When Worlds Collide

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When Worlds Collide Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I listened to all she had to say, as she wasn’t quite done there. She had my whole life mapped out nice and proper, down to how many kids I was allowed to have, and even when they were to make an appearance. Unfucking-believable.

  I didn’t feel anything as I listened to her diatribe. I thought I would feel something, regret, dishonorable, something. But as with Helen, the more she spoke the less guilt I felt. And she just kept digging that well deeper.

  “Do you hear yourself? I think I may have given you the wrong idea all these years when I kept my mouth shut and let you have your way. But make no mistake mother those days are at an end. I will not be having an affair; I will not treat her like a dirty little secret. As to dad and his mistress, I will never marry anyone who was okay with such a disgusting proposition.” She opened her mouth to argue but I silenced her with a raised hand.

  “I’m not finished. I will marry Lucia because she is my choice. I came here to reason with you, but I can see now that that’s pointless. The things you’ve just said has proven to me once and for all that it would never work.”

  “What will never work?” For the first time in my life I think she was actually listening to me. Was it the calmness in my voice, or the fact that I was rebuffing her for the first time?

  “You and my wife living under the same roof.”

  I gave her a minute to let that sink in. I’d ignored her actions for a very long time. I’d watched her drive dad away with her coldness. Treat other people as if they were less than human. And use our money and position to bully anyone who didn’t go her way. Now I see that even her only son wasn’t exempt.

  Her only care was for wealth and prestige and showing a good face to her high society friends. Fuck that. I didn’t fight for other people’s right to be happy just so I could condemn myself to a life of misery to please her.

  “I don’t think I quite get your meaning.” Not only was there venom in her tone now, but her face had changed from the soft grandmotherly façade she usually wore, to something dark. Something I was sure many people had seen just before she annihilated them.

  “I’m waiting, what exactly are you trying to say son? That you will go against your mother, against the family for some stray? What exactly does she have to offer? Other than what’s between her thighs? What is it with the Sullivan men and your taste for classless trash?”

  Now that her true face had been exposed she was no longer even pretending civility. The mask was off and I could finally see the disdain and contempt. Had she always hated men? Dad had tried warning me once but I’d brushed him off.

  I’d always thought that their problems were theirs to deal with and I’d stayed out of it, never choosing sides. Maybe that was wrong, I never agreed with dad having extra marital affairs, but I never liked the way she treated him or me for that matter.

  Mom has always been distant, locked off somehow. I’d never seen her any other way so it was just never a thing. I’d seen her way of mothering as the norm, because I didn’t know any different.

  I’d been raised by nannies until I was old enough to take care of myself, that much is true, but so had many of my peers. I never saw much difference between my childhood and theirs.

  So when dad tried to tell me years ago that my mother was a cold unfeeling woman who loved nothing and no one, I thought it was just marital sour grapes. Now I see the truth in her face.

  “I mean mother, that the Sullivan name is mine to bestow on whomever I choose and I choose to give it to Lucia. I mean that since you have such contempt for my future wife, I can see that it wouldn’t do to have you both living under the same roof and since this is my home, passed down to the first son from generation to generation you’ll have to leave.” She opened her mouth to answer and I saw the calculating light in her eyes before she spoke.

  “Don’t even try to convince me that you’ll change, I know you won’t. I should’ve listened to dad.” I was mad at her, at the waste. She could’ve done so much more with what she had over the years. Instead she’d used all her resources to beat down everyone she found lacking. Anyone who didn’t live up to her ideals, which now that I think about it was fucking crap.

  “What has he got to do with it?”

  “He tried to warn me about you years ago before he died, but I didn’t listen.” More fool I.

  If it were only for myself I would’ve gone the rest of my life without having this conversation. It’s not like I didn’t know some of what she is, but I know that when it comes to keeping out what our society deems undesirables, she leads the pack.

  I should’ve taken her to task when she drove my best friend’s wife to her end, with her constant put downs and her encouragement of others in their horrid treatment of that poor girl. But I won’t be that lax now. Not when it comes to Lucia.

  “You can’t be serious. I’m sure this base behavior stems from your association with that… child. I will have no more of it. She and her family will be gone by tomorrow.”

  “No they won’t. In case you forget, you have no say in how I run my household. I thank you for overseeing things all these years, but now that I am to marry, my wife will see to such things in the future. I suggest you move into the apartment in town. It will be perfect for you. You’ll be closer to your friends and all the stores and restaurants you like are right there.”

  The apartment was a four bedroom penthouse suite and more than enough for her. She can rule the roost there and do as she please. Hopefully she can find some happiness for once in her life. I’m sure she could come up with an appropriate reason for the move. Something to save face amongst her friends. Right now I didn’t give a fuck.

  If I’d been too late this morning that young beautiful girl would’ve signed her life away because of her selfishness. What kind of monster would do such a thing to one so young? Is this what money and power does to people?

  I never understood dad’s will until this very moment. The fact that he left me everything with the stipulation that I could only pass that wealth on to my own wife and children, while leaving her nothing but a yearly stipend, now made perfect sense. If he’d left her even a fraction of his wealth she would’ve used it to keep her heel in other people’s necks, just as he’d predicted.

  The estate had been in the family for generations, but he’d accrued other properties throughout his lifetime, all of which he’d left to me. The penthouse was also mine, but I couldn’t see me putting my own mother out on the street no matter what she’s done.

  Her allowance was more than enough to keep her happy, though it wasn’t the same as her being here in this mansion that held so much history and made a powerful statement with the whole town. Where I take care of all her needs while she did who knows what with her money. But she has no one to blame for this turn of events but herself.

  Had she gone to Lucia herself with her threats I just might have been able to forgive her, not so much for the threats, but because I would’ve seen it as a mother doing what she thought was best for her son. But she’d chosen to send her lackey. I knew very well what that move on her part meant.

  I wasn’t even mad any longer, just disappointed that even now she couldn’t see how wrong she was. To think of putting a family out on the streets after making them pick up stakes and move all the way out here from everyone and everything they knew, just because I’d fallen in love with their daughter. Not to mention the fact that I knew the service Thomas Clifton had done for his country.

  Of course my mother wouldn’t think of such things. She thinks wars are fought by robots or some shit. She has no idea that it’s men like him, men she believes beneath her, are the ones on the front lines fighting, risking their lives, so that people like her could live in a free society.

  “I will not be cast aside so that you can bring that filthy little trollop into my home. Have you taken leave of your senses? The Sullivan name has survived without scandal these last forty years because of my doing….”

  “There’s no point ar
guing. We both know you have no rights other than that you’re my mother. You’re the one who brought this about. You have to have known how I would react to your having me spied on. That’s unforgivable. And to send that idiot to threaten Lucia was the last straw. You went too far; enough is enough.”

  I stood from the chair and left the room because the anger that I had thought contained was back in full force. If I stayed much longer I may say something I’d regret. But as much as I resent her actions, I do not mean to hurt her. After all she’s still my mother, misguided as she is.

  I had no hopes that she’d do as I asked so I sent the maids to take care of her things and also to let them know that they will be following her to her new home. I had no doubt that they were loyal to her for whatever reasons, and I’d be a damn fool to leave them here to do her dirty work where my wife is concerned.

  After giving them their orders I went into the family vault in the cellar to retrieve the ring that I hadn’t seen in years. The damn thing was about eight hundred years old and had belonged to one of my ancestors. I’d always liked this particular ring because of the design.

  It’s a monstrosity of a thing made with rubies and diamonds. The center is a five-carat oval fiery red ruby surrounded by diamonds that even after all these centuries still shine like the sun. I guess what they say is true, diamonds really are forever.

  There was a necklace and bracelet to match with teardrop earrings that I could already imagine dangling at her ears. They suited her, all that fire and ice. And I knew from past conversations that she’d get a kick out of all the history behind it.

  The ring was a little heavy and it may need to be fitted for her but I doubt it, since it was barely about a five. But she’s so tiny who knows. Yes, I want this on her finger. She’s the only woman I could imagine wearing it.

  I returned the other pieces to the vault and removed the ring before closing everything up again. My mother would love to gain access but thank heavens I’d never been stupid enough to give her the combination once I had it changed after dad died. If I had there’s no doubt Helen would be wearing this ring or another like it by now.


  I went to her not giving my mother a second thought. I was moving too fast for sure, but then again maybe I wasn’t moving fast enough. It had only taken me a damn year to come to my senses.

  Her dad was still out in the gardens and I saw that her mother had joined him. No doubt giving him the news. They both turned and looked at me as I approached their home and I waved and carried on. I’ll talk to him when I was done dealing with his daughter. She’d better not give me any shit after the day I’ve had.

  “Coming.” I heard her answer from inside after I rang the doorbell. When she opened the door she seemed surprised to see me there, but she regrouped fast enough to give me shit.

  “Whatever you’re selling we’re not buying.”

  “Pain in the ass, come out here.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. I had in mind to propose to her in her favorite place because I’d become a damn sap.

  “Hey, I’m not wearing any shoes.” Like I hadn’t seen the little hoyden running around barefoot more times than I can count. I picked her up and kissed her lips once before settling her against my chest.

  “Be quiet.” Her parents stared at us as we headed in the direction of the lake, but didn’t say anything. I’m sure her mother had filled her husband in already and since he wasn’t coming after me gun drawn, I figured we had his blessing.

  I carried her to her favorite spot and as if by providence the swans and peacocks were about. I stopped near the water’s edge with her still held safely in my arms and waited for her to stop looking at them to return her gaze to me.

  I stole a quick kiss and pulled away when she tried to deepen it. “I love you.” I didn’t feel like a complete ass saying the words to her. In fact they were quite freeing. I put her back on her feet while she stared at me with her mouth hanging open until she finally found her voice.

  “You… are you drunk Ethan, have you been drinking?”

  “Of course not. It’s not even three o’clock in the afternoon.” Her eyes widened and I saw fear cloud them before she started patting me down.

  “Oh, are you sick, are you dying, who’s dying? Is it mom, dad, is that why she was standing in the garden with dad instead of working?” She had tears in her eyes now and I pulled her into my arms to calm her down.

  “Shh, shh. I’ve never seen anyone jump to so many wrong conclusions in less than a minute. Let’s start over again from the beginning. I love you.” This time I took the ring from my pocket and placed it on hers. “There.”

  She looked up at me speechless. “Is this a joke?” Geez this girl.

  “No you little harridan. Is this how you react when a man tells you he loves you?” I was starting to get just a little bit peeved. She started bawling again and staring from the ring and back up at me.

  “I don’t understand, are you mad? Your mother will kill us both.” She wiped her nose with her hand. Cute!

  “Lucia.” I damn near yelled her name. The girl is fucking impossible. “I said I love you.”

  “I love you too, but what’s going on?” I think she’s in shock.

  I took her hand and helped her sit on the grass before sitting down beside her. I took the hand with my ring and led it to my lips. She was trembling so hard I had to pull her onto my lap. “Baby calm down.” She sniffled and wiped her nose in my shirt, making me laugh at the childish gesture.

  “Look at me. It’s real, I love you. I want to marry you. No scratch that, I’m going to marry you as soon as possible.” She threw her arms around my neck and toppled me over backwards. Her lips were all over my face and she was babbling something or other at me but the words were too jumbled to make sense of them.

  “Silly girl, let me see that pretty face.” I wiped her tears away and kissed her now red nose before taking her head in my hands to hold her still. “Are you happy?” She nodded and those infernal tears started again.

  “Are you trying to wash me away? Your nose is running.” She elbowed me in the gut and turned around to straddle me. “If this is one of your infantile jokes, I promise I will climb through your window tonight and cut your balls off.”

  “Such language for a tiny little thing.” I picked her hand up and we both looked at her ring, which fit like it had been made for her. I didn’t know I was supposed to feel something just from seeing it there, knowing what it represented.

  Okay, I kinda knew I would feel… something. But I didn’t expect it be this strong, to go this deep. Like there was a connection, something that now bound us together in more ways than one.

  She was obviously fascinated with the ring. The way she turned her hand this way and that as if she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. “It’s beautiful Ethan, and so unusual.” She held it up and let the sun bounce off of it before placing her hand on my chest.

  “The ring is eight hundred years old. Its first owner, one of my great-greats, was a fierce Irish beauty who won the heart of an English nobleman, an earl to be exact. It is said that she insisted that the second son of each generation should carry her last name.”

  “One of her offspring brought the name here when he moved to America four hundred years later and that is where my name comes from. Soon it will be your name. Would you like to learn the history of your new family Lucia?”

  “Oh yes can I?” I knew she would because I’ve caught her studying the portraits of my ancestors that grace the walls of the great hall more than once. Yes, my home has a great hall where balls and soirees were once held.

  I could see her in the midst of such a gathering. Her beauty has always put me in mind of those great women in my ancestry. Women who had to fight the vagaries of their day to be heard. “There are dozens of books in the cellar for you to pore over at your leisure. But before that you have a wedding to plan.”

  “Why can’t I do both?”

e I know you. You’ll get your nose stuck in one of those damn books and forget the wedding.” She may not like to study, but she has a ferocious appetite for history and historical artifacts. She would’ve made an excellent archeologist if she had a longer attention span than a gnat.

  “And she wore this ring? What was her name?”

  “Bridget O’Sullivan.” She sighed and stared at her ring and I got the feeling she was more interested in the history of the thing than it’s monetary value. Which is why I wanted it for her. I knew she would value it as much as I do.

  “Her picture is the one you stare at each time you sneak into the hall.” She looked at me sheepishly through her long ink black lashes. “You didn’t know I knew about that did you? Well, now little princess, you no longer have to sneak. The hall, as does the master, now belongs to you. Don’t start that crying shit again my ears can’t stand it.”

  I got a giggle and an eye roll before she wiped her nose with the back of her hand again. “What about your mother, and… Helen?”

  “All taken care of. Mother will be moving into town and she’ll be gone by tomorrow so Helen is no longer of any concern to us.”

  She didn’t look quite convinced and I understood why. She knows well my mother’s penchant for getting her way and I have to admit I haven’t done a very good job of showing her that I have balls.

  She’ll learn soon enough that though I’d been willing to put up with much on my own accord, no one would be allowed to harm her in anyway. I held her closer and kissed her hair. “We’ll be fine princess, I promise. I don’t want you to give them another thought.”

  She didn’t answer so I wasn’t sure if she believed me or not. I couldn’t blame her, I’d made a fucking mess of things. I hadn’t shown her the man I really am, too afraid that it would be too much. It’s a wonder she even fell in love with me. Weak fuck!

  “I have to go tell mom and dad. Oh, what about my parents? I can’t live here and have them work for us.” Is there any wonder I love her so much? She’s always thinking of others, not a selfish bone in her body.


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