Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher

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Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher Page 9

by H. C. Brown

  So, you enjoy my touch. The man’s tight balls drew her to him. Without considering the outcome, she hesitantly ran the pad of her finger over the tight skin. Her gentle touch brought an instant reaction—the Fae’s cock bounced and a drop of moisture appeared on the tip. She gave in to the savage desire to taste him and, closing her palm around his hard shaft, licked the dewy slit. The taste of him exploded across her tongue. She groaned. Her pussy clenched, and wept with intense longing. Without a second thought, she opened her lips and took him in. Lumos’ velvet rod slid a hot path across her tongue and she suckled, wanting more of his delicious flavour. Without warning, Lumos cupped her thigh with his hot hand. She looked up at him. To her surprise, the Fae’s eyes glowed in the dark.

  “Kneel over me, little one, and let me pleasure you, too.” Lumos lifted her, and draped her over his face. “Yes, my sweet, like that. Gods, you are so beautiful.”

  Thalia’s heart pounded. Goddess, to be positioned this way, with her knees spread wide apart, and her pussy splayed wide to Lumos’ gaze, sent waves of pleasure sizzling up her spine. Lumos rocked his hips, pushing more of his delectable shaft deep into her mouth. She sighed, wanting so much more. The Fae’s hot fingers parted her folds and he hummed against her sensitive nub. An explosion of erotic awareness shot straight to her womb—her thighs trembled. Gods, the Fae played his warm fingers over her as if she were a precious instrument. At the first glide of his rough tongue across her clit, surge after surge of delicious torment buckled her knees. She trembled and suckled hard. Nothing could be as incredible as this sensation. Lumos swirled a sizzling path around her sensitive bud and slid one long finger deep into her core. She gasped, waiting for the agony to come, but Lumos offered no pain with the intrusion, only mind-destroying bliss. Thalia moaned around the Fae’s rock-hard shaft.

  Gods, she would die from such pleasure. Running her teeth up the length of the man's shaft and tormenting the engorged helmet with her tongue brought moans of appreciation from Lumos. Thalia lost herself, falling then rising again in erotic euphoria. His huge cock shimmied in her mouth. The Fae closed his wonderful mouth around her and sucked. Shivery sensations curled deep in her belly. Lightning shot down her thighs. The next instant, her mouth filled with Lumos’ unique flavour, and she sucked harder, wanting more, needing more until every bone in her body melted. She fell into sublime bliss, collapsing in a shudder of fulfilment.

  Unable to move, Thalia lay across the solid strength of him. The heat from his sun-kissed flesh radiated through her. The sweet man lifted her gently, turned her and drew her against him. She buried her face in his neck. Gods, what have I done?

  “How I wish I could bury myself deep inside you, sweet butterfly, to kiss your lips. If only I could find someone to remove this silver.” Lumos cupped Thalia’s breast. “I want you to see me as I truly am for being together like this before you meet my dragon… Gods, I fear you will reject me, little one.” His mouth compressed into a thin line.

  Thalia pressed a kiss to his neck. “I think, at first, the Nightdragon will frighten me, I’ll not lie to you, but the thought of meeting him, gods, to actually see a dragon will be overwhelming.” She touched his face. “I ask for your patience a little longer. Give me time to adjust to the greatness of him.”

  Thalia met his gaze. The Fae’s amazing eyes had become deep enough to drown in. How easy it would be to fall into his blatant desire and press her lips to his soft mouth. He mesmerised her.

  Intrigued her.

  Satisfied her.

  Did she truly know her heart, or had she just experienced her first taste of pure, hot sin? Forcing her mind back into their conversation, she cleared her throat.

  “Once the silver is removed from your wrists, how long will it take for the dragon to appear?”

  “He burns to be free, so as soon as the silver is removed, he will be able to appear. Although I have control of him, he can only appear with my consent or if I’m in mortal danger.” Lumos sighed. “The Nightdragon is hungry and wants revenge on those that hurt you. I must persuade him to save Drakka from the Magus first.” He squeezed her. “This will not be easy, as he’ll insist your needs must come before anything else but without my protection of Drakka, many lives will be lost.”

  “Do you speak to him the same way as you do with Brew?”

  “Aye, I do understand the cat’s language, although, of late, Brew prefers to mindspeak with me.” Lumos rested his chin on Thalia’s head. “Later, if you choose to join with me, my seed will enhance your body, extend your lifespan, and you will hear the dragon, too.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “To be honest, tasting my seed tonight will make you stronger. A Dragonfae’s seed enhances a Nomag’s body and will do the same to yours as well. “

  “And then will I be able to mindspeak with Brew?”

  “I should think so, but let’s not discuss this now. The sun rises—we need to bathe and eat before we leave.” Lumos kissed her hair. “Can you heat the water in the tub?”

  Thalia shivered. The fire had died long ago. Forming a fireball, she threw it at the black logs. The wood ignited with a whoosh. Teeth chattering, she slipped from the bed and crossed the room. Shetossed a few logs on the fire, then turned to cast a spell to heat the water in the bath.

  “Oh my, it’s freezing in this room.” She stepped into the tub, sank into the steaming water and turned to see Lumos grinning like a monkey. “What do you find so funny, Dragonfae?”

  “Well… I can’t decide.” Lumos rested his head on his hand. “The delicious blue hue to your skin or the mouth-watering way your breasts bounce.”

  Thalia growled and threw a wet rag at Lumos’ head. The infuriating man struck out with the speed of a snake and caught the dripping mass. She bathed quickly and stepped from the water “How long will it take us to find the Hag?”

  “A few days. The mountain range is in this realm.” Lumos left the bed and made his way towards Thalia to take his turn in the bath “My dragon will guide me. The Hag’s cave is high above an alpine village. Unfortunately, after she drinks my blood, one of the inhabitants of the village will become her next meal.”

  “Will she kill them?”

  “Not likely. The Hag will seek a lover and keep him as a pet until the youth from my blood wears off in a year or two.” Lumos shuddered. “I would not like to be her blood slave.”

  Thalia laughed. “Don’t worry, mighty dragon, you have Thalia, the broken witch of Broclarre, to protect you.”

  “Then, little witch, I’m in safe hands.” Lumos threw the wet rag and it caught Thalia on the side of the head. He chuckled. “Or perhaps not.”

  * * * *

  After breakfast, Thalia picked up her bags and made her way downstairs to the stable. She wrapped her cloak tightly around her, glad of the gloves Lumos had insisted on buying the previous day. A light coating of snow dusted the rooftops and lay in a grey trampled sludge on the road. The heat from the packed building met the early morning chill in swirls of white mist. Inside, the smell of fresh hay, horse and leather greeted her. She found the horses packed and ready to leave, and Lumos standing beside the warhorse, rubbing the massive beast’s neck.

  “Is he going to behave himself?”

  “Aye, it took me a while to convince him that I hadn’t brought him along for food for the Nightdragon. All animals recognise the dragon inside me.” Lumos grinned. “He likes you—it’s only me he fears.”

  With a smile, Thalia handed Lumos her bags. “Do you have a name for him?”

  “He said his name is Argos.” Lumos attached the bags to Albert’s saddle. “The gelding is Drummer and the chestnut is called Conker.”

  “Have you seen Brew?”

  “Aye, I have. It seems he found the cook to his liking and spent the night in the kitchen.” Lumos raised an eyebrow. “He is filling his belly with meat scraps as we speak.” He pulled his hat down tighter over his ears. “Wait here, I’ll fetch him.”

  Thalia rubbed Argos’ silky black n
ose. “You don’t have to worry about Lumos, he will never hurt you.”

  Footsteps echoed on the cobblestones in the laneway. The door to the stable opened to admit four men. They paused in the doorway and whispered urgently to each other. Thalia froze, gripping the bridle of the warhorse until her knuckles ached. She had the ability to conjure dark fire now, but to throw such a weapon in a stable would mean a fiery death for the horses within. Her heart thundered. She wanted to cry out for Lumos but if these men were no threat, she would appear foolish.

  One of the men turned his attention to her, undressing her with his eyes. He licked his thin lips and blatantly stared at her breeches. Damn, she should have tied her hair back or at least pulled up the hood of her cloak. In truth, she had forgotten she must try to resemble a boy. This morning she had wanted, for once in her life, to be proud to be a woman. To lie in a man’s arms and enjoy a lover’s embrace had been a wonderful revelation.

  “Well, look what we ‘ave ‘ere.” The man moved closer. “It’s been a long time since I seen such a beautiful pair o’ legs.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Just look how the buckskin moulds to her cunt.” He licked his lips.

  A tall man with dirty, blond hair stepped closer and unbuttoned his flies. “You hold ‘er down for me, boys, there’s plenty to go ‘round.”

  With a gasp, Thalia stepped back between Albert and Argos. The warhorse snorted and stamped his feet. The great beast turned, pressing Thalia against Albert’s warm body.

  “Someone grab that bloody ‘orse.” The blond man leered at Thalia. “Don’t think that nag will protect yer.”

  “But I will.” Lumos moved into the stable.

  The early morning sun glistened on the sword in Lumos’ hand. The mist swirled round his legs. The men turned as one to stare upon the manifestation of a ghostly being straight from hell. Lumos stepped inside the stable, his huge bulk filling the entrance. His cloak swished around him, giving the Fae the appearance of a huge bat. Thalia’s heart twisted, the anger in those deep green eyes dissipated the second their eyes met. She gave Lumos a slight nod and watched his expression return to stone. Steam flowed from his nostrils. His long, black hair crackled around him, throwing blue sparks into the gloom. Without warning, Lumos crashed his massive fist into the side of the blond man’s head, felling him like a sapling. He spun the sword, muscles bulging, and moved towards the other men. They moved backwards towards Thalia. She pulled out the gold dagger and raised her arm, ready to fight. The next second, Argos rose majestically on his back legs and struck out at them men with his hooves. Screams of fear and pain filled the stables. Horses panicked, whinnied to each other and crashed against the stall doors, fighting to be free.

  With one graceful movement, Lumos touched the remaining man’s neck with the point of the sword. He glared down menacingly at the trembling man. His lip curled.

  “You had a lot to say to my woman—you have the mouth of a sewer rat. Apologise to the lady.”

  “I’m sorry, milady.”

  “Do you want me to castrate them all?” Lumos met Thalia’s gaze and raised an eye brow. “Or will a fine do, milady?” He glared at the man. “Do you have money to pay a fine?” He glanced up at Thalia. “Although I would much prefer to castrate them and save any poor, innocent females from these men in the future… Hand me your dagger, milady.”

  Heavy purses dropped in the sawdust-strewn floor at Thalia’s feet. She gathered them up and forced her face into a neutral expression.

  “I will accept a fine…this time.”

  “Get out of here.” Lumos waved his sword, slapping the blond man’s backside on the way through the open stable door.

  Thalia dropped the heavy purses to the floor and slumped against Argos. The stable moved out of focus. She retched and turned away to vomit. Within the space of a second, Lumos had gathered her into his arms. The Fae wiped her mouth with tenderness. He whispered silly things close to her ear and sang a song much like a lullaby. She lifted her chin.

  “Thank you. Those men were going to…”

  “I know their intentions towards you. Gods, Thalia, I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Lumos turned and glared at Brew. “This wouldn’t have happened if you had been ready to leave, cat.”

  “I’m sorry. Tell her, Lumos… Tell her I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry isn’t good enough, cat, it’s your duty to protect her. You are her familiar.” Lumos cradled Thalia in his arms. He brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Take deep breaths, my sweet butterfly. Try to push this fear away. You are safe now and we must leave this place. Can you ride?”

  Thalia nodded and pushed away from the safety of Lumos’ warmth. “Argos protected me. I think he knows he belongs to us now.”

  “He belongs to you, sweet butterfly. You can command him to give his life for you and he’ll be happy to oblige.”

  “I could never ask such a thing.” Thalia ran a hand down the stallion’s sleek, black coat. “Thank you, Argos.” She turned to gaze at Brew. “Come on now, into your basket. We have to meet a Hag.”

  Chapter Nine

  The watery sun had crossed the mountain range, plunging the deep ravines into indigo twilight. On the snow-covered slopes, fir trees stood out like sentries with white flowing cloaks. Far below, a green valley gave way to rolling hills, untouched by the snow, and around small clusters of houses, chequered fields of corn and oats were dressed in the colours of autumn.

  The cruel mountain wind bit into Lumos’ face and froze his fingers on the lead rope. He pulled Thalia closer against him and she nestled into his heat. Without missing a step, the horses pressed on through the deep drifts following Argos’ fearless leadership. Lumos wrapped his cloak tighter around her. He had underestimated the witch’s stamina. A wave of pride went through him at the recollection of her standing in the stable, dagger in hand. She had not used her magyck but her eyes had darkened to almost black—fire had flamed within those orbs—like a Dragonfae’s mate—his mate.

  How would she react on seeing her image now? By swallowing his seed, she had already begun a subtle change. The scar on her cheek had vanished, her skin had a golden glow and those small streaks of flame in her eyes had increased tenfold. He smiled and kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent. The witch had given him a glimpse of her true self last eve. Her sweet mouth had delighted him. Her taste had consumed him, like the finest ambrosia. His heart soared, for inside this frightened girl burned the needs and desires of a beautiful woman.

  The track broke free of the canyon and wound up to a plateau overlooking a deep, snow-filled valley on the other side of the range. Here, amongst a forest of pine trees, sat a small village.

  “We must bypass the village. There are caves higher up the next range. We can stop there for the night. The Hag’s cave is about one hour’s ride from there. We need only take Argos. We will return for the others. If the Hag can’t help us, I have no idea where to go from here.”

  “Don’t you know your way home?” Thalia turned to look at him. “I would have thought that would be the first place to go if you needed help.”

  “If I tried to return to Drakka bound in silver with you at my side, we will most likely be killed before we reach the city.” Lumos drew a deep breath. “The Magus would pay highly for my death and those who are now slaves to his potion would be desperate enough to do the job for him.” He turned Argos up a winding path that bypassed the village. “Without my dragon, I’m defenceless in Drakka. We have a different society than most Fae. We are warriors, not wood nymphs, and only the strong survive.” He blew out a long puff of steam. “I’m the next to take the throne as my father has served one hundred years. To rule, the king must be the strongest dragon, so the heir apparent must fight all challengers.”

  “You mentioned you would have to fight to the death.” Thalia gripped Lumos’ arm. “I fear for you.”

  Lumos chuckled. “Have no fear, little butterfly, for the Nightdragon is strong. No other has beaten him before. Al
though we don’t usually fight to the death, submission is acceptable. This was the Magus’ stipulation and one I welcomed. The Dragonfae I’m fighting is a traitor to our kind.”

  * * * *

  Lumos guided the horses into the maw of a massive cave. Icicles hung from the entrance in rows like sharks’ teeth. Inside, the cave was warm and dry, sheltered from the freezing wind. He untied Albert’s lead rein from his saddle and rode deeper into the cave. His dragon sight speared though the darkness. At the back of the cave, he could see light filtering through a fissure in the roof.

  “We’ll camp here—there is a vent above that will act as a chimney for our fire.”

  “How can you see that?”

  “I’ve dragon sight.” Lumos turned the horse around. “I’ll unload the horses. I’m not sure how long we’ll be here.”

  “When do we meet the Hag?”

  Lumos dismounted and lifted Thalia down. He pressed a kiss to both of her rosy cheeks. The desire he had for his witch held no boundaries. The uncontrollable surges of lust running through him unnerved him. Nothing came close to the rampant desire he had for his little butterfly. In truth, since he had tasted Thalia’s delights, he cared less about the silver bands, Drakka, or anything other than the female he held in his arms. His cock strained to be free. He ached to bury his heavy shaft deep inside her hot, wet folds. And she would not stop me. I know deep inside that she wants me as much as I do her. He must control the situation before it consumed him completely. He dragged himself out of her embrace.

  “We’ll start off at first light to find the Hag.”

  * * * *

  Thalia sat cross-legged in front of the fire. She had heated the meat pies Lumos had purchased from the tavern and with each bite, she moaned with pleasure. In truth, she could not remember being so hungry or food tasting so delicious. She reached for the wineskin and sipped the rich aromatic brew.


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