Jaxson 5: Wrath of Thunder (Black Devils MC)

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Jaxson 5: Wrath of Thunder (Black Devils MC) Page 10

by K. J. Dahlen

  I scoffed. “No shit.”

  “No. like this…: Marco tapped his keyboard and a voice came out, “I got one of you. I will get all of you.”

  I sat forward. “That…” I shook my head as if the wild thought would be tossed away by doing so.

  “It’s Antonio’s voice,” Bruno finished for me.

  I stood up. “That’s impossible!”

  “Don’t I fucking know it,” Bruno muttered.

  “So, someone had his voice recorded?”

  Bruno shrugged. “I drove out to where… well, it was dug up. Nothing in that hole.”

  My eyes widened. “What?”

  He nodded and bit at his lip. “Either someone got him or a ghoul took him.”

  Marco shook his head. “No. Someone is fucking with us.”

  Bruno stood up. “But how did they know where he was?”

  Marco gave no answer.

  “Yeah, see?” Bruno looked over at me. “The hole had been dug up a while back.”

  I stared at him. It looked like they’d had this discussion already. Knowing these two they had. “How long?” I asked.

  Shrugging again, he replied, “Maybe right after I put him in it.” Bruno did look like he’d just lost a little color in his face.

  “So someone had followed you there?”

  “Man, I don’t think so. I am pretty damn good at losing tails. I’ve been doing this for a long time, Dino.”

  “Still, that is the logical explanation.” Marco looked rattled. “Not that he is alive. No way, was he dug up by this god damn traitor and patched together like some fucking Frankenstein. To still be alive and make this phone call.”

  Bruno clenched his huge fists at his sides.

  I knew better than to say much. This was his son we were talking about here. One he’d buried himself. One he tried to kill once. Then to find the fresh grave dug up? It was enough to spook even Bruno. Then his son’s…dead son’s voice on recording? “So… do we have any idea?”

  “We’d like to count out Reaper and Miggs,” Marco stated. “However, the sniper could be one of Mario’s. So that doesn’t mean anything as to the traitor’s identity.”

  “Then, there’s Spider,” Bruno mentioned.

  Marco narrowed his eyes.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Nothing… just that Chloe has said a couple times that he gave her the creeps.”

  Bruno shook his head. “That don’t mean nothin.’ Look at that spider tat on his neck and that will tell you why she doesn’t like him. Not that he is a backstabber.”

  “Shit!” I sighed. “I don’t like going down a list to figure out who this is!”

  “We have some traps laid but…”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Not foolproof,” Marco explained. “I mean if the guy is a Lieutenant, then he knows almost everything we do. Just about.”

  “Alright then. Who hung close to Antonio, back when?” I asked as I tried to remember this fact myself.

  “Some did just cause they all had jobs together. Jobs I put them in.” Bruno raised a brow.

  “Spider hung with Reaper and Antonio,” Marco added.

  “I don’t think it’s Reaper,” I spoke before I thought.

  “Oh?” Bruno raised a brow.

  “You chose him is why,” Marco added.

  “Yes and he came to me about stuff being missing. Just doesn’t sound like what the thief would do.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I wonder if he knows stuff that he doesn’t realize he knows?”

  I stopped and turned to look at Marco. “What?”

  “Like he is with one of the men all the time, or the group. We should grill him, see what he may have seen, that he is unaware of maybe.”

  “Then I know Miggs is not it.” Bruno stared at us. “This is why I chose Reaper and Miggs as guards. I never thought it was either of them.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Miggs did not like Antonio at all. Refused to drink with him or anything. Sorry Bruno, but he hated the man and everything he did.”

  Bruno shrugged.

  “So, there’s two out of the five.” Marco tapped at his keyboard.

  “Four.” Bruno glared. “Tacks is dead.”

  We all lowered our heads.

  “Gave his life for his brothers and their women,” Bruno whispered solemnly.

  “So that leaves two,” Marco concluded.

  “Spider and Cutter.” Bruno nodded.

  “Fuck!” I seethed. “I hate this shit. I have served with both men. Never thought anything traitorous about either of them.”

  “Thing is… When was it we seen either of them?” Bruno stared at me.

  “Well, Cutter brought up food, last night,” I offered.

  “Okay, then what about Spider?” Bruno asked.

  I thought back. “Nope, haven’t seen him since church.”

  “Yeah, he was there.” Marco nodded. “So when you all went into the main room or when you came back through with Chloe, you see him then?”

  I shook my head. “Not that I can recall.”

  “Well, don’t mean nothin.’ ” Bruno looked troubled.

  “I think it does,” Marco spoke while looking at his laptop screen.

  Bruno and I moved over.

  He showed many pictures of the club members over the last couple of years. At events, patch ceremonies, birthdays; club anniversaries.

  In every one of them when Antonio was in it, Spider was standing beside him. Arms over shoulders, smiles.

  “Well, really not sure that is evidence of guilt,” Bruno surmised.

  I swung my gaze up. “Bruno…”

  He looked over at me.

  “Bruno. I don’t mean any disrespect but…No one liked your son. No one really. Except this one member.”

  He looked away. “Yeah. That’s true. I couldn’t even stand him.”

  “So, we need to scope him out. Without him knowing,” Marco advised.

  “What if he has tapping equipment in his room?” Bruno asked.

  Marco shook his head. “If he did, he pulled it all out. He knows we stumbled onto it.”

  “Yeah. I would. We all left those rooms,” I said. “He must guess the jig was up.”

  “So, what we need to do is have someone on him at all times.” Marco tapped some keys.

  “Yeah and I got the perfect person.” Bruno smiled.

  I glanced over. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, I would. Who better?”

  Marco looked back and forth. “No way Bruno! He’s just a kid. Plus, he’s our flesh and blood. Spider could kill him if he catches on.”

  “He’s a De Luca. No one smarter than a De Luca. We are survivors. Why, look at what he did. Being here almost eight fuckin months and none of us the wiser to who he really was. Carrying a secret like that? Damn, a DeLuca for sure. Look at Bella too. Damn tough woman. “

  I glared at him.

  He stared back at me. “What? You sayin’ it ain’t true?”

  I shook my head. Fucking Bruno.

  “So? She’s my niece and I do feel some pride in her…” He spotted my expression and raised his large hands up in defense. “Okay! Okay! Don’t get your panties in a bunch there Dino.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Marco chuckled.

  I swung my glare to him for encouraging Bruno. Like he fucking needed egging on.

  Marco shrugged. “Just too funny to picture. A guy like you, wearing little pink panties.”

  Bruno tilted his head back and howled with laughter.

  “Fucking Bruno,” I muttered under my breath.



  I opened my eyes. I was on my side. I tried to move. Something kept me in place. I looked up.

  There were his blue eyes. The same ones I saw in my dreams. The same ones that made me hot all over. Could pin me like a butterfly to the wall.

  “How are you feeling?” Jaxson whispered.

  “I’m fine,” I re
plied then I tried to sit up. “OH!’’ I laid back and winced.

  “Yes. That’s what I thought. Fine, my ass.” He caressed my hair.

  “Where are we?” I stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling.

  “VIP wing.”


  “In the compound VIP wing,” he repeated.

  “We have a—?”

  He placed his fingers over my lips. “Don’t you remember having this same conversation early this morning?”

  I shook my head.

  “Ok. Well, we have been moved up in accommodations.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  He turned over to really look at me. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “Why do you keep asking me that?”

  He let out a breath. “Chloe. What is the last thing you remember?”

  I bit at my lip and focused. “We were…” Then it all came back to me. My peaceful awakening with Jax at my side fell away. I gasped. I remembered the bullets, tacks lying on the cement, Jax coming to get me…then everything went black.

  He nodded. “Okay. So how do you feel?”

  I swallowed heavily. “Okay.”

  He tisked and shook his head. “Dammit, Chloe. This is how you acted after you shot people. You refused to acknowledge such trauma. You won’t talk it out. Let it out.”

  I shrugged. “My shoulder hurts. You are here safe. Are Thunder and Bella okay?”

  He nodded.

  “So then all is fine.”

  He lowered his lips to mine. “Well, it is not fine for me.”

  I looked into his eyes. “Jax. It was horrible, but we lived.”

  “You were almost killed. I was dying inside when doc took that bullet out of you.”

  “I-I don’t remember it.”

  “Good!” He sighed again. “I won’t ever forget it for the rest of my life.”

  I reached out and stroked his hair. “Jax, we move on. We protect ourselves better, but we move on.”

  He shook his head and looked upset. “I think…”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “That’s dangerous you know?”

  He looked puzzled. “What?”

  “Thinking. Bad idea,” I teased.

  He didn’t play, nor did he smile.

  “Now, Jax. You look like you are about to make me really mad.”

  He stared at me. “I think you should…um… go away.”

  My eyes widened. “To where?”

  “Away from me and the MC.”

  I sat up then grabbed my arm. “OW!”

  “Babe…” He pulled me close. “Don’t move around so much!”

  I pushed at his chest and winced at the pain. “Don’t call me babe and hold me close right after you fucking dump me!”


  “Get the hell away from me!”

  His eyes rounded.

  “Yeah, how does that feel?” I asked. “Me, rejecting you!”

  He let out a long breath. “I can’t have you hurt. I can’t—?”

  “You can’t what? Keep me with you?”

  He pulled me close. “I’ve been selfish from the start. I should’ve left you alone. I’m all wrong for you. My life has changed…” His voice fell away.

  “What. What changed?” Tears filled my eyes.

  “Dammit Chloe, don’t cry. It tears me up!”

  “What do you expect while you’re breaking up with me?” I sobbed.

  “I-I wasn’t doing that.”

  “Oh?” I sniffled. “You said you wanted to send me away from you!”

  “I-I just do not know what to do!”

  “Well, separating us is not an option!”

  “I really need to do the right thing here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “A little too late for that.” I got an idea and this ought to shut this shit down quick. “Well, I suppose I could go to Dad’s?”

  Jaxson stilled.

  “Yeah. I could and there are a few guys there that might be perfect as my body guards.”

  His breathing picked up.

  I turned my head away. “I mean it is still an MC but a safer one? The guys over there are… well, all muscle bound and stuff?”

  I could hear snickering from somewhere in the room. I furrowed my brows.

  “I’m not sure about that. I mean why send you to another MC?” he asked in a low tone.

  I rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed. “Because that is what I am, Jax! The daughter of an MC Prez, the fiancé of an MC Prez!” I got light headed and the room spun around me.

  “Fuck!” He growled in frustration and jumped over to just catch me as I slumped. “Chloe. What the fuck? You need to lay down!”

  “I need to go poddy,” I whined. “But I need to slap you upside the head first!”

  He stared down at me.

  “Do you want me with another guy?” I asked. “Are you just kicking me out?”

  He looked aghast. “No! Hell, no!”

  “Well, that is what will happen eventually. I mean if you dump me.”

  He shook his head and drew me close. “No. Nooo.” He sounded like he was the one in pain instead of me.


  We broke apart.

  Bella was standing by the kitchenette. “I can help her to the bathroom, Jaxson.” She stepped up and took me from him, wrapping my good arm around her shoulder. “Come on Cinderella of the MC. Let’s get you washed up and ready for this man to kiss your slippered feet!” She laughed as she limped me toward the bathroom.

  After she maneuvered me in and I got my panties down, she sat me down on the pot. Then she looked away into the mirror as she picked up a brush. “I always knew you were a clever chick. But that was a brilliant move in there!” She giggled “Oh, my god!”

  I rolled my eyes and wiped then slowly got up.

  She came over and had me lean on her. “Come on, wash up.”

  I laughed even as I winced from moving around. “Dumb ass man. Like what would he expect? Send me away somewhere? Like where? A nunnery?”

  Bella laughed loudly. “Oh, shit. My god. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to listen.”

  “Eh, we are in the same room.”

  She shook her head. “I was so proud of you.”

  I shrugged.

  “But that would never work with Thunder.” She bit at her lip.

  “What?” I asked curious.

  “I cannot play him or fool him. No way. No how. I mean I easily duped bikers before. All kinds of men. Not him. I cannot get anything past him.”

  Chloe laughed. “He is different from Jaxson. I mean he is more astute to the inner workings of people, maybe? Yeah, Thunder is even keel. But… he can be…”

  Bella tilted her head, as she brushed my hair. “What?”

  “Well, I fooled him a lot?” I whispered. “Like when he was babysitting me? I like… manipulated him. I’m not proud of it either.”

  Bella chuckled. “Well, no playing this man, for me. It’s like…”

  “What? Tell me!”

  “He sees inside me? He sees through any defense I lay up.”

  “He’s the one for you.” I nodded. “And don’t worry. I do not always make it out on top with Jax.” My face grew hot as I remembered the tying up and the spanking.

  “Oh, my god, Chloe!” You are so pink! So how does he um…handle you?”

  I slapped her arm. “You see that caveman shit! He uses that…” I again, caught my breath.

  “Oh, wow!” She was laughing hardily now. “Okay, score one for Chloe… for now.” She gave me a wink.

  I washed my face and nodded. “Just temporarily, believe me, he is no one’s fool.”

  “Um, Chloe?”

  I turned to look at her.

  “Were you um—like…”

  I tilted my head at her. “What?” I wiped my face dry with a towel.

  “A-a virgin when…”

  I halted and stared at her. “No. But I felt like I was?”

  “What do you mean?”

nbsp; “Well, he made me feel things no other man ever did. I mean my first time when I was younger was not so good. It failed at every level. With Jax, all he has to do really… is look at me and I am done. I’m his, no two ways about it.”

  She laughed. “Okay, I feel that way too. How can it be that when Thunder looks at me…I just fall apart?”

  I shook my head. “There’s just one person that is right for another. It’s chemical, emotional, and… well explosive!”

  We both laughed.

  A knock came on the door. “Chloe? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, Jax,” I called out as I smiled.

  Bella rolled her eyes. “Yeah, gonna send you away when he can’t stand to leave you be, for five damn minutes.”

  Bella and I shared a chuckle. Then I opened the door.



  Two days had gone by with us being locked in this suite. It was fun being with Chloe all the time. We watched TV and laughed at the reality shows. Then we watched Sons of A one night and laughed our asses off. Like get real. Except during one shooting scene then we did not laugh at all. Though it would be great if we got to go out for a ride on the bikes with our men. I almost craved this.

  But what I truly craved was Thunder. Lying next to him and not having him. So close and yet… so far away. Dammit, I was ready. I dreamed of him as he held me at night. I knew he felt the same way, as he was always hard as a rock, just like I was too wet in my panties. I never yearned for a man before, never. I always thought I was frigid mostly, as some of the men at the Border Patrol MC were hot. They just never set me on fire. I had thought that almost being molested as a kid and with what Mario did to me that I was just turned off…forever. Until in that Sweetheart hotel with Thunder… I found I was far from frigid. I still had wet dreams of what happened there.

  When he’d taken his belt and tied me up then I did everything he told me to do? It was so hot. I never came like that before and three times with him, too. He was all power yet gentle kindness… Whoever would have thought a man could be both those things?

  And here at the compound, I never felt so cared for in my whole life. The way he noticed anything I did. Asked if I needed anything at all and he would get it.

  The man was my husband. This idea seemed to be growing on us both. He loved to tease me and call me wife. I would flush every time and he would laugh. Then whenever he was gone, a constant ache would sit in my chest. I would hold my breath whenever someone came through the door, hoping I would see his face. God, it was so sickening! I was in love and I now knew it. I was helpless to fight it. Helpless to deny it. He did make me feel loved, too.


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