A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4) Page 5

by P. Mattern

  Byron held his breath., willing her to continue traveling the whip over his body, and his prayers were answered.

  “It IS a whip Byron.” She said, as if he’d spoken aloud.”And you want me to touch your manhood with it, don’t you?”

  Byron nearly forgot himself, but just in time remembered to respond ,”Yes Mistress Alexiandra.”

  She did so, and at the touch of the flails he did a sudden intake of breath. That she would finally touch him, even in this arcane way, gave him a thrill. It meant that she was aware of him, focused on him, and looking at him in a sexual way.

  He was hoping she liked what she saw.

  She continued trailing the whip down his large muscular thighs and all the way down his calves to the tips of his toes. And he had a thought before he could catch himself.

  “Aaaaaaaah,” he heard her say,” You’re wondering what I’m wearing…or if I’m wearing anything at all, aren’t you Byron?”

  “Yes Mistress Alexiandra.” He answered, his heartbeats increasing to the point that he could hear them in his ears.

  She leaned closely to his face and pressed her lips onto his for a single kiss.

  “Only a thong.” She whispered into his ear. ”A red lacey one.”

  She jumped lightly on top of him then, straddling his hips with her athletic thighs. Byron felt the softness and warmth of her pressed against his manhood, and found that it took excruciating effort not to move upwards rhythmically against her. She leaned over him and as she again kissed him , pressing her firm breasts against his chest.

  Just as Byron reached the ragged end of restraint, she hopped lightly off of him again. He heard her bare feet hit the floor.

  “Oh dear,” she said in a smokey voice.”It appears that I have gotten you into quite a state, Byron Chance. I’m not sure what we should do about that.”

  Byron had many ideas of what could be done, but was as afraid of thinking them as he was of uttering them.

  “Please,” he said, ”Please Mistress Alexiandra.”

  He wasn’t exactly sure what he was asking for, but he felt as if he were on the verge of bursting.

  Instantly he felt his briefs being pulled down with one swift motion to his knees.

  Alexiandra’s voice was fierce as she asked,”Do you want me to touch you Byron Chance?”

  “Yes Mistress Alexiandra,” he answered fevertly, feeling as if he’d never wanted anything more.

  “Yes PLEASE.”

  Pierre and Lux were sitting cross legged under the elm at the Farm .Pierre had packed up his condo and put it on the market,and he and Lux had paid a two year storage bill and stored most of their belongings. Neither of them could bear to part with their collection of books. The overhead sun was warm but fall was coming to a close and a chill wind gusted at intervals. They were dressed in boots and warm flannels. Pierre, seeing that Lux’s neck was bare, unwound his own scarf and placed it comfortably around Lux’s neck in a paternal gesture.

  “There “he said, “Now you’ll be warm.”

  “I’m always warm when I’m with you.” Lux answered, smiling back at Pierre, tendrils of his silvery blonde hair glinting in the wan light of the sun. ”I love you, you know. More deeply than when we first got together. I didn’t know that it was possible to love someone more deeply as time goes on.

  “You have been the best surprise of my life.” he finished, his eyes showing his vulnerability.

  Pierre sighed contentedly.

  “I never expected YOU to show up in my life. I thought I’d be destined for one night stands. And of course I never had ‘meet an immortal and settle down’ on my list. But now you are my reason for everything. I love you Lux. I will love you forever.”

  The two men kissed tenderly for a moment. Then Pierre scrambled up and dropped down on one knee in front of Lux, dipping his hand into the pocket of his brown corduroy jacket and retrieving a square black velvet box.

  Lux was startled. Full of questions, he searched Pierre’s handsome face.

  “Shhhhhhhh,” Pierre told him, reaching out to smooth Lux’s hair away from his angelic face ”I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile. Just listen.”

  Pierre cleared his throat nervously, laughing a little.

  “Well here goes!” he said. Then his face became serious as he looked in Lux’s eyes.

  “The day you agreed to have drinks with me was the greatest day of my life. I was ‘smitten’-such an old fashioned word, but really perfect to describe how I feel-with you from the beginning. A guy that was insanely beautiful and didn’t seem to realize it. You were always real and self-effacing. When I lured you into my bed I thought that I would never experience anything as sublime as our two bodies touching.

  Then of course I freaked when I found out you weren’t human. I think I freaked MORE because I realized we were DIFFERENT, not because you were a vampire-operating on different planes. I’d never encountered anything like that before. I wasn’t ready to face the depth of my feelings or figure out how to proceed from there.

  When you gave me the ultimatum I realized immediately what I hadn’t dared to admit to myself: I wanted you... I still remember how fierce you were, and it turns me on to this day. At the same time you are as empathetic and Zen and gentle and balanced as an ascetic. You are complex combinations of everyone I have ever sought in my life and I find my fascination with you growing the longer we are together.”

  Opening the box he held before him in his hand Pierre opened it to reveal a platinum band with two brilliant diamond solitaires set vertically in an infinity symbol.

  “I will love you for all of our forever. Pollux Bartholimieux Noble,will you honor me and cherish me also by agreeing to be my wife?”

  Lux’s eyes misted over.

  “Of course I will. I know that you fill all the empty places in my psyche and soul when we are together. My immortal life is yours.

  I love you deeply and truly. Just one thing…” he added as Pierre slipped the beautiful ring onto Lux’s finger.

  “Anything.” Pierre told him.

  “Will you promise to read Luminous to me every night before we retire?” Lux asked.

  “Of course.” Pierre replied, reflecting that , having grown up in his former life without a mother, Lux really enjoyed being nurtured and fussed over once in awhile.

  The two men embraced, their passions for each other aroused by the symbolic affirmation of their love. Hand in hand they hurried into the Farmhouse to be together and celebrate their engagement with their immortal bodies. They wanted to go straight to bed, but knew that if they ran into any of the occupants of the household that had recently evolved into a vampire hostel, the beaming grins that they couldn’t wipe off their faces would give them away.

  They were right.

  The first occupant that they ran into was Mitzi, and she took less than a second to notice the ring on Lux’s finger. Laughing with joy and hugging them both, she screeched for Cass, as if he didn’t have canine hearing already, and soon the couple was surrounded by their tribal family.

  Ever since her Turning, Mitzi had had a penchant for pink champagne, which she kept on hand at all times for unexpected celebrations. Everyone in the house, including Channing and Daniel, Cary and Kimbra , Avi and Neerja, and Byron and Ruthie Lily were available to drink a toast. Fress had taken Jaxon, Blue and Nora out shopping to pick up extra camping gear and warm clothing.

  Lux and Pierre glowed as the center of attention. Lux faked a pout saying,”Now I have to get Pierre a token of MY affection. I won’t be undone, even by my fiancé!”

  Pierre stepped forward and kissed Lux tenderly as everyone in the room said”Aaaah.”

  “All I want, I already have.” he said earnestly, ”YOU, Lux. But having said that…” he continued, the corners of his eyes crinkling up with amusement.”If you absolutely insist on getting me something…I always had a hankering for a rollex…a vintage one.”

  Lux rubbed his hands together theatrically.

sp; “Consider it done my love. I will have it suitably engraved. And now my wonderful friends and family Pierre and I are anxious to retire, exhausted from celebrating, if you don’t mind.”

  Two hours later, Lux lay in Pierre’s arms, his head on Pierre’s muscularly defined chest. Pierre played idly with Lux’s hair, now past his shoulders at Pierre’s request. Between his fingers the strands looked like pure gold, and he marveled once more at Lux’s beauty.

  Lux’s eyes were closed but he said softly, “What are you thinking my dearest love?”

  “How much I love you, of course,”Pierre answered.”How foolish I was to ever try to quit you.”

  “Yes you WERE foolish.” Lux agreed.”Thank God you came to your senses! I might have had to track you down …I might have become a common stalker, remembering your touch, your lips…how it feels to lie next to you in the same bed. I’m not sure that I could have gotten over your absence.”

  “Sometimes I wonder how you could find it in your heart to forgive me…all those things I shouted at you. I’ll always regret that , you know.”

  “As well you should!” Lux replied, his eyes still closed, smiling as Pierre gave him a little spank.”But I couldn’t hold it against you. You were human, Pierre, and my being a vampire freaked you out. That’s entirely understandable. What’s amazing is that you came back to me.”

  “Of course I did.” Pierre replied in a teasing tone,”I’m a guy. And you were the best piece of ass I’d ever had!”

  Lux lifted his head.”I know.” he replied. “And you are my trophy winner also. The chemistry between us is incredible…it feels like you are my soul mate. I love you with a relentless passion that condemns me to be your love slave for eternity, Pierre.”

  The two men kissed with slow smoldering passion for a few minutes.

  “Can you read Luminous to me now?” Lux asked. His voice held a pure child like tone that made Pierre smile inwardly. Lux was a study in contrasts: childlike in his simplicity at times, fierce and virile when the occasion called for it, at the same time nurturing, peaceful and angelic.

  “Of course I will.” He responded, leaning over to take something from underneath the bedside lamp table.”I brought this for you several weeks ago and never had a chance to present it to you. It’s a 10th anniversary leather bound copy of Luminous’ early works, limited edition. I knew you’d appreciate it my love.”

  Lux’s eyes grew round in astonishment as he gently took the volume from Pierre. Luminous was his favorite by far among the modern day literary prose masters. Lux had an adoration for finely bound books.

  The volume almost looked as though it had been bound I human skin. A tattooed pattern was discernible underneath the stamped on gilded lettering.

  “This is a treasure that I can hold in my hands,” Lux said in a dreamy voice, running the fingers of his right hand over the embossed leather as he held it reverently .”Books transport us, nuture us, encourage us, and rescue us from our mundane selves. I love books. But this one in particular. Each of Luminous’ works is like a key into the ethereal…do you agree?”

  “Of course,” Pierre nodded.”I love him too. He’s still living you know, but very reclusive. Shuns the spotlight, never gives interviews. Just comes out with these ‘Prose Portraits’ intermittently that are published in magazines or in a collection. Beautiful stuff. Puts the reader in touch with the beauty of our earthly plane.”

  “Each of his poems is like a meditation,”Lux said quietly.”This book is like a cathedral. If you don’t go into it believing in something uplifting, by the time you close the book covers you ARE a believer.”

  Lux handed the book to Pierre.

  “Please read,” he said.

  With Lux’s golden head nestled in his lap, Pierre cleared his throat and read.

  “Turning now this is what I beheld; a brightening sky infused with brilliant light and glowing in colors of love extending forever into the heavens. And now I am filled to saturation with knowledge of the wonder and grace of existence in this sacred place.”

  Lux sighed contentedly.

  “Okay Pierre my mensch, I will make you a deal. If you read four more of them in your beautiful reverberating voice I will give you the best head that I have ever given…do you accept?”

  Amused, Pierre looked down at his lover’s handsome and open face .

  “Good idea, since you are ‘down there’ anyway you might as well pleasure me, wench! And everything you do when we make love is ALREADY the “best” I have ever experienced…but, to answer your question—of COURSE I agree!” Tenderly he trailed his fingers in the silver gold of Lux’s long hair, marveling for the thousandth time that he had found a love so real and so true.

  “I think you will love this next one,” he said, and then cleared his throat to read.

  Mitzi awakened from a nap and looked over at the ornate painted porcelain clock face on her bedside table. It was late in the afternoon, and in spite of the fact that the Farmhouse was filled with occupants it was very quiet. She knew Jaxon and Absolam were out riding with Cass and Ian, who had resolved their differences and were fast becoming genuine friends. The rest of the occupants of the underground residence seemed to be sleeping or resting in their rooms. From down the hallway the odors of Indian cuisine wafted. Mitzi’s excellent tribite olfactory senses picked up cumin and green chilies and peanut oil and roasted sweet potatoes and she was suddenly hungry for human food.

  And, of course, human blood.

  Sadness crept over her as she remembered Buttercup. She’d been spoiled by having the wet nurse at her side all the time and never having to even go into the kitchen for donated stock when she thirsted for blood. Buttercup had been like a sister to her, and at the same time, a nurturing figure to Mitzi and her sons. She realized that she would always miss Buttercup, just as she missed her deceased husband Sam. Her ache at Buttercup’s passing was the fresher of the two emotional wounds, and she was feeling it keenly.

  As she stepped out of her huge lacy bed with its piles of comfortable pillows and stood on the hardwood floor stretching she noticed a slight feeling of lightheadedness and a thin mist starting to grow before her eyes. Being a Tribite, she knew a vision was imminent.

  It was a young girl in a cloak, her blonde hair flying in many directions as if she were surrounded by gusting winds. It was winter time, and the snow was falling .At first Mitzi wondered if she were seeing visions of a future daughter. The apparition of the young woman with her kind, childlike face evoked feelings of gratitude and nurturing in Mitzi.

  Through the thick curtain of falling snowflakes in the vision a male figure emerged behind the young woman. It was unclear at first, then as the figure with shoulder length brown hair grew larger, she recognized him.

  It was her husband, Cass.

  As she watch the male figure seemed to nod at the young woman, who nodded back and turned to follow him. The vision dissipated just as the two figures walked away and vanished behind the curtain of the falling snow.

  Mitzi let out her breath all at once. She had no idea to make of what she’d just seen.

  Hurriedly she ran to the bathroom and jumped into the three streams of the large granite shower stall as they came on, with the water temperature at the perfect setting. As she bathed she couldn’t get the vision out of her mind. But she could deduce a few things.

  One of them was that the vision was of a future event, perhaps even in the near future as she and the other members of their vampire tribe refugeed to the West. It was nearly winter now, but that could work to their advantage and prevent them from being followed. Their main task would be to look after the needs of the human population traveling with them, the ones who refused to be chipped.

  They would be the last free men and women.

  Still deep in thought as she dressed, she heard Cass’s voice echoing in the hallway and flew out of the bedroom door to jump up into his arms.

  “Whoa!” Cass exclaimed , holding Mitzi tightly against him an
d laughing.”To what do I owe this extremely uninhibited display of affection?”

  Belatedly realizing what she must look like to the other male vampires Mitzi hurriedly slid down from Cass and smoothed her clothing. Both of the young men and Ian looked very amused. Mitzi brushed her long hair back from her shoulders, saying ”Well I missed you! And I wanted to tell you about something I saw. Presciently I mean.”

  Cass looked surprised.

  “Cool. We could use some hints as to what lies ahead. Can it wait until after we eat though? Something smells delicious.”

  “Of course,” Mitzi agreed, smiling up at her handsome husband .When she was in Cass’s company she never felt pressured or worried. He was her touchstone. Just being in proximity to him made everything all right.

  Argent awakened to the sight of a lovely blonde woman with violet eyes and a round face looking down at him. He recognized her attire as that of a wetnurse. Before he could utter a word another comely face of a brunette with bangs and brown eyes joined the first face, and soon a third crowded in—a redhead with eyes the color of arsenic.

  Though the blond wetnurse was fully clothed, the other two wetnurse clones were completely nude.

  Argent tried to raise himself up on his elbows, but immediately gave up his effort when scorching pain from the lacerations on his back radiated throughout his young body.

  “Shhhhhhh,” the redhead said, slipping in next to him on the featherbed. “Your father said you are to take refreshment and be tended to until your wounds mend. Please,” she added,”take as much blood as you can. It will help with your healing.”

  Argent realizing that he was dehydrated, plunged his fangs into the wetnurse’s breast above the areola. Within a minute he could feel an anesthetic effect on his wounds and a sensation of mild euphoria. While still drinking greedily from the redhead he motioned to the dark haired wetnurse to join him on his other side. With his arm around both of them he drank first from one and then the other as his thirst was slaked. He was amazed to realize that his back pained him only by half. And he became aware of a growing lust that could not be satisfied by a blood feeding.


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