Bobby and introduced himself as Donald Peters. Bobby said, in a angry low voice, “I know who you are, you’re one of those stinking cops that I just love to hate. What the hell could you possibly want to talk to me about? Do you want to pick my brain apart or just try and analyze me, like all the rest of the fools I've talked too since I've been in prison?” Doug started out by saying, "No, nothing like that Bobby. I just want to talk to you about something and see if it makes any sense to you." Bobby seemed a little confused, "Okay I'll bite. What is your gig with me?" Doug took a deep breath and began to tell him a little about the radical Islamic terrorists and how they were spreading their jihad in America, and doing it especially through the prison system. Bobby replied, “You still haven’t told me how that affects me. Why do I care if the terrorist kill people? It doesn't affect me.”

  Doug looked him in the eye and lowered his voice as he said, “Look Bobby, I want to be honest with you. My name's not Donald Peters and I’m not an FBI agent.” Bobby braced his back, “Okay, now I’m listening, now you got my attention.” Doug said in a whisper, “My name is really Douglas Cotton and you may or may not have heard of me. Some people call me "The American Terrorist," because I’ve blown up a lot of the radical terrorist cells here in America. I’ve killed hundreds of them after they killed my Grandson in Afghanistan. I hate them and I'll do anything I can to destroy them, even if it means trying to enlist your help. The FBI captured me after I blew up some terrorists in Georgia. I’m only with them because they didn’t give me a choice. It was either work with them or be executed for my crimes.”

  Bobby sat back in his seat and said, “Well all be dammed, the "American Terrorist" right here in front of me. You got a lot of balls man. Yea, I’ve heard of you. You did what a lot of people wished they could do to their enemies and that's blow them up. I thought I heard you got blown to pieces in Florida or someplace like that. Sorry Doug, but I still have to ask you, what is it you want from me?” Doug told him everything he'd found out about how the radical terrorist groups were infiltrating the prisons system and trying to convert the young people to Islam, mostly African Americans. Doug said, “Look Bobby, if we don’t stop these people from what they’re doing they are going to start blowing up innocent women and children here in America, just like they did in Boston. Maybe they’ll kill your family like they did my Grandson.” Doug was a little choked up so he hesitated for a second and took a deep breath, “We can’t let them do that to our country, Bobby. I know you’re the General of "Southernwood" throughout the prison systems and I believe your organization can do something really good for this country. I think you could put out a directive to all your Presidents, Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. I think with all their help it would stop a lot of the young people in prison from being converted to the Islamic religion.

  You could go down in history as the organization that stopped the spread of the radical terrorist recruiting in the prison system, instead of just being known as a criminal organization. You must believe in God or some higher power, this can’t be the end for us, can it? I’m not asking for your help on behalf of any law enforcement agency, I’m asking it of you as a fellow human being, as a father, a grandfather. We need to stop these terrorists from killing our families in America.”

  Bobby was intrigued with everything that Doug had told him, “You know Doug, I’ll give that a lot of thought. I like you and I like the sound of it and it kills two birds with one stone for us. We can keep the blacks in check here in prison and stop them from committing terrorist acts outside of prison. I’ll talk to some of my people and see what they think of the idea. Good luck in your fight, Doug, maybe you'll find your peace someday.”

  Bobby stood up and just like that, the meeting was over. Doug thanked him for the meeting and whispered to him, “You need to keep my identity to yourself, not too many people know I’m still alive.” Bobby whispered back, “Your secrets safe with me Doug.” Doug thanked him again for his time and left. He wasn’t sure if anything would ever come out of the meeting, but at least he felt like it was worth a try.

  When they left the prison Terry asked Doug, “Well, how did it go?” Doug replied, “It went better than I expected. I just hope Bobby will follow through with what I ask of him.” Terry said, “I hope it wasn’t a total waste of time for you.” Doug shrugged, “I’ve got nothing but time, but I liked Bobby and I think he’ll spread the word to his commanders. If Bobby’s organization stops even just a few of our young American people from being radicalized, then it was worth it to me.” He changed the subject and said, “Okay, let’s get out of here and head to San Diego. I haven’t been to California in a long time and I’m excited to see my home state again.

  After Bobby met with Doug he was taken back to his cell. Once there he tried to digest everything Doug had talked to him about. He wasn’t much into helping law enforcement in any way but, he liked Doug and some of the things he said made sense to him. He didn’t like the idea of some foreign religion coming into America and trying to kill people, especially his family. He thought, “This guy was a retired doctor that had had it made with his good life until the terrorists killed his grandson. He didn’t have to give up everything he owned and start going after the terrorist cells in America all by himself, but he did. He's right, law enforcement wouldn’t have given him the justice he needed and was seeking for his grandson's death. I admire and respect him for what he’s done and what he's doing.” Bobby knew he wasn’t ever getting out of prison, but he figured Doug may be right. Maybe his organization could do something that would make a difference in the world.

  After thinking about it Bobby soon put out the word to his commanders and lieutenants that their organization was going to do their part in stopping the radical Muslims from infiltrating the prison system and spreading their brainwashing jihadist ideas to fellow inmates. He told his members to remove any and all Muslim affiliated pamphlets and propaganda from all the reading material that was displayed in the prisons. They also started protesting about having Muslim Chaplains visiting the prison.

  As the
y were driving to California, Krista wanted to know all about Doug and his life so she asked him a lot of questions about where he lived, when he lost his daughter, wife and even though she already knew about Michael, she talked about him and his relationship with Doug. As they talked, Doug started getting very emotional, a lot more than he thought he would. The more they talked about his family, the sadder he became and the more the tears began to drip out of the corner of his eyes and down his face. He was a little embarrassed that Terry and Krista could see him so venerable. He tried to hide the tears as he turned toward the window and wiped them away with the sleeve of his shirt.

  Seeing that she had hit a nerve with Doug with her questioning, Krista quickly changed the conversation to his brother. Doug told her that he often thought about Randy and his family and wondered how they were doing since he’d been gone. He told her he never tried to contact Randy after he started blowing up his targets. He always thought it would be better for him and his family if they didn’t know what he’d been doing and that he was still alive. He and Randy didn’t share the same political point of view about a lot of things and he didn’t want to try to justify to Randy what he’d done to the terrorists. Even though he might have understood the reasoning behind Doug’s revenge, he knew he wouldn’t agree with the method he went about getting it.

  While they were on the conversation of his hometown Doug said, “I found out something I didn’t know about Visalia during my research. My own town was the victim of a domestic terrorist act. It happened in the early morning hours of February, 20, 2001 when the Tulare County Fire Department responded to a suspicious fire at the Delta and Pine Land Company in Visalia. The “eco terrorist” arson was carried out by a group that claimed responsibility for the act. They are known as ELF (Earth Liberation Front), also known as “ELVES”. It’s an eco-defense group dedicated to taking the profit motive out of environmental destruction by causing damages to businesses through the use of property damage. They said the company was targeted because of its work with genetically engineered seeds.” Krista said, “Yea, it’s crazy, but we’re fighting all kinds of terrorist groups here in America not just the Muslim terrorists.” * They continued to talk and learn more about each other as they made their way to California.

  * Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia



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