on Howard W. Smith, 46–47
Alexander, Clifford L., Jr., 238
Alger, Bruce, 7, 165
Alioto, Joseph, 509
Allen, George, 355
Allen, James E., Jr., 187
Allin, Craig, 278, 279
Alsop, Joseph, 349
Alsop, Stewart, 123
Altmeyer, Arthur J., 157
Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 430
Ambrose, Stephen, 507, 519
American Association of State Highway Departments, 300
American Bankers Association, 207, 209;
support for surtax bill, 376
American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 451
American Civil Liberties Union, 198
American Council of Learned Societies, 442
American Establishment, 331
American Farm Bureau Federation, 308
American Hospital Association, 163
American Independent Party, 508
American Jewish Committee, 198, 249
American Jewish Congress, 198
American Legion, 255
American Medical Association: Eldercare bill, 170–71;
opposition to Medicare, 163, 178–80;
opposition to national healthcare system, 157;
support for federal air pollution legislation, 290;
support of Kerr-Mills bill, 163
American Nazi Party, 219
Amrine, Michael, 24
Anderson, Alan B., 398
Anderson, Clinton, 8, 60, 76, 162, 174;
and Land and Water Conservation Fund bill, 272;
and Medicare bill, 166, 167, 168, 175;
and proposed filibuster on House AFDC amendments, 437;
and surtax bill, 373;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 37;
and Wilderness Act, 276–77, 278
Anderson, Glenn, 384
Anderson, John B., 198
Anderson, Robert, 24–25
Andreas, Duane, 517
Androscoggin River, 281
Annam, 324
Annis, Edward A., 163, 164
Anthony, Robert N., 360
Appel, James Z., 179
Arends, Les, 49
Arizona Mafia, 127, 128, 145
Arlen, Michael, 380
Armbrister, Trevor, 473
Armed Forces Museum of Pathology, 449
Army Corps of Engineers, 270
Arnett, Peter, 327
Arnold, H. H., 334
Aronson, Arnold, 72
Ashbrook, John, 55, 121–22, 124
Ashmore, Robert T., 55
Asia Pacific Triangle, 249, 259
Asiatic Barred Zone, 247, 249
Aspinall, Wayne N., 266;
vote against repeal of Section 14b of Taft-Hartley, 310;
and Wilderness Act, 276, 277, 278
Assembly of Unrepresented People, 382
Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 37
Auchincloss, Louis, 332
Audubon, John James, 273
Ayres, William H., 111, 310
Baez, Joan, 234, 381, 405, 421
Bailey, John, 153;
on 1964 presidential campaign, 146, 150
Baker, Howard, 499
Baker, Leonard, 8
Baker, Wilson, 215, 222;
and Selma voting rights demonstrations, 219, 220, 226, 230, 231
Baldwin, James, 402
Ball, George, 17, 330;
criticism of Working
Group report on Vietnam, 341–42;
and Humphrey’s Salt Lake City speech, 516, 517;
on incompetency of South Vietnamese government, 341;
military analysis of Vietnam War, 342–43;
opposition to Vietnam War, 327, 481;
resignation, 408;
on Spiro Agnew, 508;
and Tonkin Gulf incident, 337;
“Wise Men” meetings, 425
Ball, Robert M., 177, 180, 182
Bancroft, Harding, 411
Banfield, Edward C., 458;
on failure of Model Cities Act, 469
Bao Dai, 325
Barr, Joseph W., 29;
support for tax increase, 365;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 36, 37
Barrett, William A., 322, 464
Baumol, William J.: Performing Arts—The Economic Dilemma, 442
Bean, Louis, 411
Bedell, George C., 415–16
Beirne, Joseph A., 456
Belafonte, Harry, 234
Bell, Alphonzo, 196
Bell, David, 28
Benjamin, Robert S., 456
Bennett, Tony, 234
Bennett, Wallace, 77;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 37
Berkeley student rebellion. See University of
California at Berkeley Berrigan, Philip, 421
Berry, William, 503
Bevel, James: and Mobilization to End the
War in Vietnam, 414, 417, 422;
and Selma voting rights campaign, 218, 222, 226
Bibby, John, 98
Bible, Alan, 77;
and proposed filibuster on
House AFDC amendments, 437
Biemiller, Andy, 311, 313, 376
Bigart, Homer, 91
“Bipartisan Civil Rights Newsletter,” 66
Black, David, 305
Black, Hugo, 243
Black Muslims, 390
Black Panthers, 390
Black United Action Committee, 414
Blake, Eugene Carson, 69
Blatnik, John A., 284
“Bloody Sunday,” 227
“Bloody Tuesday,” 421
Blough, Roger, 363
Boas, Franz, 246
Bob Marshall National Forest, 278
Boggs, Hale, 22, 168, 375, 511;
and passage of Civil Rights Act, 50, 52
Boggs, J. Caleb, 297
Boiling, Richard, 78
Bolton, Frances P., 54
Bontempo, Salvatore, 251
Boone, Richard: and War on Poverty, 89, 96
Booth, Charles, 82, 83
Boutin, Bernard, 484–85
Bow, Frank T., 170, 374
Bowen, William G.: Performing Arts—The Economic Dilemma, 442
Bowles, Chester, 341
Boynton, Amelia, 219
Bozell, L. Brent, 124
Brademas, John, 190;
and education legislation, 190, 197, 198, 208
Bradley, Omar, 332;
support of Vietnam War, 481;
“Wise Men” meetings, 425
Branigan, Roger, 501
Braudel, Fernand, 82, 85
Brazier, Arthur, 396
Breedlove v. Suttles, 238
Brehm, William, 356
Brennan, William J., Jr., 243
Breslin, Jimmy, 486
Bricker, John, 118
Briggs, Vernon, 246, 260
Brimmer, Andrew F., 388
Broder, David: on conditions at 1968 Democratic Convention, 513, 514;
on effect of convention on Humphrey, 515;
on 1968 election, 521;
on Republican strength in 1968, 506
Brooke, Edward W.: proposed amendment to Fair Housing Act of 1968, 498
Brooks, Jack, 255
Brooks, Paul, 264
Brown, Clarence, Sr., 49
Brown, Edmund G. (Pat), 125, 141, 383, 407
Browne, Malcolm, 327
Browning, Rufus P., 469
Bruce, Ailsa Mellon, 451
Bryant, Robert E., 74
Bucher, Lloyd M., 472, 473
Buckley, William F., Jr., 118, 120
Bulletin (Philadelphia), 154
Bundy, Harvey, 331
Bundy, McGeorge, 17, 20, 135;
debate with Hans Morgenthau over war, 381;
“guns and butter” speech, 320, 321;
and Johnson’s Vietnam policy, 341, 344–45;
and National Security Co
uncil Working Group report, 338–39, 341;
On Active Service in Peace and War, 332;
as paradigm of American Establishment, 331;
relationship with John Kennedy, 333;
resignation, 407;
support for disengagement in Vietnam, 480, 481;
support for Vietnam War, 327, 331;
and Tonkin Gulf incident, 337;
“Wise Men” meetings, 425
Bundy, William L., 341, 520; 1968
conference on Vietnam War, 477;
on Cronkite’s analysis of Vietnam War, 476;
and National Security Council Working Group report, 338;
position on Vietnam War, 327, 480
Bunker, Ellsworth: and Paris peace talks, 518;
support for continued bombing of North Vietnam, 480
Bunshaft, Gordon, 450
Burch, Dean, 127, 130, 144, 152
Bureau of the Budget: paper on education policy, 186;
and War on Poverty, 95–96
Bureau of the Census: and implementation of Voting Rights Act, 241
Bureau of Health Insurance, 180
Bureau of Land Management: wilderness lands, 279
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 269, 272
Bureau of Public Roads, 300, 303
Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, 250–51
Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 272, 274;
wilderness lands, 279
Burke, James A., 377
Burlingame Treaty of 1868, 247
Burns, Noel M., 281
Burr, Aaron, 3
Burton, Philip, 430
Busby, Horace, 24, 177, 490;
and 1964 presidential campaign, 145
Byrd, Harry: and Medicare bill, 167, 168, 173, 174;
and tax-cut bill, 27–28, 29, 32, 35
Byrd, Robert, 76
Byrnes, John W.: and Medicare bill, 160, 165, 168, 171;
and surtax bill, 372
C. Turner Joy, 336, 380
Calhoun, John, 3
Califano, Joseph A., Jr.: on
accomplishments of 89th Congress, 527–28;
and amendments to Fair Labor Standards Act, 429, 430;
caution toward Johnson’s reactions, 159;
on 1968 conference on Vietnam War, 477;
on Daley’s importance to Johnson, 396;
at Department of Defense, 318, 335;
dispute with Johnson over Model Cities Act, 464;
establishment of task forces, 459;
and “guns and butter” speech, 320, 321, 322, 323;
and highway beautification bill, 302, 303;
ideas for Great Society programs, 426;
and industry proposal on air pollution, 296;
and Johnson’s decision to withdraw from 1968 race, 488;
and Johnson’s refusal to increase taxes, 362;
and Kennedy burial site at Arlington, 20;
on Mansfield, 57;
on McNamara’s departure, 357;
and Model Cities Act, 464, 465;
and plan to reorganize Department of Interior, 285, 286;
on preparations for urban riots, 496–97;
and price stability commission, 366–67;
role in shaping domestic policy, 317–19;
and Social Security Amendments, 436;
as special assistant on domestic affairs, 317–19;
and surtax bill, 370–71, 374–75;
task force on financing public broadcasting, 456;
Task Force on the Quality of the Environment, 294–95;
The Triumph & Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, 538;
and Watts Riot, 384–86
California: Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Act, 290–91;
uniform air pollution standards, 290
California Institute of Technology, 289
Cambodia, 324
Cannon, Howard, 75, 76
Cannon, William B.: and education task force, 186;
and War on Poverty, 94, 95, 96, 101
Canyonlands National Park, 271
Capron, William: and Johnson’s War on Poverty, 96, 101;
and Kennedy poverty program, 93–94
Carey, Hugh, 194
Carhart, Arthur H., 275
Carlson, Frank: and Medicare bill, 168;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 37
Carmichael, Stokely, 391, 496
Carnegie Commission on Educational
Television, 453;
Public Broadcasting: A Program for Action, 453–54
Carpenter, Liz, 10, 26;
and Kennedy assassination, 16, 18, 19
Carroll, Roscoe C., 456
Carson, Rachel, 261–65, 273;
The Edge of the Sea, 262;
The Sea Around Us, 262;
Under the Sea-Wind, 262;
Silent Spring, 262–64, 279
Carter, Cliff, 16, 17
Carver, George, 355, 481
Case, Clifford, 74, 162
Cater, Douglass: caution toward Johnson’s reactions, 159;
concern about shift of funds to Vietnam, 409;
contributions to Johnson presidency, 531;
and Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 190, 191, 199, 200;
and Higher Education Act, 207–9;
and Johnson’s education programs, 188;
memoranda on Vietnam, 380;
and 1964 presidential campaign, 145;
and reorganization of Office of Education, 202–3;
and Tonkin Gulf incident, 337;
on Wilbur Cohen, 158–59;
and withholding of federal funds for
Chicago schools, 394–96
Catholic Relief Services, 249
Catledge, Turner, 411
Catlin, George, 273
Caudill, Harry M.: Night Comes to the Cumberlands, 90
Cavanaugh, Jerome P., 230;
and Model Cities Act, 461, 464;
and Task Force on Metropolitan and Urban Problems, 460
Celebrezze, Anthony, 394;
appointment to federal bench, 178;
and child benefit theory, 188;
and Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 199;
and Higher Education Act, 207;
and Medicare bill, 165, 167;
and reorganization of Office of Education, 202
Celler, Emanuel, 48;
and Civil Rights Bill, 44, 49–52, 55–56, 64, 72, 77–80;
and Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 198;
and Immigration Act of 1965, 253, 255, 256, 260;
opposition to racist legislation, 246;
and voting rights bill, 240
Central Conference of American Rabbis, 310
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): clandestine raids on North Vietnam, 335
Chamber of Commerce: opposition to Wilderness Act, 276
Chambers, Whittaker: Witness, 120, 121
Chandler, Otis, 389
Chancy, James, 137
Channing, William Ellery, 420
Chavez, Cesar, 503
Chavez, Dennis, 282
Chayes, Abram, 337
Chayes, Antonia, 460
Chennault, Anna Chan, 519
Chennault, Claire, 519
Chester, Lewis: on George Wallace, 508;
on Lowenstein’s strategy in 1968
presidential race, 483
Chicago: Black population, 394;
demonstrations at 1968
Democratic convention, 512–13;
ethnic politics, 393;
police violence against demonstrators, 513, 514–15;
political machine, 392–93; 1968
race riot, 497 Chicago Tribune, 74
Child benefit theory, 188–89
Child Safety Act of 1970, 531
Chinese Exclusion Act, 247
Chinese Welfare Council, 249
Christian, George, 490
The Christian Century, 154
Christopher, Warren M., 388, 419, 422
br /> Church, Frank: and Civil Rights Act of 1964, 76;
opposition to Vietnam War, 380;
and proposed filibuster on House AFDC amendments, 437
Church World Service, 249
The Churchman, 154
Citizens National Committee for Higher Education, 205
Civil Rights Act of 1957, 223
Civil Rights Act of 1964: debate in House of Representatives, 49–56;
debate in Senate, 56, 61–62, 64;
Dirksen substitute, 68–69, 72, 73, 74;
foreign reaction, 76–77;
and Medicare, 173–74;
public opinion concerning, 64, 70;
race relations, 137;
restrictions of use of literacy tests for voting, 223;
Senate filibuster against, 65—67;
Senate vote, 75–76;
Title II, 44;
Tower amendment, 74;
use of to eliminate de facto school segregation, 394, 396;
vote in House of Representatives, 78
Civil Rights Leadership Conference, 173
Civil rights movement, 80;
Chicago open housing demonstrations, 391, 396–98;
opposition to amendment process for voting rights, 225;
Selma to Montgomery march, 222, 225–35;
voting rights campaign in Selma, 218–22
Civil Service Commission: and implementation of Voting Rights Act, 241–42
Clark, Jim, 214–15, 219, 220, 222
Clark, Joseph, 8
Clark, Ramsey, 233, 385;
on antiwar movement, 419—20;
and march on Pentagon, 422, 423;
and President’s task force on Watts Riot, 388;
and voting rights bill, 223
Clean Air Act of 1963, 293;
deficiencies, 291
Clean Water Reclamation Act, 286
Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, 413–14
Clifford, Clark, 21, 97;
concern about
Johnson-Nixon relationship, 518; 1968
conference on Vietnam War, 477;
on crisis of confidence, 480;
and first “Wise Men” meeting, 424;
on government after Tet offensive, 477–78;
on Humphrey’s Salt Lake City speech, 517;
and Johnson’s choice of running mate, 136;
and Johnson’s decision to withdraw from 1968 race, 487, 491, 492;
and Johnson’s 1968
speech to nation on war, 480–81;
on Johnson’s view of Vietnam, 329;
and Johnson’s wage mediation team, 361;
on Kennedy’s view of Vietnam, 329;
on Nixon’s manipulation of peace talks, 519–20;
position on Vietnam War, 343, 478–79, 480;
and 1964 presidential campaign, 145, 152;
and second “Wise Men” meeting, 480–81;
tour of troop-contributing nations, 477–78
Clinton, Bill, 536
Cloud, John, 226–27
Cloward, Richard A., 88, 90;
Delinquency and Opportunity, 88–89
Cochin-China, 324
Cochran v. Board of Education, 188
Guns or Butter Page 87