Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1)

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Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1) Page 4

by Nicki Ruth

  He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a name, but she didn't know . . .

  “Davina! I’m Davina.” She smiled brightly, but his smile faded fast from his lips and he stared at her hard. Her courage faltered. She must have said something wrong. His eyes flashed red, and she shrunk back in her chair at the sight. The air in the room felt suddenly different, and she noticed the table shook slightly, vibrating in reaction to the captain.

  “Yes, well, why don't we begin?” Marius interjected. “Davina, this is Brandr.” Marius gestured to the golden-haired man across from her. “And you’ve already met Jason. Our captain, Alexios, invited you here as our guest and to meet everyone on board our ship. As you see, there are only four of us.” He paused. “Jason, would you pour Davina some wine?”

  Marius nodded to Jason, who glanced at the captain then stood up. Brandr sat in stony silence, flexing his hand, watching her. She got the feeling the tension in the room was about her. Her gaze darted to the door, reassuring herself of a quick escape. She chanced another glance at the captain and saw that he was watching her. How she had displeased him?

  Jason filled the glass in front of her and gave her a plate with some of the bread and questionable meat she encountered earlier. Was this all they had? No one else seemed to be about to eat, however. She looked at the captain again, whose intense gaze threatened to burn a hole right through her. She shifted in her seat. Marius, she noticed, was frowning at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

  “Leave us. I wish to speak with our guest alone,” Alexios said, his voice deep and authoritative.

  “Alex, I think – ”

  “Marius, I said leave us.”

  Marius gave her a hard, warning look before leaving the table. Jason placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed as he left. Brandr didn't bother looking at her at all. Once they were alone, Alexios got up and walked toward her. She resolved not to let him intimidate her. He came to a stop next to her chair and offered her his hand. She took it and stood up. This close to him, she felt a powerful aura roll off him like a morning storm over sleepy mountains. He smelled like spice and pine cones, and she wondered what he would taste like, how his chest would feel against her skin.

  A rumble came from his chest like a purr, and she tipped her head back slightly to look up into his eyes. She didn't know how to read his expression, but he must have been a predator in a past life—maybe even in this life. His red eyes were intense, but she couldn't look away.

  “Davina,” he said slowly, savoring each syllable. “So you’re Davina, you say.” He bent toward her neck and inhaled. “Hmm, could you be?”

  The nearness of him affected her in ways she didn't want. Her body went up in flames, combusting like tinder as warmth invaded the apex between her legs. She couldn't assemble any words to voice the sudden turmoil exploding through her, frightening her with their intensity, yet she yearned to feel his hands moving over her body. She licked her lips, eager to taste him. But to her disappointment, he took one step back.

  “Your face has given me many sleepless nights, Davina, and I cannot trust that you are who you say you are. Tell me who you are, truly.” Alexios caressed her hand.

  She only registered that he wanted the truth, but she didn't know what to say, didn't know anything, and couldn't remember who she was or how she ended up in this predicament.

  “I don't remember,” she whispered, looking into his red eyes. “I don't even know if my name is really Davina.”

  “No? So where did you hear that name?”

  “I heard it whispered in a dream. I’m sorry, but I really don’t know much about why or how I came to be here,” she told him truthfully, still reeling from the effects of his proximity.

  “Well, Davina, there is a way for us to know who you are. Would you allow me to find out?”


  Alexios loved her scent. Her copper skin shimmered in a wonderful contrast against his, and her eyes glowed golden. He had known that her normally brown eyes shone golden when she was emotional, and he scented her arousal. Her reaction to him pleased him immensely. Gods, she was magnificent; he had always thought so. And he wanted her, always had. His cock strained painfully against his pants. He wanted to devour her, taste her, drink her. He wanted to make her his. But it would never be, especially not if she was who she said she was, as he longed for her to be.

  She said she didn't remember her name or who she was. Intriguing. Amnesia? How convenient.

  He wanted to taste her for his own pleasure, but he would unearth the truth from her memories. That could not be fabricated. He would be able to see it all—all her past and any hidden malicious intentions.

  “How could you find out who I am?”

  Her golden eyes opened wide in innocent wonder, and he felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. He would do so if he found her to be true.

  “I have a way,” he said. He watched her closely to see how she would react to what he had to say next. “I have special abilities that grant me access to someone’s past. All it takes is for me to harvest your blood.”

  Davina wrinkled her nose as she took in what he said. “Harvest my blood?”

  Alexios sighed, disappointed by her response. Didn't she know the creature he was? Wasn't that part of the reason she was on this ship? She must be aware they were vampires. Damunaki, children of the blood.

  “I am vampire. As are all the others on this ship. And I suspect you are as well.”

  A flicker of recognition flashed across her face before she looked away as if in thought, then after a few moments she asked, “You’ll drink my blood?” She looked up at him with hesitancy in her beguiling eyes.

  He groaned. He wanted to drink her and more, wanted to feel her writhing against his body. “Yes, let me taste you.” He stepped closer again and felt his fangs elongating. He wanted her badly and it was getting difficult to reign in his lust. He could almost feel the pleasure of her blood pumping in his mouth, a carnival of delight dancing on his tongue.

  Her eyes glazed over as she rubbed her body against his. The scent of her was intoxicating, heightening his desire. She tipped her head back, exposing her smooth, copper-toned neck to him.

  “Please,” she whimpered. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck, nipping at her skin. Her delightful taste went straight to his cock, and it throbbed for release. He eased his fangs into her neck and let out a shuddering breath as her blood flooded his mouth.

  Fireworks erupted behind his eyelids, and his whole body shook, pleasure blooming throughout. He ground his erection against her, holding her tightly against his body. Her blood was like ambrosia, like nothing he had ever tasted before, and he drank her liquid fire greedily.

  In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to stop soon, but all he heard were the mewling noises she made as she pressed her body against his. She held onto him, her nails digging into his back. His eyes fluttered closed as her life force barreled through him and filled him with a divine euphoria that quickened the primal essence of him.

  Without warning, images bombarded his mind. Normally, it took a few minutes or hours to receive memories after he’d finished drinking, but hers roared to stage. He retracted his fangs and stumbled back. The images, her memories, assaulted his mind, and he cried out, holding his head. His body—every tissue, cell, and pore—seemed to explode. The ache in his head crippled him, so intense was the pain. He couldn't believe what was laid bare before his mind. It amazed and terrified him.

  Before he could calm himself or settle his mind, Davina attacked his throat.

  Chapter 7

  Plumes of fire billowed at her side. They did not burn her, but simply surrounded her in a smoldering cocoon, knowing, cleansing, comforting. Rivers of blood swirled below her, cascading down flaming mountains like crimson infernos. Lightly she floated as a leaf on the wind toward the bloodfalls where flames bloomed on the churning surface. A naked female figure rose from beneath fire and blood, petals of flames skirting her bl
ood-coated body, glowing invitingly. The figure raised her hand, beckoning her forward into the bloody depths. Come, child. The blood calls to you. Awaken!

  Davina tasted blood on her lips, which surprised and electrified her. She bit deeper and greedily swallowed, the blood calling to her. It was rich and potent, and she craved more. Swirls of energy flared from within, flowing as molten lava through her veins, spreading like a hungry wildfire. She continued to drink, wanting more . . . more blood, more fire, more power. Awaken! she heard again, and she hummed in response.

  She didn't know how much time passed, but soon her mind began to clear, and the heat dissipated. She moaned. Pleasure seeped into her. She lay back and realized she was on the floor and that her hands roamed, caressing her thighs, hips, and breasts, kneading, pinching, stroking. She writhed as pleasure skirted over her tingling skin.

  Her eyes opened to a handsome, familiar face. She reached out to him, desperately yearning. A cool hand gently stroked her face, and she turned into it, savoring the touch. She wanted more.

  “Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I’ll take care of you. The bloodhaze will soon pass.”

  Strong arms wrapped around her, lifting her up. Her body still tingled, and she curled into the warm embrace. The scent of pine cones and spice surrounded her and she sighed in content.

  He chuckled in her ear. “You’ve had enough to drink, Princess?”

  “More,” she mumbled, then smiled at the soft laughter that followed.

  “You shall have whatever you desire.”

  She was vaguely aware of being laid down on soft blankets, and moaned as their softness touched her skin. A warm body stretched out at her side, and she leaned into it, reveling in the scent. Hands moved across her skin, caressing her, and she made a throaty sound in approval.

  “Come, you should drink more. You’ve been without for too long. It will help quench what you’re feeling now.”

  With that, she turned and bit into the soft, pale neck that was offered. She drank deeply, holding tightly onto the body that so generously gave of the most enticing elixir she had ever tasted.


  Heart still pounding, Alexios gazed in wonder at the young woman now curled up on his side, asleep. He felt honored and humbled that she had taken blood from him. She had taken so much he feared he would not be able to recover. Her fangs in his neck had taken him by surprise, but her memories erased all his hesitation and doubt.

  It was her. Davina.

  He'd thought her dead all these years. If he’d known she was alive, he would not have rested until he’d found her. Her memories revealed the horrors she had experienced that fateful night millennia ago—her anguish at seeing her mother cut down, her shock at the guards’ betrayal, and her fear as she fled through the mountain pass.

  Davina stirred groggily and looked up at him with golden eyes. He remained still, knowing that she would have many questions.

  “Why are you in my chamber?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I was waiting for you to awaken, Princess. I will leave if you wish me to.”

  She remained silent for a few moments before saying, “I remember.” Her eyes filled with tears that didn't fall. “My family. They’re gone,” she said softly. “I still don’t know how I came to be on your ship, but I remember who I am now. And I know who you are, damunaki.”

  She reached out and cupped his cheek. Her expression was somber, and he ached for her, wishing he could spare her the pain of her returned memories.

  She sat up, her gaze roaming as if searching for something. “Do you know how I’ve come to be here? In this strange place and time?”

  “I believe very powerful magic got you here. The hows and the whys, I do not know.”

  “Magic?” she said, not looking at him. “You said I was found in a capsule. May I see it?”

  “Unfortunately, the capsule crumbled to dust. I believe the magical force that kept you was expended when you woke, causing everything to fade away. All that remains is a crystal, which most likely housed the magic that sustained you but is now dark and lifeless as stone.” Alexios didn’t know what to make of it all either, but he was able to put a few of the pieces together from her memories. A friend of Davina’s had encased her with magic, forming the capsule to keep her safe.

  “I see.” She rose from the bed and paced the room. She stopped as suddenly as she started. “You said you could find out who I was. Did you?”

  She watched him closely, her hands clenched at her sides. She was amazing like this, charged and determined like a proud warrior. His desire flared and his cock twitched to life. “I did,” he said, wondering what she was thinking.

  “And?” she asked impatiently, her voice unwavering.

  He rose from the bed and knelt to one knee. “You are my sovereign, Princess Davina, or should I say my queen of House Zharim and the heart of the damunaki. And I am your servant, here to serve in whatever capacity you need. I offer to you my sword, my ship, and my men. We are yours to command.”

  He bowed his head, waiting for her response. He got none. With her memories back, she would know her lineage and her title and that he was hers to command—he was not of noble birth or blood, but still one of her people.

  He saw her feet approach him and he waited for her instruction. She placed her palm on the nape of his neck, stroking his head from his nape to his crown, tangling her fingers in his hair. He shivered. Her touch was electric, shocking his nerves and lighting up his senses. His desire vibrated against the hard confines restraining them as she continued to run her fingers through his hair.

  “Rise. You don't have to be formal with me,” she said in a flat voice. “I claim no titles here.”

  He met her gaze and got to his feet. He could feel his eyes reddening, betraying his frayed emotions. He wanted her in his arms again, to feel the softness of her body against his. She stepped closer and he stopped breathing, stopped thinking, watching only the wanton, lustful look that entered her eyes. Her desire made his heart soar. He wanted to take her, but instead, she pressed her body to his and ran her hands slowly, agonizingly up his chest. His heart raced, responding to her touch as she rubbed her hips against his groin. He groaned, and she smiled devilishly.

  “Do you desire me?” she purred.

  He held onto her and felt his fangs emerge. Gods! He wanted to sink them into her bronzed neck while he pounded endlessly into her. She laughed huskily as if she heard his thoughts. He bent to kiss her, taste her, when he heard the beeping of the intercom.

  Marius’ voice sounded in the room. “Alexios, apologies for the interruption, but we have received communication from the empire. Councilor Trakkian would like to speak with you in private.”

  Alexios growled low in his throat at the interruption. Damn Trakkian for wanting an audience now, as he was about to taste Davina’s sweetness once more and possibly for the last time. No doubt Trakkian wanted to chastise him for what happened on Delta B.

  His gaze never left Davina’s face. Amusement fleeted across her face. “Seems like you are needed, Captain. I wouldn't want to keep you from your duty.” Her lips quirked mischievously, her hands moving tantalizingly across his chest.

  “So it would seem, my queen. Though I am loath to leave you, I must handle this matter. Shall I return to you when I am done? We have much to discuss.”

  Her shoulders drooped slightly, and she removed her hands from his chest. He wanted to howl at the loss. The past few hours weighed on her, and she would need time to process all that had happened. Watching your family murdered, running for your life, then waking up in a very different time and place was a lot for anyone to comprehend. And as much as Alexios desired her, she was royalty of an ancient noble lineage, and must be returned to her people.

  There were many who would not be happy to see the ancient royal line restored, including his own sire. He would not place in her unnecessary danger, especially with the Dāmming approaching. There were plans to be made. He couldn't aff
ord to dwell on desires that he had no right nor claim to.

  “I . . . I would like a few moments to myself,” she said. “But you’ll return later? I would like to know all that I have missed while I was, ah, sleeping?” She hesitated, obviously unsure how to describe her previous state.

  Alexios chuckled. “Yes, my queen, I shall return and explain all that you have missed. Until then.”

  He wanted to touch her again, but his moment had passed. He bowed stiffly and retreated from the room. Outside her door, he paused and tipped his head back. Davina was alive. He couldn't believe it. His magnificent Davina.

  Chapter 8

  As soon as the door closed behind Alexios, Davina let out the breath she’d been holding. She couldn't believe how brazen she had been. She had thrown herself at him like a cheap courtesan! She groaned, mortified at how she had plastered her body against his. He must think her a woman of loose character. But the way he had looked at her, full of want and desire, had fueled her brazenness.

  As if she didn't already have enough on her mind. She was not ignorant of the pleasures of the flesh. On the contrary, she had occasionally secretly allowed admirers into her chambers. But Alexios, captain of this mysterious vessel, had bewitched her somehow and made her body respond in ways that she hadn't felt before.

  And the vexing thing was, she desired more.

  She forced her thoughts away from the captain to her current situation. She was thankful she had regained her memories, though it was bittersweet. She remembered her life before—her family, friends, home, all lost to her now. She sat back on the bed. What should she do? Alexios would help, of that she was sure, but where would she go? How much time had passed since being in this capsule Alexios referred to? By the way he talked, it must have been centuries, but to her, it was just a few days ago she had witnessed her family’s slaughter. She was damunaki, a vampire. So, too, was Alexios, Marius, and the others. Were others of her race out there too?


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