Beyond the Grave

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Beyond the Grave Page 4

by Lina Gardiner

  "Okay, yeah,” she said pointing at the screen. “See, I'm looking around. That's when I heard something,” Jess said.

  Britt saw Jess grab onto the Dumpster. There was no one else in the alley with her. They both watched until she literally dropped to the ground, out cold. And completely alone.

  Britt replayed the tape and stared hard at every corner, every section of the alley. The camera was a wide angle and covered the entire alley. If there was someone there with Jess, why couldn't they see him?

  "Jess, where was this guy standing?” He turned to see unadulterated terror on her face. She didn't speak.

  "Was he over here?” He pointed to a spot that was a little more difficult to focus on because it was shadowed.

  She made a strangled sound. “No. He was standing right there.” A perfectly lit location. In fact, Britt could make out the brand name of a candy bar wrapper on the ground.

  "We must've missed him.” He rewound the tape and watched it again. No one stood in the alley with Jess when she passed out.

  The weight of that thought hit hard. “You're sure you saw someone in the alley with you."

  "Yes! He spoke to me and I answered him."

  "Since your back is turned to the camera, we can't see your face. There's no way to tell if your lips are moving."

  "You don't have to see me to know I spoke to someone because I'm telling you I spoke to someone.” Her voice raised an octave.

  Britt didn't want to worry Jess. Regent's prayers had kept her strong, but he was getting old. Did that have anything to do with her recent physical problems?

  Had Regent come to the end of his abilities?

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  Two days later, Britt spat out a litany of curses as he ran a red light and barely missed being sideswiped by a bus in pursuit of his elusive lady vampire.

  Horns blared as he barely skimmed through traffic without being creamed. He slammed his hand against the steering wheel, scanning the lines of vehicles ahead of him. None of them looked like hers.

  His cell vibrated on his belt. Given his mood, his first instinct was to rip it off and whip it out the window. Considering he was on duty and the damned thing continued to ring, he had to answer it. He swerved the vehicle to the curb and jammed the gear shift into park. “Lieutenant Brittain,” he spat out, barely maintaining professionalism.

  "Britt, Sampson here."

  He'd lost her, damn it! She must've known he was following her. “What do you want?"

  Sampson paused on the other end, probably wondering what bug had crawled up Britt's butt. He wasn't usually so hostile, but lately he'd been worried about Jess and his outbursts were happening more often.

  "Everything okay with you, Britt?"

  "Yeah, sorry about that Sampson. What's up?"

  "Bad news.” Sampson Case spoke in his usual calm voice.

  Britt blew out an exasperated breath. Not now. He wanted to find Jess—keep an eye on her. “Give it to me quickly, Sampson. I'm following up on something right now."

  Who was he kidding? He might as well call it quits for tonight. He'd never pick up her trail again. Damn it, the woman was good. She was probably laughing about how easily she could shake him.

  "I'm afraid to say there's been another murder. Another body in the park. A woman. And the vic was killed the same way as the last one."


  "I assume you'll put your other case on hold and meet me here momentarily?” Sampson said.

  "You assume correctly. Where are you exactly?” The park was too big not to have an exact location.

  "Same place as the last one."

  Britt's left hand gripped the steering wheel even tighter. “I don't like the sound of that."

  "I agree. How far away are you? I'd like to get the body out of here before we draw too large a crowd. Those gaping neck wounds are a dead give away. If people see them, they'll start screaming vampire."

  "Ten minutes, tops. I'm on my way.” Britt snapped his phone shut. Before he pulled into traffic he leaned over, opened the glove compartment and pulled out the evidence bag. A sigh of relief escaped at the sight of Jess's dagger still safely tucked away. At least this was one bit of evidence that couldn't turn up again.

  Hopefully Sampson had some painkillers in his medical bag, because Britt had a headache that wouldn't quit. And it was getting bigger by the second.

  It took thirty minutes rather than the projected ten before Britt arrived, another medical examiner might be irritated because he had to wait for the Detective, but not Sampson. He had patience like no one Britt had ever met. Sampson had worked for the Special Ops Unit of the Police Department for years, but he was paid by Jess. Most people weren't aware of that. Nor were they aware of just how specialized he was.

  "Take a look.” Sampson rubbed one hand over his bald head and squinted through the darkness at the body lying on the gravel path. “After Prometheus got fried on your last big case, things have been so quiet. I'd hoped for a vacation."

  Britt allowed a cynical smile. “That was only a week ago, Sampson, and this is our second body since then.” Evil thrived in the city, and it wasn't about to let any of them take a vacation.

  While Sampson filled him in on the jogger who'd found the victim, Britt scanned the crime scene. On a nearby park bench he noted the jogger being treated for a sprained ankle. Then he saw Jess approaching from the wrought iron fence near the street.

  What the hell? Had she turned the tables and followed him back here?

  She nodded casually to Britt, then Sampson. Dressed in black slacks and a low cut blood-red mohair sweater that reminded him of how sexy she'd looked the first night they met, he straightened his stance uncomfortably.

  Her sable hair lay gently on her shoulders tonight, whereas, on duty she wore it up. That led him to the conclusion she'd been going somewhere private when he was trying to tail her.

  He waited for a micro-expression—anything to tell him she knew he'd been following her. She remained perfectly impassive. He respected that ability, but it drove him nuts when she did it to him.

  Sampson pulled back the tarp so they could get a look at the victim's body. A female dressed in an expensive Channel suit. If it weren't for the horrific gaping gashes at her throat, she'd look like she was going to get up and joke about lying here in the middle of the path.

  "Have we got ourselves a rogue?” Jess asked. Vampires who killed in the open were rogues, beasts who no longer feared being caught or giving their kind away. Normal, solitary vampires, if you could call them that, preferred to hunt in the slums and obscure places where their victims had little credibility and wouldn't be missed if they were killed.

  "Haven't had time to do a complete examination, yet.” Sampson opened his case and pulled out a pair of gloves, snapping them with effect.

  Sampson had developed software similar to AFIS, only it tracked vampire VNA. If this was a repeat offender or the same vampire who killed the last woman and tried to blame Jess, he might be able to link the attackers, or at least identify the vampire's genetic fingerprint.

  Sampson should be Jess's best bet on proving her innocence, so why was he so worried about the evidence they'd found so far? Britt gritted his teeth and vowed if science couldn't prove Jess's innocence he sure as hell would.

  So far, Jess knew nothing about her dagger being found at the scene. Britt and Sampson had kept the incriminating evidence to themselves. Given that she had no idea what was going on, why was she here? Was it because this was only Britt's second case since he'd taken over Jess's job? She didn't trust him?

  "Who found the body?” she asked Sampson, virtually ignoring Britt. Britt stepped in front of her forcing her to look at him.

  "Jogger. He's over there.” Without taking his gaze off her, he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb in the general vicinity of the man. Jess frowned, and glanced quickly at the man sitting on a bench, then back to Britt again, her eyes narrowing e
ver so slightly.

  "How'd he trip over her body without seeing her? It might be dark, but there are enough street lights to clearly see a body in the middle of the path."

  Sampson rolled his eyes. “He was on his cell phone."

  "Figures,” Jess said, she'd never understand why people were so fixated on those things. “Who's going to question the witness?"

  "I am.” Britt said. “But first he's being checked out by the EMT. Apparently he sprained his ankle. Besides that Sampson said he's fairly traumatized. Landed on top of the victim, and came face-to-face with her on the ground. I'll talk to him once the EMT has given me the go-ahead.” Britt gritted his teeth

  She stepped back to survey the scene. His gaze followed hers to an overgrown shrub in the distance. He'd become quite efficient at reading her and it was evident something had caught her attention over there. He found it a little unnerving that she didn't mentioned it. Surely to God she had nothing to hide. It had just been a breeze that rustled the shrubs, a random breeze that swept across the open path and lifted the edges of her hair, sending a hint of her vanilla scented shampoo his way.

  "The witness will be taken back to the station, so we can question him further and get his clothes for trace. If he saw her neck wound and is suspicious about it, it might be wise for you to help him forget about it,” Britt suggested.

  She nodded apparently pleased with his plan. Since James was on paternity leave, Jess was the only other vampire on staff who could make people forget about what they'd seen.

  "Fill me in on what you find as soon as you get the information,” Jess said directly to Sampson. That made Britt scowl. Why was she going over his head on this? Going from leader of the Black Ops team to Captain of the Department overseeing Black Ops was new to her. But it was his job to report crime scene findings to her.

  "I'll make sure you get that information, Captain,” he told her.

  She focused on him and her mouth twitched. “You do that, Lieutenant. I'll be waiting for the information.” If he knew Jess Vandermire at all, he knew she respected the fact that he wasn't about to let her step in and take over.

  Problem was he questioned his own abilities these days, though he'd never admit that to her, or anyone else. He didn't have her special abilities. Being a good cop with great gut instinct was one thing, but he didn't have her super-human abilities to hunt vampires. He had very good human abilities, though. He'd trained hard, studied all the techniques and could fight vampires, but when it came right down to it, he was still human. He drew in a long breath and considered that he might not be the best person for this job.

  Everyone knew, including him, that Jess's long time partner, James, should have been given Britt's job. Jess wouldn't tell him why James didn't get the job, but he'd find out sooner or later.

  "I've done all I can do out here,” Sampson grunted as he stood up and stretched his legs. He nodded his head and spurred the forensic team into action. They lifted the victim into the body bag and zipped it up.

  "Can't do much more until I get our Jane Doe back to the lab. I imagine there'll be VNA present. Whoever bit her was extremely violent. More so than a normal vamp attack. Her carotid artery wasn't just severed, but was actually yanked right through the skin before incising it. Poor little gal. She didn't deserve that."

  Britt grimaced. “I wouldn't have thought that possible."

  "Me either, I'd say this vamp has a special set of fangs. Extra long and slightly curved."

  "You sure it was a vampire?” Britt asked, looking at the body bag being wheeled away.

  "What else would it be? You know of some other otherworldly critters in New York?"

  Suddenly, Sampson looked repentant at the use of his terminology. He patted Jess on the shoulder and whispered, “Sorry, hon. You know what I mean."

  "Don't worry Sampson, I agree with you totally.” Jess took Sampson's hand and gave it a friendly squeeze.

  Why did that benign little squeeze make Britt's chest tighten? Surely he wasn't jealous of Sampson. His feelings for Jess were making him crazy. Sampson was a good man and deserved better from Britt than petty jealousy because he had a strong friendship with Jess. Besides, Britt didn't have time for jealousy, he had to clear Jess's name.

  "I thought after we'd taken care of Prometheus, things might settle down around here for a while.” Jess sighed and pushed her hair back, exposing her own neck. Britt thought about how she tasted, and wondered if a vampire's urge for blood was similar to how he craved the taste of her skin right now.

  God, he had to get a grip. He was on the job. He couldn't allow himself personal distractions.

  As if Jess could sense his turmoil, she gave him an almost playful smile that threatened to buckle his knees. Yeah, he had to get a grip, all right.

  Jess casually returned her attention to the general vicinity of the shrub again. He followed her gaze. He filed the location away. He'd check the spot out later.

  Sampson wandered away without saying a word. He often did that when he was on a case.

  "Why are you dressed up tonight, Jess? Going out?” Britt asked casually, wondering if she'd say anything about him trying to follow her.

  "Actually, I've already been out. Department assignment."

  "What kind of assignment?” She didn't wear clothes like that for meetings.

  "I had to go back to the Dragon's Lair Club, again. This time alone. The other two officers weren't invited."

  "I don't like the sound of that."

  "Yes, you're right. And I had every intention of ignoring the invitation, but the boss had different ideas when I got to work.” She pursed her lips. “Apparently the Mayor called him personally. He thought it was an excellent idea that we maintain a good relationship since Drago Vaslov does so much for the city. Didn't want the Department to disappoint our most esteemed millionaire.” Sarcasm dripped off her tongue. Britt knew she had little use for the wealthy, especially those who used their money to buy status in the city. Drago Vaslov had only been in the city for a little more than a year, and he'd monetarily escalated himself into the good graces of many of the high society. Jess would distrust him for that alone.

  "Any indication that Vaslov knew we were inside his club the other night?"

  "No, and he didn't report the break-in to the police, either. Mr. Vaslov definitely has something to hide."

  Britt's lips thinned. “But what is it?"

  "I wish we'd looked in the other rooms while we were there. We shouldn't have found those tapes and skittered out without doing a full search."

  "Probably right.” Truth was, they were both so surprised by the tape of the alley, neither of them considered looking further.

  "What was the club like fully populated with New York's elite? I've heard only the very wealthy get invitations to attend."


  Britt followed her as she began moving around the crime scene, looking here and there. She was gravitating toward the witness. He suspected she was going to question the man. With or without him.

  "I did see something that surprised me tonight, though. There was a vampire in the club. By the way he was dressed, he was very well financed. Not one of our random street vampires. This guy moves in high circles."

  Britt's hackles rose instantly. “So Drago is connected to vampires?"

  "Maybe. We have no way of knowing if he's aware of vampires. Theoretically, anyone in the city could be patrons of Vaslov's place. That includes gangsters and city officials, why not vampires, too?"

  As Britt and Jess approached, the EMT had packed up his equipment and was patting their witness on the shoulder. “I can give you the name of a counselor,” the EMT told the man.

  "We'll take it from here, thank you,” Jess said to the EMT. She held up her badge, and the EMT nodded and left.

  "Good evening, sir,” Jess said. “I'm Captain Vandermire, and this is Lieutenant Brittain, we'd like to ask you a few questions."

  The guy looked shaken. His Lycra joggi
ng suit showed hints of moisture at his neck and underarms.

  "Your name?” she said.

  "Brandon Fedore.” The jogger's eyes looked dazed. Still in shock.

  "How long had you been jogging before...” .

  "I jog for an hour every night. I'd say I was about 45 minutes in.” His haunted gaze swept over the path. The body was gone now, but Jess knew that in his mind it was still there. Horrific memories like that weren't so easily dispelled.

  "Did you see anyone else near the victim? Anyone at all in the area?” Britt spoke up, asserting his position as lead on the case.

  Fedore dragged a shaky hand across his eyes. “I have no idea if there was anyone else around. After I fell on top of that woman and saw her face staring up at me in a frozen scream ... that was it. Everything else faded away.” He sniffed. “I'll never be able to get that image out of my mind."

  "So you can't say if there was anyone else nearby?"

  "No. I'm sorry. I don't remember seeing anyone else.” He looked down at his bandaged ankle. “I'm going to have a hell of a time getting my sneaker back on."

  "Don't worry, we'll have an officer take you home after you give a short statement at the precinct.” Britt motioned for one of the boys in blue, who were waiting to take him to the station. Jess quickly fogged his memory of the woman's wounds. A sudden look of relief crossed Mr. Fedore's face.

  "Yeah, sure. Wish I could be of more assistance.” He stood with Britt's help.

  "Take care of this man, will you Officer Henry?"

  "Sure thing.” The officer gave him a shoulder to lean on so he could limp to the police vehicle. Henry stopped for a moment and looked back. “It's really great to have you back, Britt. I always knew you were framed."

  Britt tossed his old precinct pal a grin. “Thanks, Chris, I appreciate that."

  Jess put her hands on her hips after Henry got the witness into his squad car. “Tell me, aren't people curious about what kind of team you're working on now?"

  "Yeah, a few of the guys have asked. Told them it was a secret narc undercover op, so they didn't ask anything else."


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