The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues Page 27

by Ron L. Carter

  Chapter Nineteen

  Doug had been going about his business everyday of mending Martha's fences and feeling good about being left alone. He didn't have a clue that one of Randy's neighbors had called him and unknowingly snitched about him living in the house. Although it was always on his mind, he never expected the FBI to be able to find him hidden away in such a remote area.

  It was the middle of the afternoon the next day, when Krista and Terry arrived at Randy's house, getting directions and information about the house. They went over how the property was laid out and where the garage, house and everything were situated. Also, the surrounding area around the property, the ravines, the driveway, roads leading into the property, everything.

  Terry and Krista decided to drive up to the house that evening and check things out for themselves. By the time they made it to the house location it was just starting to get dark. They parked their car about a quarter of a mile down the narrow paved road in a dirt turn-out. They waited until it was pitch black when they made their way to the house on foot. This was a fact finding mission and they were going to look through the windows and see if the person staying there was Doug. If it was him then they were going to call Sam immediately and let him know.

  They slowly made their way down the little paved road to the outside of the house. They stayed low and crept up to the windows where a single light was on in the living room. Doug was sitting on the couch reading. Terry and Krista both wanted to make sure it was him before they reported to Sam that it was. They watched him walk to the kitchen and back again as they observed his every move. Krista looked over at Terry and whispered, "Its him." Terry whispered back, "You're right, it's definitely him." Once they positively identified Doug, they turned and headed back to their car. Inside the car they called Sam, "Hey boss, it's him! He's cut his hair and shaved his beard, but it's him." Sam said, "Are you one hundred percent positive its him?" Krista then spoke up, "Yes sir, its him. No doubt about it."

  Sam told them he would get a team together right away and send them out to try and capture Doug. "Just stay away from him until our team gets there. We don't want to spook him, or we'll never find him again. He's too crafty for us to catch him like this." Terry replied, "Okay boss, we'll let you know where we'll be at all times." Sam told them he would be in touch with them once he had everything worked out and the team was on its way.

  The next morning, after Doug was up and about, he was walking around outside and he noticed the fresh foot prints near the house. He realized that a couple of people had been spying on him sometime during the night. It looked like a man and woman footprints to Doug. For a brief moment, he panicked and thought he should go into the house, pack his things, and run. He looked around to see if someone might still be outside watching him. Not seeing or hearing anything, he went back inside the house and contemplated what he should do.

  Thinking the people spying on him might be the FBI, Doug quickly packed his things and within a short time had them in the car and ready to go. He headed down the road and was driving pretty fast as he took the turns at a high rate of speed. He'd already driven about ten miles down the mountain road toward town, when reality set in. That's when he realized he didn't have any place else to go. He pulled off to the side of the road and sat there for a few minutes trying to gather his thoughts. He didn't really have any type of escape plan before he found the tracks. One thing he knew for sure was that he wasn't going to go back to working with the FBI. He'd made up his mind to that he just couldn't live like that ever again. He decided that if they tried to capture him, he was going to find a way to let them kill him.

  After thinking about his options, he knew he didn't have a choice, he had to go back to the house. He was also tired of the running, hiding and most of all, had gotten tired of all the killings. He turned the car around and headed slowly back to the house. He decided he would take his chances and just wait and see what happened next.

  Once back at the house, he went inside and sat down at the kitchen table. He was nervously staring out the window as he thought, "Yeah, I could keep running, but where would I go? I don't have a place where I can go and hide out for free like I'm doing here. I don't have enough money to keep me going for more than a few months. I don't have enough money to buy bomb material so I can't build any more bombs. If I can't build any more bombs then I can't kill any more terrorists so what's the point of going on? I'm tired of hunting these terrorist down and killing them. I'm done with it, I just want to join my family and get my miserable life over with."

  Contemplating for hours Doug decided he would just ignore the prints in the dirt and pretend that maybe it was just some nosy neighbors or some homeless people that were looking for a place to break into and stay for awhile. Deep down in his heart, he figured that the FBI had found him and they would be there soon to try and capture him. While he was thinking about everything he came up with a plan on what he was going to do if it was the FBI. He laid everything out on the kitchen table for when they might show up for him.

  The FBI team arrived in Visalia about forty eight hours after Terry and Krista's talked with Sam. They met up with each other at the hotel where Terry and Krista were staying to go over everything. Terry had arranged for them to meet in one of the conference rooms so everyone could get instruction on where Randy's place was located and what they needed to do to capture Doug.

  The twelve man team, along with Terry and Krista, got up around 3;00 a.m. and headed up to the house while it was still dark. When they got close to the property location, they parked their vehicles where Terry and Krista had parked a few nights earlier. They briefly rehearsed their instructions again, then made their way down to the property. Staying hidden as each sniper took up a strategic position around the property. There was no way Doug could have escaped without being killed by one of them. Terry and Krista didn't know that Sam had secretly given instructions to the snipers to shoot to kill, as soon as they got a clear shot at him. He wasn't planning on taking him in alive.

  The team waited until just before the sun was coming up before they made their move. Doug had just gotten up and was in the kitchen making himself a cup of coffee when he heard the familiar voice of Terry on a mega phone. "Doug, this is Terry, I'm outside with Krista and some other FBI team members. We're here to take you into custody and back to Headquarters. We have the place completely surrounded so you might as well come out and surrender. There's no way you can escape." At first Doug was startled to hear Terry's voice. He laughed and said, "Son of gun, it was them, they found me. How about that? I got to give them credit for finding me." Before he did anything else, Doug went over to the kitchen table where he had a big heavy thick jacket laying out, and put it on. He then put a long sleeve shirt on over the thick jacket. It was puffed out and looked like he might be wearing some type of heavy suicide vest. He grabbed the television remote and had it in his hand.

  He waited a few minutes before he went to the front door and opened it about four inches and yelled back to Terry, "Good job in finding me guys. I didn't think you'd find me way up here so soon." Terry replied, "Yeah, well we just got lucky, I guess." He didn't want to tell Doug that his own brother had turned him in. Doug asked, "So what do you want to do now that you have me surrounded?" Krista spoke up and said, "We just want you to surrender Doug. We want to take you back to Headquarters. You'll probably get treated just like you were before. You know Sam likes you." Doug knew he didn't want any part of being enclosed in the little white room again and he wasn't going to take the chance that they might now have him executed for his latest activities. He also didn't want to hunt down the terrorist, like Sam wanted, and just turn them over to them so they could be set free at some point in time. He said, "Thank you for the offer Krista, but I'm not going back there. I have a suicide vest on with enough explosives to blow up this entire house and everything around it." He was bluffing, but he knew
his threat would be enough to coax the snipers into taking him serious enough to kill him.

  While standing behind the door, he told Terry and Krista, "It was real nice working with the two of you. Both of you are good people and you treated me really respectful while we worked together and I appreciate it. You're both good FBI agents and I wish nothing but the best for both of you. You know I can't let you take me back there alive. You realize that don't you?" When he said that the snipers started taking serious aim at him and getting ready to follow Sam's orders. Terry replied, "It doesn't have to be like this Doug, let us take you back and we can work together again. As a team again, just like before." He knew what Terry was trying to do and he knew they liked him so he said, "I don't want you two to blame yourself for what is about to happen. I'm ready to die and go be with my family. I've done my part in trying to stop the radical terrorists here in America. Now it's up to you guys to do your part. Can you promise me that you'll do that for me?" Terry said, "We're not ever going to stop fighting the terrorists Doug. I promise you that. As long as they're trying to kill Americans, we'll do our best to stop them."

  When he heard Terry say that he knew his time was up so he said, "Thank you Terry. I knew I could count on you guys." He then stepped out on the porch and in the open where the snipers had a clear shot at him. They already had a bead on him as he took another step out onto the porch. He was holding the T.V. remote out in front of him like it was a donator device. It was at that moment that three shots rang out and he was hit with two bullets to the head and one in the neck. His lifeless body fell backwards against the house and then he tumbled face down on the porch. Just like that, the "American Terrorist" had gotten what he asked for and was lying dead on the porch.

  When it was over, Terry and Krista slowly approached Doug's body and Terry checked to make sure the remote was secure. He grabbed it and threw it aside, once he realized it was just the T.V. remote and not a donator device. There wasn't the normal jubilant cheer or hi-fives from them when they killed the guy they were after. Terry slowly opened up Doug shirt and said, "He didn't have any explosives on him! He was just bluffing! It was just a big heavy coat under his shirt! He planned this whole thing. He planned on us killing him. This was his last mission, he was his last mission."

  They knew exactly what Doug had done so after it was over, they turned around and headed back toward their car. Terry said to the team before they left, "If you don't mind, could you guys take care of the rest of this for us. One of the team members spoke up and replied, "No problem sir. We'll handle it from here." Krista had tears in her eyes as they made their way back to the car. She had become friends with Doug and knew the torment he'd been through, after the death of Michael. Even though she had mixed feeling about his missions to kill terrorist, she still didn't want to see him dead.

  Once inside their car, they called Sam to give him the news. Terry got a little choked up as he talked to Sam, "It's over boss, he's dead for sure this time. He won't be doing anymore killings." Sam said, "Well you guys did good. You probably just did what you had to do. He never was coming in alive. You know that, don't you?" Terry said, "Yes sir, we found that out."

  It was true, "The American Terrorist," lie dead on his brothers porch, at the hands of the FBI. After years of hunting down and killing the radical terrorists in America, his struggle was finally over. He had finally found the peace he was longing for. He tried to get the American people's attention and let them know that the radical Islamic terrorist threat in America was real. After years of hunting them down in America, he killed hundreds of the suspected terrorists during his mission of revenge for Michael's death but no one will ever know how many American lives he saved in his quest for revenge.


  Sources of Information

  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  Special Thanks

  I would like to give a special thanks to my daughter, Danielle Nicole Derby Carter, for helping me with all the computer work on this book. She also helped in the design of the cover and without her help I would have been lost. I would like to say thank you to my wife, Tami who has inspired me and encouraged me to write.

  I would like to say thank you to my brother, Harold (Hal) Carter. He talked me into writing this sequel to The American Terrorist – A Grandfather’s Revenge.

  I would like to give a huge thanks to my sister, Sharon Duvall, for her help in giving me ideas and editing the book. I am grateful for her help.


  Don’t miss other books by Ron L. Carter

  The American Terrorist – A Grandfather’s Revenge - fiction

  Twenty One Months – non-fiction

  From the Darkness of my Mind – fiction

  Unearthly Realms - fiction

  Night Crawlers - fiction


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