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Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas

Page 93

by Don Foxe

  “The planet is called Invicta. The fortress is not a fort, but an academy. Normally used to educate Confederation children from all planets in the history of their alliance, and to learn about the various religious beliefs held by the members. When the Suzerain’ daughter is old enough, the other students are relocated off-world, and she is given an education by dedicated academics and clerics. In this case, both princesses are close enough in age to attend at the same time.”

  D’Sey turned the screen off. He set his drink on the bar top.

  “King Phortis sent a raiding party to Invicta. They captured Palla’s daughters, and hold them. Phortis sent a drone to the Helacene home world with a message for the Suzerain. The Kashōn Empire intend to invade the Confederation systems nearest their border. If the Hela intercede, the teachers and clerics on Invicta will be killed.”

  “He didn’t threaten her daughters?” Coop asked.

  “If, after those people were beheaded, the Suzerain did not pull her ships back, the records kept at the Academy would be destroyed. Thousands of years of documents and digital files. Files likely copied and kept somewhere else, but the original documents would be burned.”

  “And if she continued to resist?” Coop asked.

  “The Princesses would be given to his soldiers,” D’Sey answered.

  “The Kashōn raided Invicta. They had to arrive in the system through a wormhole gate. The Queen did not post ships in the system to guard her daughters?” Coop asked,

  “Military mind,” D’Sey said. “Yes, she did. Two of her battleships. The Storm ships, Phortis calls his fleet The Storm, entered and broadcast the codes to indicate they were friendly, with permission to enter the system. They destroyed the two Hela ships. Four Storm ships now blockade the system.”

  “There’s a traitor or a spy in the Helacene administration or military. Someone high enough to know secret codes, and the agenda for the Princesses,” Coop surmised. “So you plan on rescuing the daughters. With space-fold you can enter the system without using the wormhole gate. The Storm ships will not realize you’re there until your already in. Why do you need me?”

  “Actually, I plan on you rescuing the girls,” D’Sey answered. “I intend on assassinating Phortis and as many of his inner circle as possible. It will send a message to the Empire that Kashōn expansion is over. Those planets willing to revolt will have help.”

  D’Sey returned to his seat.

  “Timing is key. I need the princesses safe before I go for the King. I also need Palla willing to help if a planet does try to leave the Kashōn Empire. Angry over the attack on her daughters, and grateful for their rescue should do the trick.”

  Before they could continue the discussion, a huge grey humanoid barged into the room. He ducked to enter through the hangar doorway. He stood six-eight, minimum, and mid-three-hundred-pounds of space-domination. Long arms covered in light-grey hair. Big hands, short legs and wide feet.

  Coop’s first reaction was to reach for a sidearm he did not have. His first thought was ‘troll.’

  The creature’s ruddy complexion and dense close-cropped orange-colored hair gave him the story-book monster appearance. Bushy orange eyebrows and two rows of blocky teeth should have made him fearsome. Bright sky blue eyes, wide as a child’s on Christmas morning, and a bouncy, giddy, excitement emanating from the giant reminded Coop of a big dog trying to not look vicious so people would pat him.

  The blue eyes scanned the room, found and halted on Coop.

  “You!” The word reverberated throughout the room. The voice a bass drum and a tuba rolled into one percussive instrument. He moved towards the human, who stood to face the giant. The huge alien did not lumber. Despite his girth, he moved easily, with giant, unshod feet propelling him across the deck like a dancer.

  “You have got to tell me how you power those laser weapons,” he said, stopping a few feet from Coop, who assumed a martial arts stance. “And can you make a pistol big enough for my hand?”

  He held out a massive right hand. Four digits and a thumb, all covered in grey hair.

  “Captain Cooper, this is Duly.” D’Sey stood next to Coop. “He’s a member of my crew, and a bit of a fanatic about weapons. In case you didn’t figure that out yet.”

  CONNEXIONS - Coming Spring, 2018

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