Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1)

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Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1) Page 8

by Nicki Ruth

  Chapter 1


  The Damurian docking station was the largest structure Davina had ever seen. It was made entirely of glass and metal, and it inexplicably seemed to float in the air, stretching up into the heavens. The structure was circular with several smaller, rounded glass structures around it, all linked by a network of sleek tubes and twinkling lights. It was a busy station, and many vessels of all sizes moved in and around the structure. It was almost a city unto itself, with thousands working and living within its protective glass, but Alexios gleefully told her this was a just modest station, with others much grander in scale in the empire.

  Davina stepped out of the docking station and gasped at the faint metallic scent of blood hitting her nose. Tall glass buildings of various shapes littered the skyline. And what a skyline! It was a jaw-dropping blend of purple, pink, and dark blue hues, dotted with countless stars. It seemed to be dusk, but Alexios said it was mid-morning. There was no yellow sun to irritate sensitive vampire skin, he'd explained.

  Two giant moons—one smaller hanging just behind the larger—dominated the sky, illuminating the colorful horizon with the reflected, pink glow of a nearby star.

  In the distance lay snow-capped mountains dotted with lights that she assumed were settlements. The trees and shrubs were not green like those in Zhar but had dark purple trunks and branches covered with pale pink and dark red leaves—fed from the blood in the earth, air, and the legendary Damu river, the sole bloodriver that sustained the planet and perfumed the air.

  Legend had it that a primordial blood god placed one of its hearts in the center of the planet, pumping the life-giving essence to the surface, an eternal blessing to its damunaki children.

  As she gazed at the wonder laid out before her, a speck of blue light crossed her line of vision. Soon after, several glowing blue dots floated above like fireflies suspended in the air. She raised her hand toward the blue dot drifting near her face, hoping to touch it, to feel what it was, but it flitted away on the gentle breeze.

  Alexios chuckled. He bowed, extending his hand to the landscape in front of them. “Welcome to the vampire planet of Damurios. You’ll get used to the yuil spores this time of year.”

  All she could do was gape, not having the words to express how wondrous it all was. Why had her family ever left a beautiful place like this?

  Marius was busy giving orders to people who filtered past them with gear from the ship, and Brandr was nowhere to be seen. Alexios smiled and offered her the crook of his arm. She was about to take it when Jason bounded up to them.

  “Queen Davina, what do you think of Damurios?” he asked excitedly. She had apologized to Jason profusely before they’d arrived, but he seemed unfazed by her attack. Instead, he joked and tried to make her smile. And he’d succeeded.

  “Jason! Please refrain from using her title in public. There are ears everywhere,” Alexios admonished.

  Jason gave an apologetic look and turned his gaze to Davina. “Well? What do you think? I’m sure you weren’t expecting this.” Jason rubbed his hands together and grinned. “We’re going to have lots of fun here. There are so many things to show you.” His words came out in a rush.

  Alexios gave him a quelling look. “We shall get Davina settled at the manor first and then give her a quick tour, but this trip is not about fun and games. You're to protect Davina, understand?”

  Jason eyed him, flattening his lips as his face tightened. “I know, father! Stop treating me like an incapable child.”

  She laughed. “Don't worry, Jason. You and I will have lots of fun. I can't wait.”


  Alexios watched amused as Davina looked around his home. Although she had grown up in a spacious palace, his manor was a little different than what she was accustomed to. Over his long life, he had collected many treasures and personal wealth. He was probably one of the wealthiest vampires on the planet—one of the most influential, too, being an ancient. No doubt word of his return had reached many an ear, and he expected calls and visitors soon, especially from ambitious politicians who sought to curry his favor.

  He walked silently by Davina’s side, waiting to hear her thoughts on his home. He hoped she liked it. He had strategically chosen to build the manor into the mountainside, with much of the living quarters below ground, deep in the mountain. The rock walls glittered with sparkling minerals embedded within. The floors were of Tinutian marble, white with swirls of black. The furnishings were minimal and sleek. He and Marius had spared no expense and approved every detail that went into the making of the manor.

  The first level overlooked the gardens below, which were currently in bloom with purple and white flowers perched against a sea of red and pink. The gardens surrounded a miniature bloodfall that cascaded from the small cliff above. Davina leaned over the balcony and gazed into the gardens. A gentle breeze wafted the fragrance of the flowers and blood into the air. It smelled divine.

  Alexios’ estate supported many within his home and in the nearby town of Dystir; most of the locals worked for him and his sirelings in their numerous businesses and industries. Marius had deliberately set up the management plan for the estate hundreds of years ago when they decided to have a home on Damurios. The town supplied the needs of the estate, and many of the townsfolk were employed and protected by him.

  “Your home is beautiful.” Davina smiled, her eyes glowing.

  He leaned against the railing and couldn't help but grin as pride and pleasure swelled within him. “I’m glad, Davina. Please make my home yours.”

  Vixton, his steward, came bustling up to him just then. He panted, looking almost disheveled. “Your Grace, despite the short notice, everything is prepared for you.”

  “Thank you, Vixton. I trust all has been well in my absence.”

  “Oh yes, Your Grace.” Vixton beamed. “Nothing we couldn't take care of. It's been so long since you’ve been home. Should I give you or Lord Marius the accounting?”

  Alexios raised his hand. “I won't be staying long. Marius, I’m sure, will take care of things. But first, I would like you to meet our honored guest, Davina. She will be staying with us for the foreseeable future. Please see to her every comfort.”

  “I am honored, Davina.” Vixton smiled and bowed. “Welcome to our home. I hope you enjoy it here. Please let me know how I can be of assistance to you.”

  “Thank you.” Davina smiled back. “It's beautiful here.”

  Alexios stepped forward. “Shall we continue?”

  She took his offered hand, and they continued down a spiraling staircase, past the gardens, and through a giant archway. He showed her the library and entertainment rooms his sirelings often lounged in. There were dining areas, meeting rooms, a ballroom, gymnasiums—everything one could ever need and never have to leave the comfort of the mountainside sanctuary. There were several rooms and apartments for people who lived on the estate, including Vixton and his family as well as Alexios’ household staff, his personal security, and his retinue representing his and Dystir’s interests in business and political matters. Alexios was responsible—well, mostly Marius—for overseeing the well-being of everyone here, but Vixton was diligent and overly meticulous, and the estate pretty much ran itself.

  Alexios roomed Davina close to his personal apartments. The doors opened, and he heard her sharp intake of breath. The room was large and spacious with soft, plush carpets, a large bed with downy blankets, and its own library and seating area.

  However, what made Davina gasp were not the accommodations but the view. A large window carved out of the rock overlooked the valley and the city far below. From here, you could see the Damu blood river snaking its way through the forest like a vein sustaining life to all in its path. Trees of red and pink, interspersed with white and purple, lay below the clear amethyst sky and its large, overhanging moons. It was a magnificent view and precisely why he had chosen to have his chambers in this part of the manor.

  “Is this to you
r liking? You can have another room if you wish,” he said softly to her. He was hoping to catch a glimpse of her eyes, but she stood mesmerized by what she saw.

  “Oh, Alexios,” she sighed. “This is wonderful, just wonderful.” They stood there admiring the view until she finally turned to him, her eyes misting. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  He smiled, and an odd expression darted across her face. Davina hesitated and abruptly turned away, turning her attention to the rest of the room.

  “This is amazing!” She took off in a run and launched herself onto the bed, laughing, rolling over and under the soft blankets.

  Alexios chuckled. “I take it you like the accommodations,” he said as he moved toward the bed. Davina squealed and rolled over, giggling. He was dazed by the merriment and joy on her face. He wanted her to stay like this forever, happy and carefree. Her dark curls sprawled about her, and his desire flared. His pants became painfully tight.

  “Should I leave you now? You’ll be able to call either me or Vixton on the intercom. Do you remember how to use it?” He needed to get away from her before he gave in to his urges.

  She nodded, not moving from the bed, but her heavy-lidded eyes followed him across the room. She was laid out on the bed as if in offering to him, an offer that was growing harder for him to deny.

  “Very well, then. Rest well. I'll check on you later.”

  Davina said nothing as he backed out of the room, just lying there, her eyes continuing to following his movements, but he did not miss the hunger he saw there.


  Three days after arriving on Damurios, Marius sat in the Royal Archives going over what he had discovered. There were records pertaining to the disappearance of Davina’s mother, Tiamat, from Damurios, but not much else was known about her after that. Princess Tiamat, her consort, and some of her attendants had simply vanished from Damurios, and now, thanks to Alexios, Marius knew they had ended up on Earth.

  House Zharim, however, had been thrown into turmoil not knowing what had happened to their princess and heir. Accusations were made against other houses, eventually plunging the nobles into war. But the political upheaval didn’t interest Marius. Rather, the much older writings about House Zharim intrigued him.

  In what was considered legend, the royal house was said to be directly descended from the first beings of Damurios who had communed with the life-giving blood of the planet. The blood, so potent, bestowed unimaginable gifts upon them, but the power of these bloodgifts was too great and drove them insane with bloodthirst.

  Over time, the gifts became dispersed among their damunaki descendants. These bloodgifts were still manifest in the damunaki, but it was believed that direct descendants of House Zharim retained the most powerful ones, making them elite among vampires.

  Marius pondered this. Was that why Davina was able to speak into his mind, an ability that had not been known to him before? Was it because she was descended from the Zharim line? What other powerful gifts did she harbor? With so many unknowns, he was not prepared to give her unfettered access to their lives. And with Alexios planning to confront his sire soon, Marius did not want to have to worry about the enigma that was Davina. There was, however, someone that could shed more light on the matter. Hopefully, he would grant Marius an audience.


  Alexios woke one morning with thoughts of Davina. The past few days, she had enchanted everyone she met. Vixton practically had stars in his eyes at the mere mention of her name, and his mate, Trella, had taken Davina under her wing like a daughter. Her appetite to learn—about the estate, the people, and their culture—was insatiable. She asked everyone about everything, and his staff had made her their priority. In fact, Alexios had asked one of the serving boys to run him an errand into town, and the boy puffed out his chest and stated proudly that it was his turn to teach Davina how to play vooswhit in the gardens. Alexios had never seen his household so besotted. But now he, too, found himself looking forward to what Davina would be up to each day.

  He tried to rise but realized he could not move his body from the neck down. His legs and arms laid paralyzed on the bed. A prickling sense of dread blanketed him. He extended his senses, but couldn’t perceive anything amiss.

  “Alexios,” a distantly familiar voice echoed. “You’ve been looking for me, even after all these years?”

  Alexios’ blood ran cold. It was the voice that haunted him.

  “Here I am.”

  Alexios struggled to move, his eyes darting around the room, looking for the source of the voice.

  Out of nowhere, a cold hand rested on his chest. “Be at ease, my son. I’m not going to harm you.”

  Alexios’ followed the well-manicured hand on his chest to the face that had been burned into his memory, looming above him. His sire. Dark, red eyes looked back at him, sunken into a pale, narrow face. His face was classically handsome but for his sly, serpentine smile.

  “How did you get in here?” Alexios gritted out, finding his voice.

  “I wanted to see you, of course,” Amelagar said. “It’s been ages. I must say I didn’t expect you to survive this long, but you keep surprising me.” He removed his hand from Alexios’ chest and sat next to him on the bed. Alexios struggled to move, realizing his sire must have some kind of hold on him.

  “I like the look on your face. Hatred? Rage? Do you still want to kill me?” Amelagar smiled wider, but Alexios didn’t respond. He wasn't sure what this devil was going to do, and his paralysis placed him at a serious disadvantage.

  “Do you know you’re the only being I sired? I never planned on it, but then I saw you and. . .”

  “Then why did you abandon me and leave me for dead?” Alexios spat. He was trying to keep calm, but the reminder of his beginnings always infuriated him.

  His sire shrugged but offered no explanation. He tilted his head to the side as if listening, then rose from the bed. He stared down at Alexios, which made his blood run cold.

  “Seems we’re to be interrupted, but don't worry. Soon we can end this vendetta you have against me.” He dismissively flicked his slender wrist. “That is, if you really want to. Doesn’t it give you a sense of purpose? What would you do without it?”

  Alexios bared his fangs and hissed at him, trying to break the hold and wishing he could rip out Amelagar’s pale throat.

  His sire chuckled softly and stared intently at him. “I wonder if you have what it takes.” He brushed his hand gently against Alexios’ forehead and said, “Perhaps.”

  With that, he smiled and shimmered away.

  Chapter 14

  Davina stretched under the soft sheets and sighed. Lately, she had been besieged with dreams of blood, fire, and death that had left her shaken and afraid. Each dream was more intense than the one before it, and she missed her home, her best friend Lexi, her mother terribly. But this morning she woke from a peaceful slumber she hadn't experienced in . . . well, she couldn’t remember.

  She pressed the button that pulled the curtains back from the chamber’s window. She could never get enough of this view! What a marvelous sight to wake up to. She rose from the bed and looked out to the valley below. It was early, and the sky was lit in pale purples and dark blues, the two moons white and bright. She sighed again, her thoughts drifting to Alexios as they usually did when she woke. His smile, his eyes, and the way he laughed and touched her always consumed her thoughts. She smiled to herself, thinking how ridiculous she was for acting like a silly girl with her first crush.

  She was lost in her musings when she felt a fog-like pressure descending. It was dark and oppressive, reeking of malice and death. It extended into the room on ghostly tentacles grabbing at her, and she recoiled at the foreign intrusion. Something—someone—was here. Whispers of danger and death floated around her, warning . . . Alexios! Her eyes flashed, fangs and claws emerging. She shook her head to clear the heaviness and raced to Alexios’ chamber. She burst into the room and looked about with a low hiss
. Her eyes settled on Alexios lying in bed with a surprised and confused look on his face.

  “It’s gone!” Her eyes darted about. The dark pressure was gone. “What was that just now? Was someone here? Are you all right?” She entered the room cautiously.

  Alexios didn’t move, but his crimson eyes blazed. She stepped closer to the bed, wondering if he was incapacitated in some way. He didn’t say a word, but his eyes widened as she came closer, and he growled low at her approach. She tipped her head to the side and stopped. Waiting and watching.

  His throat bobbed like he was trying to speak. Finally, he croaked, “Davina, please . . . please cover yourself.”

  She looked down and realized she was naked. She hadn’t had the presence of mind to throw on a robe when she had raced from her room.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, blushing. It wasn’t that she was shy about her body, but she didn’t want to shock anyone. She spied his closet across the room, and with a deliciously wicked grin, she sashayed across the chamber to retrieve one of his robes, hips seductively swaying. She shouldn’t tease him so; he'd been trying so hard to suppress his desire for her.

  When she'd dressed, she turned to him, back to business. “So, what was that just now? I sensed an incredible, malicious power. Did you sense it, too?”

  Alexios closed his eyes and grimaced. He looked like he was struggling for control. He swung his legs over the bed, gathering the sheets over his waist. She was disappointed. She wouldn't mind gazing upon his naked form.

  “What do you mean you ‘sensed’ a power? What did you sense, exactly?” He stood and stalked toward her, his steps slow and deliberate.

  Her mouth watered as she stared at the expanse of his magnificent chest, which was lightly dusted with dark hairs. She shrugged. “It felt like malice. A very strong, very old aura.”


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