Outcasts of Velrune

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Outcasts of Velrune Page 7

by Isaac Crowe

  “I can go farther out. Well,” Eve lowered her head, “when Max is with me, I can.”

  The woman waved her hands “No. No. I wasn’t trying to make fun of you. It’s that I have never seen a lacarnian, and I know several, step into the water before. It really surprised me to see you sitting down that far out.”

  The red faded from Eve’s face. “I’ve worked really hard to get over my fear. When Max is with me I can go all they way to my chin, but this is as far as I could go by myself.”

  “Is Max the boy that was with you?”

  Eve let go of her tail and smiled. “Yep.”

  “And he is actually helping you?”

  Eve gave her a quizzical look. “Well, yeah. We’ve been friends since we were little.”

  The woman laughed. “I take it you are not from any of the large towns?”

  Eve thought of their little village and laughed. “No, we’re from Swiftwater. I bet it’s about as small a place as you’re going to find. Where are you from?”

  The woman curtsied. “My apologies. My name is Melody. I was born in Moenia where The Children of the Immortals took me into their order when I was a little girl. I am actually returning there from a trip I took on their behalf. Who might you be?”

  “I’m Evangeline.” Eve let out a giggle. “But you can call me Eve.”

  “It is nice to meet you, Eve. If I may ask, what brings you out across the dead lands?”

  “Tyco, the grumpy one bossing us around, used to be a member of the Protectors. A messenger showed up in Swiftwater with orders that he is supposed to meet with them in Moenia. He asked Max to go along with him because Max wants to be a Protector like his father. I came to keep Max out of trouble.”

  Melody joined Eve in her laughter before asking. “Max’s father isn’t taking him?”

  Eve frowned and shook her head. “He was killed by bandits when Max was six. That’s why he’s been so determined to join the Protectors. He wants to take his dad’s place in helping others.”

  “I knew a lot of the Protectors. What was his father’s name?”

  “Peter Laskaris.”

  Melody’s eyes widened. “Captain Laskaris?”

  Now it was Eve’s turn to be curious. “Yes. Have you heard of him?”

  Melody seemed in deep thought. “Yes, Captain Laskaris was well known to the people west of the dead lands.”

  Melody let the thought drop and focused back on Eve.

  “I‘m surprised you wanted to go along with them to Moenia?”

  Eve shrugged. “I didn‘t want to at first, but Max asked me to and, I‘m worried about him. There’s no telling what trouble he would get into without me.”

  Melody laughed. “Is that right? Like I said, I know several lacarna. I would be willing to bet you’re the one that usually gets him into trouble.”

  Eve couldn’t keep back the mischievous grin that always worried Max. “Maybe.”

  Melody almost doubled over with laugher. “I thought so. Now, I’d venture to guess the old man is Chiron Penna, but who’s your furry little friend there?”

  How’d she know Mr. Penna’s name? Furry friend?

  Eve looked behind her where Melody pointed. Spook had crept up to the water’s edge where she sat methodically cleaning herself.

  Eve giggled. “That’s Spook.”

  Melody shook her head. “You are certainly different from any lacarna that I’ve ever met, but given who your friends are, I think I know why.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Melody tapped her chin with her finger as she thought aloud. “Why don’t you, Max and Mr. Penna come join the diggers and myself for dinner tonight? I’ll explain more then.”

  Eve anxiously wanted to know more, but Melody clearly meant to keep that information to herself until later. Eve shrugged her shoulders.


  Melody looked west. “The sun will start to set soon. We had better finish cleaning up and get back inside the camp walls.”

  The two of them finished bathing then re-dressed as the sun began to sink below the horizon. Together, they headed back into the camp.


  Max sat under the stone shelter, staring restlessly at the east gate of the camp. With the sun slipping below the horizon, he stood, determined to find Eve despite Mr. Penna’s objection. He made it halfway to the entrance when Eve and the acolyte walked through. Seeing the worried expression on Max’s face, Eve giggled.

  “Hey, Maxy, off to save a damsel in distress?”

  Feeling his face start to flush, Max ducked his head.

  “No, no, I was getting hungry and didn’t want to sit around waiting for you if you weren‘t coming. You know, in case you’d drowned or something.”

  “Max, you know I wouldn’t go and do that. Who would keep you out of trouble?”

  The acolyte stifled a laugh as she walked past Max towards the diggers. Eve returned with Max to Mr. Penna and Tyco. There she faced Mr. Penna, standing straight as she could trying to take on an air of dignity.

  “We have been invited to dine with the diggers and Melody this evening. She would like to know more about us.” Eve changed back to her normal, excitable self. “She’s heard of your dad, Max; you too, Mr. Penna!”

  Max’s embarrassment about Eve vanished in an instant. “Really, what did she say?”

  While the others were bathing, Tyco had pulled out a dagger to sharpen to help pass the time. He paused at Eve’s news.

  “That woman is of the Children of the Immortals. They are an odd group. You should be careful who you choose to dine with. I would recommend staying over here.”

  Eve stuck her nose up. “I think you’re right, Tyco. We should be careful of whom we eat with.” Eve turned to Max and Mr. Penna. “Come on Max, Mr. Penna, let’s get our food and head over.” Eve looked back at Tyco. “I’m glad you don’t want to go. You weren’t invited anyways.”

  Tyco stared at Eve, a dour look on his face. Eve simply turned and headed for the center of the camp where the small stack of firewood now burned. Tyco grunted and returned to sharpening his dagger, a little more forcibly now.

  Max looked expectantly at Mr. Penna. “Mr. Penna?”

  Mr. Penna sighed. “I knew we would be recognized at some point. I had hoped it would not be so soon, but perhaps it being the Children is a good thing.”

  Max tried in desperation to contain his excitement. “Is that a yes or no?”

  “Yes, Maxwell, let us join them.”

  Without any further hesitation, Max gathered their food and ran after Eve. Mr. Penna followed at his own, slow pace. Max caught up to Eve as she arrived at the fire where Melody and the diggers already sat. At their arrival, Melody stood, greeting Eve with a curtsy.

  “Good evening, Evangeline.”

  Eve giggled, returning the curtsy. “Evening, Melody. I’d like you to meet Maxwell Laskaris and,” Eve patted her foot impatiently, “when he gets here Mr., um, I mean, Chiron Penna. Max, this is Melody.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Melody. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Eve turned to Max in surprise. “Wow, Max, you do have manners!”

  Max jabbed at Eve with his elbow, which she easily dodged. Melody started to laugh then cleared her throat.

  “Good evening, Maxwell. I’m glad to meet you. You as well, Mr. Penna.”

  Mr. Penna finally arrived, stepping next to Max. “Good evening, Ms…?”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell Eve my full name. I am Melody Eliades.” She gestured to the diggers Tyco mentioned. “With me are Zeth and Bastiaan.”

  The two diggers stood and shook hands with Max, Mr. Penna and Eve. When the introductions were over, they all sat down in a circle and Melody began the conversation.

  “Maxwell, Eve tells me that you are Peter Laskaris’s son.”

  “Yes, that’s right.” It was odd to hear a stranger mention his father.

  Melody turned toward Mr. Penna. “And you used to accompany Mr. Laskaris, cor

  “You are correct, Ms. Eliades. If I may, how is it that you know of us?”

  “Of course, Mr. Penna. You see, I grew up in the care of the Children of the Immortals in Moenia. When I was twelve I remember a Protector coming to our sanctuary to speak with Metis, the leader of our order. Even then, I knew that the Children did not get along with the Protectors. I was curious as to what the man wanted so I hid behind the table on the second floor. When Metis met the man he spoke quietly to her then slipped her a small box. Metis nodded and the man returned outside. I ran over to a window in time to see him getting back on his horse. On another horse was an older gentleman who held a small child. I saw them leave the church grounds as one of the elders called me for my chores.”

  “I forgot about the Protector and his box until years later. While cleaning out one of the sanctuary’s store rooms, I found the box. Remembering that day, curiosity got the better of me, and I tried to open it. The locks wouldn’t budge, making me more determined to find out what it contained. I sought out Metis to see if she would tell me.”

  “Metis tried to shoo me away until I told her I knew where the box had come from. I thought she would be mad at me. Instead, she sighed heavily, telling me it no longer mattered. She said the man who had left it, Peter Laskaris, had been a captain of the Protectors. The boy was his son and the older man, Chiron Penna, was a friend of them both. She then paused a moment as a few tears rolled down her face. Wiping them away, she said that bandits had killed all three and to put the box back where I had found it.”

  Melody smiled at Max. “Needless to say, Eve surprised me when she told me about you two. It’s not often I run into people who are supposed to be dead.”

  Mr. Penna nodded slowly. “I have tried not to spread word of our survival. I knew that would end with this trip, I had only hoped we would at least make it to Moenia first.”

  “But, why?”

  “The night the bandits murdered Peter they searched his home. I have always believed they were looking for Maxwell, though I have no reason as to why.”

  Max’s eyes widened. “You mean, if Eve hadn’t hid me, you think they would have killed me as well.”

  Mr. Penna bowed his head and nodded. He raised his head again, speaking to Melody.

  “The day you recall, the one in which we left the box with your order, was our last day in Moenia. Peter had instructed me to pack the necessities for a long journey and to do it quickly. When all was ready we left the inner court of Moenia, stopping only at your church before leaving the city.”

  “Where were you going? What is so important about that box?”

  Mr. Penna shook his head. “I do not know what lies inside the box. I had never seen it before that day. As to our destination, Hedgewood, originally. The night after we left the dead lands, bandits jumped us. We managed to escape, but they wounded Peter in the process. We changed our plans, heading for Pike to the southwest. When we were within sight of the town, Peter became reluctant to enter. He said the town was too close, that we had to go farther. I tried to convince him to stop, that he needed the immediate aid of a healer, but he would have none of it. Instead, he swung around the outside of town, heading down a narrow, poorly maintained road that led even farther off to the southwest. My hands already full with Max, I had little choice but to follow. Thankfully, just when I thought I was going to lose Peter, we came within sight of the small village of Swiftwater. The village’s healer, a gifted woman, saved Peter, although he walked with a limp thereafter.”

  “Peter liked Swiftwater. He felt safe; we all did. Welcomed by the villagers with open arms, we decided to stay. For two years we enjoyed life to the fullest, then, late one night while I was camping outside of town, bandits attacked the town. By the time I returned, they were gone, and Peter was dead.”

  “One of the villagers told me the bandits had ransacked Peter’s house before leaving, but took nothing with them. I asked of Maxwell and was told they did not find him in the house. The village started searching for him. We had little luck until the owner of the local café, Mrs. Tassi, noticed her daughter also missing.” Mr. Penna winked at Eve. “She was a mischievous little girl whom Maxwell often played with.”

  Eve blushed and bowed her head as Mr. Penna continued. “Mrs. Tassi struck out for her daughter’s favorite hiding places. She soon found the girl standing guard outside of a cabinet in the cafe’s kitchen, Maxwell tucked inside, safe and sound.”

  “After that, I took on the responsibility of rearing Maxwell. Unsure of what we had run from and fearing another attack by the bandits, I did my best to keep our identity a secret from travelers. It appears, though, my time of secrecy has ended.”

  Melody spoke slowly, deep in thought. “So, that is what happened so many years ago. You have kept the truth hidden well, Mr. Penna, but,” Melody nodded in Tyco’s direction, “I imagine I’m not the only one from Moenia who knows that Maxwell is alive.”

  “No, I am sure you are not, my dear. That is why I have come along, even if I am too old to be of much aid anymore.”

  Eve jumped up. “That’s ok Mr. Penna, I’m here. Right, Maxy?”

  Max buried his head in his hands, saying nothing. A tiny laugh slipped out of Melody.

  “That story does explain the surprise I had at the river earlier tonight.”

  Mr. Penna gave Melody a questioning look. “Oh, what surprise would that be?”

  Max leaned forward with concern. “Yeah, what happened? I knew I should have checked on Eve.”

  Eve sat down, “I was fine, I don’t know what she’s talking about.”

  Melody turned to Max with amusement in her eyes. “Most people take comfort in the fact that the lacarna are terrified of the water, Maxwell, and wouldn’t dream of helping them learn to swim. The last thing I expected to see in this wasteland was a lacarna willingly wading into a river.”

  Max filled with pride. “You waded in by yourself, Eve? Wait, Melody, why would people not want the lacarna to swim?”

  Melody sighed. “Very few places are like Swiftwater, Maxwell.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s too late to explain centuries of history tonight, besides, you’ll see for yourself soon enough. Just do me a favor, Maxwell, make your own decisions on what you feel is right, not what everyone else tries to tell you. You have an invaluable friendship; don’t let anyone else change that. Now, how about dinner?”

  Max’s stomach growled. “Dinner sounds great. I‘ll help get things ready.”

  Eve stood up to help Max. “Me too. Out you go, Spook.”

  Spook peeked her head out of Eve‘s pocket, startling Melody.

  “I had forgotten all about Spook. What’s her story Eve?”

  Eve lifted Spook out, sitting her on the ground. “I found her in the storeroom in the back of our café. I was supposed to get rid of her, but I couldn’t, not after she helped me scare Max.” Eve giggled. “That’s why I named her Spook.”

  Melody laughed. “She scared you with a mouse, Maxwell?”

  Max looked indignant. “She didn‘t scare me. She told me she had eaten it, I…thought it was disgusting. I didn’t know she’d held it in her tail the whole time.”

  Eve doubled with laughter. “I don’t know which I found funnier; the look you gave me when you thought I had eaten her or the one you gave me when you found out I hadn’t.”

  Everyone joined Eve in her laughter, eventually even Max.

  After dinner, the two groups separated; Max, Eve and Mr. Penna going back to their own spot with Tyco, who had already fallen asleep. Mr. Penna and Max soon fell fast asleep as well. Eve lingered a bit, her thoughts taking her back to the night of Peter’s death.

  Is there someone out there that wants Max dead? Will I be able to stay with Max to protect him?

  Eve lay down knowing, despite her troubled mind, she needed to get her rest. As she closed her eyes she saw that Melody and the diggers were still talking energetically among themselves.

/>   “Maxwell! Wake up!”

  Max slowly opened his eyes to find Tyco looming over him.

  “Come on Maxwell. We need to leave. Now!”

  Max sat up. “What’s going on?”

  “We need to get moving, that’s what is going on. Now get your stuff packed. Don’t bother with breakfast, we don’t have time.”

  Grumbling, Max got up to pack. Eve, yawning, came over to help.

  “Do you know what’s going on, Eve?”

  Eve shook her head. “Nope, but Tyco’s even got Mr. Penna annoyed.”

  Max paused to find Mr. Penna. He stood next to his mare stuffing his bedroll into the travel sack. Frowning, he addressed Tyco.

  “What is your rush, Tyco? The sun will not rise for another hour. The next camp will not take that long to reach.”

  Tyco sneered at Mr. Penna. “Your friends from yesterday have already left. We need to catch up to them.”

  Eve spread her arms wide as she let out a big yawn. “Yeah, they left about three hours ago.”

  Tyco stepped quickly over to Eve, grabbing her by the elbow. “Why didn’t you wake me and tell me they were leaving?”

  Eve twisted her elbow from Tyco’s grasp. “Because, it was none of our business when they left.”

  Tyco’s gaze bore into Eve. “If you had stayed away from them it would not have been our business. That isn’t the case now.” Tyco went back to his horse. “Come on, let’s get going.”

  Max haphazardly finished packing and mounted Starlight. Tyco led them out of camp where he spurred Teak to a run. They moved at nothing less than a trot for the next two hours before stopping for a break. Tyco slid off Teak.

  “You’ve got fifteen minutes to water the horses and eat something.”

  Everyone followed suit, leading the horses to the river. While Starlight drank, Max dug out some jerky, handing it to Eve. She swayed uneasily as she took it. Max grabbed her shoulder to steady her.

  “Are you going to be okay?”

  Eve nodded. “Yep, I just need to get something in my stomach then get a few stretches in.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe you should ride with me on Starlight.”


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