Jaxson 5: Wrath of Thunder (Black Devils MC)

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Jaxson 5: Wrath of Thunder (Black Devils MC) Page 7

by K. J. Dahlen

  “CHLOE!” I shouted.

  She was huffing with her hands in fists at her sides.

  “Man, I think Bruno ‘bout to be whooped!” Thunder started laughing again.

  Bruno gasped and looked over at him. Then back down at the little woman glaring up at him. He then titled his head back and roared with laughter.

  Marco joined him and Thunder as they laughed with tears in their eyes.

  “I best be shaking in my boots!” Bruno howled with a booming laugh.

  Chloe’s face went from pink to a full blown red. “OOOOH!” she yelled and turned to stomp out.

  I fought a smile as I called out, “Chloe!”

  She turned around and glared at me.

  “We will be having a talk later.” I raised my brow at her. Thinking another spanking may be in order. Then I had to adjust my seat as my cock made itself known to me.

  She huffed and stomped out.

  I looked back at the men in the room who had finally got a hold of themselves. “So what are we doing about this?”

  Marco made a show of walking over to the table. “We have traps set.” He pointed downward.

  I furrowed my brows, pushed back in my chair and looked under the table. There was a small black box with a small antenna attached.

  A bug! Wiretapping?

  I rose up and laid my folded hands on the table. Then looked Marco in the eyes. “So, do you have some plan?”

  “Yes, we do,” he replied.

  “But we don’t have all the pieces in place yet,” Bruno added.

  I knew now that we could not talk about any of it here.

  “So what? We just let this fucker or fuckers get away with this shit?” Thunder looked angry.

  I pointed downward just like Marco had.

  Thunder narrowed his eyes and bent over. His eyes widened then he rose up. Then he stayed in character. “I still think we need to trap the motherfucker.”

  “Well, he or them have been at it since Antonio umm, left,” Bruno stated.

  “So you think Antonio is doing this? Or orchestrating this?” I asked as I played in, following his lead.

  Bruno nodded slowly. Affirming our angle.

  Thunder looked from him to me and back. “That fucker! When will he die?” He played right in, as we all knew for a fact that he was good and dead. Killed by a bullet from Chloe.

  Marco nodded sagely. “I have been tracking him. So at least we know it isn’t someone in the club running this.”

  “That’s right and what a fucking relief.” Bruno winked at me. “It made me sick when I thought it could be one of our lieutenants.”

  “What?” I asked.” It couldn’t be!” I kept in character but I wondered if in fact, Bruno was hinting that it was. “We have trusted men.”

  Bruno shook his head as in NO. “We do. Yes, we have vetted them all.”

  “Good,” Thunder added. “I would hate to think it was one of them.” He looked upset even as he stated this.

  Bruno raised a brow. “Nah, but there is a mole in the lower ranks, working for Antonio.” He then shook his head. “So, it isn’t one of our lieutenants.”

  My stomach roiled. He was saying it was one of them. I felt sick. “Okay, so we look closely at the lower patches then.”

  “Agreed,” Bruno said.

  “So for now meeting adjourned?” Marco raised up a piece of paper.

  MEET at the back of Juanita’s at 10 pm.

  He swung it to Thunder as well.

  “Right,” I replied. “Meeting adjourned.”

  Thunder nodded as did Bruno.

  Shit! This sucked ass. We had a definite traitor and thief among our trusted lieutenants.

  We went out through the double doors.

  Thunder headed toward his room.

  I headed to mine.

  Yeah, we had women to straighten out.

  Good luck to us both as we damn well would need it.

  I made my way to my room. I had to see what Chloe was up to. Apparently, she was constantly up to something.

  I made the trek through the halls and came to our door. Okay…I let out a breath. When I tied her up and made the mistake of leaving her, I’d fucked up. So now, she had fucked up. I couldn’t let her disrupt the club. But I couldn’t live with her if she was pissed at me all the time. If I go at her hard and tell her she couldn’t be in on MC business…She would fight me.

  I squared my shoulders. I had no choice. She needed to be told, she couldn’t be running around getting into trouble all the time. What if this mastermind traitor caught her alone? What if he was yet, another man who hated me? Fuck knows, there had been plenty of those.

  I had to protect her, despite herself.

  Shit! This is gonna be hard.

  I unlocked the door and swung it open.

  No Chloe.

  I went to the bathroom.

  No Chloe.

  “FUCK!” I yelled.



  Of all the shit!

  I made my way to my room

  Bella busting in with that? Exposing her brother’s true identity. I wondered though why she was yelling no. Also, she had said, ‘no, you can’t do this!’

  Do what? Take the oath? Yes, I knew of her distain for MC’s. I wondered if that was what had upset her? Her brother becoming…a brother? That’s what I was. A biker, an MC Brother and it was what I would always be. If we did have a future together, she’d better accept that. A future? Damn, I never thought in those terms before. Just considered today… and maybe yesterday? But no tomorrow, as someone could take you out at any fucking time.

  Ride on. No stopping till the road runs out.

  Ten days ago, I had faced death. I was ready for it. I had faced that the goons, who were torturing me, would take my life. It had to end someday. Now, I had a second chance and had vowed I would live this life with Bella.

  I did feel bad for her though. Finding her brother like this and it was obvious from his reaction that he hadn’t wanted her to find him. Her family had all been shit. I’d wanted her to be with me and we could make our own family. Have Jax my brother and Chloe as members and our children.

  I halted in the hall.


  Of my own?


  Bruno said we had to be pregnant fast. So, we did have to have a kid on the way soon. The families had better see proof that we were having a baby or they would take Bella.

  I wanted it to be in a proper setting. A wedding night. It would be her first time. I paused again at this.

  I didn’t do virgins.

  Well, I didn’t do marriage either and it looked like I was doing that whether I thought to be or not. But this should happen right after this reception that Chloe planned. I started walking again. But who could think of that when we had a serious threat inside our club? Still, we better be asking Chloe when this was planned.

  I unlocked my door and pushed it open.

  The room was in shambles.

  I stared all around. Clothes hanging out of drawers. The closet shelves ransacked. The lamp knocked over.

  “Bella!” I called out and headed to the bathroom.

  Door open and no Bella.

  “Fuck!” I yelled.

  “You too, huh?” Jaxson asked from the open doorway. He gazed around. “Well, my room didn’t get wrecked but… no Chloe.”

  I let out a breath. “Damn, it looks like someone...” My gut clenched. “Shit! Someone snatched her and she fought them.”

  Jaxson looked troubled. “Mario? You think?”

  I growled. “How did he get in here? Into the compound?”

  Looking worried, he shook his head. “Nah. He wouldn’t get his hands dirty. The mole?”

  I stepped over to the dresser and reached under it to get my strapped gun. Fuck! It was gone. I stood up.

  “Hey Prez?”

  We turned to the door.

  Reaper stood there.

  “What is it?”
Jaxson asked.

  “Someone broke through our security, right?” I asked.

  Reaper reached up and passed a hand over his face in frustration. “Well, sort of?”

  I marched over to him. “Reaper! Talk!”

  He looked startled at my panic. “You guys need to come see this.”

  Jaxson looked over at me.

  I was so worried about Bella. If Mario got to her, she would be tortured, maimed and killed. And Reaper wants me to see something? What fucking for? Entertainment?

  “Come on Thunder!” he called from the hall. “You need to hurry!”

  We both stepped out and followed him.

  I kept looking around as we hurried. “Has anyone seen my woman?”

  Reaper scoffed as he led us down to the basement as we called it. “Yeah, we have,” he said and unlocked the door. Opening it, he shook his head. “We don’t know what to do man.”

  Jaxson stared at him. “Do about what?”

  Miggs stepped forward from the basement hall. “They are still at it.” He looked at Reaper then at us. “You guys have to do something!”

  We’d never seen Miggs panicked before. Nothing scared this man, except maybe a tank and even then…. What the fuck? I stepped close and gazed into Migg’s eyes. “Is it about a break in? The club?”

  “Nah, man!” Reaper shook his head. “This is worse. I mean we can’t have this here. The brothers are gonna flip if they see this! And Bruno? Oh man, it will be bad.”

  We heard shooting from the training floor. The basement housed our cells for interrogation, a place that was not pleasant. This area included our weapons and our shooting gallery.

  We stepped through and passed the cells, then the armory. Coming to the gallery, I halted in my tracks.

  Jaxson ran into me. “Shit! Man! What…” His voice fell away when he looked around my shoulder.

  Both our women were standing there.

  Both with 9 millimeters grasped in their clasped hands with the usual earphones, we all wore when we practiced.

  “Well, fuck me,” I stated as I stared at my woman holding my Walther Creed handgun in her hands.

  Then the women shot off their rounds.

  With each of them tapping the wall pad, they rolled forward with the targets.

  “Fucking right in the head, Chloe!” Bella exclaimed with a laugh,

  Chloe pulled an ear pad off. “It shoulda been his crotch! Fucking Bruno!”

  Bella had her earpiece up off her ear too, as she chuckled “I bet you would miss.”

  Chloe looked insulted. “What? I never miss now. I hit what I fucking aim at!”

  Bella laughed. “No! Cuz his dick is the only tiny thing on the giant, I bet. It’s too small to shoot!”

  I looked over at Jaxson.

  His jaw had dropped open.

  Our women in here shooting targets that were meant to be Bruno, apparently. Our brothers all up in panic. I couldn’t help it…I chuckled. I knew this wasn’t funny, not really, but dammit…It WAS!

  Chloe busted out laughing. “Oh, my god. Good one Bell!”

  Bella kept snickering. Then she got serious. “My turn. I hope I get him right between the eyes.”

  My whole body went rigid. My cock was unbelievingly hard in my jeans. God, she was so hot holding my gun, her hair in a ponytail. Her tee shirt tight over those magnificent tits, ones I only got one taste of weeks back. Her jeans showing off her round firm ass that I just wanted to squeeze with both hands as I fucked her.

  Chloe shook her head but was grinning. “Cold blooded Bell.”

  “He deserves it.” She raised her gun, squinted, and let off her rounds.

  “Yeah!” Chloe cheered. “I think you did get him right between the eyes.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair in a nervous frustration. This was fucking hot. Bella was a helluva shot too.

  She tapped the wall panel as her target man rolled closer. “Yeah, take that fucker. You were right Chloe, we needed this. These men. They are so…” She caught my eyes as me and Jaxson stood there listening.

  “So…?” I asked with my arms crossed over my chest while leaning against the wall. “We men are so what, Bella?”

  She bit at her lip as she tucked my gun into her waistband. “Well, most of them are… assholes!”

  “Chloe, what the hell are you doing?” Jaxson asked from next to me.

  She glared at him. “You just stood there!”’

  He pulled his head back. “What?”

  She huffed. “In church, while Bruno…” She shook her head. “Well, it must run in the family.”

  Jaxson looked puzzled. “What runs in the family?”

  “The love of humiliating women!” she accused.

  Looking disgusted, he threw up his hands. “Dammit, Chloe!”

  “Don’t you yell at me!” she shouted back at him.

  I looked back and forth between them. “You do know you are arguing with an angry female who is holding a loaded weapon right?” I joked as I gave Jaxson a raised brow.

  He shook his head. “I don’t give a fuck! She has been traipsing around, getting her ass into trouble, right and fucking left!”

  “Traipsing?” Chloe asked looking shocked for some reason at the word.

  I raised my brows. Then I stared at Bella. “So what set you off?” I thought I knew but with this woman, I could never be sure.

  “Same shit!” she snapped. “Men who think…” Her voice fell away.

  I tilted my head. “Think what?”

  She let out a sigh. “It isn’t about you, Thunder,” she admitted quietly.

  Chloe looked enraged. “No… it’s about that good for nothing—”

  “Shhh!” she shushed Chloe.

  “So, you going to shoot me?” Jaxson challenged Chloe with a raised brow.

  Her eyes widened as if this thought never occurred to her. “Of course not!”

  Jaxson grinned at her. “Good, then come on. We have to talk.”

  Nodding, she expertly tucked her gun into her waistband then seemed to hesitate. “I’m not gonna like this talk am I?”

  He shook his head. “Nope,” as he popped the P in the word.

  Chloe stomped her booted foot. “Then no! I am not coming.” She now wore a definite pout on her lips.

  Jaxson narrowed his eyes at her. “Do you want a repeat of being carried all that way to our room… cave man style? Or are you going to come quietly?” He raised a brow at her.

  Bella and I watched the pair as we could feel the fireworks and the heat coming off them.

  I grinned.

  Chloe looked at me, then at Bella.

  Bella was smiling too.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Damn, we need a better AC in this room, for all the fire you two are packin’ ” Bella laughed.

  “Yeah, take it to your room,” I teased Jaxson.

  He grinned at us, not even trying to deny it. “So, Chloe…” He winked at her. “Wanna be carried or are you gonna—”

  “Oooh!” she yelled in frustration and stomped over then around us to head out.

  “That’s what I thought.” Jaxson chuckled as he followed. “10 pm. Thunder,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, like I could forget,” I replied then turned to gaze at Bella.

  She bit at her lip.

  “I thought someone took you,” I stated quietly.

  Her mouth popped open. “What?”

  “My room looked ransacked. My gun gone. You gone. Dammit, Bella I thought…” My words fell away.

  She let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. It never occurred to me that you—”

  I walked over to her and pulled the earphones entirely off her head then hung them on the sidewall. “You never thought… That’s the problem. There are two of us now Bella. You need to think. You are being hunted by a freak. A very angry freak. So when the room looked like… and you were gone.” I sighed.

  She put her arms around my neck. “I was just so angry,”
she whispered softly.

  I looked into her eyes. “Why?”

  Sighing, Bella shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  I tilted my head at her. “Look. I’m not an expert on family. Not an expert on like well, marriage either. But you have to talk to me. You have to consider me when you just take off like that.”

  She smirked at me. “So, I gotta ask permission, like Chloe?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No…” Then I stalled a bit. “Well, maybe?”

  Her eyes rounded.

  “But not like you think. Until this freak is six feet under, I need to know where you are at all times.”

  Letting out a sigh, she pressed her forehead to mine. “Okay…”

  “Alright, come on.” Then I swiftly grabbed my gun back from her waistband.

  “Hey!” she shouted.

  I laughed. “I coulda been a bad guy and I just relieved you of your weapon. Little girl.” I smirked.

  Bella came close to me and passed her hand over my crotch as she lowered those sweet plump lips to mine, she licked over my bottom lip.

  My cock went hard as I took in a breath.

  She then snatched the gun back.

  “Hey!” I exclaimed.

  Letting out a cute laugh, she tisked. “You’d better not fall for women with fast hands and sweet mouths Thunder boy.” She then sashayed around me and went out.

  I watched that sweet ass in those tight jeans as my woman carried my gun in her hand.

  I paused for a second. She carried more than that. She just didn’t know it, yet. I wouldn’t let anyone take her from me.

  I followed her out while thinking that maybe Jaxson’s caveman tactics weren’t too far off base. I grinned like a dumbass as I followed that sweet ass down the hall.



  I wouldn’t let him or Bruno bully me. Fuck them both. I would do what I had to do to survive this MC life. I made it to our room and turned to face Jaxson as he locked the door.

  He stood and crossed his arms over chest.

  I blinked at him. “What?”

  “Really? That is what you have to say? What…”

  I shrugged. “So what? Yeah, I eavesdropped on the meeting I should have been in on in the first damn place. I need to know what happens in church.”


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