Angie's Destiny [Cattleman's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Angie's Destiny [Cattleman's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Jenny Penn

  Cattleman’s Club 7

  Angie’s Destiny

  Angela Montes has always been in love with identical twins Michael and Brett Mathews. Then they left to join the military, and although she tried to keep in touch with them, the brothers shut her out. When they finally return home for good, they find Angie’s all grown up, and she has a plan to make them see she’s the one for them.

  They know any kind of relationship with the stunning Angie has to be more than just a fling. Brett is willing to take the risk for something that could be truly special, but Mike still resists. He can only see history repeating itself and a disaster waiting to happen if he gives in to Angie’s demands. It doesn’t help when Angie starts to have her own doubts.

  Will the brothers succumb to Angie’s temptation, or will all three of them continue to fight their destiny?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 89,575 words


  Cattleman's Club 7

  Jenny Penn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Jenny Penn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-394-8

  First E-book Publication: May 2015

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  About the Author


  Cattleman's Club 7


  Copyright © 2015


  Sunday, June 1st

  Angelina Montes took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell before her. It chimed with a serious tune she recognized instantly as the famous “Carol of the Bells.” While Angie had nothing against Christmas carols, they seemed out of place given it was summer, but that was Patton. She was a lover of all things tacky and melodramatic, which included an obsession with Christmas. Not that Angie could cast a stone, though.

  She wasn’t known for being either calm or cautious, just the opposite. Angie knew people thought she was weird with all her premonitions, but the truth was she couldn’t help what she felt. Besides, she was very rarely wrong. A fact that only unnerved the people around her all the more. That included her family, which may explain why she wasn’t in love with the holidays.

  They reminded Angie of just how alone she was and just how much her parents had given up on her. She unnerved them with all her dreams and with her rather sharp insights. That was actually her intuition at work. It helped her see through the lies. Her parents tended to lie a lot.

  Now that they’d both remarried and grown busy with their new families, they used that as an excuse to avoid Angie. Some might think it was strange that a woman who had more than seven siblings could be without family on the holidays, but Angie was generally the one left out.

  She was also the passed-around one. In grim reminder of just how her teen years had been spent, her parents had actually fought over who had to put her up this past Christmas. Her mother didn’t have room at her house for Angie to stay with her. Her father had gone to his in-laws.

  Angie had gone to Hawaii and spent a ton on herself, having long ago found that retail therapy did actually help. At least a little. That, though, had been last Christmas. The next one held the promise of so much more because Brett and Mike Mathews were finally coming home.

  Home. Home to her.

  That thought put a smile on Angie’s face even as it fueled an ache deeper below. Who wouldn’t ache for Mike and Brett? They were tall, broad, and filled out with rock-hard muscles. That’s what they’d looked like at eighteen. From the pictures Hailey had shared with her, Angie knew they’d only grown thicker and more lick worthy over the years.

  Sometimes just the thought of them made Angie want to purr. Identical twins, they both had been blessed with thick, lush brown hair that was tinged with a hint of auburn highlights that matched the sharp cut of their features. It softened them, making them all but smolder as those dark eyes glinted with a promise of pure ecstatic delight.

  That’s what Angie’s future held, which explained the smile curling at her lips as the door flew open. Louder, and definitely more piercing than the doorbell, Patton’
s squeal of delight had Angie wincing, even as she found herself swept up in a damn near crushing hug.

  “Jesus, girl, have you been working out or something?” Angie stepped back the second Patton released her to finally get a good look at her childhood friend. “Holy crap! When did you start wearing stripper outfits? You know you’re about to fall out of that shirt, don’t you?”

  Far from being insulted by Angie’s blunt questions, Patton just laughed and responded in kind. “You’re just jealous because you forgot to grow boobs.”

  “Please,” Angie huffed as she grabbed her breasts and bounced them at Patton. “I bet these puppies outweigh yours.”

  “That’s right. You got puppies, and I got melons.”

  “Everybody likes puppies better than melons.”

  “Yeah, but guys don’t nibble on puppies,” Patton shot back triumphantly, and Angie had to give it to her. She had a point.

  Not that Patton was waiting for her agreement to take a victory lap. “Score one for the redhead while the brunette…” Patton drew out that last word as she paused to consider the matter with a smile that held more than a touch of mischief. “Gets an invitation inside. Come on. There is somebody I want you to meet.”

  “Oh God,” Angie groaned, refusing to take that first step as she narrowed her gaze on Patton. “Please, tell me it’s not a man.”

  “Nope.” Patton held up her hands in surrender. “I know better than anybody not to bother fighting that war.”

  That she did.

  Patton and Angie shared more than history and a sense of humor. They also shared a dedication to the men they loved. Patton was one of the few people who hadn’t made Angie feel like a freak for her devotion to a dream almost as old as her. Angie had been thirteen when she’d had her dream about Mike and Brett. Everybody had laughed at her, including Mike and Brett. But not Patton.

  She’d understood.

  Of course, Patton wasn’t exactly sane or normal. She’d made her own choice a long time ago that intimacy could best be explored with the men who owned her heart. The only difference between them was that Patton had finally managed to seduce her men, whereas Angie’s battle was just about to begin.

  After having been stationed overseas with the marines for the past decade, Brett and Mike had finally retired. Retired and returned home briefly before skipping back out of town to go fishing for damn near a month. Actually, Angie wasn’t upset about getting a little extra time to come up with a plan that ended in their seduction.

  That plan would have been easier to come up with if Angie knew the two men better, but it had been years since she’d seen them. While she’d written to them almost every single month they’d been gone, Angie’s dedication had not been returned. She’d received only the occasional letter back from Brett and barely a single word from Mike, never a nice word

  It would have been easy to be disheartened, but Angie was far from that. She was determined. That was another trait she shared with Patton.

  Throwing her arm over Angie’s shoulders, Patton all but dragged her into the house. It smelled of wood and leather but was bright and welcoming, just like always. It felt like a home, like the dream Angie had of building a happy family with Brett and Mike.

  “You have got to meet Casey,” Patton insisted, leading her toward the kitchen. “She’s my business partner, and you’re just going to love her…though, she’s having some men problems, so she is kind of acting a little mopey.”

  Patton imparted that bit of information out of the side of her mouth and in a low enough tone that the redhead slouched over the kitchen table didn’t hear her. Angie heard her, but she wasn’t paying any attention to her longtime friend. Her attention, instead, was riveted on the other woman and the realization that she recognized her.

  Worse, Casey recognized her.

  She could tell the other woman was about ready to say something but, thankfully, held back as Angie gave a quick shake of her head. Luckily, Patton didn’t notice, but then she was too busy shaking the empty wine bottle and complaining that it had been full only minutes ago. Angie didn’t doubt her because Casey looked as though she was full of something more than just surprise.

  Of course, Patton being Patton, she was more than eager to raid Chase’s office for the good stuff he, apparently, hid from her in there. No sooner had she disappeared than Angie plopped her ass down in the seat beside Casey and gave her a pointed look.

  “I didn’t know you knew Patton.”

  “I didn’t know you knew Patton,” Casey shot back with a definite slur to her words.

  “What were you doing at the club?” they asked simultaneously.

  The club being the Cattleman’s Club, an adult entertainment resort that helped keep Angie in business and Patton’s men rich.

  “What were you doing at the club?” Casey retorted at the very same time as her, though, Casey answered without hesitation while Angie ignored her question. “Checking the place out for Patton.”

  That made sense. Patton’s men owned and ran the club but refused to let her in. Nobody refused Patton anything without risking her taking up the challenge. While generally, Angie admired Patton’s gumption, this time it could spell real trouble. Not just for Chase, Slade, and Devin.

  Angie’s entire business was built on the club. She was technically a travel agent, but she specialized. That translated into her traveling the world and visiting other resorts where she identified rich, single females who might be interested in a more entertaining vacation. Patton could ruin it all.

  “And have you told her anything?”

  “Not yet.” Casey frowned and slumped even closer as she gave Angie what she suspected was supposed to be a sly look but really just highlighted the woman’s tipsy state. “Why? What don’t you want her to know?”

  “That I go there at all.” That wasn’t the whole truth, but it was as much as Angie needed to admit to.


  “I’m a travel agent,” Angie cut her off to explain as she offered Casey a pleading look. “Do you know how hard a profession that is with the Internet taking over? So to make a living, I specialize.”

  That was a polite way of saying she helped women indulge their deepest, darkest, most erotic fantasies. Of course, it didn’t hurt that the Cattlemen tended to be not only hot but also very good at making a woman beg for more, even as they took total command of their bodies.

  They just didn’t know how to touch a woman’s heart. At least not Angie’s.

  “And you think Patton wouldn’t understand that?” Casey asked, drawing Angie’s attention back to her scowl, but she didn’t get a chance to answer before Patton reappeared.

  “Look at this.” Patton waved a bottle under Angie’s nose.

  Angie looked, but the only word she recognized on the label was cabernet. “I’m sorry, honey, but I don’t know enough about wine to know what I’m looking at.”

  “Three hundred dollars,” Patton informed her, making Angie’s eyes widen as she glanced back down at the bottle.

  “For wine?”

  “Yep.” Patton nodded, plunking the bottle down on the table and heading around the kitchen’s island to retrieve the corkscrew left out on the counter. “Chase has got a little collection going. He keeps saying he’s going to lay down a…pipe? A pike? I don’t know.”

  Patton shrugged as she moved back toward the table. “It’s something like that, which is basically to say he’s going to buy a bunch of wine when we have our first kid…or is it port? Is there a difference between the two? Isn’t port a wine?”

  “Again, you’re asking the wrong person. I like liquor with a little fruit, not fruit with a little liquor.”

  That was the truth. Angie could outdrink almost anybody, but she rarely touched wine. That didn’t mean she didn’t know a few things about the types of people who drank wine. More importantly, she knew Chase Davis. He didn’t like people to touch his stuff.

  “But I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to o
pen a three-hundred dollar bottle for no reason. Isn’t Chase going to be a little ticked that you’re drinking his wine?”

  That question had Patton stilling for a moment before she popped the cork and chunked it, along with the corkscrew, onto the kitchen table. The message was clear, at least to anybody who knew Patton.

  “Oh, I see.” Angie smirked. “That’s the point.”

  “Do you know that butthead still won’t take me out to his club?” Patton shot back before nodding to Casey, who held up her glass for a refill. “I had to send her in undercover just to find out what the place looks like. That isn’t right.”

  And, in Patton’s book, two wrongs made everything right.

  “Of course, they found my mole,” Patton huffed as she snatched Casey’s tilting glass out of her hand and poured it nearly to the rim before handing it back.

  The half-drunk redhead promptly spilled a good chunk onto the wooden tabletop. Without blinking or missing a single beat in her tirade, Patton wiped up the spill and continued to pour two more glasses.

  “Then tortured her into confessing, and now he’s giving me that silent, brooding look, like I’ve betrayed him.” Patton snorted and rolled her eyes. “Of course, I’m not the one spending all day surrounded by naked women, which really wouldn’t bother me if he’d stop acting like he was up to something.

  “Not that I think he’s cheating on me, but then how many women out there say the same thing and then come home one day to find their men sticking it to the help, which is just why I got rid of that slut Charlotte and got us a real housekeeper, but that still doesn’t explain what the hell Chase is up to.”

  “But you’re going to find out,” Angie concluded, following her friend’s twisted tale to its clear conclusion. “And, in the meantime, annoy him by drinking all his wine, right?”


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