Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher

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Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher Page 15

by H. C. Brown

  “But if Kird is bewitched, he can’t be called a traitor. He’d have no idea what he is doing. To kill one so afflicted would be a sin—can you live with that, Lumos?” Pyro grimaced. “Your mate may yet be able to brew an antidote for the potion.”

  “Then I’ll ask him to yield but I’ll not appear weak in front of my king, my brothers or my warriors. I’ll expect him and all that now follow the Magus to kneel before me and give me their fealty.”

  Thalia turned around in the saddle. “You’ve never mentioned you have brothers.”

  “Oh, again, I am lax in my openness with you, little one. I beg your forgiveness. I have three, Axim, Tor and Koa. Axim is the Stardragon and volunteered to rule Draconia.”


  “Aye, he is my opposite. Where I’m dark, he is light and will try his charm to lure you from me.” Lumos squeezed Thalia playfully. “He is a favourite of the females and he knows it, too. But then a white dragon is quite rare…or so Axim tells everyone in earshot.” He grimaced. “My father, the king, rules Drakka until the challenge. It’s my father’s wish that we follow the gods’ plan to create more Dragonfae realms. Axim is the first to leave Drakka, but my brothers will follow.” He cleared his throat. “None of us had found a mate within our realm. I believe this is the gods’ way to bring in more outside blood. Three in Axim’s army found their mates in Draconia within a year of arriving.”

  You have never mentioned you were a prince before, either. By the stars, Lumos is a Dragonfae prince.

  “I think there is much for me to learn about you, Lumos.”

  “You know my heart, little one, and that I’ll protect you… For now, that is all you need to know.” Lumos pressed a kiss to Thalia’s cheek. “When I rule Drakka, I’ll explain everything about my sad and sorry life in detail. When we are home, my family will be more than just names. They will find you delightful, little butterfly…as I do.”

  Thalia found Lumos’ confidence in his own ability unnerving. He obviously believed he would arrive in time to meet Kird’s challenge and be victorious. Heavens, they had yet to arrive safely at Drakka within the time limit. Both Dragonfae appeared unconcerned, as if they were going on a picnic or some such. Gods, her heart pounded at the thought of fighting the Shadow Walkers let alone an evil Magus who had already befuddled her brain.

  “I don’t understand. We are in constant danger and yet you both remain so relaxed.”

  “We are seasoned warriors.” Pyro moved Albert closer to Argos. “Worry is a waste of energy. We have our dragons and their senses tell us if there is danger ahead.” He smiled. “We will be attacked, that is a given, and you’ll be safe as long as you listen to instructions. Do not hesitate if Lumos gives you an order. You must trust us to protect you.”

  “There between the trees…the Gate.” Lumos pointed towards a gigantic sheet of water hovering upright between two oak trees. “Can you see it, Thalia?”

  Thalia stared in awe at the glistening mass hanging between the trees. “Aye, I see it. Goddess, I suppose this proves I’m not a Nomag, after all.”

  “Oh, sweet witch, you were never a Nomag.” Lumos chuckled.

  The Gate reminded Thalia of a scrying bowl, with images shimmering on the surface. She stared at a scene of mountains frosted by winter snow. A few seconds later, the image changed to a lush green meadow. Another scene emerged with an Elfin village flanked with tall, blue trees set against a pink sky.

  “The Gate is amazing! How does it work? How do we know when to pass through?”

  “We simply wait for the image of the destination we require to appear, or cast an image the same as a circle of light. In this case, because I’ve never travelled through Tusuns, we must wait for the image of that realm to appear. The Gate displays prominent features of each of the realms it serves. For example, we will see the twin suns and the barren sandy landscape.” Lumos smiled. “Once the desired image appears, I’ll touch the surface and the destination will remain static until we cross through the Gate.”

  They rode closer to the Gate and waited. After some time, an image of a wasteland with two burning red suns flashed onto the Gate. The orange sandscape blended into a horizon of mountainous red rocks. Heat shimmered from a dusty track leading away from the Gate.

  “I guess this is Tusuns.” Lumos lifted his hand and the image froze in the Gate. “We must prepare to fly. The ground is far too unstable for the horses. Gods only know what is waiting for us in that realm.”

  Thalia’s heart pounded. She could not leave Brew behind. “What about the horses and Brew?”

  “Have no fear.” Pyro patted Brew’s basket. “We will miniaturise everything and the spell lasts a better part of an hour. The animals will be perfectly safe. You may carry the cat’s basket inside your pocket if you wish.” He grinned. “I must say Brew has told me so many stories about you, I feel I have known you for years.”

  Bile rose up Thalia’s throat. Goddess, he knew of her shame. “Oh, how nice.” She bent her head, unable to look upon the Dragonfae. A strange soft voice filled her head, deep and melodic.

  “He knows nothing. Give him no cause to wonder.”

  Thalia fought for control, she drew in a deep breath. “Go away.” She tried desperately to reinforce the barriers around her mind.

  “Everything will be all right, little one.” Lumos dismounted and lifted Thalia from Argos. His gaze travelled over her, examining her. “Travelling through the Gate is harmless, you need not be afraid.”

  “I’m fine.” Thalia leaned into Lumos’ heat and buried her face in his chest. This could not be happening. “Who are you? What magyck is this? How did you break my barrier?”

  “I am the Nightdragon. Last eve, you accepted me as your mate and now, we are together, Thalia, bound by love. No barrier keeps me from you.”

  A shiver ran down Thalia’s spine. “But Lumos hasn’t mated me yet. How can this be so? Tell me, does Lumos know?”

  “No, not yet. It was I who first heard your song, and I will protect and guide you. You need not be afraid. You may speak to me in confidence. I have the knowledge of the ancients.”

  Thalia lifted her head. “I will have no secrets from Lumos.”

  “Then you have passed the first test.”

  Thalia shuddered. She caught Lumos’ worried expression and grimaced. “Goddess help me, the Nightdragon… He’s in my head.”

  “You must be mistaken, it is impossible before the mating. Use your barriers, I’ll help you.” Lumos cupped Thalia’s face and stared into her eyes. “No…wait… Yes, it is my dragon.”

  Thalia shook her head. “I don’t want him in my head. Tell him to go away.”

  Lumos poured his soothing glamour over Thalia, watching her pupils dilate and the flames rise in the amber depths. Fighting the desire to kiss her, to bond them together and share her thoughts, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. How would she react to the knowledge that both he and the dragon would have the ability of mindspeaking with her after the mating? Pyro’s words of wisdom flooded his thoughts. I have no choice. She has the right to know such things.

  “When we are bonded as mates, I’ll be able to mindspeak with you, too. It’s not as if I’ll be able to hear your every thought, little one—more like our usual conversation. I can’t alter your thoughts like the Magus.” He rested his forehead on her head. “You’ll hear me ask you a question, like you heard the dragon speak. I can only hear what you tell me. The dragon is the same. If you tell him to go away, he’ll never bother you unless you call to him, and I’ll be the same, I promise.”

  “Oh, Lumos, you have kept so many details from me about the Dragonfae.” Thalia pushed hair from her face. “Goddess, what am I to discover next? Will I grow horns?”

  “Thalia.” Pyro dismounted and stood, hands on hips. “Lumos explained last night that you lived alone for some time—don’t you believe he acted in your best interests by withholding some information about the Dragonfae?” He sighed. “We’re a very formi
dable race and you’re innocent of our world—of all the magyck races. Lumos wanted to protect you, he’s not deceived you.”

  “I’m stronger than you believe! I survived alone when most females would have given up and crossed the veil. I wanted to live.” Thalia pushed away from Lumos. “You have no need to shield me from the truth any longer.” She shot a glance of disgust at both of the Dragonfae males. “Either of you.” She stomped over to Albert and retrieved Brew’s basket. She opened the lid and stroked the black cat’s head. “Come, Brew, stretch your legs. We are leaving soon.”

  Thalia dropped Brew onto the ground. The cat bounded into the bushes, tail held high. Being so close to Lumos on the horse, inhaling his scent, and feeling his shaft pressing in her back had driven her crazy with lust. Her folds throbbed. Damn! She hated needing him so much. Her attention went to Lumos. A faint stream of white smoke poured from his nostrils. He stood head bowed, his hands balled into fists at his waist. He was angry with her again, yet in perfect control. She marvelled at the shimmer of magyck emanating from his strong, muscular body. Power crackled from his hair in small, blue sparks. She bit her bottom lip. In truth, she would never be compliant like the Dragonfae females.

  Do you expect me to follow you without question? As if Lumos had read her thoughts, he lifted his seductive, green eyes and glared at her. A small smile curled on his full lips. How could any female resist a male who looked at her in that way? Gods, the infuriating man knew how she ached to taste those generous lips, and could not wait for the day she could slip her tongue inside his mouth to gorge on his flavour. Goddess, the mouth-watering man made her toes curl. She let her gaze travel from his handsome face across sun-kissed flesh to stop at the prominent bulge in his pants. Heavens, the man was in a constant state of arousal and she loved it. She licked her lips. Hell, right now she wanted to lick him all over and devour his delicious cock in a slow seduction.

  “I’ll…ah…I’ll miniaturise the horses and give you two a while to do…whatever.” Pyro grabbed the horses and wandered some distance away.

  “Come here.” Lumos beckoned Thalia with one finger. “We need to talk.” He backed into the dense undergrowth.

  Thalia followed Lumos into a small clearing. The sexy Fae, leaned his huge body against a tree, slowly undid his belt and dropped his sword to the ground. He waited for her with a silly grin on his face. She moved closer, the sexual pull of the man and the scent of male arousal sent flames licking around her clit. Her channel creamed, the puffy wet folds rubbing unmercifully against her pants with every step. She paused and raised an eyebrow.

  “I’ll not apologise to you, nor will I follow you blindly without question. I’m not like a Faerie, Lumos, to bend to your every whim. I was raised to ask questions and consider my position.”

  “I like a fiery female. I knew you would be stubborn. I’ve found most with flame hair are much the same.” Lumos rubbed his erection through his pants. “Yes, sweet butterfly, you are very different from a Dragonfae female and I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  Thalia’s face grew hot. Goddess, the man made her so needy. She had to force herself to stop drooling. She lifted her chin. “Is that all?”

  “You need me again, don’t you, sweetness?” He growled deep in his chest. “I can smell your arousal—you must be so fucking wet. Come here… I want your soft lips around my shaft.”

  As if in a dream, Thalia moved towards Lumos. Mesmerised, her gaze followed the stroke of Lumos’ large hand over his erection. Her fingers tingled with the desire to touch his silken flesh. With a moan, she pushed her hands under his tunic to caress his flat belly and bent her head to swirl her tongue in his navel. Gods, his hot peach-fuzz skin sizzled against her mouth.

  “You taste like the forest. Gods, Lumos, I’m addicted to the taste of you.”

  “Then have me, sweetness, for I ache for your hot, wet mouth on me.”

  Thalia dropped slowly to her knees in front of Lumos and took in the hard muscular beauty of the man. She ran her hands down his clenched thighs, gave a mew of delight, and licked a slow path up the inside leg of his pants. He twisted his large hands in her hair, tearing at her scalp in delicious torment. The dragon skin encasing his hard muscle slid against her lips like the finest leather. The Fae’s muscles rippled with every swipe of her tongue. She moved higher and used her mouth along the straining length of him. His massive rod reared under her touch. She nibbled, teased, and slid against the ridged erection. With a feral growl, Lumos dragged her mouth away and released his bobbing cock.

  His heavy scent filled her nostrils. She stared at the magnificent shaft with the tightly drawn-up, naked sac. With every movement, her oversensitive nipples scraped across the inside of her shirt in a delicious ache. She pressed one hand to her folds in an effort to increase the exquisite pressure building deep in her core. With a long moan, she leant forwards, and kissed the sticky head of Lumos’ cock.

  “Suck me, yes, I beg you. Drain me dry. Devour all of me. Gods, butterfly, I’m dying here.” Lumos caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “My seed will calm you for our journey. Take me deep into your honey-sweet mouth.”

  Thalia lapped the weeping slit—Lumos’ taste spilled over her taste buds. She lifted his heavy erection and bent to torment the man’s tight balls with the tip of her tongue. Like a cat, she licked each golden sac, thoroughly revelling in Lumos’ musky taste. Taking her time, she moved up the length of his thick cock and guided the bulbous head into her mouth. With slow deliberation, she devoured him. Each moan from Lumos sent shivers of ecstasy curling in her folds. Goddess, the Fae’s delight throbbed through her as if she shared his erotic bliss. Thalia suckled then bobbed her head, letting his hardness glide across her tongue in a velvet caress. Gods, he tasted so good.

  “Oh, sweetness…that’s right. Now use some teeth. Fuck, you are so damn good at this… Oh yeah… Make me come.”

  Closing her teeth around the swollen root she dragged the sharp edges up to the sensitive rim below the helmet. She, gripped with just the right pressure, and swirled her tongue around the opening. Under her palms, Lumos shuddered, his muscles bunched. Experiencing the Fae’s waves of erotic euphoria, her womb clenched. The air filled with the smell of her arousal, she shuddered with desire. She pressed hard against her clit and suckled the swollen tip of Lumos’ delectable hardness.

  “Let me fuck your mouth. Come now, relax your jaw, little one. Oh yeah…so hot… Your mouth is pure magyck.”

  Thalia gripped his hips and gazed into his eyes. Goddess, the Fae’s pupils had dilated and only a fine line of green remained. He cupped her cheeks with his warm hands and slid deeper into her. The taste of him, the dominant slide of his hot silk across her taste buds drove her to madness. She wanted, needed, to taste his hot seed. She sucked hard, sinking her fingers into Lumos’ thrusting hips. His rock-hard shaft rippled and he gasped. Then his delicious taste—the sweet nectar overflowed from him and dribbled from the corners of her mouth. The luscious flavour sent shivery sensations curling deep in her belly. The clearing went out of focus. Deep, pulsating waves of incredible pleasure rolled through her. Trembling, she clung to Lumos and feasted on him, extending the delight of her climax.

  “Oh, darling, as much as I hate to stop you, I must or we will be doing this all day.” Lumos lifted her to her feet and drew her into his arms. He suckled the bite marks in her neck. “Although I ache to taste your sweet folds, we must make haste.”

  Thalia fell against him, boneless. “Will we be alone tonight?”

  “I’ll find a place.” Lumos smiled down at her. “Don’t be ashamed. Pyro understands our needs… This insatiable longing for me is normal during the mating fever.” He chuckled. “I must tell you this overpowering desire will get worse once your moonfire begins. When this happens, we’ll hide away where no one can disturb us.” He adjusted his clothing. “Do you forgive me for making you this way, little one?”

  “I should thank you. I had no idea what to expect… You…
This passion… Gods, Lumos, I crave you every second now.” Thalia dashed a hand through her hair. “This moonfire you speak of, do you really believe this desire can get any stronger?”

  “Aye. In fact, you’ll be insatiable for three days.” Lumos grinned. “But I’ll be there to love you and I will in every possible way. Dragonfae have incredible stamina.” He groaned. “Gods, we must leave. Your body tempts me so. Just look at me, I’m ready for you again, my love.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tusuns—the realm echoed its name, dry and as hot as a brush fire. Beneath the burning twin suns, the sandy wasteland gave little shelter. Heat shimmered from the baked terracotta rocks and reflected from the sand unmercifully. Giant lizards basked in the sunlight with striking skins of red and white stripes or yellow with blue spots. The large, frilled reptiles scattered in all directions as they flew overhead, disappearing into cracks and fissures in the never-ending rock face.

  Lumos scanned the area ahead with his dragon sight. They had flown over the insufferably rough terrain for most of the day, stopping each hour to rest. The animals had required copious amounts of water and, once restored to size, had all registered their distress at the intolerable heat. After a short discussion, Lumos had cast a sleeping spell over the animals before allowing Pyro to re-miniaturise the horses and Brew. The water sacs were diminishing at an alarming rate, and, in the distance, a red glow warned of an approaching sandstorm. They must find shelter soon—a sandstorm could tear Faeries’ wings to shreds, and peel the skin from their bodies in a short time.

  With a sigh, Lumos gazed down at Thalia. She slept in his arms under a spell. He had cast a shroud to shield her fair skin from the twin suns’ glare. Although her skin had changed to reflect his colouring, she was not yet Fae. Her long hair tumbled over his arm and glistened like flames—gods, how he loved this female. He would gladly die for her.


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