A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4) Page 18

by P. Mattern

  “Say something, Vivi—anything! Call me names! I feel like a horse’s ass!”

  To his surprise she giggled. When he raised his head to check her expression she gently brushed his long hair away from his eyes.

  “Cass I kind of saw this coming, being Prescient—though I didn’t know how to interpret what I was seeing in the vision. It was quite a while ago…months before we even started on this journey or met Daisy. But here’s the thing my Love.

  Cass I KNOW that the greater part of your heart and it’s affections will always belong to me. Because of that I refuse to make decisions for you or deny you ANYTHING that you might desire. Our love is an entity unto itself, and it has proven to be unbreakable. I trust your judgement, and I have to say that I believe that you did an admirable job of defusing the situation. One of the many things that I love about you is that your kindness and empathy show through. And…well, that’s about all I have to say. Except that I hope that Daisy isn’t uncomfortable around us now. That could be a concern. She is young and she was following her heart…there is no shame in that.”

  Cass scooped her up into his arms and kissed her fervently.

  “Thank you for what you just said, all of it. It was just what I needed to hear Mitzi my sweet. And even though we are Immortals and I have a VERY liberal , forgiving and understanding wife—YOU—I wouldn’t do anything to give you a head trip . I think male energies, whether vampire or human, are always wrestling with their reptilian brains. No one can ever convince me that we are monogamous by nature…I think if that were true there would be no market for girlie magazines and porn flicks. And I think males are more selfish as far as just wanting what they want, sexually and otherwise.

  Furthermore, and you and I have discussed this before, love—some events are binding and sacred. I call them “Event Cathedrals” actually. They have sublime import and significance far beyond themselves or the acts involved.

  My ‘Twice Turning’ you, Mitzi, was one of those sacred events…probably the most significant one in my Immortal Life thus far. I will never forget it. And it leaves us with souls inexorably entwined my sweet.”

  Mitzi held Cass’s hand against her cheek and looked into the embers of the dying fire in the marble fireplace.

  “We must be gentle,” she said,”And not mention any of this unless Daisy herself brings it up. I am very fond of her Castor…I would hate for her to be uncomfortable around us. You might recall that I was teasing you about this possibility from the very beginning, that humans and vampires might be emotionally affected by the blood exchange!

  I love Daisy Cass… I consider her as a daughter. I am fond of her! Especially because, being prescient, I know that I will only have sons! When is our next feeding supposed to be?”

  Cass squinted, trying to remember.

  “I think tomorrow,” he answered.

  “Good!” Mitzi replied with conviction in her voice. “We need to carry on as usual, providing she shows up . I think that she will. She is a good girl Castor, really. She just let her turbulent emotions get the best of her…

  …as we ALL do from time to time!” she finished, pulling Cass down to cover her, wanting him right that instant.

  “Round Three!” Cass said to himself the next morning over a breakfast with Lux and Pierre. He had hesitated to relate the latest incident—the one involving Daisy—to his twin but, due to their strong connection he figured that Lux might pick up on it eventually anyway and confront him.

  ‘Fessing up’ was the lesser of any of the possible evils he could imagine. He had laid out the story exactly as it had happened and was waiting for Lux’s reaction.

  “I don’t believe it,” Lux remarked, raising his head from the excellent eggs Benedict that he was consuming and looking Cass dead in the eye.

  “I SWEAR ,man!” Cass answered, an indignant tone in his voice, ”Happened just like I told you!”

  A smile twitched at the corners of Lux’s handsome mouth, and Pierre pretended to wipe his own mouth with the thick embroidered table linen napkin that Dante had provided for his guests, trying to hide his own smile. He knew what was coming.

  “I don’t believe such a BEAUTIFUL young nubile human girl would be attracted to a dusty two century old vampire obviously past his prime! Is the unfortunate girl sight impaired?”

  At that, both Lux and Pierre chuckled and fist bumped each other.

  “Haha,” Cass replied, “Okay bro’. I bare my tortured soul to you and you pee on it…NICE. Real nice!”

  Lux reached across the table and patted Cass on the back of his hand.

  “There there,” he said.”Don’t take offense. I have to give you kudos for the way you handled it. Seems as if you’ve moved on from your painfully long post adolescent phase and stumbled into some real maturity. That’s commendable. Of course Mitzi has been a major influence. Love her.”

  “We all love her,” Pierre added ,smiling as he crunched on a slice of toasted pumpernickel bread covered with smoked salmon.”You’re a lucky man ,Cass.”

  “Anyway,” Lux continued,”I recommend that you just play it cool, rein in your manly charms, chose to adopt a unmistakably paternal role in her life and make sure that she has opportunities to interact with human males her own age. Because I HAVE noticed that Daisy spends WAY too much time hanging around you and Mitzi. I know it’s because she wants to. It’s obvious that it’s her choice, but you should make sure that she connects with young humans. How old is Rafe’s son? He seems to be about her age. Nice young responsible human teenager. What’s his name?”

  “Gabriel,” Cass answered, happy for the direction in which the conversation was going.”And you’re right. I think I’ll mention a get together tomorrow night so that Gabe and Daisy can get acquainted.

  Thanks bro’” he said, thinking it sounded lame, but saying it anyway.

  Lux winked,”You’re welcome. And don’t worry Cass. You got this!”


  Dante Febere, powerful Mage and Practitioner of Advanced levels of Magick remembered much from his relatively short lifetime as a human. His memory retrieval abilities were so enhanced and intense that he had total recall, remembering what he was wearing, the time of day, even the feeling of another energy’s touch or the way his clothing felt next to his skin.

  Most of his memories were pleasant and inconsequential , but one annual celebration had been so impressive and infused with meaning that he’d decided to replicate it and carry it on as a cherished tradition in his immortal life.

  Christmas. Or more precisely, the Yuletide celebration.

  Dante celebrated it inside his ‘Marble City’ with ferocious grandeur, opening the huge storage area where he kept a literal department store of Yuletide costuming and accoutrements that he added to annually. He insisted that all of his guests dressed for the celebratory dinners and dances he hosted and because the Refugee Caravan of humans and vampires happened to arrive in time for the festivities they were to be included.

  To Dante this was the penultimate time of the year, a time imbued with rich astrological meaning , a virtual diaphanous curtain between the death and birth of seasons in the earthly realm, a natural phenomenon reflected in some measure in all of the eleven dimensions. It was a powerful time for the casting of spells, a window of opportunity for the breaking of curses. All amulets and talismans fashioned during this time had twice the efficacy and power.

  Most of all, it was a time for love and high passion. He enjoyed his beautiful Mistress Miel even more intensely during this time, and it seemed as if her desire for him peaked as well..

  The vampires had become aware of the planned events and had already taken their turns choosing attire, including sleepwear for the event. Over the course of a single night, without any of them ever remembering seeing servants moving about ,trees of all sizes and colors and specially constructed fantastic garlands that included real gold , silver and gemstones and also living creatures in some cases were abundantly decorating the Marble C

  Dante’s insistence that his guests be included in the celebratory activities lightened everyone’s mood. One afternoon Lux and Pierre showed off to their entire tribe a pair of adult footy pajamas that they had scored from one of the roomfuls of attire. Not only did Mitzi, Cass, Charley, Daniel, Fress and the rest get a laugh out of seeing two grown ripped vampires in fleece pajamas with feet but Absolam was the first to notice that the pajamas each had a ‘trap door’ in the back that was held closed with Velcro. Acting quickly he went up behind Pierre and Lux and ripped open the back of their pajamas simultaneously. Pierre was wearing red men’s briefs with a mistletoe pattern underneath the sleep attire

  Lux was wearing nothing.

  The ladies covered their eyes and laughed until they cried. The male vamps made rude remarks and guffawed as Lux quickly ran after Absolam with his trap door still hanging open.

  Lux finally caught up with Ab and evened the score by giving him a severe wedgie.

  The highlight of the Yuletide celebration involved a formal ball in the Master Ballroom of the Marble City. All of the female vampires and humans were dressed elaborately in flowing formal gowns and the males in either modern formal attire or medieval finery. Real mistletoe was hung strategically to present plenty of opportunity for stolen kisses. A full orchestra graced the sparkling stage and projected stars and other celestial orbs moved slowly across the domed ceiling in a fantastically elaborate display. All the couples fell into each other’s arms. Even Byron was as relaxed and happy as he could ever remember being, with Alexiandra’s head resting against his chest.

  There was dining in a huge dining room adjacent to the ballroom. It was buffet style and featured an authentic ‘groaning board organized with main course offerings of the traditional turkey and spiral sliced hams as well as pheasant, Dungeness crabs, oysters (Rockefeller, fried and in stew),and venison from the surrounding forests. There were vegetable casseroles, ethnic culinary offerings from China, Vietnam, South America and India as well as an array of piping hot breads and bread puddings, both sweet and savory,kept warm on a steam table.

  The ladies particularly loved the desserts, many of them mini pastries : baklava,bar cookies, napoleons,tarts, and an assortment of tiny pies including berry, peacan, lemon chess, Bavarian crème and Lux’s favorite, strawberry and rhubarb. Fresh fruits and vegetarian alternative main courses were also available.

  Mitzi loved the napoleons and the crème puffs, and her pregnancy gave her an unprecedented appetite for the elaborate food , and she had to admit that no one could throw a Holiday party like Mage Febere.

  At exactly midnight, a third set of fifteen foot double doors were opened to the blast of trumpets and a gasp went up from the collected crowd of intermingled humans and vampires There, in the center of an immense room, was the largest live Christmas tree that any of them had ever seen. Daniel estimated it at 30 feet tall . He could hardly see the illuminated golden star at the top under the center dome in the room. The star lit up to perfection the painted heavenly scene of angels and cherubs cavorting in the heavens, amid fluffy lifelike clouds and silvery stars.

  “Look Absolam,” Natalie said, feeling loved and blessed with his arms around her from behind as they gazed at the beautiful iconic symbol of the Yuletide,”Did you notice? There are no cords. It’s not lit by electricity…I think it’s magic!”

  Absolam looked over at Jaxon and the two friends exchanged delighted grins. Rosalie was pressed against Jaxon, looking at the tree as though mesmerized.

  Absolam bent his head to whisper in Natalie’s ear,

  “It is magic! And all the lights are twinkling too! But did you notice what is under the tree?”

  “PRESENTS!” someone called out, And everyone became aware that the trunk of the tree was obscured by boxes wrapped in golden and silver foil with red and pink satin ribbons.

  Dante’s voice rang throughout the chamber.

  “Happy Yuletide!” he exclaimed,” To all of you gathered here! Please distribute the presents and feel free to exchange them among yourselves. There should be several for each of you attending. With my appreciation for your company and best wishes for a grand holiday and an even grander New Year to come!”

  All of those present burst into a round of applause and shouts of ‘Merry Christmas” and “Thank you!” resonated through the beautifully attired crowd.

  As both vampires and humans ripped opened presents amid squeals of delight, Lux and Pierre exchanged a romantic kiss below a low hanging decorative ball of mistletoe.

  “Aren’t you going for a present?” Pierre asked, arching one eyebrow at Lux,”Surely you don’t want to miss out on this year’s charitable “Toys for Bloodsuckers,” giveaway?”

  Lux smiled fondly at Pierre, reaching out to tousle his curls.

  “I have the only present that I need of course,” he responded ,”OUR love my mensch! It’s more than I could have ever hoped for. Totally makes being Immortal worth it. And if you look around you, you will realize that we are standing in the middle of a Yuletide miracle.”

  “And what miracle would that be?” Pierre asked, his smile insouciant.

  Lux turned to gaze over the celebratory crowd, their pleasant laughter and low murmuring punctuated by the pleasant squeals of those continuing to open presents.

  “The miracle is vampires and humans at the same social function, completely at ease despite their conflicted histories, trusting each other…and just as importantly…learning to depend on each other. THAT is truly a miracle,” he continued, ”Historic even! Who would have ever believed it possible?”

  “You are right, sweetness,” Pierre responded, following Lux’s gaze around the crowded room,”And I am thankful to be here, with you.

  …And I believe I want a present,” he added, kissing the side of Lux’s graceful neck, ”Come with me my love.”

  The two approached the area of the tree before them. The piles of presents were greatly diminished, but directly in front of them, pushed so far back into the recesses of the great lower branches sweeping the floor of the room, were two small packages, sitting side by side. One was rectangular and wrapped in silver foil paper and the other was rounded and covered in golden wrapping paper.

  Pierre bent down and held out both gifts to Lux, one on each of his outstretched palms.

  “You choose first, my love,” he said.

  Lux smiled fondly at Pierre as he selected the rectangular silver box.

  “Might be something for a female you know,” he remarked, ”Like French perfume.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Pierre replied archly ,”If it smells wonderful I’ll put it on your pulse points myself and make love to you that way!”

  Pierre winked at Lux as he held up the remaining golden oval that was to be his gift to open.

  “On the count of three,” he said,”Now OPEN!”

  It took mere seconds for both men to tear the papers from their gifts.

  Lux flipped open the rectangular box first. It was a silver chain with a pendant on it shaped like an ornate lock replete with a keyhole.

  “Nice heavy unisex Goth piece, Almost looks designer,” Lux remarked, obviously taken with it . The keyhole was outlined tastefully in an array of tiny diamond chips.”What do you have there, Pierre?”

  Pierre lifted the top to the black satin covered box he was holding. His mouth dropped open when he saw what it held.

  “The KEY!” he chortled excitedly, removing the key from the box. It, too was attached to a heavy silver chain. On an impulse he placed it over his head, and being careful not to tangle Lux’s chain in Lux’s long silver blonde hair, assisted Lux in putting on the amulet with the lock attached. Both amulets hung at the same length between the men’s well muscled pectorals.

  Lux and Pierre looked at each other for a moment, communicating wordlessly.

  “NOW!” Pierre announced, “If this key opens that lock that you’re wearing, we’re getting married in April, NOT August. Agreed?”

nbsp; Lux looked at the key hanging around Pierre’s neck. The diamond chips across the heart shaped top of it reflected the rainbow colors of the lights of the huge Christmas tree. Lux could almost believe that it could be magic.

  “Okay,” he said .”If you insist. But you can’t really lose on this wager hon. I will marry you anyway you know. You are my life.”

  Pierre’s hand was shaking just a little from anticipation as he picked the silver key up from against his skin and moved it through the air space between them, aiming for the keyhole in the lock that hung, suspended, against Lux’s vampire milk pale skin. It slid in smoothly, so, biting his lower lip in anticipation, after checking by feel to make sure that it was as deeply inserted as it could possibly be, he turned it to the left.

  After a slight hesitation, the lock sprang open in a manner neither of the men had anticipated. They had expected that the top of the lock that the chain was securely looped through would open in the style of a combination lock.

  But that was not the case.

  Instead, the lock opened up like a miniature squarish door on an invisible hinge, revealing a sparkling interior studded with multicolored gemstones so that it resembled the interior of a geode.

  And there was something else. The thin strains of Boccherini’s String Quintet in E Major Minuet floated up to them. Not in music box tones. Though it sounded tiny and slightly tinny and far away, it seemed as though it were being played by a tiny live orchestra.

  Lux and Pierre leaned in closely, hovering over the locket, completely captivated by the music. They were so engaged that they didn’t notice Dante Febere floating toward them and so they both jumped when he began to speak.

  “How do you gentlemen find your gifts?” he asked, with a slight chuckle, amused by the startled looks on their faces,” Do they please you?”

  Pierre was the first to recover.

  “Fantastic! Thank you Prescient Mage! We are—entranced is not really a good enough word. These gifts are fantastic!”


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