Trial & Tribulations

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Trial & Tribulations Page 26

by Rachel Dylan

  He laughed loudly. “Do you think I’m trying to poison you?”

  “At this point, nothing would surprise me, Layton.”

  He took a healthy gulp of the wine and handed it back to her. “See, perfectly fine.”

  “Why don’t you cut out the niceties and tell me why I’m sitting in your living room right now only a day after you attempted to kill me in my office.”

  He nodded. “First, I need to apologize for that.”

  She crossed her arms. “You’re going to need to do a lot better than that, Layton.”

  “I saw an opportunity and I took it. I acted hastily without thinking things through after what transpired in court. I let my emotions get the best of me.”

  “So you’re sorry that you weren’t successful in taking me out.”

  “Don’t be so cynical. We’re in a war here. I’m doing what I have to do which is why I called you here tonight to talk.”

  He was crazy if he thought she’d so easily forget what he did to her, but she did want to know what he had to say. “All right. I’m here, so talk.”

  “You and I have a mutual problem with regard to this lawsuit. I’m sure Olivia explained to you what she was trying to do with the evidence fabrication issue. But the way I see it, you’re still going to lose this trial. Yes, you may prevail on appeal years down the road, after you spend all that time and money.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “The legalese are getting in the way of our true work, Nina Marie. This lawsuit is a damaging distraction to us both.”

  She couldn’t help but smile and wonder why he’d had such a drastic change of heart. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had the upper hand right now. “Layton, do I need to remind you, that you are the one who filed the lawsuit?”

  “Yes, and I see the error of my ways now. We shouldn’t be fighting against each other. The more we fight amongst ourselves, the stronger our enemies become. Again, I should apologize for yesterday. I saw an opportunity, and I tried to take it. But after giving it much thought I think I acted too hastily given the larger goals here.”

  “What are you suggesting?” She leaned forward on the couch.

  “I’m suggesting that we put this lawsuit to bed. It’s draining not only our money but also our focus. And the lawyers are driving me crazy. Somehow my lawyer thinks he’s found God throughout this thing.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, it’s quite unfortunate.”

  “Maybe Olivia rubbed off on him.”

  “I don’t trust him. He came into this as an open slate, and then he miraculously starts seeking out Jesus through the litigation? Something seems very off to me. He worries me.”

  “He isn’t strong,” Nina Marie said. She knew from her experience going after him.

  “Not yet, but I feel he could be. Especially if Olivia remains in the picture.”

  “Interesting theory.”

  “And Grant and I are not exactly on the best of terms right now.”

  “That’s what happens when you fabricate evidence and make your lawyer use it in his court filings.”

  “You’re not blameless here either, dear. You stole the technology in the first place.”

  She wasn’t going to admit that fact. “Let’s just say for argument’s sake, I agree with your assessment of where we’re at with the litigation. What next?”

  “We settle the lawsuit.”

  “What? Why would I give you any money? Especially after last night? I can’t just forget about that and pretend like we’re friends.”

  “Because it’s better to pay me now than to give your lawyer money for the next five years as you fight this thing on appeal. Astral Tech writes me a check, and we agree as part of the settlement that you can still continue to sell the app. And while your ego is hurt because you were blindsided last night, you know if you think rationally that this is the best option.”

  “I could still win at trial.”

  He laughed. “I had the jury eating out of the palm of my hand. And you did steal the technology. They’ll see that. This is a way to mitigate risks and make a business decision that benefits us both.”

  “And then what?”

  “We start working together. We consolidate our power, and we rule this community like we were destined to. Like the evil one wants us to.”

  “Forgive me for my utter hesitation, Layton, but you’ve never wanted to share power with anyone. You’re thirsty for power and want complete control, just like I do. Last night showed that.”

  “I agree, but I’m also a strategist. I believe that between the two of us we can really win the war. As much as it pains me to admit it, we need each other.”

  “You make some interesting points.”

  “And I’ll be upfront with you. One of the things I’m concerned about is your lawyer. The sooner she’s back on a plane to Washington, DC, the better.”


  “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed her strength. We can’t have her meddling in our affairs here. Trying to disrupt our work. Much to my surprise, she even stood up for you last night. She has a moral compass and that is dangerous if she decides she wants to get in on this fight.”

  “I know that you’ve attacked her, and she batted you away like a fly.”

  “Another reason to get her out of here.”

  “She won’t like being told what to do, but she has a lot of potential.”

  He frowned. “Don’t tell me you have it in your pretty head that you can turn her.”

  “Never say never.”

  “We can discuss all of those details later. For the immediate future, we need to decide if we’re going to settle this case.”

  “A decision does need to be made.”

  “You know what to do here, Nina Marie. The evil one’s goals are bigger than this lawsuit. I’ll admit this suit had more to do with my personal animosity against you than anything else.”

  “And you’re over that now?”

  “I’m focusing on what really matters, and I think you want that too.”

  “Despite your best efforts at a sneak attack, you failed to take me out last night. Working with me wasn’t your first choice.”

  “True. I can freely admit that. But it’s where we are now. And even if we don’t trust each other, we’re much stronger united as one evil front than we are a house divided. This is an alliance of necessity.”

  “What will our members think of this unholy alliance between the two of us?”

  “They will think whatever we tell them to think because we have the power and they don’t.”

  Nina Marie needed a little time consider this proposal. She stood from her seat. “I’ll give you a call later tonight with my answer.”

  “I understand.” He stood up and grabbed her hands. “We can do this together, Nina Marie.”

  “I’ll be in touch.” She walked out of his house. She needed time to consult the evil one on this. Then she would decide how to proceed.


  Grant’s phone rang just after he jumped out the shower. He looked down and saw the screen. Why was Layton calling him this morning?

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “Grant, it’s Layton.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “You’re fired.”

  “I’m what?”

  “You’re fired. We have decided to settle the case, and I won’t need your services for the settlement agreement.”

  “Wait a minute. Back up.”

  “It’s quite simple. I’ve come to an agreement with Astral Tech to settle. You’re no longer required to be a part of this.”

  No way was he letting Layton off that easy. “I should refer you to the agreement you signed when you retained my firm to represent you. In that agreement, it clearly states that if you fire my firm without cause, we’re entitled to all costs and the legal fees accrued.”

  “Do you really want to push me on this? I’m giving you an
opportunity to walk away.”

  “And do I need to remind you that I tried to withdraw from the case and you blocked me from doing so? No way. Expect an invoice sent to you and if you don’t pay it, I will bring suit against you for fees. I know you have the money.”

  “Send whatever you want. This is over.”

  The call ended and Grant stood in the middle of his bedroom totally perplexed. A flood of emotions washed over him as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Was this nightmare finally over? And what about Astral Tech? He had to call Olivia.

  He called and waited for her to pick up.

  “Hey,” she said. “What is it?”

  “Have you talked to your client?”

  “No, but I’m scheduled to talk to her before court this morning.”

  He let out a breath. “I was just fired and apparently the case is settling.”

  “What? Are you sure?”

  “Layton just called me, fired me, and went on to announce that the case was settling and that he didn’t need my help on the settlement.”

  “Wow. That must be what Nina Marie wants to discuss with me, too. But I guess she has the decency to do it in person and not over the phone.”

  “You might not be getting the boot though. Layton and I were obviously no longer on good terms.”

  “I don’t think I’ve fully processed this yet. I’m mentally still in trial mode.”

  “I have no idea what happened. But my guess is that Layton and Nina Marie must have kissed and made up after the fight they had Monday night.”

  “I can’t believe she’d work with him after he tried to basically kill her.”

  “They’re not acting rationally, Olivia.”

  “This is just the beginning,” she said.

  “Isn’t it the end?”

  “No. The real battle, Grant. It’s about to start. Nina Marie and Layton working together to spread their evil throughout Windy Ridge. We have to be ready.”

  “Won’t you leave to go back to DC once the settlement is agreed upon?”

  “I need to figure out exactly what’s happening. But I know one thing for sure. I can’t leave here if I feel like I have unfinished business.” She paused. “But I have to run so I can finish getting ready and meet with Nina Marie. I’ll call you when I know more.”

  He still sat in shock. What was he going to do now? He wasn’t bluffing with Layton. He was going to go into the office and send him an itemized bill ASAP. There was no way he was getting paid zero dollars for all he went through.

  But more importantly than any of that was what Olivia had just said. What if there was a coming war in Windy Ridge? Would he be strong enough to do anything about it? And what would Olivia’s role be?

  He knew in his heart exactly what his next move should be. Hoping it wasn’t too early, he dialed Pastor Dan’s number.

  “Hello,” Dan answered.

  “It’s Grant. Sorry to call you this early.”

  “Oh, I’ve been awake for a long time. I’m a morning person. What’s on your mind?”

  “Can we meet?”

  “Sure. When?”

  “As soon as you’re able.”

  “Aren’t you in trial?”

  “Not anymore. I’ll explain when we’re face to face.”

  “I can be at the church in fifteen minutes.”

  “Thanks, I’ll meet you there.”

  Grant quickly got dressed and drove over to meet with Dan. When he arrived at the church, he saw that Dan was waiting for him outside the main entrance.

  “Come on in,” Dan unlocked the front door. “We’re the first ones here.”

  “Again sorry about the timing, but I felt like it couldn’t wait.”

  Dan led him down the hall to the office. “Have a seat and tell me what’s on your mind. How are you doing after what you witnessed on Monday night?”

  Olivia had filled Dan in on what had happened at the Astral Tech office. “It definitely impacted me, but if anything I feel more certain about how I want to proceed.”

  “So what’s going on now?”

  “Well, the short version of events is that Layton fired me this morning and is going to settle the case.”

  “I’m sorry, Grant.”

  Grant shook his head. “I’m actually relieved to be rid of him as a client, but I am going to go after him for my fees. But that’s not why I’m here right now. Everything has really become clear for me.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m ready to accept Christ. Become a Christian.”

  “You’re sure that’s what you want? Because God doesn’t want us to make that decision lightly or out of fear. Especially after what you experienced the other night.”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’ve taken the time. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I’m ready to take this important step. A step that I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to take.”

  Dan stood up and walked over beside where Grant sat, taking a seat too. Dan put his hand on Grant’s shoulder. “Well then let’s pray. I want you to repeat after me okay?”

  “All right.”

  “And there isn’t a specific formula to doing this. All that matters is the general substance of what I’m saying and that you truly want this.”

  “I do.”

  Grant repeated the prayer spoken by Pastor Dan, asking Jesus to come into his heart, making Jesus his Lord and Savior, asking for his sins to be forgiven.

  It wasn’t until the prayer was over that Grant realized his eyes were full of tears.

  “It’s okay, Grant. Let out your emotions.”

  “I’m not an emotional type of guy. But right now I’m feeling more than I’ve felt in a long time, if ever.” He quickly wiped the tears away. “I finally feel like I have a purpose that’s not just my job inside a courtroom.”

  “This is just the beginning. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the most important step, but now you have the opportunity to learn and grow in your faith.”

  “About learning and growing. I’m a bit concerned about this alliance that seems to be forming between Layton and Nina Marie.”

  “Explain to me what you mean.”

  “After Layton fired me, he said that the was going to settle the case. My best guess is that he and Nina Marie are going to start working together.”

  “That’s not good, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”

  “I can’t help but feel like it’s not the end of my dealings with Layton. But that’s where I’m a bit murky. How can I spiritually compare to these people who have been doing this for years.”

  “Because the God you believe in is much stronger than the devil.”

  He nodded. “Do you have any thoughts on what Layton and Nina Marie would plan to do?”

  “They have a lot of different methods especially when you combine both groups, but their general goal is to recruit more members, to get people to leave the church. Either to come to their group or to just reject Christianity. And with the app, I suspect they will continue to target the young people in the community.”

  “I actually met a college student who was interning for Optimism. She said she used to go to church here.”

  “Stacey?” Dan asked.

  “Yes. And unfortunately she seemed like she was committed to Optimism.”

  “Stacey is an interesting case. She walked away from her faith and got drawn into the New Age beliefs by Layton and others. But she had an experience that brought her back to the church. Hearing you say this makes me believe that she is back with Optimism now, though.”

  “What experience?”

  “She believes she saw an angel and a demon in her apartment.”

  “Wow. Well after the events I saw transpire, I believe it. I didn’t actually see angels or demons, but I could feel something happening.”

  “I’ve never seen an angel or a demon either. But we’ve talked before about the invisibility of spiritual warfare. So
actually seeing a spiritual presence is not the norm. Sometimes they can appear to people through visions or dreams which is a bit different than what you or I would think of as actually seeing something. Regardless, though, I wouldn’t get caught up in worrying about what you will and won’t see. What matters is that you feel it and you prepare yourself for any battle that may ensue.”

  “And I do that through learning and using the Word of God?”

  “Exactly. And seeking out the Lord in prayer. Building your faith day by day.”

  “I just worry that I don’t have enough time to get ready.”

  “The Lord wouldn’t have put you in this position if you couldn’t handle it. And remember, you’re not alone in this. You have me, the church, and Olivia.”

  “Thank you again. I’ll get out of your hair. Sorry again for calling you so early.”

  “It’s the best way I could’ve started my day.”

  Grant shook Dan’s hand and walked out of the church, ready to start his new life.


  Olivia met with Nina Marie at the coffee shop near the courthouse. Olivia wasn’t going to tell Nina Marie anything about her discussion with Grant. She wanted to hear Nina Marie’s version of events first.

  “Thanks for coming early to meet me,” Nina Marie said. She pushed her glasses up on her nose.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Before I get into that, I wanted to thank you again for what you did for me Monday night.”

  She nodded. “It was the right thing to do.”

  “I’m glad you don’t regret it. But now I need to explain something else to you and I wanted to do it in person.”

  “Okay. You’re making me nervous, Nina Marie. What happened?”

  “It’s actually good news. I’ve decided to settle the lawsuit with Optimism.”

  “Why in the world would you do that right when we’re ahead? I was planning on filing the interlocutory appeal this morning. Even if I don’t get that, we’d most certainly have a good chance of getting an adverse verdict overturned on appeal.”

  Nina Marie nodded. “And I appreciate everything you’ve done, Olivia. You really have gone above and beyond working on this case. I’ve seen your tireless efforts. But as CEO I have to make a business decision. Especially with Clive’s passing, I need to make sure I have the confidence of those working for me. This is the best business solution. Layton isn’t asking for a large amount, and we can all walk away and get back to work. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from on this.”


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